Stevens' Digital Remasters


Faith With Intensity / We Bind The Strongman

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0920-4R

Faith With Intensity / We Bind The Strongman, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, September 16, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 19, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Faith With Intensity

We cannot reach God through our emotions. We must approach Him with faith, because without faith, it is impossible to please Him. Yet, our faith must also be mixed with a divinely-inspired emotion and intensity about the things of God. Personal ministry prior to the Word included teaching on authority, faith, and self-condemnation.

We Bind The Strongman

Satan is loosing a flood tide against us to keep us from coming into what God has for us. This brief prophetic Word binds the strongman and prepares us for Tabernacles.

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The Faith Prayer

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0920-3R

The Faith Prayer, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, September 30, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Faith Prayer

True faith prayer does not petition God. Prayer is a life in the Spirit that believes and appropriates. Prayer is the will of God so wrought within your human will in an inner fusion that your prayer becomes the creative power of God working through you.

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Communion Meditation: Our Approach To God / Know God’s Love For You

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0920-1R

Communion Meditation: Our Approach To God / Know God’s Love For You, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, September 26, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Communion Meditation: Our Approach To God

If you come to the communion table with a right spirit and a perfect attitude about your need, then you will receive inner cleansing and the divine life of Christ. If you justify yourself or ignore your need, you are approaching communion in an unworthy manner.

Know God’s Love For You

In this exposition of Psalm 42, John talks about the deliverance he received in knowing God’s love for him personally. The peace of God and a rest in the Lord is available for God’s people as they also come into this deliverance.

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A Living Prophecy: Go Into Battle / How Is Your Love? / Deception Is Judged

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0813-4R

A Living Prophecy: Go Into Battle / How Is Your Love? / Deception Is Judged, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, September 9, 1965, in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 12, 1965, and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 12, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

A Living Prophecy: Go Into Battle

This living prophecy declares a new vision of the Lord, removes the heaviness on our perception, thrusts us into spiritual battle as great appropriators. Open your heart wide to these words, for they are Words of the Spirit, a message of the living Christ.

How Is Your Love?

The path to perfection is the love of the Father manifested in your life. As your love increases, God removes the limitations on your ministry. How is your love? Let your faith and love keep growing in God.

Deception Is Judged

The principality of deception is warring against the Los Angeles churches to create confusion. We bring this spirit under judgment today.

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Communion Meditation: Examine Yourself — Part II / Steadfastness And Continuance

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0813-2R

Communion Meditation: Examine Yourself — Part II / Steadfastness And Continuance, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 5, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Communion Meditation: Examine Yourself — Part II

As we partake of the Communion, the Holy Spirit helps you to have an inner knowledge of yourself. When you apply the fullness of the life of Christ, there is deep conviction but never condemnation.

Steadfastness And Continuance

Faithfulness, perseverance, steadfastness and continuance are the keys to spiritual growth and to overcoming satanic resistance. They are the keys to the rewards you will receive as a believer and a minister.

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Victory Through Worship / Transformed By A Progressive Revelation

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0813-1R

Victory Through Worship / Transformed By A Progressive Revelation, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, September 2, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, September 3, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Victory Through Worship

Every time you adore the risen Lord and submit to Him as Master over your life, the door is opened to tremendous liberty and victory.

Transformed By A Progressive Revelation

Our walk with God must be a progressive revelation of our need and our sin, along with a progressive revelation of His glory and grace. As we behold Him, we are changed into His image, from glory to glory.

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Living Prophecy: Put On God’s Armor / Atonement, The Third Experience

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0717-4R

Living Prophecy: Put On God’s Armor / Atonement, The Third Experience, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, August 31, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, September 1, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Living Prophecy: Put On God’s Armor

Out of a flow of living prophecy comes an experience of putting on the full armor of God in order to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

Atonement, The Third Experience

Three experiences are involved in all that God is doing for us: our salvation; the fullness of the Holy Spirit, including the gifts and ministries; and atonement. Atonement is a progressive, deep experience in which the root of iniquity is removed from us and our spirit, soul and body are sanctified wholly. It is the most rewarding experience of all. The Word was followed by a declaration of our victory.

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Joshua: Humble, Hungry, And Mighty / Communion Meditation: His Life-Giving Sustenance / God’s Hovering Spirit And His Creative Word

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0717-2R

Joshua: Humble, Hungry, And Mighty / Communion Meditation: His Life-Giving Sustenance / God’s Hovering Spirit And His Creative Word, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, August 12, 1965, in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, August 29, 1965, and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, August 29, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Joshua: Humble, Hungry, And Mighty

Although Joshua was a humble servant ministry to Moses, he was driven to be as close to the Lord as Moses was. Let us take on the ministry of Joshua so that we, too, may see the glory of the Lord.

Communion Meditation: His Life-Giving Sustenance

When we hear a sermon, we grow by what we understand with our mind. When we partake of Communion with reverence and faith, we receive life-giving impartation and sustenance directly into our spirit that bypasses our understanding.

God’s Hovering Spirit And His Creative Word

In the beginning, God’s Spirit hovered over the chaos of a void and formless earth; then He spoke a Word and turned the chaos into His beautiful creation! Is there chaos in your life? Don’t worry! It only takes two things to change everything: the Spirit of God that is hovering over you and the living Word that He is speaking.

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What Lies Within? / Repentance In His Presence

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0717-1R

What Lies Within? / Repentance In His Presence, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, August 10, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, August 11, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

What Lies Within?

The human spirit can broadcast things from your flesh life, whether it be wrath, lust, or bitterness. Therefore, God deals with the emanations of your flesh nature in order to purify you to be a channel of His Spirit. As the Lord reveals what lies within you, earnestly and humbly repent before Him. You will be delivered according to your faith.

Repentance In His Presence

The flesh nature is a veil that separates you from the glory and the presence of the Lord. The veil is broken as you live before Him in continual repentance and worship.

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Communion Meditation: He Will Heal Us — Part I / “Love Is…” — Part I

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0605-4R

Communion Meditation: He Will Heal Us — Part I / “Love Is…” — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, August 15, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Communion Meditation: He Will Heal Us — Part I

Come to the Communion Table to judge yourself rightly and thereby receive divine strength and healing: healing from God’s chastening, healing from spiritual warfare, and healing of your body.

“Love Is…” — Part I

I Corinthians 13 tells us the characteristics of divine love that the Holy Spirit can bring forth in every believer. We need this love in our relationships with one another. This message is brief and simple, but its impact could change your life if you listen carefully.

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The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part II / The Door Of Hope

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0605-3R

The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part II / The Door Of Hope, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 8, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part II

Our young people have tremendous freedom and privilege in Christ. Now the question is: will we teach them the responsibility and self-discipline that matures them into great men and women of God in the earth?

The Door Of Hope

In a time of God’s dealings and testing in your life, you may have fallen into despair and unbelief, and responded with wrath towards Him. But now is your hour of release. God is closing the door to Satan’s harassment and turning the Valley of Achor into a door of hope.

