
Showing 1801–1900 of 6447 results


Communion Meditation: He Will Heal Us — Part I / “Love Is…” — Part I

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0605-4R

Communion Meditation: He Will Heal Us — Part I / “Love Is…” — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, August 15, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Communion Meditation: He Will Heal Us — Part I

Come to the Communion Table to judge yourself rightly and thereby receive divine strength and healing: healing from God’s chastening, healing from spiritual warfare, and healing of your body.

“Love Is…” — Part I

I Corinthians 13 tells us the characteristics of divine love that the Holy Spirit can bring forth in every believer. We need this love in our relationships with one another. This message is brief and simple, but its impact could change your life if you listen carefully.

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The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part II / The Door Of Hope

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0605-3R

The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part II / The Door Of Hope, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 8, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part II

Our young people have tremendous freedom and privilege in Christ. Now the question is: will we teach them the responsibility and self-discipline that matures them into great men and women of God in the earth?

The Door Of Hope

In a time of God’s dealings and testing in your life, you may have fallen into despair and unbelief, and responded with wrath towards Him. But now is your hour of release. God is closing the door to Satan’s harassment and turning the Valley of Achor into a door of hope.

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Communion Meditation: The Way To Full Assurance / The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part I

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0605-2R

Communion Meditation: The Way To Full Assurance / The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, August 8, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Communion Meditation: The Way To Full Assurance

Christ’s precious body and blood in the Communion releases us from self-condemnation and guilt by ministering forgiveness and the full assurance of faith necessary to face our needs and to firmly take hold of our answer in God.

The Disciplines Of Freedom — Part I

Everyone serves something; freedom is simply the opportunity to choose your master. As one who desires to serve the Lord, your freedom must be accompanied with a personal discipline of your body, time, mind and interests. Our young people must learn this self-discipline lest in freedom they become entangled again in the yoke of bondage.

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Pie On My Plate

Release #: 2011-0531-2R

Available MP3 Download: Pie On My Plate, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, May 29, 2011.

Pie On My Plate

When we come into the presence of the Father free from condemnation, we will be able to be transformed, and His appearing to us will not be destructive to us. This week, Gary and Marilyn experienced the “pie on the plate” reality of being free from condemnation. This is a landmark experience in which we are moving from a walk by faith and only living with a promise into the “pie on our plate” reality of possessing the fulfillment of what God has promised.


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The Right Motivation / Positioned In His Love

Release #: 2011-0517-7R   •  Message Date: 06/09/1965

Available MP3 Download: The Right Motivation / Positioned In His Love, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, June 9, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 13, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Right Motivation

Your personal motivation in walking with God must be right. Seek the will of God for one reason only: to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. It is not what you pray for that determines whether it is in the will of God, but the motivation behind your prayer. In this day, God is searching the human spirit. He wants to be absolutely first.

Positioned In His Love

If you are experiencing tests and trials, this message will leave you quietly standing on the Rock of Ages, where you will see how secure and firm is the love that God has for you. His love for you causes every detail in your life to work for the only good God sees: your conformity to the image of His Son.


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The Glory Of The Lord / The Sin Of Unbelief

Release #: 2011-0517-6R   •  Message Date: 06/13/1965

Available MP3 Download: The Glory Of The Lord / The Sin Of Unbelief, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, June 13, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, June 27, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Glory Of The Lord

We are living in the day that Haggai prophesied, when the glory of God would return to His temple. But it will be impossible to see God’s glory unless we have a deep spiritual concern for one another. Be concerned enough to become involved. Give yourself to the spiritual travail that brings forth His glory.

The Sin Of Unbelief

Unbelief, by its very nature, is a sin against God. It gives birth to every other kind of sin and disobedience. The promises of God are without limitation, but unbelief strips us down to spiritual poverty. Repent of your unbelief!


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Explore It! Taste It! Take It! / Welded Together In Love

Release #: 2011-0517-5R   •  Message Date: 07/25/1965

Available MP3 Download: Explore It! Taste It! Take It! / Welded Together In Love, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, July 25, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Explore It! Taste It! Take It!

God has prepared great promises for us, but the enemy is often squatting on them to keep us from possessing them. The best way to possess a promise of God is to: first, explore it; second, taste it; and third, take it!

Welded Together In Love

The unity that is required of the Body of Christ can only come about by love. Our love for one another must be intense enough that we are welded together. This intense, fervent love will testify of Jesus Christ, that the world may believe.


