Audio by John Robert Stevens

Showing 1501–1600 of 3960 results


Nourish The Seed / The Foundation Of Our Salvation

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0719-4R

Nourish The Seed / The Foundation Of Our Salvation, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Tuesday, May 14, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Nourish The Seed

The seed of faith planted within you is nourished by the positive words of faith that you speak. Through your expressions of faith, God can bless what He started in you.

The Foundation Of Our Salvation

Because Christ so completely identified Himself with our human nature, His attributes and nature can be communicated to us. Though He was rich, for our sakes He became poor (II Corinthians 8:9). God’s whole plan for our salvation is based on this principle.

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Ask Largely!

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0719-3R

Ask Largely!, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Van Nuys, CA on Wednesday, April 17, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Ask Largely!

You are the one that determines the size, the shape, the identity, and the density of the package that heaven sends you. Be specific and ask God for great things. Always have a definite goal in God that you are seeking, and desire that objective deeply.

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Walk In Total Victory / Whom The Lord Loves, He Chastens

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0719-2R

Walk In Total Victory / Whom The Lord Loves, He Chastens, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 14, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Walk In Total Victory

Do not settle for anything less than complete fulfillment and total victory in the Lord. Guard your spirit so that it is untouched by circumstances and remains absolutely free to do the will of the Lord.

Whom The Lord Loves, He Chastens

God chastens us and deals with us so that we become His mature sons. Like the process of raw iron being tempered into fine steel, He disciplines us to create Himself in us and to prepare our heart for the future. The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

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Set Your Face Toward Jerusalem / Are You Expecting Too Little?

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0719-1R

Set Your Face Toward Jerusalem / Are You Expecting Too Little?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 7, 1963 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 14, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Set Your Face Toward Jerusalem

Before His crucifixion, Christ set His face toward Jerusalem. He did not look back; He could not be diverted. Each one of us must have that same steadfast courage to walk through the dealings of God as He creates us to be His instruments in the earth.

Are You Expecting Too Little?

Are you anticipating His living presence in your life? Too often, we come to the house of God expecting too little. We believe in progressive change, but we must also believe in those instantaneous miracle endowments of God’s grace that, in a moment’s time, transform us and remove restrictions. Believe in the resurrected Lord who can do abundantly above all you could ask or think.

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The Fruits Of The Spirit Glorify Him

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0609-4R

The Fruits Of The Spirit Glorify Him, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Van Nuys, CA on Wednesday, March 27, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

The Fruits Of The Spirit Glorify Him

God’s ultimate purpose for manifesting the fruits of the Spirit in us is to impart a revelation of His goodness and His glory to the world. This revelation initiates Christ’s second coming.

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Release Your Potential / The Perfect Prayer

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0609-3R

Release Your Potential / The Perfect Prayer, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 3, 1963 and in Northridge, CA on Sunday, March 17, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Release Your Potential

We have with us tremendous endowments of God’s Spirit. The fruits of the Spirit–love, joy, and peace–are the essential elements that are needed to detonate the hidden power of these endowments. Ask God for an impartation of the fruits of the Spirit, for by His grace, they are attainable.

The Perfect Prayer

The perfect, prevailing prayer is rooted within four great principles: 1) a personal relationship with the Lord; 2) a subordination to His sovereignty; 3) a quest for His perfect will; and 4) a reverent demand that our basic needs of hunger, forgiveness, and deliverance be fulfilled. This message is foundational to the prayer life of every believer.

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Seven Principles Of Spiritual Life / The Law Of The Double Portion

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0609-2R

Seven Principles Of Spiritual Life / The Law Of The Double Portion, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 10, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Seven Principles Of Spiritual Life

A successful and enduring spiritual life centers upon the application of seven principles in the believer’s walk with God. This message is essential teaching for the Spirit-filled believer.

The Law Of The Double Portion

The law of the double portion is being fulfilled in these days of the appearings of the Lord, and it includes both the blessings and the judgments of God. This message has great importance for our young people. The service concluded with an exhortation to the Los Angeles churches.

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Forward Faith — Part II / The Faithful One

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0609-1R

Forward Faith — Part II / The Faithful One, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Los Angeles, CA on Wednesday, January 23, 1963 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 24, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Forward Faith — Part II

It is fatal to live in the past. Seek God with a forward faith that looks to the future and believes for great things. This message was originally recorded for release as a radio broadcast, but was never aired.

The Faithful One

Stop being condemned over the seeming insignificance of your life. Your life does not belong to you; it belongs to God. Your only concern must be to seek Him and walk out His will for you. God holds you accountable to be a faithful steward of His will for your life.

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Walk By The Spirit

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0514-4R

Walk By The Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, March 14, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Walk By The Spirit

Laws had to be made to control the flesh and to regulate human nature. However, there is no law against the fruit of the Spirit such as love, joy, and peace. Walk by the spirit (Galatians 5:25), and the handiwork of God will be evident in you.

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A Living Hope / Living Prophecies: He Shall Do It

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0514-3R

A Living Hope / Living Prophecies: He Shall Do It, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 17, 1963 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 24, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

A Living Hope

In our present state as humans, we do not see the end from the beginning. It is for this reason that we are given a living hope, as a substitute to us for what God has in His omniscience. When hope moves in our heart, the things that our faith is believing for begin to take form.

Living Prophecies: He Shall Do It

These living prophecies create the house of God into days of righteousness, strength, and immunity. Open your heart wide to these words, for they are words of the Spirit, a message of the living Christ.

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Our War Is In The Heavenlies

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0514-2R

Our War Is In The Heavenlies, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, February 14, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Our War Is In The Heavenlies

Satan uses many tactics to war against us, but Christ has already defeated him in every arena. Our most effective strategy is to take the offensive by warring with Satan in the heavenly places, where Christ rules and reigns.

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Forward Faith — Part I / The Joy Of Believing

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0514-1R

Forward Faith — Part I / The Joy Of Believing, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Los Angeles, CA on Tuesday, January 22, 1963 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, February 21, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Forward Faith — Part I

Do not base your faith merely upon the experiences of your forefathers. Seek God with a forward faith that looks to the future and believes for great things. This message was originally recorded for release as a radio broadcast, but was never aired.

The Joy Of Believing

Happiness will come and go, but the joy of the Lord is forever. When you believe in God, His joy is instantly imparted to you. It becomes your strength, and it will not abate with circumstances. Claim His joy for your life. It is required for a walk with God.

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Become An Anointed Ministry

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0412-4R

Become An Anointed Ministry, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Van Nuys, CA on Wednesday, February 13, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Become An Anointed Ministry

A gift is an endowment from God. A ministry is a result of the deep work of the cross in a person’s life that culminates in the glory of the Lord resting upon it. This message is basic training for every ministry.

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All Authority In Heaven And Earth

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0412-3R

All Authority In Heaven And Earth, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, February 7, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

All Authority In Heaven And Earth

All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Christ. In these days, Christ’s authority is to be manifested through His Church. How does the Church apply Christ’s authority, so that every satanic force is brought down? How is the Church equipped to minister–with authority–both God’s grace and His wrath? This lesson is the answer!

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Reckon, Resist, And Reach

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0412-2R

Reckon, Resist, And Reach, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, February 5, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Reckon, Resist, And Reach

Active faith that is set to do God’s will is the key to victory in spiritual warfare. When you are actively doing His will, you are choosing the area of conflict and you are no longer in a defensive position. This message helps us become overcomers in spiritual warfare.

