Salvation To The Uttermost / Consecrated To Do His Will

by John Robert Stevens

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Release #: 2002-0806-1R

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Salvation To The Uttermost / Consecrated To Do His Will


Salvation To The Uttermost / Consecrated To Do His Will, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 29, 1959 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 5, 1959. Hidden Treasure.

Salvation To The Uttermost

We will not focus on legalistic doctrines nor place emphasis on “thou shalt nots” when dealing with the flesh nature. Rather, we are going to know and be assured that the resurrection of Christ provides for our salvation to the uttermost. This sermon is based upon Lesson 43, “The Consecrated Life” in The First Principles.

Consecrated To Do His Will

You will find true joy and satisfaction and abundant life as you hunger for God and allow Him to consecrate you to do His will. This message is based upon Lesson 43, “The Consecrated Life,” of The First Principles.