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The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part I / The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part II / We Feast On A Battlefield

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0517-1R

The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part I / The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part II / We Feast On A Battlefield, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, July 21, 1965, in South Gate, CA on Thursday, July 22, 1965, and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 25, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part I

A spiritual wilderness is the barren period that usually comes after a great deliverance and before the possession of a new promise. It is a temporary, necessary time of transition and preparation. It should not be a time of confusion or fear, but the most guided time of your life.

The Principle Of The Wilderness — Part II

A spiritual wilderness can be a time of confusion, but it does not have to be. Do not focus on the problems and the barrenness of the wilderness. Stay focused on the Lord’s presence and you will come through it with victory.

We Feast On A Battlefield

We are seated at the table of the Lord, and God intends for you to feast upon His fullness. But He spreads His table upon a battlefield. Do not draw back from it. There is no other way that God will do it. It pleases Him to overcome Satan through humble vessels.

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“I AM” Like My Father

Release #: 2011-0516-2R

Available MP3 Download: “I AM” Like My Father, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, May 15, 2011.

“I AM” Like My Father

In this transitional Word, God is commanding us: “Stop telling Me what I cannot do in you, why My will cannot be done in you.” We must be willing and obedient to be what God says we are to be, moment by moment. This Word is preparation for the upcoming School of Prophets at Shiloh.


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The Foundation Of God’s Family / Don’t Miss The Opportunity!

Release #: 2011-0510-2R   •  Message Date: 05/13/1962

Available MP3 Download: The Foundation Of God’s Family / Don’t Miss The Opportunity!, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 13, 1962. Hidden Treasure.

The Foundation Of God’s Family

Mary opened her heart to do God’s will, and thus her relationship as a spiritual mother to Christ was even greater than her natural-level mother relationship with Him. Our willingness to do God’s will is the foundation of all relationships in the family of God. The family relationships created out of doing His will are deeper than any natural relationship.

Don’t Miss The Opportunity!

Would you like to know what is involved in finding your place in the Body of Christ? This message contains five basic rules for how to leap through doors of opportunity that will bring you into a fulfilling ministry in God.


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Don’t Miss Your Opportunity

Release #: 2011-0509-2R

Available MP3 Download: Don’t Miss Your Opportunity, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, May 8, 2011.

Don’t Miss Your Opportunity

God sets before you opportunities, and you do not know the time or the season when the door of that opportunity will close.  Search your heart.  What is God’s Word over you?  What opportunity are you missing?  Are you laying hold of God’s purpose for you?  The recent passing away of one of our beloved sons provokes us into a greater awareness of the doors of opportunity that God has placed in our midst.


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The First Fruits Resurrection

Release #: 2011-0425-2R

Available MP3 Download: The First Fruits Resurrection, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, April 24, 2011.

The First Fruits Resurrection

Christ’s resurrection was a first fruits resurrection never before seen at any time throughout the ages. It was not a reanimation of His physical body or a resurrection of His spirit. His resurrection was a result of His relationship with the Father that brought Him into newness of life. Today, we open our hearts to the surpassing greatness of the Father’s power that is bringing us into that same newness of life.


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The Spirit Bears Witness With Our Spirit

Release #: 2011-0407-5R   •  Message Date: 05/30/1965

Available MP3 Download: The Spirit Bears Witness With Our Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 30, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Spirit Bears Witness With Our Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the one that bears witness of your divine relationship to the Father. If you have the Spirit, then you know that you have eternal life. The Spirit is given to you as a pledge that everything that God has will be yours. This message was also spoken on May 30, 1965 Sunday AM in Sepulveda, CA and was released under the title, “The Witness Of The Holy Spirit–Romans 8:16-17,” and printed in the book, Romans Eight Outlines.


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Proclaim The Lord’s Death / Bearers Of Divine Love / Divine Order For The Home

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0407-4R

Proclaim The Lord’s Death / Bearers Of Divine Love / Divine Order For The Home, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, July 18, 1965, in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 18, 1965, and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 18, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Proclaim The Lord’s Death

When we proclaim the Lord’s death at the Communion table, it brings His sacrifice into the present. If you have faith to believe, you can experience Christ’s sacrifice in Communion as if it were happening at that very moment, for you and you alone.

Bearers Of Divine Love

As disciples, we must appropriate God’s divine love and become bearers of it to the earth. When you carry God’s love in your heart, you have no choice but to become involved. It is this love that will draw men to walk with God.