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Fervent Love / Psalm 34 / Love Gets Involved

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0315-1R

Fervent Love / Psalm 34 / Love Gets Involved, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Los Angeles, CA circa 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Fervent Love

What was the identifying mark of the early Church that set it apart as being truly the handiwork of God? More than supernatural miracles, it was fervent love and compassion for one another. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Los Angeles, California in January, 1963.

Psalm 34

The 34th Psalm speaks of experiences and blessings that belong to every man of God. Read this Psalm continually to unlock amazing secrets to a happy life. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Los Angeles, California in January, 1963.

Love Gets Involved

God’s love compels you to become involved in the lives of others. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Los Angeles, California in January, 1963

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Are You Without A Dream? / Revive Your Dream

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0315-4R

Are You Without A Dream? / Revive Your Dream, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 10, 1963 and in Northridge, CA on Sunday, March 10, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Are You Without A Dream?

People often cease to dream of the future as they get older. However, Joel prophesies that “your old men shall dream dreams” (Joel 2:28). By the Holy Spirit, inspired dreams are given to the older generation whereby the promises of God–including what eye has not seen nor ear heard–are brought into reality.

Revive Your Dream

Walking with God is impossible without sanctified dreams. Visualize the fulfillment of a specific promise or prophecy. Keep the dream alive, and then it will become a reality in your life.

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The Exceeding Riches Of His Grace

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0315-3R

The Exceeding Riches Of His Grace, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 6, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

The Exceeding Riches Of His Grace

You must never doubt the exceeding greatness of God’s power and the exceeding richness of His grace that He is directing towards you. Your one stumbling block is your carnal mind, with its thinking that is enmity against God.

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Love Means Involvement / Branches That Bear Fruit

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0315-2R

Love Means Involvement / Branches That Bear Fruit, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Los Angeles, CA circa January, 1963 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 13, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Love Means Involvement

Christ’s insistence is that our love for Him includes our involvement and participation in the lives of others. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Los Angeles, California in January, 1963.

Branches That Bear Fruit

God is the Vine; we His branches. Abide in Him, so that the divine creative sap can produce great fruitfulness and effectiveness through you.

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Once For All Time / Your Spiritual Armor

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0224-4R

Once For All Time / Your Spiritual Armor, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 6, 1963 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 13, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Once For All Time

If you could fully realize how final and complete was the provision that God made for you, then you would no longer pray as a beggar. Rejoice in His perfect provision, but lament over how you have not appropriated it more quickly.

Your Spiritual Armor

This message reveals all the elements of the spiritual armor that enables the believer to overcome spiritual warfare.

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Dedicated To Serve And Be Served / Wash One Another’s Feet

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0224-3R

Dedicated To Serve And Be Served / Wash One Another’s Feet, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 23, 1962 and in Van Nuys, CA on Thursday, December 27, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Dedicated To Serve And Be Served

Christ washed His disciples’ feet out of His deep love for them and a revelation of His own authority. He is an example to us of how even the greatest ministries must humble themselves to serve and be served; for there is no authority without humility.

Wash One Another’s Feet

In the Body of Christ, there will never be a self-sufficient ministry. The more authority you have, the more responsible you are to minister to your brother and the more you have need of his ministry.

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Be Grateful / Do You Appreciate Him?

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0224-2R

Be Grateful / Do You Appreciate Him?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 18, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Be Grateful

It is the natural drift of human nature to take for granted our blessings and our privileges. If you cry to God with a need and He answers, Will you return to Him in thanksgiving? Will you be grateful for what God has made available to you and for the blessings yet to come? Do not fail to appreciate the hand of God in your life, but learn, in all things, to be thankful.

Do You Appreciate Him?

The Lord has poured out too much of His love, grace, and blessing on us for our hearts to not respond in zealous thanksgiving and praise. Let us have a fresh appreciation for His great blessing lest we look back and say, “We had something great, but we lost it.”

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The Heavenly Chorus Of Divine Graces / Oneness Through Diversity

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0224-1R

The Heavenly Chorus Of Divine Graces / Oneness Through Diversity, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 11, 1962 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 18, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

The Heavenly Chorus Of Divine Graces

In II Peter chapter 1, verses 1 through 11, eight successive stages of the divine nature are described. This Word reveals the practical course of action that will bring you into each stage, until every element of the divine nature rings like a heavenly chorus within you.

Oneness Through Diversity

Each person has a unique, special endowment of God resting upon them, and it is this diversity that creates oneness in the Body. By virtue of our diversity, God forces us to become one out of our need for each other.

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A Roadmap Through The Dealings Of God

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0114-4R

A Roadmap Through The Dealings Of God, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, November 8, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

A Roadmap Through The Dealings Of God

Has God been pushing you lately? He is creating circumstances that drive you further into Himself and into an appropriation of greater faith. Allow the pressures in your life to bring you to an end of yourself so that you may have deliverance and be consecrated to the Lord.

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They Sought God In Unconventional Ways

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0114-3R

They Sought God In Unconventional Ways, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 4, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

They Sought God In Unconventional Ways

Jacob deceived his father in order to usurp his brother’s birthright, Hosea the prophet married a harlot, and Noah built a boat on a mountain. If you are going to wholeheartedly pursue the will of God for your life, then conformity and conventions can no longer apply.

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Develop Your Unlimited Potential

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0114-2R

Develop Your Unlimited Potential, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, November 1, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Develop Your Unlimited Potential

We are born of an incorruptible seed; therefore, there are no limitations on how much we can become in the Lord. This message expounds upon five progressive factors that are the essence of our infinite spiritual growth and development.

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Be A Pilgrim Spirit

Out of Print

Release #: 2005-0114-1R

Be A Pilgrim Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Van Nuys, CA on Wednesday, October 31, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Be A Pilgrim Spirit

A pilgrim spirit never settles for what it has already received, but it continually strives to move into more of God. We will not build ourselves a fixed abode, nor count our lives worth more than the joy set before us as we follow Him. With a pilgrim spirit, we set no limit to our horizons and we are prepared to believe even what God has yet to reveal to us.

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Why We Celebrate The Feasts

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1221-4R

Why We Celebrate The Feasts, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Van Nuys, CA on Wednesday, October 10, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Why We Celebrate The Feasts

In this message, the seven scriptural Feasts are explained, with particular emphasis on the spiritual significance of the Feast Of Tabernacles. We yearn to experience the fulfillment of the Feast Of Tabernacles, in which the fulness of God the Father indwells our earthly body and the glory of His presence once again fills His Church.

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Choose Freedom Or Bondage / Audacious Anticipation

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1221-3R

Choose Freedom Or Bondage / Audacious Anticipation, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 7, 1962 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 14, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Choose Freedom Or Bondage

The immature son lives according to legalism, which gives the appearance of being spiritual. Whereas, the mature son lives by grace and looks to God, his Father, to impute His righteousness to him and for the Holy Spirit to govern his life. As heirs of the Kingdom of God, we must choose between the freedom of grace of the bondage of legalism.

Audacious Anticipation

In this day of the latter rain, too many of us are content. What do you want from the Lord? Ask, for there is nothing too difficult for Him. We must have audacious anticipation to receive abundantly above all that we can ask or think.

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Labor To Enter His Rest

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1221-2R

Labor To Enter His Rest, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Van Nuys, CA on Thursday, October 4, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Labor To Enter His Rest

What does it mean to “enter the rest of the Lord” (Hebrews 4)? It means that you actively, aggressively serve God out of the holy relationship of your spirit with the Lord. It means that the Word of God in your life has severed the ability of your soul nature to govern and dominate you, and you have ceased from dead works that are born out of the soul realm. When you enter His rest, your soul and your body are brought into subjection to the drive of your spirit to do His will the way He chooses.