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Communion Meditation: The Way To Full Assurance / The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part I

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0605-2R

Communion Meditation: The Way To Full Assurance / The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, August 8, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Communion Meditation: The Way To Full Assurance

Christ’s precious body and blood in the Communion releases us from self-condemnation and guilt by ministering forgiveness and the full assurance of faith necessary to face our needs and to firmly take hold of our answer in God.

The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part I

Everyone serves something; freedom is simply the opportunity to choose your master. As one who desires to serve the Lord, your freedom must be accompanied with a personal discipline of your body, time, mind and interests. Our young people must learn this self-discipline lest in freedom they become entangled again in the yoke of bondage.

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The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part I / The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part II / We Feast On A Battlefield

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0517-1R

The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part I / The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part II / We Feast On A Battlefield, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, July 21, 1965, in South Gate, CA on Thursday, July 22, 1965, and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 25, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part I

A spiritual wilderness is the barren period that usually comes after a great deliverance and before the possession of a new promise. It is a temporary, necessary time of transition and preparation. It should not be a time of confusion or fear, but the most guided time of your life.

The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part II

A spiritual wilderness can be a time of confusion, but it does not have to be. Do not focus on the problems and the barrenness of the wilderness. Stay focused on the Lord’s presence and you will come through it with victory.

We Feast On A Battlefield

We are seated at the table of the Lord, and God intends for you to feast upon His fullness. But He spreads His table upon a battlefield. Do not draw back from it. There is no other way that God will do it. It pleases Him to overcome Satan through humble vessels.

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Proclaim The Lord’s Death / Bearers Of Divine Love / Divine Order For The Home

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0407-4R

Proclaim The Lord’s Death / Bearers Of Divine Love / Divine Order For The Home, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, July 18, 1965, in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 18, 1965, and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 18, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Proclaim The Lord’s Death

When we proclaim the Lord’s death at the Communion table, it brings His sacrifice into the present. If you have faith to believe, you can experience Christ’s sacrifice in Communion as if it were happening at that very moment, for you and you alone.

Bearers Of Divine Love

As disciples, we must appropriate God’s divine love and become bearers of it to the earth. When you carry God’s love in your heart, you have no choice but to become involved. It is this love that will draw men to walk with God.

Divine Order For The Home

In this exhortation, we are reminded that divine order in the home creates an immunity for our families from demonic assault and the spirit of the age.

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In The Meekness Of Christ / Apostolic Commands For The Victorious Believer

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0407-3R

In The Meekness Of Christ / Apostolic Commands For The Victorious Believer, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, June 29, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, July 2, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

In The Meekness Of Christ

In the meekness of Christ, the apostolic authority is bringing the Honolulu church into the sovereign will of Christ. The Lord is creating intercessors who will uphold Christ’s government in Honolulu as well as the entire Body of Christ. The service concludes with healing a child and prayer for the future church in Des Moines, Iowa.

Apostolic Commands For The Victorious Believer

As Paul closes his last letter to the Corinthians, he summarizes everything that is necessary to walk victoriously as the Body of Christ: “…rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.” These are apostolic commands that we, by God’s grace, must walk in today.

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Walk Through The Land / Conviction Without Condemnation — Part I

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0312-4R

Walk Through The Land / Conviction Without Condemnation — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Tuesday, May 11, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Walk Through The Land

Take a walk in God today, expand your vision, and believe to see the land yet to be possessed. Apply the ministry of displacement to wherever Satan has hindered you from possessing what God has already given you. This message is one of several classes on “Walking Through The Land” that came during the Washington, Iowa conference.

Conviction Without Condemnation — Part I

A man who is open to the conviction of the Holy Spirit finds victory; a man who is open to condemnation lives in defeat. Recognize the difference and find joy in a life of conviction. An easily entreated spirit never breaks fellowship with God.

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We Have The First Fruits Of The Spirit

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0312-3R

We Have The First Fruits Of The Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 6, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

We Have The First Fruits Of The Spirit

In this Pentecost service, John spoke in a divine flow of prophecy and exhortation, and he spoke a Word on having the first fruits of the Spirit, as written in Romans 8:23. The Holy Spirit in us is the first fruits, and it is the assurance of our full inheritance as the adopted sons of God.

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The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part II

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0312-2R

The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, June 3, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part II

When Christ ascended to the Father, He shed forth His anointing upon His Church. Wherever this anointing is found, God commands a blessing, even life evermore. In opposition to this, the antichrist, the great deceiver, denies that Christ is coming forth in His people. This mystical Word, spoken far ahead of its time, gives us a clear vision of the days of restoration and the establishment of God’s Kingdom.

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The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part I

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0312-1R

The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 30, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part I

In the end time, Christ’s ministry will not be completed by one man, but it will be completed by a great company of people in whom Christ is coming forth. The antichrist spirit opposes this by warring against our submission to the Lordship of Christ. This mystical Word, spoken far ahead of its time, gives us a clear vision of the days of restoration and the establishment of God’s Kingdom.

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The Sin Of Staggering / Live The Victory

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0127-2R

The Sin Of Staggering / Live The Victory, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Saturday, May 15, 1965 and in Washington, IA on Monday, May 17, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Sin Of Staggering

If you believe in your relationship with Christ, you must also accept the positions, possessions, privileges and promises that come with it. Repent of the sin of staggering at the promises of God. This service included personal ministry that contained teaching on the leading of the Lord, deliverance from self-condemnation, and disciplining children.

Live The Victory

Victory is not the conclusion to a battle; it is a condition in which we live. Christ won the victory already; now we live it. This exhortation was followed by personal ministry in which John interprets spiritual signs.

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Get In Motion

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0127-1R

Get In Motion, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Saturday, May 15, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Get In Motion

How long will you be slack to possess the great promises that the Lord has given you? What hinders you? Get in motion! God will displace the enemy as you move out with aggressive faith, in the fullness of His Spirit. This message is one of several classes on “Walking Through The Land” that came during the Washington, Iowa conference.

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The Power Of Intercessors

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1215-3R

The Power Of Intercessors, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, May 14, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Power Of Intercessors

A leader’s ministry is largely dependent upon the willingness of the Body to intercede for him. When intercession comes forth out of divine love, it generates a force that can save a man’s life and lift him into the spiritual level of ministry that God has for him.

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Instructions To Intercessors / On This Rock

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1215-1R

Instructions To Intercessors / On This Rock, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, May 14, 1965 and in Washington, IA on Sunday, May 16, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Instructions To Intercessors

During impartation to several of the intercessors, John reveals the requirements and the keys for an effective ministry of intercession.

On This Rock

“Upon this rock I will build My church” (Matthew 16:18). The foundation of the Church is not built upon the opinions and traditions of man. Rather, our personal revelation of the Lord determines our personal relationship to Him, and that relationship is the foundation of the Church. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Washington, Iowa on: June 14, 1970; November 1, 1970; and May 16, 1965.

