The Fall Feasts – 2024

Hello from the Living Word,

The 2024 fall biblical feast season, one of the Lord’s appointed times to meet us, is fast approaching beginning with Rosh Hashana at sundown on October 2nd. As we prepare our hearts for His unlimited expression in our lives, let us also create, claim and proclaim His coming to this generation.

Over the next few weeks, we will be making available some suggested audio messages on the Living Word Publications website.  We have also provided a powerful one-page excerpt below, from the message titled, ALWAYS AWARE.

As God prepares the way and leads us into our next steps, let us unite our hearts with faith and love for ourselves and for each other.

With blessings and love,

Steve Seboldt and the Living Word staff


Excerpts from ALWAYS AWARE:

As you read Psalm 84, imagine that you are remembering what took place almost three thousand years ago. “How lovely are Thy dwelling places, O Lord of hosts! My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God. The bird also has found a house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, even Thine altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. How blessed are those who dwell in Thy house! They are ever praising Thee” (Psalm 84:1-4).

Nothing is as important for us as becoming aware of the Lord. Oh, to be like the little birds that flew into the house of the Lord! May we, too, find our way into His presence, and never find our way out. May we begin to realize what it means to come into a continuous awareness of His presence. You may think that there are certain things you need, but they all point to the fact that God must become a dwelling place for you.

It is time to come and tabernacle in God. Change your address and live in Him. How blessed are those who dwell in Thy house! They are ever praising Thee. God never tires of people who praise Him. He loves it. God will listen to praise for eternity. Those who dwell in His presence will be praising Him forever and ever. The Psalm continues with verse 5: “How blessed is the man whose strength is in Thee; in whose heart are the highways to Zion!” What does this mean? Such a man has learned all of the avenues that God uses to bring a man to Himself, and he has made a freeway of them for his own heart. He knows all the ways to reach God.

There is no greater truth in all the world than for you to know God and to know that He knows you, to be aware of Him and to know that He is aware of you. Practice His presence and live in it, and for you it will be a true Feast of Tabernacles three hundred and sixty-five days a year.

Learn to tabernacle with God. You do not have to go to a special place to do it. It is a state of heart, not a place. God is in you.