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Lord, Teach Us To Fear You / Thy Will Be Done

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1221-1R

Lord, Teach Us To Fear You / Thy Will Be Done, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 23, 1962 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 30, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Lord, Teach Us To Fear You

The fear of God is not passive reverence. The fear of the Lord will drive you to cry unto Him with everything within you. It will stir you to a fiery hunger after righteousness. In this day of frozen emotions, do you have the courage to feel the fear of the Lord?

Thy Will Be Done

The will of God does not consist of certain acts, but it is a relationship to Him in which you make Him your habitation.

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The Redemption Of Your Physical Body / Hunger! Thirst!

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1122-4R

The Redemption Of Your Physical Body / Hunger! Thirst!, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 16, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

The Redemption Of Your Physical Body

When you allow Christ to dwell within you, your spirit is made alive to God, and then your soul is saved through the process of salvation. The physical body, however, continues to be Satan’s battleground and it is the last realm to be redeemed to God. This Word reveals the answer for how the salvation of Christ can reach through your entire being, even to the redemption of your body.

Hunger! Thirst!

A yearning hunger for God–a rare quality in few believers–is only satisfied when you believe Him and drink of His Spirit. Then, rivers of living water will fill you and flow through you. Allow the impartation of this Word to flame your hunger for God, until it becomes a mighty furnace burning within you.

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Walk Unselfishly / Launch Into The Depths Of God

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1122-3R

Walk Unselfishly / Launch Into The Depths Of God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 9, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Walk Unselfishly

Do not seek your own place; do not think of yourself too much. Instead, walk unselfishly, be concerned about the Body of Christ, and set your heart to serve others. Then you will find your ministry and the will of God for your life.

Launch Into The Depths Of God

When we commune with the Lord, we gain the motivating love that will produce the works that God wants from us. Through His love for us, we have faith to launch ourselves into the deep where there is nothing to sustain us but our revelation of Him. Spiritual immaturity loves shallow water. As mature sons, however, we recklessly abandon our limitations and answer the call of the deep.

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Expect Amazing Answers To Prayer / It’s Time To Get Involved!

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1122-2R

Expect Amazing Answers To Prayer / It’s Time To Get Involved!, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Los Angeles, CA on Thursday, July 5, 1962 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 22, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Expect Amazing Answers To Prayer

Expect the Lord to answer your prayer abundantly above all that you can ask or think. Then, be prepared to accept all that His moving entails. This message was originally recorded for release as a radio broadcast, but was never aired. This message is another version of “Amazing Answers To Prayer” that was printed in the book, Sparks From The Altar.

It’s Time To Get Involved!

Our human hearts are incapable of loving every man, but we can be a reflection of the Lord’s compassion. As we love the Lord with all our heart, we are compelled to get involved with the needs and burdens of our brother. We become God’s instrument to love His people. Do you love the Lord? It is time to get involved!

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The Power Of Spiritual Relationships / Revive God’s Power

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1122-1R

The Power Of Spiritual Relationships / Revive God’s Power, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, June 22, 1962 and in Los Angeles, CA on Monday, July 2, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

The Power Of Spiritual Relationships

Spiritual relationships are created by a Word from God and they are based on love, obedience and submission. The relationship between Christ and His mother Mary is an example for us of the spiritual-level relationships that God wants to create in the Body of Christ. Spiritual-level relationships are more powerful than any human-level relationship ever could be.

Revive God’s Power

The tragedy of Stephen’s death and the devastation of Saul’s persecutions against the Church did not dampen Philip’s drive to proclaim Christ. Philip’s fervent ministry of the Word of God, as described in Acts chapter 8, gives the Church today a pattern for reviving the power of God’s moving. This message was originally recorded for release as a radio broadcast, but was never aired.

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Dedicated To Worship The Lord / The Courage To Live For God

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1019-4R

Dedicated To Worship The Lord / The Courage To Live For God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA in September, 1962 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 2, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Dedicated To Worship The Lord

The foundation of this walk with God, more than anything else, is to be a people of worship who hunger to stand in the presence of the Lord.

The Courage To Live For God

Love is the motivating force behind the greatest heroism in the world. Likewise, the courage and boldness to do God’s will in the earth comes out of our love for Him. Give free course to that tremendous love and let it give birth to the courage to live for God.

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We Are In The Days Of His Presence

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1019-3R

We Are In The Days Of His Presence, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 12, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

We Are In The Days Of His Presence

Christ first appeared in one man, and was despised and rejected. Now, He is coming again as the head of His many-membered Body, to be admired and glorified in all who believe. We are living in the days of His Parousia, the times of His presence in the earth again.

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Communion Meditation: Children In The Market / A Living Prophecy: Prepare Thyself / God’s Love Is Beyond Understanding

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1019-2R

Communion Meditation: Children In The Market / A Living Prophecy: Prepare Thyself / God’s Love Is Beyond Understanding, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 22, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Communion Meditation: Children In The Market

“Whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the market…” (Matthew 11:16). This parable epitomizes the reaction of every generation throughout history to the Word and the appearings of the Lord in their time. The only response that keeps a generation in step with what God is doing is their resolve and decision to move on with God, through times of joy or mourning.

A Living Prophecy: Prepare Thyself

Let there be a resolution this day in the house of the Lord. Purpose in your heart to bless the children, and with a humble heart, to receive the Word that you might be prepared for the changes that are coming to this house. This is a living prophecy.

God’s Love Is Beyond Understanding

Divine, agape love that God puts in us gives us our spiritual eyesight and equips us with the faculty to receive revelation from Him. God’s love is beyond understanding. What is the only thing we can give Him and repay Him and do for Him, like with like? He loves us, and we can love Him.

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“I Cannot Judge Myself” / Our Revelation Of His Fullness

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-1019-1R

“I Cannot Judge Myself” / Our Revelation Of His Fullness, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 17, 1962 and in Washington, IA on Thursday, June 21, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

“I Cannot Judge Myself”

In this message, John shares with us how the Lord has been dealing with him the past week and the vision of the Apostle Paul that he experienced. The apostolic ministry that God is creating today must have a humility to serve, a faith to shake off the satanic viper, and a trust that God will finish the work He has begun within him.

Our Revelation Of His Fullness

Any legalism in your mind must die because it breeds self-condemnation. God’s grace, not the law, is the answer to your need. Keep a focus on a revelation of the Lord because, if you see Him as He is, you will be just like Him.

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The Compelling Force Of Love / Be Involved, Not Removed

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0911-4R

The Compelling Force Of Love / Be Involved, Not Removed, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 8, 1962 and in Washington, IA on Monday, July 9, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

The Compelling Force Of Love

Grace and love work opposite things in your life. Grace sets you free; love makes you a slave. Grace cancels all debts and obligations; love is a compelling, constraining force that drives you to complete the work He has set before you to do. God is so endowing us with His love that we will compel men’s hearts to the Lord.

Be Involved, Not Removed

Christ’s prayer is not for us to escape from the world (John 17:15), but that we be a challenging force to wickedness and evil. We are to be involved in the earth, manifesting Him and His testimony. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Washington, Iowa on July 9, 1962.

