We Dedicate Our Gifts To The Lord

by Gary Hargrave

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Release #: 2006-0713-1R

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We Dedicate Our Gifts To The Lord


Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

We Dedicate Our Gifts To The Lord
July 1, 2006 Saturday 9:30 AM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

Each of us has been given a unique talent and anointing. If we are of a willing heart, we can dedicate our gifts for the building up of the Body to create a housing for the presence of the Lord to dwell. Lord, create in us willing hearts to exercise our talent for the common good of the Body! Prior to the Word, Gary talked about how an outpouring of the Spirit is beginning to take place in Brazil.

Scriptures: I Cor. 12:1,4-7; Eph. 4:11-16; Exo. 35:1,4 -9, 20-22; 36:1-7; (Exo. 35; 36:8-38)
Topics: Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Body Ministry; WIll; Determination; Indwelling; (Functioning); (Awareness)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word