Cânticos De Adoração (Songs of Worship)

Release #: RSR-1219-CD

Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00.

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Cânticos De Adoração contains excerpts from worship services held at the Church of the Living Word in Mount Zion, Brazil. The sequence of songs, psalms, and musical arrangements are all spontaneous, not rehearsed or pre-written. This inspirational CD, sung in Portuguese, truly captures this congregation’s unique gift of worship.

Track List

  1. Diante De Ti (El Shaddai) (5:15)
  2. Pai, Viemos Te Adorar (Lord, We’ve Come To Worship You) (1:53)
  3. Cristo, Meu Senhor (Lord, Thou Great Redeemer) (5:56)
  4. Ele Se Derramou (Well, He Poured Himself Out) (5:25)
  5. Em Tua Presença Pai (Standing In Thy Presence) (5:17)
  6. Ele É O Grande Eu Sou (He Is The Great I AM) (3:50)
  7. Ele Nos Chamou (He Has Drawn Us Out) (4:37)
  1. A Ele Dai A Grande Honra (Now Unto Him) (4:48)
  2. Rei Dos Reis (King Of All The Earth) (4:27)
  3. Eu Te Amo, Ó Senhor (I Love You, Lord) (6:39)
  4. Enche-me (Fill Me) (3:56)
  5. Meus Olhos Fixos Estão Em Ti (My Eyes Are Set) (3:05)
  6. Aquele Que Habita (Psalm 91) (5:07)
  7. O Senhor Será Tua Justiça (The Lord Is Your Justice) (3:52)