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Make A Place For The Word / The Secret Of True Happiness / A More Excellent Way

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0911-3R

Make A Place For The Word / The Secret Of True Happiness / A More Excellent Way, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, July 6, 1962, in Washington, IA on Saturday, July 7, 1962, and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 5, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Make A Place For The Word

If you feed on the richness of God’s Word, your spirit will have the food it needs. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Washington, Iowa on July 6, 1962.

The Secret Of True Happiness

Happiness is not created by circumstances or external things, but through the blessedness of serving. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Washington, Iowa on July 7, 1962.

A More Excellent Way

The fullness of God, the Father, is to dwell within us as it did within the Lord Jesus Christ. With the restoration of the gifts, miracles, signs and wonders, we must have the quality of love that breaks the heart of the world and that reaches out and brings a revelation of God’s love and His power. Now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love (I Corinthians 13:13). This is a more excellent way.

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The Restoration — Part II / The Restoration — Part III / The Restoration — Part IV

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0911-2R

The Restoration — Part II / The Restoration — Part III / The Restoration — Part IV, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Sunday, June 24, 1962, in Washington, IA on Monday, June 25, 1962, and in Washington, IA on Tuesday, June 26, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

The Restoration — Part II

The Church that God is restoring will be more than adequate to overcome the power of sin and Satan, and all the great world systems of Babylon. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Washington, Iowa on June 24, 1962.

The Restoration — Part III

We are living in a dispensational time when God is refining and purifying the priesthood of God, as prophesied and foreseen by Malachi. God is bringing spiritual restoration to His people so that their worship and their service to Him is as pure and perfect as in the days of old. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Washington, Iowa on June 25, 1962.

The Restoration — Part IV

In James chapter 5, the coming of the Lord is likened unto a husbandman who waits for the early and latter rain to mature the precious fruit of the vineyard. The Lord patiently delays His return, as the progressive outpouring of the Holy Spirit–the latter rain–restores His Church into full maturity, without spot or wrinkle. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Washington, Iowa on June 26, 1962.

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Rooted And Grounded In Love / The Restoration — Part I

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0911-1R

Rooted And Grounded In Love / The Restoration — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, June 14, 1962 and in Washington, IA on Friday, June 22, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Rooted And Grounded In Love

The strength and motivation to live in the Spirit, to overcome oppressions, and to continue moving forward in God’s will comes only from a revelation of the love of Christ. We must be rooted and grounded in the love of Christ, a love that surpasses all understanding in both its constraining and motivating force.

The Restoration — Part I

The church, the power of God, and the experiences of God are being restored in this day. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Washington, Iowa on June 22, 1962.

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Endowed With The Love Of God / Six Steps To Becoming A Ministry

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0818-4R

Endowed With The Love Of God / Six Steps To Becoming A Ministry, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 10, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Endowed With The Love Of God

In the end time, the power and signs of Satan will be very great and, if it were possible, would deceive the very elect. However, before the Lord Himself returns, a tremendous endowment of the love of God will be poured upon His Church. As the Church flows in the love of God, it becomes the revelation of Christ to the world that dispels all darkness.

Six Steps To Becoming A Ministry

This message identifies six steps for every believer in the Body of Christ to walk in their ministry. First, accept God’s calling on your life, then, anticipate, appropriate, assume, act on, and stand accountable for that ministry. These steps are an endless cycle that will continually guide you through your ever-expanding ministry.

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God’s Attributes Are In His Word / Boldness And Confidence To Move In God

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0818-3R

God’s Attributes Are In His Word / Boldness And Confidence To Move In God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 20, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

God’s Attributes Are In His Word

It is impossible for man to express the fullness of his personality without speech. In the same way, there is a close parallel between the attributes of God and the attributes of His Word. God has impregnated His Word with His very nature, until He and His Word are one.

Boldness And Confidence To Move In God

A boldness and confidence to move in the ministry God has given you brings some very definite rewards. Even so, why do we lack confidence and faith to move in God? In this ministries’ training message, the problems that lead to fearfulness and withdrawal are exposed, along with a solution for each one of them.

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Appropriate The Finished Provision / Manifestations Of Divine Love

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0818-1R

Appropriate The Finished Provision / Manifestations Of Divine Love, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 15, 1962 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 3, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Appropriate The Finished Provision

We must never be stymied by the limitations of our human nature. The finished provision of Jesus Christ is available, but it is an actual experience only to those who have the faith to appropriate it. Through Christ’s provision, the attributes of God are imparted to us.

Manifestations Of Divine Love

Divine love is coming forth within the Body of Christ. Love is the capstone that allows the gifts of the Spirit to operate. This word describes several aspects and manifestations of divine love.

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The Unfathomable Love Of Christ / How To Serve God Under Pressure

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0721-4R

The Unfathomable Love Of Christ / How To Serve God Under Pressure, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 6, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

The Unfathomable Love Of Christ

The love and compassion of Christ towards us is beyond our comprehension. Through His love for us, God takes everything that is set for our destruction and makes it work for our good. We cannot earn it; He loved us while we were yet sinners.

How To Serve God Under Pressure

Incredible blessings are produced in the life of a person who learns to serve God under spiritual, physical, and mental pressure. This message is essential training for all of God’s ministries.

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Be A Channel Of Christ’s Intercession / Five Steps To Fulfill God’s Will

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0721-3R

Be A Channel Of Christ’s Intercession / Five Steps To Fulfill God’s Will, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 29, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Be A Channel Of Christ’s Intercession

Open your spirit to be a channel for the intercessory groanings of the Holy Spirit within you and for the intercession of Christ, Who is seated at the right hand of the Father on your behalf. This is the key to appropriating into your life the reality of God’s complete provision for you.

Five Steps To Fulfill God’s Will

These are the days in which God said He would move by His Spirit. Be alert, therefore, and dare to step out in the will of God over your life lest the opportunity pass you by and your destiny lie unfulfilled. This message presents a five-step plan of action. Your initiative is all that is required.

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The Eight Miracles Of Christ’s Death / Make A Plan To Fulfill His Will

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0721-2R

The Eight Miracles Of Christ’s Death / Make A Plan To Fulfill His Will, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 22, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

The Eight Miracles Of Christ’s Death

Each of the eight supernatural miracles that the Father brought forth during the hours of Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection give tremendous witness and testimony to what His Son accomplished. This Word is a study of these miracles and their purposes.

Make A Plan To Fulfill His Will

Hunger after the Lord, and merge your goals for your life with His will for you. Build up a drive and hunger in you that you will have fulfillment of your goals and His will, no matter what the price. Then, make a plan with specific steps that you will accomplish every day, every month, and every year.

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Our Great High Priest — Lesson 2 / Our Great High Priest — Lesson 3

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0721-1R

Our Great High Priest — Lesson 2 / Our Great High Priest — Lesson 3, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 25, 1962 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 1, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Our Great High Priest — Lesson 2

Jesus Christ, even in His glorified body, will retain His humanity throughout eternity. In fact, it is on the basis of His humanity that He is our mediator who can plead our case and justify us before the Father. He is our open door by which we can relate to the Father.

Our Great High Priest — Lesson 3

Christ was a man, limited as we are. He took upon Himself our humanity, and through His sacrifice, cleansed us of our sin and gave us access to the Father. Therefore, be faithful to assemble together and believe on His provision, lest you fall into the hands of the living God and miss the great blessings He has for you.

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Our Great High Priest — Lesson 1 / Redeem Your Time

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0612-4R

Our Great High Priest — Lesson 1 / Redeem Your Time, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 18, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Our Great High Priest — Lesson 1

Christ shed His deity and immersed Himself into all the trials and tribulations of being human. Through His victory on the cross, He opened the door for many more sons to share in His glory at the right hand of the Father. This simple, powerful message on our redemption clarifies, once and for all, God’s ultimate destiny for us.