Divine Order For The Home

In this exhortation, we are reminded that divine order in the home creates an immunity for our families from demonic assault and the spirit of the age.

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In The Meekness Of Christ / Apostolic Commands For The Victorious Believer

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0407-3R

In The Meekness Of Christ / Apostolic Commands For The Victorious Believer, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, June 29, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, July 2, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

In The Meekness Of Christ

In the meekness of Christ, the apostolic authority is bringing the Honolulu church into the sovereign will of Christ. The Lord is creating intercessors who will uphold Christ’s government in Honolulu as well as the entire Body of Christ. The service concludes with healing a child and prayer for the future church in Des Moines, Iowa.

Apostolic Commands For The Victorious Believer

As Paul closes his last letter to the Corinthians, he summarizes everything that is necessary to walk victoriously as the Body of Christ: “…rejoice, be made complete, be comforted, be like-minded, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.” These are apostolic commands that we, by God’s grace, must walk in today.

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An Epitome Of The Local Church

Release #: 2011-0401-5R   •  Message Date: 11/21/1962

Available MP3 Download: An Epitome Of The Local Church, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1962.

An Epitome Of The Local Church

The three chapters of the book of Titus are expounded in this message. Titus, chapter one, shows the structure of the local church. Titus, chapter two, gives basic teaching for the local church. Titus, chapter three, shows what is to be our sound emphasis and testimony.


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Healing The Wounded Spirit

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0329-1R

Released on CD: Healing The Wounded Spirit, by Gary & Marilyn Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, March 27, 2011.

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Healing The Wounded Spirit

Release #: 2011-0329-3R   •  Message Date: 03/27/2011

Available MP3 Download: Healing The Wounded Spirit, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, March 27, 2011.

Healing The Wounded Spirit

Through the Word, Gary walks us through the experience of David Boney’s passing and leads us into the healings and freedom that God is ministering to us. Today, without excuses, we move into our eternal destiny.


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The Worship That The Father Seeks

Release #: 2011-0324-3R

Available MP3 Download: The Worship That The Father Seeks, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Friday, February 14, 2003.

The Worship That The Father Seeks

David’s mighty men would not be stopped in getting a cup of cold water for David to drink. We, likewise, must have the same drive as these mighty men and, with all that is within us, give the Father the worship He is seeking. By our worship, we will lay hold of and usher in the presence of the Lord.


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Worship That Triggers His Presence

Release #: 2011-0324-2R

Available MP3 Download: Worship That Triggers His Presence, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, August 17, 2003.

Worship That Triggers His Presence

In Haggai 2:1-9, on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, Haggai prophesied that the glory of the latter house will be greater than the former. In Tabernacles, God is going to appear in a greater, more spectacular way than He ever has before. Our worship is the key that will trigger an outpouring of His presence on a new level. The Word was preceded by a workshop on worship, singing in the spirit, and standing in His presence.


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Recognize “It Is Finished!”

Release #: 2011-0324-1R

Available MP3 Download: Recognize “It Is Finished!”, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Saturday, February 15, 2003.

Recognize “It Is Finished!”

Faith is a free gift from the Lord that was imparted to us. We are driven to express our faith by performing many works and labors. In this Communion message, we recognize that from God’s perspective, these works are already done: “It is finished!” Recognize that all we are doing and all we will do, in the eyes of the Lord, is already completed.

Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word


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Why We Have No Fear

Release #: 2011-0320-2R

Available MP3 Download: Why We Have No Fear, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, March 20, 2011.

Why We Have No Fear

In Purim, we find God’s answer for tribulations and the decree of death. The decree of death is ended by the manifestation of the sons of God who have come to know and to experience this truth: nothing can separate us from the love of God. This Word is personal ministry to each one of us.


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Refuse And Choose / Guideline For The Communion Service / Beyond Dedication — Motivation

Release #: 2011-0315-7R   •  Message Date: 07/15/1973

Available MP3 Download: Refuse And Choose / Guideline For The Communion Service / Beyond Dedication — Motivation, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Sunday, July 15, 1973.

Refuse And Choose

We must refuse the ways of the world and choose the way of the Lord to walk.

Guideline For The Communion Service

This message is a practical guideline for how to lead a Communion service efficiently and with the highest anointing.

Beyond Dedication — Motivation

Days we can do anything to impress God are gone. Love brings dedication. Love must give way to motivation. This walk can’t go far unless we lay down our lives for our brothers.