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Are You Willing To Heal Your Brother?

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1127-4R

Are You Willing To Heal Your Brother?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Thursday, May 13, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Are You Willing To Heal Your Brother?

Are you willing to become involved with your brother or sister and their need? Will you have compassion for them? Will you minister healing to them with no regard for what they have done to you? Some of your brothers are so in need of healing that they are half-dead. You are your brother’s keeper, not his judge. Reach out to him. This Word is preceded by an exhortation on returning to your first love.

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Prepared By His Presence

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1127-2R

Prepared By His Presence, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Wednesday, May 12, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Prepared By His Presence

We are in the days of fulfillment. Do not dare to be withdrawn or rebellious in your spirit. It would be a tragedy to have pioneered so many things these past fifteen years, and then have the Lord say, “Your spirit is not right.” There is only one answer for us: the deep searchings of the Lord.

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Conviction Without Condemnation — Part II

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1127-1R

Conviction Without Condemnation — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Wednesday, May 12, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Conviction Without Condemnation — Part II

A man who is open to the conviction of the Holy Spirit finds victory; a man who is open to condemnation lives in defeat. Recognize the difference and find joy in a life of conviction. An easily entreated spirit never breaks fellowship with God.

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Your Vision Of Intercession For The Apostolic Ministry

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1028-4R

Your Vision Of Intercession For The Apostolic Ministry, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Wednesday, May 12, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Your Vision Of Intercession For The Apostolic Ministry

We are on the front line. We are dispossessing the Canaanites and taking the land, but the apostles and prophets who lead us need our ministry of intercession with divine love. This message is one of several classes on “Walking Through The Land” that came during the Washington, Iowa conference.

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The Creative Power Of God To Purify

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1028-1R

The Creative Power Of God To Purify, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 9, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Creative Power Of God To Purify

Psalm 51, the great psalm of repentance, shows us the pattern for effective repentance. Just as David did, approach the Lord with a broken spirit, acknowledge your sin, and confess it to Him. Appropriate God’s creative power to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and to give you a new heart to serve Him. God will then build spiritual walls of immunity around you.

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Principles Of Victory In Spiritual Conflict / Footwashing: A Lesson In Body Ministry

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0907-3R

Principles Of Victory In Spiritual Conflict / Footwashing: A Lesson In Body Ministry, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 2, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, May 6, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Principles Of Victory In Spiritual Conflict

Satan is assaulting us in this day just as he assaulted such men of God as John the Baptist and Martin Luther, because we too are walking in the greater divine truths of our time. In the midst of spiritual conflict, we must understand five principles that open the door to our victory or to our defeat. This Word explains all five principles and how to apply them.

Footwashing: A Lesson In Body Ministry

In footwashing, we see the expression of a great revelation: as a man is elevated into authority, he must also have a humble dedication to serve. Footwashing is not a lesson in humility; it is a lesson in Body ministry.

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There Are No Favorites With God / A Mature Son Is Led By The Spirit

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0907-2R

There Are No Favorites With God / A Mature Son Is Led By The Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, April 29, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 2, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

There Are No Favorites With God

In this Word, John talks about four problems: pride, worry, indifference and instability. The answer to these problems is found in a deep realization that John came to regarding his own personal relationship with the Lord: There are no favorites with God. If anyone excels, it will not be favortism on God’s part; rather, it will be the humility, faith, and steadfastness with which a person responds to everything God says and does that brings fruitfulness.

A Mature Son Is Led By The Spirit

The mature spiritual believer is guided by God; whereas, the immature believer governs his life independently of God. As you come into sonship, you relinquish the direction of your life unto Him, and you execute the leading of His Spirit. This message was also spoken on April 25, 1965 Sunday AM in Sepulveda, CA and was released under the title, “The Guidance Of The Holy Spirit–Romans 8:14,” and printed in the book, Romans 8 Outlines, as a chapter titled, “Guidance Of The Spirit.”

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Be His Witness / Will You Be His Witness?

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0907-1R

Be His Witness / Will You Be His Witness?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 25, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, April 25, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Be His Witness

The next step for Grace Chapel of South Gate is for every member to boldly move as a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. The blessing, the love, and the wisdom that God has given us are not an end in themselves; they are the equipment for effective witnessing to bring people into the purpose of God for their lives.

Will You Be His Witness?

Boldness to witness for Jesus Christ is an essential element in the well-rounded growth of a church. Witnessing brings persecution, which makes us grow as we find our strength in the church. We worship, we walk, and we war. Now, we take the next step: we witness.

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Our Relationship To The Christian World / Reception, Dedication, Execution

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0801-4R

Our Relationship To The Christian World / Reception, Dedication, Execution, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, April 22, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, April 23, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Our Relationship To The Christian World

With the wisdom of a fathering ministry, John clarifies our relationship to the Christian world, as he reports on a Lutheran retreat that he recently attended. God did not raise us up to be an independent church, but we are to be a blessing to the greater Body of Christ.

Reception, Dedication, Execution

Reception, dedication, execution–these are three stages every believer encounters in this walk with God. Yet, within each stage lies a danger. What stage are you in? Be aware of the dangers therein and walk aggressively, in no way alarmed by your opponents, which is destruction for them!

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Receive The Resurrection Power Of The Holy Spirit / Lazarus, Come Forth!

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0801-3R

Receive The Resurrection Power Of The Holy Spirit / Lazarus, Come Forth!, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, April 18, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Receive The Resurrection Power Of The Holy Spirit

When you open your heart to Christ and receive the Holy Spirit, a process begins in you of quickening your mortal body and bringing forth resurrection life. This process is taking place right now. This message was also spoken on April 18, 1965, Sunday AM in South Gate, CA and was released under the title, “The Resurrection Power Of The Holy Spirit–Romans 8:9-13” and printed in the book, Romans Eight Outlines.

Lazarus, Come Forth!

In this expository message out of John 11, the story of Lazarus is used to illustrate a pattern for revival and deliverance. If you believe, you will see the glory of God, but your faith must also have a corresponding action.

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The Lord Is Looking At Your Heart / The Mind Of The Spirit Versus The Mind Of The Flesh — Romans 8

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0801-1R

The Lord Is Looking At Your Heart / The Mind Of The Spirit Versus The Mind Of The Flesh — Romans 8, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, April 8, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 11, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Lord Is Looking At Your Heart

This Word is a deep heart-searcher. What is in your heart motivates everything you say and do; therefore, God is concerned about purifying your heart. He wants a heart-based relationship with you.

The Mind Of The Spirit Versus The Mind Of The Flesh — Romans 8

Romans 8 opens up a walk in the Spirit where sin can no longer have dominion over you. This walk in the Spirit is a necessity, not a luxury. Your success in attaining to the perfect will of God depends on it. This message was also spoken on April 11, 1965, Sunday AM in Sepulveda, CA and was released under the title, “The Contrast Between Life In The Spirit And Life In The Flesh–Romans 8:5-8,” and printed in the book, Romans Eight Outlines.