Redeem Your Time

This message contains practical steps for effectively utilizing your time so that you live every single day disciplined and dedicated unto the Lord, fulfilling the destiny God has for you. Do not waste time.

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The Prayer Of The Mature Believer / Light Produces Light

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0612-2R

The Prayer Of The Mature Believer / Light Produces Light, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Van Nuys, CA on Thursday, February 8, 1962 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 18, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

The Prayer Of The Mature Believer

The mature believer prays with a focus on creating the will of God in a situation. The immature believer prays with a concern over circumstances and problems. This Word opens the door for maturity in our prayer life.

Light Produces Light

You have a flesh nature and a spiritual nature. The nature you choose to feed is the nature you will produce. If you make the Lord Jesus Christ your environment and His Word the food on which you live, then you will become like Him.

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Live As A Child Of The King / His Word, Our Reality

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0612-1R

Live As A Child Of The King / His Word, Our Reality, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Van Nuys, CA on Tuesday, January 30, 1962 and in Van Nuys, CA on Thursday, February 1, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

Live As A Child Of The King

Lay aside sorrow, melancholy, pessimism and fearfulness that freezes you in unbelief. Put on God’s cheerfulness, joy and vigor, and live wholeheartedly with anticipation and faith. As a child of the King, this is the posture your heart must have.

His Word, Our Reality

When the assault of Satan is upon us, we need only to believe in the completeness of what the Lord has done for us. No matter the appearance of circumstances, what God speaks is our reality.

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The Song Of Eternity / Draw Nigh To Him

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0519-4R

The Song Of Eternity / Draw Nigh To Him, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Tuesday, December 26, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 28, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

The Song Of Eternity

Call upon the Lord, and He will lift you out of the miry clay. He will give you a new song: the song of eternity. This message was originally a radio broadcast, aired in Washington, Iowa on December 26, 1961.

Draw Nigh To Him

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). The initiative to take the first step toward God is our responsibility. In response to our first step, He takes two steps towards us and reveals Himself as our helper and provider.

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Minister To The Lord In Prayer / Do You Want An Ishmael Or An Isaac?

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0519-3R

Minister To The Lord In Prayer / Do You Want An Ishmael Or An Isaac?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 26, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 10, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Minister To The Lord In Prayer

Prayer is the answer to the seven great problems of a believer’s ministry. Minister to the Lord in prayer, seek His will for your life, and seek His grace. For the Lord will guide you and enable you to do that which is set before you, and you will do it.

Do You Want An Ishmael Or An Isaac?

A walk with God is not about appearing religious or pious, and it does not depend on our shortcomings or our weaknesses. It is about our attitude of heart toward Him. Believe God and His Word, and He will call you His friend and count your faith as righteousness.

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The Outcome Of Prayer / The Ministry Of Continual Prayer

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0519-2R

The Outcome Of Prayer / The Ministry Of Continual Prayer, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 12, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 19, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Outcome Of Prayer

God intends to do more through prayer than you anticipate. As you dedicate yourself to prayer, God will lead you beyond your experience and beyond your understanding. Through prayer, He will impart faith to you that enables you to anticipate miracles.

The Ministry Of Continual Prayer

Prayer manifests and actuates the authority of Christ. In order to move effectively in God, every ministry in the house of the Lord is dependent upon the continual, fervent prayer of the saints.

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The Keys Of Life And Death / Prayer Must Become A Way Of Life

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0519-1R

The Keys Of Life And Death / Prayer Must Become A Way Of Life, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 5, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Keys Of Life And Death

God wants us to be immortal and to live forever, but without the sin nature in us that we inherited through the disobedience of Satan. Put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ so that you will partake of His righteousness. We are changed from glory to glory as we behold Him.

Prayer Must Become A Way Of Life

Prayer is the highest principle in God’s creation. It is the channel by which He brings His will into the earth. As a Christian, prayer should not be an occasional intercession; it must become a way of life.

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A Healthy Mind — Lesson 2 / A Healthy Mind — Lesson 3

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0427-4R

A Healthy Mind — Lesson 2 / A Healthy Mind — Lesson 3, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 29, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 5, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

A Healthy Mind — Lesson 2

The scriptures contain many principles that teach us how to take care of our emotional and mental health. Our ignorance of the Word of God and our failure to live by its teachings are usually the basis of our problems–mentally, physically, and spiritually.

A Healthy Mind — Lesson 3

This message expands on the final five points on how to maintain the health of your mind and emotions.

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A Healthy Mind — Lesson 1 / What Is A Christian?

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0427-3R

A Healthy Mind — Lesson 1 / What Is A Christian?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 15, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 22, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

A Healthy Mind — Lesson 1

This message contains seven practical steps for preventing spiritual starvation that leads to emotional tension and mental problems.

What Is A Christian?

A Christian is not a man who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ in an effort to better himself. Rather, a true Christian is one who submits to God’s initiative to work in him a change of nature, so that he becomes a living epistle showing forth the life of Christ.

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The Purpose Of The Scriptures / Life’s Most Important Questions

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0427-2R

The Purpose Of The Scriptures / Life’s Most Important Questions, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 15, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Purpose Of The Scriptures

God is not concerned about revealing a factual understanding of the scriptures. He wants to reveal Himself to you in the scriptures, through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is the basic purpose and function of the scriptures.

Life’s Most Important Questions

What do you want? Can you pay the price? What is your price? Your answers to these questions determine how much you will fulfill the will of God for your life.

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Walk In The Peace Of The Lord / Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part IV

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0427-1R

Walk In The Peace Of The Lord / Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part IV, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, September 8, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 10, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Walk In The Peace Of The Lord

One of the greatest promises and blessings to be visited upon God’s people is the peace and the rest of the Lord. Appropriate it through your walk with Him and not through your own efforts, lest you become a victim of this age.

Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part IV

God enables us to face tribulation with faith, bypass any circumstance, and avoid offense when we give ourselves completely to His Word. This message concludes a series of teachings on Psalm 119.

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The Prayers That God Answers / Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part III / Prayer: It’s A Way Of Life

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0327-4R

The Prayers That God Answers / Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part III / Prayer: It’s A Way Of Life, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, September 1, 1961, in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 3, 1961, and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 3, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Prayers That God Answers

God only answers the prayers that He hears, and He only hears the prayers that are born of the Spirit according to His will. True effective prayer originates in the heart of the Father, rather than in your own spirit.

Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part III

This is the third of several messages that explicate Psalm 119. Hunger after God’s Word with all your heart and become addicted to it, that you may live by a Word that gives you wisdom, light, refuge and surety.

Prayer: It’s A Way Of Life

Prayer is the constant set of your will to believe in the Lord, to wait on Him, and to live in His presence. Discipline yourself to live in prayer and stubbornly refuse unbelief. Then, God will give you the desires of your heart and your life will be filled with answered prayer.

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Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part I / Kindness

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0327-3R

Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part I / Kindness, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 20, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Friday, August 25, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part I

In each paragraph of the 119th Psalm, God unfolds an aspect of His Word and its relationship to our lives. This message is the first of several that studies the 119th Psalm, revealing a knowledge of the Word that is the basis of our faith.


God is seeking an expression for His kindness. He wants you to be kind. Kindness is the divine oil and lubricant that allows Body ministry to operate. In this message, John gives several illustrations of kindness from the Scriptures.