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The Victory And The Promises Of The Lord — A Living Word

Release #: 2011-0315-6R   •  Message Date: 05/31/1973

Available MP3 Download: The Victory And The Promises Of The Lord — A Living Word, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, May 31, 1973.

The Victory And The Promises Of The Lord — A Living Word

Nothing in us admits defeat! The noose shall be about the neck of the son of perdition.


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God’s Order And Pattern For Assembling Together

Release #: 2011-0315-5R   •  Message Date: 05/09/1963

Available MP3 Download: God’s Order And Pattern For Assembling Together, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Thursday, May 9, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

God’s Order And Pattern For Assembling Together

When the church assembles together, the basic requirement is that everything must be done unto the edifying of the Body. The divine order of the service is that we first minister to the Lord, and secondly, to the Body. The details of how this is accomplished under the Spirit of the Lord are given in this lesson.


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Conformed To The Image Of Christ

Release #: 2011-0314-2R

Available MP3 Download: Conformed To The Image Of Christ, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, March 13, 2011.

Conformed To The Image Of Christ

Since the Feast of Tabernacles 2010, the world has been experiencing tribulations — earthquakes, tsunamis, and displaced governments — at an unprecedented level of intensity, never before seen. All these events point to one reality: God the Father is determined to have sons, like Christ, in whom He can abide and through whom He can manifest Himself. When sons abide in the Father, futility is ended and there is life everlasting.


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Walk Through The Land / Conviction Without Condemnation — Part I

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0312-4R

Walk Through The Land / Conviction Without Condemnation — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Tuesday, May 11, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Walk Through The Land

Take a walk in God today, expand your vision, and believe to see the land yet to be possessed. Apply the ministry of displacement to wherever Satan has hindered you from possessing what God has already given you. This message is one of several classes on “Walking Through The Land” that came during the Washington, Iowa conference.

Conviction Without Condemnation — Part I

A man who is open to the conviction of the Holy Spirit finds victory; a man who is open to condemnation lives in defeat. Recognize the difference and find joy in a life of conviction. An easily entreated spirit never breaks fellowship with God.

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We Have The First Fruits Of The Spirit

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0312-3R

We Have The First Fruits Of The Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 6, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

We Have The First Fruits Of The Spirit

In this Pentecost service, John spoke in a divine flow of prophecy and exhortation, and he spoke a Word on having the first fruits of the Spirit, as written in Romans 8:23. The Holy Spirit in us is the first fruits, and it is the assurance of our full inheritance as the adopted sons of God.

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The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part II

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0312-2R

The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, June 3, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part II

When Christ ascended to the Father, He shed forth His anointing upon His Church. Wherever this anointing is found, God commands a blessing, even life evermore. In opposition to this, the antichrist, the great deceiver, denies that Christ is coming forth in His people. This mystical Word, spoken far ahead of its time, gives us a clear vision of the days of restoration and the establishment of God’s Kingdom.

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The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part I

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0312-1R

The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 30, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Days Of Restoration And The Establishment Of His Kingdom — Part I

In the end time, Christ’s ministry will not be completed by one man, but it will be completed by a great company of people in whom Christ is coming forth. The antichrist spirit opposes this by warring against our submission to the Lordship of Christ. This mystical Word, spoken far ahead of its time, gives us a clear vision of the days of restoration and the establishment of God’s Kingdom.

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From Hopelessness Into Hope

Release #: 2011-0228-2R

Available MP3 Download: From Hopelessness Into Hope, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, February 27, 2011.

From Hopelessness Into Hope

The futility you have lived under has been Satan’s perversion of God’s futility. God’s futility is filled with hope, with the purpose of driving you into a relationship with Him, your Father. This landmark Word releases you from the prison created by Satan’s lie about your Father. This Word must be heard along with the Word from February 13, 2011, Sun. 9:30 A.M. North Hills, CA titled, “Call Him Father!”.


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Get Up And Walk Through The Land / Intercession By The Holy Spirit / The Healing Power Of The Lord

Release #: 2011-0223-7R   •  Message Date: 05/21/1965

Available MP3 Download: Get Up And Walk Through The Land / Intercession By The Holy Spirit / The Healing Power Of The Lord, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, May 21, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 23, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Get Up And Walk Through The Land

Demon powers are squatting on your inheritance, and they will not move until you move in to claim what is yours. Do not put off possessing the promises of God. Get up and walk through the land.