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The Law Of The Spirit / Remember Lot’s Wife

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0716-3R

The Law Of The Spirit / Remember Lot’s Wife, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 4, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 11, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Law Of The Spirit

If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law, but under the grace of God. However, grace is not a matter of lawlessness; it is a matter of submitting to the law of the Spirit. The flesh and the spirit are warring against each other. The law of the Spirit of life sets us free from the law of sin and death!

Remember Lot’s Wife

There is a unique jeopardy that souls are placed in at the end of a dispensation. Lot’s wife is a picture of the carnal Christian in the last days. She became a memorial to those who are tempted to draw back from God. Do not be a half-hearted follower of the Lord. Be delivered from the spirit of this age!

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Five Essentials To Spiritual Advance / What Is Your Heart’s Condition?

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0716-1R

Five Essentials To Spiritual Advance / What Is Your Heart’s Condition?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, March 28, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, April 4, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Five Essentials To Spiritual Advance

Growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ should be the aspiration of every Christian. This message identifies five essential principles to spiritual advance and progress.

What Is Your Heart’s Condition?

Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. What lies within your heart determines the level that you live on, and it determines your relationship with Him.

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If Any Of You Lack Wisdom / He Specializes In The Impossible

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0601-2R

If Any Of You Lack Wisdom / He Specializes In The Impossible, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, March 25, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, March 26, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

If Any Of You Lack Wisdom

There is often an unawareness that is on believers, particularly in this day. The one thing that is needed above everything else is the clear-cut leading of the Lord. To be led by the Spirit of the Lord should be your greatest objective. Pray that God give you the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge.

He Specializes In The Impossible

The fifth chapter of Mark is a story of three hopeless cases for which the Lord’s power intervened to work the impossible. If you ever feel that there is no hope or no way of deliverance for you, let this story be proof that there is.

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Overcome Heaviness / Activate The Word / A Company Of Timothys

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0601-1R

Overcome Heaviness / Activate The Word / A Company Of Timothys, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, March 12, 1965, in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 14, 1965, and in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, March 17, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Overcome Heaviness

The life that we seek is attained by throwing off the death and heaviness that the enemy brings to us. The moving of the Lord does not happen in a passive state. Don’t submit to the heaviness; it’s a spiritual state that can be overcome.

Activate The Word

God’s promises do not happen automatically. You have more to do with their fulfillment than you think. How do you activate the Word in your life? Meditate on it; speak it day and night. No matter what comes, stay with that promise until it comes to pass.

A Company Of Timothys

This church is created as an incubator to birth sons of God. If we are to touch the whole world, we must see a company of young “Timothys” come forth–young people filled with the Word, dedicated to the things of God, and seeking for the welfare of the Body of Christ.

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Your Privileges As His Son — Part I / Your Privileges As His Son — Part II

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0501-4R

Your Privileges As His Son — Part I / Your Privileges As His Son — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, March 21, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 21, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Your Privileges As His Son — Part I

God has a perfect purpose for your life, and He has provided everything you need to fulfill it. As a child of God, the Lord has given you certain privileges. These privileges are perfectly designed to ensure that there be no limit to how far you can go and how much you can become!

Your Privileges As His Son — Part II

Do you know your privileges as one who has been born of God? You have the privilege of knowing the Lord. You have the privilege of choosing His will and becoming what He says. These are just a few of your privileges! In this message, you will discover all the privileges that belong to God’s sons.

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The Problems, The Judgments, And The Blessings

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0401-4R

The Problems, The Judgments, And The Blessings, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, February 21, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Problems, The Judgments, And The Blessings

Malachi, the prophet of gloom, vividly describes the problems in Israel and God’s judgments upon the rebellious. His descriptions are very applicable to the deep, basic spiritual problems that exist in the Church today. Yet, hidden in the book of Malachi are some of the most rewarding and precious promises that any prophet ever gave in the Old Testament.

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To Be His Disciple / Love, Unity And Oneness

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0401-3R

To Be His Disciple / Love, Unity And Oneness, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, February 11, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, February 12, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

To Be His Disciple

Discipleship requires that you dethrone everything that is close and dear to you so that, in the realm of your spirit, there is no one else except the Lord. Any relationship in your life becomes a form of spiritual idolatry unless, by the cross of Christ, you die to it. As you love and serve the Lord first, you will better love and serve others, including your family.

Love, Unity And Oneness

When you love someone, you want to be with them and you want to live within them. This great force of love is the next plane of experience that God is bringing. The world creates unity through organization and cooperation, but the spiritual oneness that God wants to create is seldom understood.

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Wholeheartedness To Do His Will

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0316-4R

Wholeheartedness To Do His Will, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 7, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Wholeheartedness To Do His Will

Do you have the personal walk with God that you came into this church to receive? We have received great privilege but we are not walking in it as we should. This is not a call for the zeal of the flesh, but an honest wholeheartedness to do the will of the Lord.

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The Fight Of Faith Against Apostasy

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0316-3R

The Fight Of Faith Against Apostasy, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, February 5, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Fight Of Faith Against Apostasy

It’s a time of apostasy, with revolution in the church world and Satan moving in aggressive warfare. We who see the need must face it as Paul did. Right up to his last breath, he served God with a willing heart, knowing he was fulfilling God’s will in his generation. Who then will consecrate his service this day unto the Lord?

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An Excerpt On Personal Ministry / Walk In The Light You’ve Been Given

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0201-4R

An Excerpt On Personal Ministry / Walk In The Light You’ve Been Given, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, January 14, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 17, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

An Excerpt On Personal Ministry

In this excerpt, John gives three practical steps for moving effectively in personal ministry. The first step is awareness of the Lord’s presence.

Walk In The Light You’ve Been Given

A short Communion Word brings to life the reality of Christ’s sacrifice for us. An exhortation follows on the dangers of not walking in the light we have received.

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Faith Working Through Love / An Exhortation On Joy

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0201-2R

Faith Working Through Love / An Exhortation On Joy, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, January 3, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 3, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Faith Working Through Love

When the Christ-life begins to come forth in you, it cannot do anything else but prevail. You must have a basic faith and a basic love for what God is bringing forth in you. Your lack of love for yourself opens the door for unbelief towards God. Walk with a faith that is absolutely unwavering on your part, and God will meet you.

An Exhortation On Joy

In this short exhortation, John talks about how the emotion of joy that we seek is the result of faith and the purpose of our heart. The service concludes with personal ministry that gives timeless teaching on preparation for marriage.

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Have Faith In What He Has Spoken

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0111-4R

Have Faith In What He Has Spoken, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 3, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Have Faith In What He Has Spoken

We have imposed on ourselves more limitations than we realize. To go on in God, it is necessary to forget the past. Have faith in what God has said about you, and love what He is bringing forth in you.

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Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea / A Watch Night Service

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0111-3R

Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea / A Watch Night Service, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 27, 1964 and in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, December 31, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea

There comes a time in following the Lord that He leads you to a difficult place. As He did with the Israelites, He boxes you in, between the Egyptians and the sea. In such a hopeless situation, will you have faith to stand still and watch His divine intervention?