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Abound In His Grace / How To Overcome Stress

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0327-2R

Abound In His Grace / How To Overcome Stress, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 21, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 23, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Abound In His Grace

The grace of God is the most profound, wonderful principle of God’s nature that has ever been uncovered. As you give yourself to Him without reservation, with a ready and willing heart, His grace opens up to you, and He enables you to do whatever you have purposed in your heart. Continue to give yourself to Him, and He will cause all grace to abound toward you.

How To Overcome Stress

We live with continual stress that is ever increasing. Pass your burdens onto the Lord. Set your mind on Him and be devoted to the one best thing God has for your life. With Him as your focus, you will not fall into discouragement or be destroyed by the oppression of stress.

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Your Faith Must Be A Decision / A Picture Of Our Salvation

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0327-1R

Your Faith Must Be A Decision / A Picture Of Our Salvation, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Van Nuys, CA on Thursday, April 27, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, May 17, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Your Faith Must Be A Decision

God is the author and the finisher of your faith. Make an irrevocable decision of faith to follow Him. Believe in Him without reservation. With that faith, God changes the course of your future and resurrects the promises that died.

A Picture Of Our Salvation

This exposition of Isaiah chapters 52 and 53 is a beautiful picture of the work of salvation that Christ wrought on the cross. To the degree that Christ assumed the guilt of man and suffered, to that extent can mankind assume His innocence and enter into His glory. If Christ came into the world to become sin for you, then you have come into His Kingdom to become the righteousness of God.

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The Lawyer And The Samaritan / Put On The Armor Of God

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0225-4R

The Lawyer And The Samaritan / Put On The Armor Of God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 7, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Lawyer And The Samaritan

This Sunday School lesson contains a revelation of Christ’s ministry of deliverance, a prophecy on faith, and a teaching on the relationship between God’s grace and our praise towards Him.

Put On The Armor Of God

The armor of God makes you invincible so that the enemy cannot restrict or limit the flow of God to you. This Word contains keys to becoming more than a conqueror and to manifesting His victory in your life.

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Effective Leadership In Our Services / The Celestial Physical Body

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0225-3R

Effective Leadership In Our Services / The Celestial Physical Body, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, May 5, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 14, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Effective Leadership In Our Services

This two-part Bible School session gives guidelines on how to bring sermons and how to take care of your physical body so that you can be an effective ministry.

The Celestial Physical Body

The abundant mysteries of God’s creation are greater than we can imagine and beyond our understanding. One of these mysteries is the glorified body of Jesus Christ, which we too will inherit. In this Word, John delves into the scriptures and begins to reveal this great mystery.

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A Lesson On Prophecy, Perception, And Sermon Preparation

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0225-2R

A Lesson On Prophecy, Perception, And Sermon Preparation, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, May 2, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

A Lesson On Prophecy, Perception, And Sermon Preparation

In this Bible School session, instructions are given on prophetic utterance and spiritual perception. Various types of sermons and the purpose for each one are described. John also establishes the great importance of delivering a message from God through proper preparation and revelation.

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The Power Of Imitation / A Lesson On Leading Worship / Ministering Angels

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0225-1R

The Power Of Imitation / A Lesson On Leading Worship / Ministering Angels, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 16, 1961, in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, April 18, 1961, and in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, May 3, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Power Of Imitation

We must activate the power of imitation. Be an imitator of the ministries that God has produced because that imitation will release and activate your faith. Spiritual maturity is produced by actual practice of the gifts of the spirit, not by theory.

A Lesson On Leading Worship

In this Bible School session, John gives some practical instructions on how to lead a worship service.

Ministering Angels

Throughout history, there have been innumerable companies of angels who have been active in every event that unfolded our salvation, as well as in the great deliverances created out of times of crisis. When you pray, a host of angels is loosed, greater than anything that the enemy could bring against you.

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God’s Jealous Demands / The Principle Of Emptiness

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0112-1R

God’s Jealous Demands / The Principle Of Emptiness, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 5, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 12, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

God’s Jealous Demands

Our God is a jealous God. He wants you to serve Him with all of your heart, soul, and mind. This means that the Lord’s demands on you exceed anything else and that He is to be served at any price.

The Principle Of Emptiness

The principle of emptiness helps us to understand that the riches of the spirit will never be diminished by giving them away. Never send a person away empty-handed, either spiritually or materially, and never come into God’s presence with your hands empty of the continual praise that pleases Him.

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Created In The Image Of God / We Will Be A House Of Prayer

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0112-4R

Created In The Image Of God / We Will Be A House Of Prayer, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 29, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Created In The Image Of God

This expository message on Genesis chapters 1 and 2 reveals what it means to have been made in the image of God. Now, we know ourselves as children of God, but as we mature, we become re-created in His image; and in that ultimate place of maturity, we have eternal life.

We Will Be A House Of Prayer

We must be a people of prayer, with one focus: to glorify the Lord. Prayer must be for the greater glory of God, not just for the alleviation of our circumstances. This message includes specific instructions on how to have an effective prayer service.

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Lead With A Right Spirit / All Authority Is In Christ / Beyond The First Installment

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0112-3R

Lead With A Right Spirit / All Authority Is In Christ / Beyond The First Installment, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, April 4, 1961, in South Gate, CA on Friday, April 7, 1961, and in South Gate, CA on Friday, April 14, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Lead With A Right Spirit

As a leader, you must reflect the spirit that you want the people to manifest. In this Bible School session, John talks about his own reaction to being expelled from the Assemblies Of God church.

All Authority Is In Christ

All authority is in Christ. By the blood of Jesus Christ, claim dominion over the powers of Satan

Beyond The First Installment

We have received the Holy Spirit in gradual, successive experiences. We must not give undue emphasis to one experience, but have faith to receive fulness of the Holy Spirit.

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We Will Be His Eternal Worshipers / Let The Holy Spirit Lead Our Services

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0112-2R

We Will Be His Eternal Worshipers / Let The Holy Spirit Lead Our Services, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, March 29, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Friday, March 31, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

We Will Be His Eternal Worshipers

God is trying to produce a worship that will come from the heart of His creatures in spite of every circumstance and limitation upon their understanding, a worship that will please Him for eternity. In a flow of prophecy, John speaks of the great joy that we, as a redeemed and anointed people, will know in our continual worship to the Lord.

Let The Holy Spirit Lead Our Services

In this Bible School session, John lays out the importance of the leading of the Holy Spirit in a New Testament church service and in the interpretation of the scriptures. Without the Holy Spirit, we are a slave to the old order of interpreting the Word, and we miss everything that God is doing. With the leading of the Holy Spirit, our services are fresh and alive. This message is based upon Lesson 14, “Leading the Worship Service,” from the study manual Worship.

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Attitudes Of Heart That God Expects / Christ’s Dual Lordship / Assimilate What He Is

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1222-4R

Attitudes Of Heart That God Expects / Christ’s Dual Lordship / Assimilate What He Is, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 19, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Attitudes Of Heart That God Expects

The Lord wants us to have certain attitudes towards each other and towards Him. We must have an attitude of carefulness so that we do not stumble our brother; of faithfulness so that we rebuke him when he sins; and of forgiveness, which is the key to the New Testament church. Towards the Lord, we must have an attitude of faith, submissive dedication, and thanksgiving, so that God’s blessings are not shut off from us.

Christ’s Dual Lordship

There are two areas of the Lordship of Christ: His Lordship over everything in heaven and earth; and His specific Lordship over His Body, the Church. As the Body of Christ deepens her submission to Christ as Lord, then there will be greater manifestations of His headship over all kingdoms, principalities, and powers.