Intercession By The Holy Spirit

Intercession is one of the most potent instruments of the Holy Spirit to ever come forth through human channels. This message instructs intercessors how to be those instruments. This message was also spoken on May 23, 1965 Sunday AM in Sepulveda, CA and was released under the title, “The Intercession Of The Holy Spirit–Romans 8:26-34,” and printed in the book, Romans 8 Outlines, as a chapter titled, “The Intercession Of The Holy Spirit.”

The Healing Power Of The Lord

This prophets’ service begins with a prophetic Word, “Yea, this night shall the Lord stretch forth His hand in healing power,” and concludes with ministry to several for physical and spiritual healing.


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Confession Heals / Pass Through The Waters To Possess The Land

Release #: 2011-0223-6R   •  Message Date: 05/27/1965

Available MP3 Download: Confession Heals / Pass Through The Waters To Possess The Land, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, May 27, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, May 28, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Confession Heals

There is a healing of the mind, the memory, and the depth of your soul when you confess your sins before the Lord and receive His forgiveness. When you face hindrances in your life, a humble time of confession is all you may need to unleash God’s power and break the oppression.

Pass Through The Waters To Possess The Land

The story of the children of Israel passing through the Jordan River before possessing Canaan land illustrates the principle that God does not allow the impasses in our lives to be removed until we walk through them with praise and faith. Our faith must not be based on external circumstances, but on God’s Word.


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Ministering The Grace Of God / Our Great Privilege

Release #: 2011-0223-5R   •  Message Date: 05/17/1965

Available MP3 Download: Ministering The Grace Of God / Our Great Privilege, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Monday, May 17, 1965 and in Washington, IA on Tuesday, May 18, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Ministering The Grace Of God

The personal ministry in this service contains timeless truths that are valuable for anyone seeking a walk with God. During ministry to several families and young teenagers, John discerned how the Lord is moving in their lives and instructs them in the ways of the Lord.

Our Great Privilege

In this service, John Stevens reaffirms his drive to freely speak God’s Word and gives us a vision for supporting the many denominational ministers who are being filled with the Spirit of God. We must always appreciate our great privilege of being in a New Testament church.


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Seek Him While He May Be Found

Release #: 2011-0222-7R

Available MP3 Download: Seek Him While He May Be Found, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Saturday, October 28, 2006.

Seek Him While He May Be Found

During the Feast of Trumpets 2006, the Lord appeared to us in the Word and created an access into His presence. In this Word, He urges us to seek Him while He may be found. Do not miss this favorable time of the Lord, for He is ready to answer. Cry out to Him for the removal of the nature of sin and for a baptism into His nature.


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Our Faith To Be Born Again

Release #: 2011-0222-6R

Available MP3 Download: Our Faith To Be Born Again, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Sunday, October 29, 2006.

Our Faith To Be Born Again

When Christ spoke to Nicodemus about being born again, He was describing something that Nicodemus has never experienced. While we focus on whether something in our lives is good or bad, Christ is concerned with whether it is born from a root of flesh or a root of spirit. He has an experience for us, beyond redemption, that causes us to be reborn by the Holy Spirit. In this new state of being, we come into His presence and become His true people.


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Repentance To Eradicate Our History

Release #: 2011-0222-5R

Available MP3 Download: Repentance To Eradicate Our History, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Wednesday, October 25, 2006.

Repentance To Eradicate Our History

It is a principle of the spirit that what we sow, we reap. If we sow to the flesh, we reap division and strife. If we sow to the spirit, we reap life and we command God’s blessing. Today, we proclaim a new day for the church in Palmer Lake. The old has ended, and now this church becomes the prophetic community God has called it to be.

Scriptures: II Cor. 12:20-21; I Peter 4:1-5,7-11; Psalms 133:1-3; James 4:1-3; (Matt. 5:45; 6:14; 22:39); (Gen. 12:3); (Gal. 5:15); (Luke 6:37); (Rev. 20:11)
Topics: Repentance; Forgiveness; Nature, Man’s; (Relationships, Kingdom)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word


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We Built A Place For Him To Dwell

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0215-1R

Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

We Built A Place For Him To Dwell
January 13, 2007 Saturday 6:00 PM Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil

We dedicate Mount Zion, Brazil to be a place where God can dwell forever. We must never forget that the primary vision for Mount Zion is to be a place where we relate with Him every day, out of a hunger and a thirsty heart towards Him. Every cornerpost of Mount Zion will be anointed and dedicated to God by our young aults who will declare by faith what our future will be.