A Watch Night Service

In this watch night service, John declares that 1965 will be a challenging year. However, we determine to not be victims of spiritual harassment, but to be the aggressive cause of many things happening. As the pattern of other years is broken, we stand ready to possess everything God has for us.

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Strengthen Your Hands And Go Forward / Judgment On The Principalities And Powers

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0111-2R

Strengthen Your Hands And Go Forward / Judgment On The Principalities And Powers, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, December 27, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 27, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Strengthen Your Hands And Go Forward

Like the Israelites before the Red Sea, you did not come this far to be defeated. Strengthen your hands in the Lord to move forward. God has a plan that involves not only your deliverance, but the complete humiliation and defeat of Satan.

Judgment On The Principalities And Powers

In this exhortation, John says, “We are under harassment from the enemy. The ministries come up to a certain level and then they are knocked down by demon powers. There must be a liberating Word from God that brings judgment on the principalities and powers.”

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Approach The Lord Yourself / Judgment Is To Return To The House Of God

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-1208-3R

Approach The Lord Yourself / Judgment Is To Return To The House Of God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 13, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Friday, December 18, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Approach The Lord Yourself

When you come to church and stand in the Lord’s presence, do not wait for the brethren to minister to you, but learn how to approach the Lord for yourself. This exhortation to the elders challenges everyone to a higher level of ministry.

Judgment Is To Return To The House Of God

What holds us back? We need the ministry of judgment to return to the house of God so that we will be loosed from demon powers. This service begins with a short exhortation on repentance.

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A Continual Feeding / “Sir, We Would See Jesus!”

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-1208-2R

A Continual Feeding / “Sir, We Would See Jesus!”, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 13, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

A Continual Feeding

When your hope grows a little dim and your relationship with the Lord gets a little rusty, you must have something to feed your vision. You must have a way of constantly renewing your experience in the Lord. Holy Communion is meant to be the provision where you appropriate afresh the life of Christ.

“Sir, We Would See Jesus!”

This church was born out of a meeting with God. Other churches may survive on traditions and history, but we must have a fresh meeting with the Lord every time we walk in these doors. Everything will fail unless we meet Him. Lord, fill these vessels full again!

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Receive The Holy Spirit / Why Does Satan Fight Us?

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-1208-1R

Receive The Holy Spirit / Why Does Satan Fight Us?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 6, 1964 and in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, December 10, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Receive The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is given to all believers who will receive it. In this message, we receive instruction on how to receive the Holy Spirit and to speak in tongues.

Why Does Satan Fight Us?

We are living in the beginning of the end-time conflict. Satan is making a bold bid to take over the world. This church is to be a center of spiritual warfare, raised up to manifest the victory of Christ. Satan fights us so hard because we are in striking distance of becoming the most effective move of God the world has ever seen.

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Wrecking The Nest / Be Not Conformed To This World

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-1101-4R

Wrecking The Nest / Be Not Conformed To This World, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, November 29, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 29, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Wrecking The Nest

We are in search of security, but God is in search of sons. He loves us, so He stirs up our nest until we are forced out of our comfort zone and into becoming steadfast worshipers that do not waver with circumstances. Praise God for the discipline of disturbance!

Be Not Conformed To This World

People are afraid of being different, of being a non-conformist. The course of human history is one of conformity. However, God does something special for the non-conformist who will not bow down to the spirit of the age. We will find unity in the diversity of gifts and ministries that God is bringing forth in His Body today.

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Simplify And Appropriate

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-1101-1R

Simplify And Appropriate, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, November 6, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Simplify And Appropriate

It is not enough to know the provision of Christ’s blood in theory; you must experience it. Simplify your life; sacrifice the good for the best. This is the secret for how the rich blessing of His provision can flow into your life.

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Jonah, The Prophet Without Love — Part I / Jonah, The Prophet Without Love — Part II

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-1001-4R

Jonah, The Prophet Without Love — Part I / Jonah, The Prophet Without Love — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, December 6, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 6, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Jonah, The Prophet Without Love — Part I

Jonah was a prophet, but when God commanded him to love the people of Ninevah, Jonah ran away. When Jonah refused to love, he caused a near catastrophe, and he became isolated and lonely. God is challenging us, too, to love His people. Unlike Jonah, we choose not to run, but to open our hearts to love. This message was previously printed in the book, Sparks From The Altar.

Jonah, The Prophet Without Love — Part II

Jonah eventually obeyed God’s will, with reluctance and without love. Consequently, he was isolated and lonely; love did not flow from him or to him. We must not run away from love, as Jonah did; for without love, we have lost God’s creative force in the world.

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Sing A New Song / Elements Of The Foundation

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-1001-3R

Sing A New Song / Elements Of The Foundation, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, CA on Sunday, November 8, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Sing A New Song

Every time God did something new in the earth, an abundance of new songs was written to express what He was doing and saying. Of all generations, we have the anointing, the wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy Spirit to bring forth songs as never before. Let’s give ourselves to creating a whole new worship and praise unto God!

Elements Of The Foundation

Six elements are essential to the very foundation of a walk with God. In the restoration of the Church, we are just now at the stage of seeing some of the elements of this foundation restored. In this message, John describes each element and admonishes us to not lay again the foundation, but to press on to maturity.

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Pressing On To Maturity

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-1001-2R

Pressing On To Maturity, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 8, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Pressing On To Maturity

Our walk with God begins with repentance from dead works and faith towards God. Salvation does not come through works; it comes by the grace of God through faith. We must build on this foundation, and then go on to maturity. How can we press on to maturity if we haven’t laid well the foundation?

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The Workings Of The Holy Spirit / Do Not Regard Lying Vanities — Part I

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-1001-1R

The Workings Of The Holy Spirit / Do Not Regard Lying Vanities — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, CA on Thursday, November 19, 1964 and in Northridge, CA on Sunday, November 22, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Workings Of The Holy Spirit

When you come into a relationship with Jesus Christ, you automatically become an heir of God. One of the basic functions of the Holy Spirit is to show you how rich you are in Christ. The Holy Spirit is designated to bring you those blessings. There are promises reserved in the great plan of God for us to walk in today. The Holy Spirit lifts the veil so that you may know the things freely given to you by God.

Do Not Regard Lying Vanities — Part I

They that regard lying vanities forsake their own mercy–Jonah 2:8. What is the problem that bothers you, the lying illusion that causes you to despair and flee from God’s presence? Do not regard those lying vanities! Serve God with faith, vigor and purpose of heart and thus, you will not forsake His mercy and grace in your life.

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God Is Making A Miracle Out Of You / Proclaim Liberty To The Captives

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0901-4R

God Is Making A Miracle Out Of You / Proclaim Liberty To The Captives, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, CA on Sunday, November 15, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 15, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

God Is Making A Miracle Out Of You

God purposefully allows you to go through difficult experiences in order to draw you out and perfect your faith. You are praying to Him for a miracle answer to your problems, but He is concerned with making a miracle out of you.