Assimilate What He Is

We must come to the Communion table with the realization that we can appropriate and assimilate the life of Christ–His nature, His attributes, and His wisdom–as we voluntarily surrender our life to Him.

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John’s Favorite Bible Reference Books

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1222-3R

John’s Favorite Bible Reference Books, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, February 28, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

John’s Favorite Bible Reference Books

Hear John’s heart and his love for the Word as you listen to this fascinating commentary in which John describes his favorite Bible reference books.

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A Lesson In Leading A Church Service / Malachi: God’s Questions And Answers

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1222-2R

A Lesson In Leading A Church Service / Malachi: God’s Questions And Answers, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, January 27, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

A Lesson In Leading A Church Service

In this Bible School session, several very practical guidelines are given for leading a New Testament church service. An effective leader is unobtrusive, yet moves with faith and boldness under the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Malachi: God’s Questions And Answers

The book of Malachi is an account of questions and answers between Israel and God. This message is the last in the Bible Book By Book series.

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Cultivate Perception And Etiquette / You Belong To God

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1222-1R

Cultivate Perception And Etiquette / You Belong To God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, January 17, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, January 18, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Cultivate Perception And Etiquette

In this Bible School session, John expresses his burden for the ministries to come forth and move into action in evangelism, delivery of sermons, and ministry to the people. Spiritual perception and the etiquette of being an oracle of the Word must be developed and exercised until they become a way of life. This message is based upon points #8-10 in Lesson 22, “Ten Steps To Spiritual Perception,” from the School of Prophets, Series 22.

You Belong To God

You were purchased by God with the blood of Christ. As His property, you must make His will and His Kingdom your priority.

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Command Yourself To Worship Him / The Purpose Of His Chastenings

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1117-4R

Command Yourself To Worship Him / The Purpose Of His Chastenings, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, March 17, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, March 21, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Command Yourself To Worship Him

God is bringing to an end the rebellion and inner conflict within our spirits that hinders our worship of Him. In this Bible School session, John gives the first practical instructions on how to command everything within us to worship the Lord.

The Purpose Of His Chastenings

The Lord chastens every true son. Therefore, rejoice as you partake of His sufferings, knowing that He is able to finish the perfect work that He began in you.

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Living Prophecies: Greater Things To Come / The Responsibility Of Forgiveness

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1117-3R

Living Prophecies: Greater Things To Come / The Responsibility Of Forgiveness, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, March 14, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, March 15, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Living Prophecies: Greater Things To Come

In this Bible School session, John prophesies great things to be done in the earth, wrought by the glory of God and accomplished by the weak and humble ones who are wholly yielded into His hand.

The Responsibility Of Forgiveness

God paid a great price to forgive our sins when He gave up His only begotten Son and assumed responsibility for our offenses. Likewise, we must be responsible to pay a price in forgiving one another. We cannot truly worship God unless we have a forgiving spirit, free of hostility. This message came during a Bible School session.

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God’s Will For Evangelism / “As For Me…” / Seek God’s Wisdom

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1117-2R

God’s Will For Evangelism / “As For Me…” / Seek God’s Wisdom, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 5, 1961, in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 5, 1961, and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 19, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

God’s Will For Evangelism

In the evangelism that the Lord wants in this hour, He gives us the words to say to every needy man that comes to us. God wants us to be the channels and agents of the destiny He had planned before the foundation of the world for that person.

“As For Me…”

How should I react if I have been betrayed or am ridiculed by others? As David declared in the Psalms, “As for me,…” I will seek the face of the Lord.

Seek God’s Wisdom

There are two kinds of wisdom. Earthly wisdom is derived from what a person sees, feels, and hears, and it is motivated by selfish ambitions. However, the wisdom acquired from God gives us understanding of the things of the Lord, leads us and guides us, and bears witness to the will of God for our lives.

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A Lesson On Composing And Speaking A Sermon / The Dangers Of Hermeneutics

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1117-1R

A Lesson On Composing And Speaking A Sermon / The Dangers Of Hermeneutics, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, January 31, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, February 1, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

A Lesson On Composing And Speaking A Sermon

In this Bible School session, practical and specific guidelines are given for bringing a sermon under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

The Dangers Of Hermeneutics

By divine intent, the scriptures are veiled so that they cannot be interpreted or illuminated by the human mind. In this Bible School session, the dangers of creating a science of hermeneutics are outlined.

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Responsible For The Grace You Receive / If Jesus Had Not Come

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1028-4R

Responsible For The Grace You Receive / If Jesus Had Not Come, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 17, 1961 and in Washington, IA on Friday, December 22, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Responsible For The Grace You Receive

God holds each person accountable and responsible for the endowments of grace He has given to them. This sobering yet encouraging Word reminds us of the great responsibility that accompanies His grace.

If Jesus Had Not Come

Rejoice that Jesus Christ has come to save that which was lost, for the picture of mankind without a savior is most appalling in its wickedness and unrighteousness.

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The Anointing To Interpret, Speak, And Hear / Psalm 23: Our Progressive Walk

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1028-3R

The Anointing To Interpret, Speak, And Hear / Psalm 23: Our Progressive Walk, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, February 10, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 19, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Anointing To Interpret, Speak, And Hear

The ability to interpret the scriptures, to speak God’s Word, and to hear God’s Word as it is spoken through a human vessel only comes through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. This message is based on points #6-8 from Lesson 1, “Interpretation And Illumination Of The Scriptures,” from The School Of Prophets, Series 6.

Psalm 23: Our Progressive Walk

In a continuation of a Word brought the previous Sunday, John brings the third phase of teaching on the 23rd Psalm. The 23rd Psalm explains the progressive walk with God that we can have in this day.

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The Benefits Of Serving God / Divine Interpretation

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1028-2R

The Benefits Of Serving God / Divine Interpretation, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 5, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, February 7, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Benefits Of Serving God

This message describes seven “fringe” benefits of serving the Lord, from Psalm 103.

Divine Interpretation

Whatever is of divine origin must be interpreted by the divine Spirit of God. Therefore, the Word of God is spoken through human vessels only by the anointing of the Holy Spirit resting on them and never by human wisdom. This message is based upon Lesson 1, “Interpretation And Illumination Of The Scriptures,” from the School Of Prophets, Series 6.

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The Corporate Struggle Of Two Kingdoms / A Little Lesson On Public Speaking

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-1028-1R

The Corporate Struggle Of Two Kingdoms / A Little Lesson On Public Speaking, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, January 20, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, January 24, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Corporate Struggle Of Two Kingdoms

We are facing the greatest spiritual conflict the ages have ever known, where nation rises against nation, and spiritual kingdoms against spiritual Kingdoms. Christ in His corporate Body is applying Christ’s individual victory, not against Satan as an individual, but against the satanic corporate body.

A Little Lesson On Public Speaking

In this Bible school lesson, John gives instruction on the art of speaking the Word of the Lord in front of a congregation.

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Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part II / Be A Shining Witness

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0911-4R

Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part II / Be A Shining Witness, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 27, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Psalm 119: The Word Of God — Part II

The Word of God brings you comfort, creates in you a will to do His will, and is a source of ministry to your faith. This expository message on Psalm 119 makes the Word of God more important to you than anything else.

Be A Shining Witness

This church has a great deal of light and blessing from the Lord. This Word is a searching study of the things in our lives that keep us from being a shining witness of the Lord to those around us.