Scriptures: I Kings 9:2-8; (I Kings 8:17-20)
Topics: Mount Zion; Relationship with the Father; Prophetic Community; (Presence of the Lord); (University of Shiloh)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Call Him Father!

Release #: 2011-0214-2R

Available MP3 Download: Call Him Father!, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, February 13, 2011.

Call Him Father!

Your relationship with the Father begins with the end of condemnation. Condemnation makes you unwilling to be gathered to the Father. Today, our unwillingness ends and we walk through the open door to the Father’s presence.


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Seven Levels Of Submission

Release #: 2011-0201-2R   •  Message Date: 02/28/1974

Available MP3 Download: Seven Levels Of Submission, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, February 28, 1974.

Seven Levels Of Submission

In this basic and necessary message on submission, the Holy Spirit describes the various planes and the various levels of submission to which we must obtain.


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The Sin Of Staggering / Live The Victory

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0127-2R

The Sin Of Staggering / Live The Victory, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Saturday, May 15, 1965 and in Washington, IA on Monday, May 17, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Sin Of Staggering

If you believe in your relationship with Christ, you must also accept the positions, possessions, privileges and promises that come with it. Repent of the sin of staggering at the promises of God. This service included personal ministry that contained teaching on the leading of the Lord, deliverance from self-condemnation, and disciplining children.

Live The Victory

Victory is not the conclusion to a battle; it is a condition in which we live. Christ won the victory already; now we live it. This exhortation was followed by personal ministry in which John interprets spiritual signs.

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Get In Motion

Out of Print

Release #: 2011-0127-1R

Get In Motion, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Saturday, May 15, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Get In Motion

How long will you be slack to possess the great promises that the Lord has given you? What hinders you? Get in motion! God will displace the enemy as you move out with aggressive faith, in the fullness of His Spirit. This message is one of several classes on “Walking Through The Land” that came during the Washington, Iowa conference.

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Now We Abide In The Father

Release #: 2011-0126-2R

Available MP3 Download: Now We Abide In The Father, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, January 23, 2011.

Now We Abide In The Father

This Word dispels every misconception about Christ and the Father that has plagued Christianity for centuries. Our isolation from the Father is ended, and now we just simply abide in Him. When we abide in the Father, the great “I Am,” then we become what He is.


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Our Motivation For Obedience

Release #: 2011-0112-2R

Available MP3 Download: Our Motivation For Obedience, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, January 9, 2011.

Our Motivation For Obedience

When love becomes the motivation for our obedience to the Father, then we will be well-pleasing to Him. The core revelation of Christ, as spoken by the Father, was, “This is My son in Whom I am well-pleased.” We have promises from God that will not happen until this revelation is also fulfilled in us.


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Obedient Unto Life

Release #: 2010-1229-2R

Available MP3 Download: Obedient Unto Life, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, December 26, 2010.

Obedient Unto Life

This Word is the definition of life!


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Are You A Worshiper?

Release #: 2010-1215-6R   •  Message Date: 05/16/1965

Available MP3 Download: Are You A Worshiper?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Sunday, May 16, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Are You A Worshiper?

How you respond to life’s circumstances reveals whether you are really a worshiper. When you are wounded, what do you bleed? Is there deep worship underlying all of your actions? The service also included an exhortation on the will of God, a revelation of God’s heart for the Honolulu people, and instruction on being an elder.


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The Deep Motivations Of Your Heart

Release #: 2010-1215-5R   •  Message Date: 05/14/1965

Available MP3 Download: The Deep Motivations Of Your Heart, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, May 14, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Deep Motivations Of Your Heart

Your conversations, your conduct, your character, and your spirit are all motivated by your heart. That is why God is foremost concerned with what is in your heart. Neither legalism nor lust pleases God; only the righteousness of God is acceptable. Open up to the deep searching of the Holy Spirit. He is faithful to forgive and cleanse you.


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The Power Of Intercessors

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1215-3R

The Power Of Intercessors, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, May 14, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Power Of Intercessors

A leader’s ministry is largely dependent upon the willingness of the Body to intercede for him. When intercession comes forth out of divine love, it generates a force that can save a man’s life and lift him into the spiritual level of ministry that God has for him.