Proclaim Liberty To The Captives

In this living prophecy, John proclaims liberty to the captives and the breaking of every yoke. Today, we received our emancipation from satanic captivity and now we glorify God as freed men.

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Progressive Installments Of Our Inheritance

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0901-3R

Progressive Installments Of Our Inheritance, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, November 20, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Progressive Installments Of Our Inheritance

Our inheritance in the Lord is great, but He does not give it to us all at once. The Holy Spirit is the first installment of our inheritance and the guide that will lead us progressively into each step. Do not be satisfied with the small portion you have received thus far. With every step, eagerly anticipate the fullness of your inheritance.

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A Harvest Of Souls / We Shall Be A Praying People

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0801-4R

A Harvest Of Souls / We Shall Be A Praying People, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, CA on Thursday, October 22, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 1, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

A Harvest Of Souls

We should believe for an amazing, anointing evangelistic spirit to come forth from the Valley church. This church should be a mixture of new souls being filled with the Holy Spirit and matured believers hungering for deeper teaching. Today, we purpose in our hearts that there will be a harvest of souls in the Valley.

We Shall Be A Praying People

God’s Spirit is being poured out on us and He is setting before us great revelations. However, those revelations will never be fulfilled unless we pray. This apostolic Word entreats each one of us to have our individual prayer life and walk with God. We must become a praying people, else we will become a spiritually sterile church.

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Enter Into The Seventh Day

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0801-3R

Enter Into The Seventh Day, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Northridge, CA on Thursday, October 29, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Enter Into The Seventh Day

It is marvelous to think that the promise of entering God’s rest started at creation (Genesis 2:1-2). It is still a valid and powerful promise that is waiting for someone to claim. We must be completely, one hundred percent determined to trust and worship God no matter what the situation, and then we can enter into His rest.

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Put Your Confidence In Him / Will You Pray?

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0801-1R

Put Your Confidence In Him / Will You Pray?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, October 30, 1964 and in Northridge, CA on Sunday, November 1, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Put Your Confidence In Him

Enter into God’s Sabbath rest by hearing His Word and believing it. Do not harden your heart with anxiety and worry. You belong to Him; therefore put your confidence in Him, not in your circumstances.

Will You Pray?

If you want to be a non-conformist to this age, follow the pattern of the great men of God of all generations: be diligent to pray. Prayer is not triggered by emotion; prayer is a result of faith that believes what God has said. Prayer invokes a higher order of law in the spirit realm. Lord, make us a praying people!

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Take Your Position / Winning Souls By Binding The Power Of Satan

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0718-4R

Take Your Position / Winning Souls By Binding The Power Of Satan, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, CA on Sunday, October 18, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Friday, October 23, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Take Your Position

We must cultivate an awareness of our authority in Jesus Christ over the principalities and powers. We must take our position in that upper spiritual realm, because that is the place of victory. We do not battle against flesh and blood; ninety-five percent of our problems come directly from the principalities and powers that assail us. Regardless of how the enemy comes against us, we must absolutely maintain unity and love toward one another.

Winning Souls By Binding The Power Of Satan

Do not despise the work of an evangelist, because no church will grow and flourish unless it has the vision for winning souls to Christ. We should never neglect real Christian witnessing, however it must be done on a different plane. First, bind the power of Satan that blinds a person from a revelation of the Lord, then minister only love to that individual. With this formula, the Lord receives the glory.

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Lord, It’s Your Move / He Is Praying For You

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0718-2R

Lord, It’s Your Move / He Is Praying For You, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 4, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 11, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Lord, It’s Your Move

“For ye have need of endurance, that after you have done the will of God, you would receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:35-36). That is where we are now. We have listened to His Word; we have done His will. We’re waiting. Lord, it’s Your move.

He Is Praying For You

The Lord Jesus Christ feels the full impact of your infirmities, and He ever lives at the right hand of the Father, interceding on your behalf until you are saved to the uttermost. The intercessory ministry of Christ must also rest on you. Tune into Christ’s prayers for you and your brother, for those are the prayers that are really reaching the Father.

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Joy Unspeakable!

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0613-4R

Joy Unspeakable!, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, September 26, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Joy Unspeakable!

The joy of living has been removed from people, and a spirit of heaviness and mourning is in the world. We must be immune to the spirit of the world. God’s glory and presence will bring joy to His people, and His joy will be their strength. Joy is a divine infusion given by the Holy Spirit, and it can be appropriated. Lord, give us Your joy!

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Questions And Answers Concerning This Walk / The Spirit Of Giving

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0613-2R

Questions And Answers Concerning This Walk / The Spirit Of Giving, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, CA on Thursday, October 1, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 4, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Questions And Answers Concerning This Walk

In this meeting, Pastor Stevens answers questions about some of the teachings in this walk with God. Although these questions are a big issue for only a few people, many people will benefit from hearing the answers.

The Spirit Of Giving

The key to financial release is found in the realm of your spirit. It’s not the amount that you give; it’s the spirit with which you give. What you sow must not be sown with reservations; it must be sown with blessings. The Lord loves a cheerful giver!

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Greater Than The Former Glory

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0613-1R

Greater Than The Former Glory, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, September 25, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Greater Than The Former Glory

We are living in an exciting time when the prophecies of Ezekiel will be fulfilled. The glory of the Lord will return to His house and a people, as no generation ever before, will have the privilege of holy divine fellowship with Him. The glory of God in the midst of His people, His spiritual temple in the earth, will be greater than the glory of the former house.

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-48-A0-08-R

This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.

April 29, 1973 Sunday A.M. Val.

The Remnant is based not on experiences, but on knowing the Lord as a person. The acid test: those who know God will recognize Him in you.

Scriptures: Jer. 9:23-24; Hos. 6:1-3; Phil. 3:10; Col. 1:9-10; I John 2:1-5, 12-14; I John 3:1-6, 4:1-8
Series: To Know Him

April 29, 1973 Sunday A.M. SoG.

Miracles and emotion will not bring down principalities and powers; a word from the Lord will. If you miss a walk with God. you’ve missed everything.

Scriptures: Jer. 9:23-24; Hos. 6:1-3; Phil. 3:8; I John 2:1-5; I John 2:12-14, 3:1-6; I John 4:1-8

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-48-A0-06-R

This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.

April 26, 1973 Thursday P.M. SoG.

Don’t lose heart! Remind God of His promises. Hold Him to them!

Scriptures: Isa. 62:1-7; Luke 2; John 2; Acts 12
Topics: Persistence; Prayer; A Revelation of the Lord; Waiting on the Lord
Series: To Know Him

April 29, 1973 Sunday P.M. Val.

The ambivalence of God-both mercy and judgment today. Don’t presume, but remember, even in His wrath that He loves you. (16 min.)