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Reach Farther / Seven Pictures Of Discipleship

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0911-3R

Reach Farther / Seven Pictures Of Discipleship, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 28, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Reach Farther

We need to reach for those things in God that require us to stretch beyond our capability. Though we ourselves are incapable, God will be our sufficiency as we come into His fullness.

Seven Pictures Of Discipleship

In II Timothy chapter 2, seven aspects of a disciple’s ministry and walk before the Lord are pictured. A disciple of the Lord is a trustee of a vast estate, a soldier, a disciplined athlete, a hardworking farmer, an exact engineer, an honorable vessel, and a servant teacher.

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Chastened To Partake Of His Holiness / Ye Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0911-1R

Chastened To Partake Of His Holiness / Ye Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 22, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Chastened To Partake Of His Holiness

There is a little bit of Jonah in everybody, and the Lord will chasten you because of your duty to do His will. When you are faced with an unendurable test, realize that it is only unendurable when faced alone. Draw nearer to Him and He will bring you through it and into a greater walk with Him.

Ye Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me

As a steward of Christ, you are responsible to bring men into a new life in Christ. This is not optional; it is the purpose for which He saved you. Therefore, He has equipped you with the adequate resources for the job. This message is based upon Lesson 42 from The First Principles.

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When To Flee And When To Fight / Reap Life Everlasting

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0811-4R

When To Flee And When To Fight / Reap Life Everlasting, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 23, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

When To Flee And When To Fight

In this Word, the young ministries are instructed when to flee and when to fight. Flee from situations that tempt the flesh nature and fight, with faith, to do God’s will. The discipline to know when to flee or to fight prepares you to overcome life’s trials and saves you from many heartbreaks.

Reap Life Everlasting

If we sow in the flesh, we will reap corruption; but if we sow in the Spirit, we will reap life everlasting. Therefore, those who desire divine health will not find it solely by focusing on fleshly practices of the perfect diet and lifestyle, but they must also practice the laws of God and function in the Spirit.

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Of What Are You Born? / Participate In God’s Attributes

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0811-3R

Of What Are You Born? / Participate In God’s Attributes, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 2, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Of What Are You Born?

Religion that is born out of the Adamic flesh nature builds up a person’s self-esteem through externals, rituals, and minute observances. However, those who are born by the Spirit are a humble people, chosen by God to be filled with His divine strength and wisdom, to complete Christ’s ministry in the earth.

Participate In God’s Attributes

God is incomprehensible and His attributes are limitless; but He desires to reproduce Himself in us. Therefore, expose yourself to the Lord that He may impart His attributes and nature to you. This impartation is the greatest miracle of all eternity.

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Moving Forward Into Maturity

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0811-2R

Moving Forward Into Maturity, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 1, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Moving Forward Into Maturity

This message gives us five keys from Hebrews Chapters 5 and 6 that will enable us to move forward into maturity.

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What Christ Accomplished

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0811-1R

What Christ Accomplished, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 19, 1959. Hidden Treasure.

What Christ Accomplished

The book of Revelation removes the veil so that you can see Christ as He is and was and is to come: He is the risen Lord of lords and King of kings. Now, we simply live out and unfold what Christ accomplished in His victory over the powers of darkness. This Word exalts Christ as Lord.

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God Does Not Want Your Religion / Instructions For Living In Sodom And Gomorrah

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0728-4R

God Does Not Want Your Religion / Instructions For Living In Sodom And Gomorrah, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 14, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

God Does Not Want Your Religion

Religion is man’s effort to climb up to God, but God wants to pull man up to Himself, through salvation, that the glory may go to Him and not to man’s ability.

Instructions For Living In Sodom And Gomorrah

As Christians, we must live in the world without being influenced or contaminated by it. Several keys are given in this Word for developing an immunity to the contamination of the world and the spiritual strength to do God’s will.

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He Is Our Sabbath Rest / Four Laws For The Mature Believer

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0728-3R

He Is Our Sabbath Rest / Four Laws For The Mature Believer, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 30, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

He Is Our Sabbath Rest

All the legalistic rituals to approach God in the Old Testament were obliterated when Christ came as one sacrifice for all time for sin. The Word concludes with a brief description of the diverse ways we must be able to relate to people of various faiths and denominations.

Four Laws For The Mature Believer

For those questionable and uncertain things in our lives, there are four laws expressed in Romans 14 that bring a new concept to the meaning of being a mature Christian believer.

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Activate Your Faith

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0728-2R

Activate Your Faith, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Van Nuys, CA on Thursday, April 20, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Activate Your Faith

Activate your faith! First, break out of your hopelessness. Start imagining and dreaming of the good things that God can do in your life. Then, let faith grow strong within you. Faith is the very substance, the assurance, of the things that you are hoping for.

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The Remnant That Walks On Water / Respond Willingly

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0728-1R

The Remnant That Walks On Water / Respond Willingly, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 15, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Remnant That Walks On Water

Matthew chapter 14 describes four episodes that rapidly and completely unfold a picture of the Church Age. There is to be only one remnant that will step out into the supernatural walk and receive the Lord’s greater promises and deliverance. That remnant will be so close to the Lord that He will hold them up when their own faith fails.

Respond Willingly

Just as God executed His will through Jonah, an unwilling and imperfect vessel, so also is God able to move through us. Jonah was unwilling in his service to the Lord; whereas, we desire the mercies of God to so work upon us that we see His love and respond willingly.

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The Woman At The Well / An Exposition Of Psalm 23 — Part III

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0619-4R

The Woman At The Well / An Exposition Of Psalm 23 — Part III, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 26, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Woman At The Well

Effective evangelism is based upon principles of the spirit, not a debate over religion, as illustrated in the story of the woman at the well (John 4). The Kingdom missionary effort must rise above religious and racial animosity and turn a person’s heart and will towards the Lord.

An Exposition Of Psalm 23 — Part III

Our progressive walk with God is illustrated in the 23rd Psalm. This message is a continuation of a Word brought the previous Sunday.

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Effective Evangelism / An Exposition On Psalm 23 — Part I

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0619-3R

Effective Evangelism / An Exposition On Psalm 23 — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 12, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Effective Evangelism

The most effective way to win souls to God is to be led by the Spirit. Ask the Lord to give you the Word of wisdom that will bring a miracle change into a person’s life, and then speak that Word with love and kindness. Evangelism must not be a sales pitch.

An Exposition On Psalm 23 — Part I

This expository message on the 23rd Psalm illustrates seven freedoms that the Lord gives to His believers and three aspects of the Lord as the Shepherd over our souls.

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Christ’s Lordship Has Been Completed

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0619-2R

Christ’s Lordship Has Been Completed, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 8, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Christ’s Lordship Has Been Completed

The 110th Psalm prophesies the Lordship of Jesus Christ, which is illuminated in the New Testament. The battle for the Lordship of Jesus Christ is finished. Christ sits at the right hand of the Father, waiting to reap the reward of His suffering.

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Prepare To Change / Reject The New Idolatry

Out of Print

Release #: 2003-0619-1R

Prepare To Change / Reject The New Idolatry, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 23, 1960 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 6, 1960. Hidden Treasure.

Prepare To Change

Because we live in a rapidly changing world, we must anchor ourselves in doing the will of the Lord. It is imperative that we keep our focus on serving the Lord and seek Him to make changes in our lives.

Reject The New Idolatry

A new idolatry has formed within people where their pride brings them to self-worship. America is coming into this atmosphere where people desire luxury and comfort instead of serving the Lord. We must dare to be different from this age and give ourselves to a sacrificial serving of the Lord without selfish motivations.

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