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Instructions To Intercessors / On This Rock

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1215-1R

Instructions To Intercessors / On This Rock, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, May 14, 1965 and in Washington, IA on Sunday, May 16, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Instructions To Intercessors

During impartation to several of the intercessors, John reveals the requirements and the keys for an effective ministry of intercession.

On This Rock

“Upon this rock I will build My church” (Matthew 16:18). The foundation of the Church is not built upon the opinions and traditions of man. Rather, our personal revelation of the Lord determines our personal relationship to Him, and that relationship is the foundation of the Church. This message was originally a radio broadcast aired in Washington, Iowa on: June 14, 1970; November 1, 1970; and May 16, 1965.

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At The Turning Of The Morning — Psalm 46:5 / He Was There All The Time

Release #: 2010-1211-2R   •  Message Date: 01/02/1975

Available MP3 Download: At The Turning Of The Morning — Psalm 46:5 / He Was There All The Time, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, January 2, 1975 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, January 3, 1975.

At The Turning Of The Morning — Psalm 46:5

This message, taken from Psalms 27 and 31, shows the immunity God gives us in adverse circumstances. The conditions that David described would be alarming except for the immunity God promises.

He Was There All The Time

You cannot walk with God without being aware of Him. If you conscientiously practice His presence, you will also project Him to others.


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The Mind Of The Spirit

Release #: 2010-1127-5R   •  Message Date: 05/13/1965

Available MP3 Download: The Mind Of The Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Thursday, May 13, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Mind Of The Spirit

What is the difference between the spiritual mind and the carnal mind? The carnal mind is hostile towards God and can never please Him. The mind that is set upon the Holy Spirit is life and peace; it pleases God and it secures His smile. Be spiritually minded, and you will reap life everlasting.


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Are You Willing To Heal Your Brother?

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1127-4R

Are You Willing To Heal Your Brother?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Thursday, May 13, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Are You Willing To Heal Your Brother?

Are you willing to become involved with your brother or sister and their need? Will you have compassion for them? Will you minister healing to them with no regard for what they have done to you? Some of your brothers are so in need of healing that they are half-dead. You are your brother’s keeper, not his judge. Reach out to him. This Word is preceded by an exhortation on returning to your first love.

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Prepared By His Presence

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1127-2R

Prepared By His Presence, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Wednesday, May 12, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Prepared By His Presence

We are in the days of fulfillment. Do not dare to be withdrawn or rebellious in your spirit. It would be a tragedy to have pioneered so many things these past fifteen years, and then have the Lord say, “Your spirit is not right.” There is only one answer for us: the deep searchings of the Lord.

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Conviction Without Condemnation — Part II

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1127-1R

Conviction Without Condemnation — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Wednesday, May 12, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Conviction Without Condemnation — Part II

A man who is open to the conviction of the Holy Spirit finds victory; a man who is open to condemnation lives in defeat. Recognize the difference and find joy in a life of conviction. An easily entreated spirit never breaks fellowship with God.

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Obedient Without Guardians

Release #: 2010-1124-2R

Available MP3 Download: Obedient Without Guardians, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, November 21, 2010.

Obedient Without Guardians

Our access to the Father was lost through disobedience. Christ’s obedience restored our access to the Father and illustrates the relationship that the Father wants to have with us. A mature son is obedient to the Father without guardians and becomes a recipient of everything that belongs to the Father.


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Obedience, Our Altar Of Sacrifice

Release #: 2010-1117-2R

Available MP3 Download: Obedience, Our Altar Of Sacrifice, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Anuhea Place, Maui, HI on Sunday, November 14, 2010.

Obedience, Our Altar Of Sacrifice

In this simple, elementary teaching on obedience, no one can be confused about what the Father is now expecting from us! It is our decision to be obedient. He put away the first in order to establish the second (Hebrews 10:9).


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Learn Obedience!

Release #: 2010-1108-2R

Available MP3 Download: Learn Obedience!, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, November 7, 2010.

Learn Obedience!

This Word simplifies your walk with God. God the Father constantly relates to you to bring your spirit into obedience to Him. All else is clutter in the relationship. The Word was applied in an exhortation to couples considering marriage.


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It’s Time For Transfiguration

Release #: 2010-1101-2R

Available MP3 Download: It’s Time For Transfiguration, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, October 31, 2010.

It’s Time For Transfiguration

Christ was transformed in a physical metamorphosis early in His ministry, not just in resurrection after His crucifixion. Just as with Christ, transformation happens because of a relationship with the Father. It is now time for our transfiguration into the Father’s image.