Scriptures: Psa. 139:22, 1-12, 19-24
Series: To Know Him

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Christ’s Manifestation In Us

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0407-4R

Christ’s Manifestation In Us, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Northridge, CA on Thursday, September 17, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Christ’s Manifestation In Us

The fullness of the Spirit comes into our lives so that the next step can be fulfilled–Christ indwelling us. This step is manifested through love. The love of Christ will so fill us that it will absolutely destroy every work of Satan, both within us and without. This experience is about to break upon the world.

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Adhere Together In Holy Love

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0407-3R

Adhere Together In Holy Love, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 13, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Adhere Together In Holy Love

God is filling the Church with a mystical, holy, spiritual love that has not been known since apostolic times. Satan will battle this love, but this battle is our opportunity to bind principalities and powers and to adhere together even more strongly, with love and open hearts. One local church moving in this holy love will do more than all the denominations of generations past. This Word was an apostolic plea to the Los Angeles churches.

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Authority Over Principalities And Powers / The Promises Are Yours

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0407-2R

Authority Over Principalities And Powers / The Promises Are Yours, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 6, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 13, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Authority Over Principalities And Powers

In order to overcome the manifold activity of Satan, you must first understand that the evidence of your senses produces unbelief; but, the revelation of God’s Word in your heart produces faith. Then, in that faith, you can speak with all authority in the name of Jesus Christ, over all the power of the enemy. This message is an introduction to the Los Angeles churches during a time of great spiritual warfare.

The Promises Are Yours

In this exhortation, John imparted faith and expectation. The promises are all yours theoretically, but experimentally there are a few giants you have to knock out of the way first. After God does a deep work within you, He says, “Now you’re ready. Go in and possess the promises.”

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Love Destroys The Works Of Satan

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0407-1R

Love Destroys The Works Of Satan, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, September 18, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Love Destroys The Works Of Satan

As Christ came forth the first time to destroy the works of the devil, Christ is coming forth again in your flesh, and that too will destroy the works of the devil. The love of Christ will move into your heart, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Then you will have the force that will destroy the works of Satan.

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The Quickest Way To Deliverance

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0321-4R

The Quickest Way To Deliverance, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 6, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Quickest Way To Deliverance

This service began with John speaking a prophecy concerning the days ahead and describing a vision from the Lord about the fountains of anointing that will spring forth. In the Word, we are reminded that as Satan battles our physical body and earthly circumstances, we must move the battleground to the heavenly places where God has already provided for our full redemption. This service was preparation for the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles.

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Far Above All Principality And Power — Ephesians 1:19

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0321-3R

Far Above All Principality And Power — Ephesians 1:19, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 18, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Far Above All Principality And Power — Ephesians 1:19

The principality and power over the Los Angeles area is singling us out for battle, but God is allowing it. Why? Because God intends to manifest through us the victory of Jesus Christ over all principalities and powers. This Word is apostolic instruction to the Los Angeles church on how they will accomplish this victory.

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A Prayer For Light And A Prayer For Life / Under The Authority Of The King

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0321-2R

A Prayer For Light And A Prayer For Life / Under The Authority Of The King, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 30, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Friday, September 11, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

A Prayer For Light And A Prayer For Life

In this expository sermon, John Stevens contrasts two prayers by the Apostle Paul: Ephesians 1:15-23 and 3:14-21. The first is a prayer of enlightenment, that we may see what God has for us. The second is a prayer of enabling, that we may possess what He has given and walk in it. When we realize the power that He is beaming towards us and receive it as the divine enabling of our lives, we become His fullness and He becomes ours.

Under The Authority Of The King

When you have submitted to the Lord and relinquished the right to yourself, then He is responsible for you and His authority covers you. This is the key for prevailing in spiritual warfare.

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Press On Unto Perfection

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0321-1R

Press On Unto Perfection, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Northridge, CA on Thursday, September 10, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Press On Unto Perfection

This Word is a checklist for measuring your growth and progress in four categories that comprise a walk with God: your personal relationship with Him; your relationship as a member of the Body of Christ; your relationship to your family; and your relationship in outreach to the whole world.

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-48-A0-07-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

April 28, 1973 Saturday P.M. SoG.

God wouldn’t be so rough on you if you came before the Lord honestly. Face what you are; get out the carnal roots so God can use you. (77 min.)

Scriptures: Psa. 139:1-8, 23-24; Rom. 8:26-27
Series: To Know Him; Young People

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The Warring Priesthood / Diligent To Keep The Unity Of The Spirit

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0207-4R

The Warring Priesthood / Diligent To Keep The Unity Of The Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 30, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Friday, September 4, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Warring Priesthood

We cannot come into all that God has for us without battling demonic powers. It’s now that the warring priesthood of God is coming forth.

Diligent To Keep The Unity Of The Spirit

During times of great spiritual battle, it is more important than ever that we give all diligence to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).

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The Anointing That Restores

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0207-1R

The Anointing That Restores, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 23, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Anointing That Restores

The anointing that began with Christ, the Head, is now coming upon the great Body of Christ to raise up “the desolations of many generations.” We are to be the ones that, by the anointing of the Holy Spirit, restore the foundations that God laid in former generations. In this message, John describes how he is working with a number of Lutheran pastors that are part of the Charismatic Renewal.

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Become A Fountain Of Prophecy

Out of Print

Release #: 2009-0120-1R

Become A Fountain Of Prophecy, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, August 14, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Become A Fountain Of Prophecy

How do you become a fountain of prophecy through which God speaks to His people? Be a yielded instrument to God, expand your vocabulary, assimilate His Word, and keep yourself immune from the contagions of the world.

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The Anointing Of Prophecy

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-1206-3R

The Anointing Of Prophecy, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Northridge, CA on Thursday, August 13, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Anointing Of Prophecy

Prophecy is an endowment from the Holy Spirit. This message explains the necessary elements for stimulating the flow of prophecy within any church that is open to receiving this endowment.

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The Creative Ministry Of Prophecy / He Is Sending His Word

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-1206-1R

The Creative Ministry Of Prophecy / He Is Sending His Word, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 2, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 9, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Creative Ministry Of Prophecy

Judgment, revival, and restoration will come through human vessels who are yielded, dedicated, and filled with the Lord. Through creative prophecy, the walls of Babylon come down and a hunger and yearning for the Lord is created in the hearts of people.

He Is Sending His Word

In these days when God is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh, the anointing for prophecy will increase and become an essential part of every believer’s life. Through prophecy, God edifies, tears down, destroys, overthrows, plucks up, creates, builds, heals, and reveals man’s innermost being.

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Especially That You May Prophesy

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-1118-4R

Especially That You May Prophesy, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, August 7, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Especially That You May Prophesy

The flow of creative, anointed prophecy must be part of the very life and ministry of the church. Through prophecy, God reveals His will and brings forth a Spirit-filled people who live diametrically opposed to the tide of apostasy, wickedness, and passivity in the world. This message is based upon point #IV from Lesson Two, “Prophecy– The Gift Of The Holy Spirit,” from Prophetic Utterance.

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The Scope And Purpose Of Prophecy

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-1118-3R

The Scope And Purpose Of Prophecy, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Northridge, CA on Thursday, August 6, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Scope And Purpose Of Prophecy

As part of the outpouring of God’s Spirit in this dispensation, there will be the anointing for prophecy. Much of the work of creation, judgment, cleansing, impartation and purification is done through prophecy. Speak according to the proportion of your faith. If prophecy in this walk with God would ever diminish, then the defeat and the distractions would increase. (This message is taken from the study manual Prophetic Utterance, lesson two, point IV.)

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Determine To Move Ahead

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-1118-2R

Determine To Move Ahead, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 26, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Determine To Move Ahead

When it is time to cross the swollen waters of the Jordan, move ahead with faith. Be a bearer of His presence. Be a worshiper of the Lord. Wait upon Him. As you march on through, God will remove obstacles and make it possible for you to cross the Jordan. The Word was preceded by a prophecy of deliverance.

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When God Stirs Up Your Nest

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-1010-3R

When God Stirs Up Your Nest, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, July 24, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

When God Stirs Up Your Nest

Through a process of divine disturbance, God will stir up your comfortable nest so that you are forced to develop greater maturity and strength and thereby make you a partaker of His holiness.

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From Seed To Mature Grain

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0906-4R

From Seed To Mature Grain, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 12, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

From Seed To Mature Grain

An incorruptible seed, the living Word of God that abides forever, has been planted in your heart. Through a progressive, living process, the seed matures to a full grain. All you have to do is open your heart to the sunshine of God’s fellowship. The Word and prophecy in this service ministered renewed purpose to the South Gate church.

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Lay Aside Bitterness And Resentment

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0906-2R

Lay Aside Bitterness And Resentment, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Northridge, CA on Thursday, July 2, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Lay Aside Bitterness And Resentment

Lay aside the weights of resentment and bitterness. Lay aside the mental weight of criticizing and censoring others. These weights grieve the Holy Spirit and hinder you from living aggressively and effectively for the Lord.

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Training For Prophets / Blessings From Our Great Shepherd

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0806-1R

Training For Prophets / Blessings From Our Great Shepherd, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 7, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 7, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Training For Prophets

In this prophets’ service, John teaches the discerning of signs, how to send a flow of blessing, and then explains the grace of God to a young adult.

Blessings From Our Great Shepherd

This in-depth study of the 23rd Psalm shows us the rich blessings that our great Shepherd gives us. The Word was preceded by an exhortation on Psalms 27 and how our praises to God bring forth the blessings that He rains on us.

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Our Victory Over The Adversary

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0726-4R

Our Victory Over The Adversary, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Northridge, CA on Thursday, June 4, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Our Victory Over The Adversary

Satan is the great deceiver, the accuser of the brethren, and the adversary who opposes the will of God. In this lesson, we study his devices and we learn our positioning in the authority and victory of Christ.

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Don’t Lose The Axe Head / Overcoming Distractions To Unity

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0726-3R

Don’t Lose The Axe Head / Overcoming Distractions To Unity, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 31, 1964 and in Van Nuys, CA on Tuesday, June 2, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Don’t Lose The Axe Head

We dare not stop right on the threshold of the effectiveness and fruitfulness that God wants for us. We refuse spiritual laziness, and we wholeheartedly walk in the anointing that He has entrusted to us.

Overcoming Distractions To Unity

This Word identifies distractions to the unity in the Body of Christ and gives us the keys for overcoming them. The greatest objective that brings unity is our singular focus on His will and His glory.

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Positioned In His Victory

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0726-1R

Positioned In His Victory, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, June 5, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Positioned In His Victory

Our problem is not how much has God provided, but how much have we accepted of His provision? For us to seek to defeat Satan all over again, or again to make sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin, becomes a matter of unbelief. Accept the finality of God’s provision!

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Stand In His Perfect Victory

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0621-2R

Stand In His Perfect Victory, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, May 22, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Stand In His Perfect Victory

Christ accomplished a complete victory–once and for all–over Satan, sin, and every demon power. You do not have to win that victory over again. Do not be moved off of His perfect victory; He wants to manifest it through you.

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The Heavens Declare / Accept His Perfect Victory

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0621-1R

The Heavens Declare / Accept His Perfect Victory, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, CA on Sunday, May 17, 1964 and in Northridge, CA on Thursday, May 21, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Heavens Declare

In this exposition of Psalm 19, we learn how God’s Word is revealed through the scriptures and through nature, His creation. In either way, our understanding of His Word requires progressive revelation, not human understanding.

Accept His Perfect Victory

Your only battle is the unbelief in your heart because Christ has already won the victory. Stand with aggressive faith and proclaim, “Christ within me, with all His power and authority, is greater than all that comes against me,” and let the powerful victory of Christ manifest itself through you.

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I Have Given You Authority

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0513-4R

I Have Given You Authority, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Northridge, CA on Thursday, May 14, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

I Have Given You Authority

Although we may have endurance, power, and gifts of the Spirit, it does not imply that we have authority. The authority God has vested in us is based upon our relationship with the Lord of lords and the King of kings. A key to moving in His authority is the aggressive ministry of refusal. This message is training for spiritual warriors.

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A Study Of Worms Anonymous

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0513-1R

A Study Of Worms Anonymous, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, April 24, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

A Study Of Worms Anonymous

When God wants to do something, He is careful not to use an instrument that is equal in size and number to the adversary. Therefore, “do not fear, you worm Jacob… I have made you a new, sharp threshing sledge… and you will thresh mountains…” (Isa. 41:13-15). He creates a deep submission and humility in you so that you can accomplish His will with His strength. This makes you a member of His special club, “Worms Anonymous.”

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Change Your Image About You

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0418-3R

Change Your Image About You, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 3, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Change Your Image About You

We have an image of ourselves based on self-condemnation and unbelief. In this prophets’ meeting, this image changes. By revelation from the Holy Spirit, we can see what God has called us to be and what He is creating in us by His grace. With this revelation, we are enabled to press on into maturity and the full manifestation of Christ in our lives.

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A Successful Wilderness Experience

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0324-4R

A Successful Wilderness Experience, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, April 24, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

A Successful Wilderness Experience

Every person who wants to walk in an anointing of the Lord will first be led by that anointing into a personal wilderness. In the wilderness, you become completely yielded to His Lordship so that the anointing and the endowments He has given you are used according to His will. This message gives you keys for a successful wilderness experience.

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How Much Will You Appropriate?

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0324-2R

How Much Will You Appropriate?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Wednesday, April 22, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

How Much Will You Appropriate?

Christ completely appropriated every weakness, failure, and need of the human race, so that He could win our battle and open the door for us to completely appropriate His fullness. Whatever you have is determined by your appropriation. Bring down the barriers in your mind, where you have decided, “The promises of God will never happen to me.” Ask largely; you cannot exhaust His unlimited blessings.

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