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Truth In The Inward Parts

Release #: 2010-1028-6R   •  Message Date: 05/11/1965

Available MP3 Download: Truth In The Inward Parts, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Tuesday, May 11, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Truth In The Inward Parts

Every person must come to the full knowledge of the transgression and sin within their own heart; for we cannot know the righteousness of God until we see our need. However, this is not an exercise of morbid introspection; rather it is a positive process in which God releases you from the hindrances in your heart so that you may become His vessel of honor.


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Keys Of Deliverance

Release #: 2010-1028-5R   •  Message Date: 05/10/1965

Available MP3 Download: Keys Of Deliverance, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Monday, May 10, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Keys Of Deliverance

In this report to the Washington, Iowa church, John relays several accounts of deliverance that have taken place through his ministry. What holds us back? Bitterness and an unforgiving spirit. Two of the greatest keys of deliverance are repentance and forgiveness.


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Your Vision Of Intercession For The Apostolic Ministry

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1028-4R

Your Vision Of Intercession For The Apostolic Ministry, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Wednesday, May 12, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Your Vision Of Intercession For The Apostolic Ministry

We are on the front line. We are dispossessing the Canaanites and taking the land, but the apostles and prophets who lead us need our ministry of intercession with divine love. This message is one of several classes on “Walking Through The Land” that came during the Washington, Iowa conference.

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The Creative Power Of God To Purify

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-1028-1R

The Creative Power Of God To Purify, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 9, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Creative Power Of God To Purify

Psalm 51, the great psalm of repentance, shows us the pattern for effective repentance. Just as David did, approach the Lord with a broken spirit, acknowledge your sin, and confess it to Him. Appropriate God’s creative power to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and to give you a new heart to serve Him. God will then build spiritual walls of immunity around you.

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I Am, Too!! (Atonement — Azazel)

Release #: 2010-1026-2R   •  Message Date: 10/02/1982

Available MP3 Download: I Am, Too!! (Atonement — Azazel), by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, October 2, 1982.

I Am, Too!! (Atonement — Azazel)

I am His completely. I am what He intended me to be. His Word over me I accept as a present reality, not a hopeful future. I serve a “right-now God.” This is the clearest exposition of the Day of Atonement and the scapegoat–AZAZEL.


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The Inner-Purifying / Purifying The Atmosphere

Release #: 2010-1005-5R   •  Message Date: 09/07/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Inner-Purifying / Purifying The Atmosphere, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Haiku, HI on Tuesday, September 7, 1982.

The Inner-Purifying

The Kingdom is one and survives in its oneness. But the Kingdom is vulnerable to the weakness of each one in it, while it is strengthened by the strength of each one in it. Everyone has the responsibility to see the need of each one and to bring deliverance to that one in love.

Purifying The Atmosphere

Many little things are important to purifying the spiritual atmosphere in which our love and faith move freely.


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It’s All By Faith

Release #: 2010-1005-4R   •  Message Date: 08/02/1982

Available MP3 Download: It’s All By Faith, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Monday, August 2, 1982.

It’s All By Faith

Everything we are or ever will be in God is because we exercise our faith to become. The teaching on faith in this service was basic and deep and wonderful.


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Born Of The Spirit

Release #: 2010-0926-4R

Available MP3 Download: Born Of The Spirit, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, September 25, 2010.

Born Of The Spirit

We are being born into His spiritual Kingdom by virtue of the Spirit He put in us. In this Tabernacles, we commit to a path of disciplining and learning our spirits, to become a people of Spirit, who change while beholding Him.


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Our Obedience — The Way Into His Kingdom

Release #: 2010-0926-3R

Available MP3 Download: Our Obedience — The Way Into His Kingdom, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, September 26, 2010.

Our Obedience — The Way Into His Kingdom

The conflict of living in the spirit versus the flesh is over, futility ends, and the natural realm aligns with the spiritual when the Spirit of the Father indwells us. This Word explains how it is out of our obedience that the Father takes up His abode in us.


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God’s Kingdom Is Not Of This World

Release #: 2010-0925-4R

Available MP3 Download: God’s Kingdom Is Not Of This World, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Friday, September 24, 2010.

God’s Kingdom Is Not Of This World

“My Kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). In this time of Tabernacles, we believe for the experience of being born into His Kingdom. This Word ends confusion about salvation, the Messiah, and the Kingdom of God.


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Seek The King; Manifest The Kingdom

Release #: 2010-0925-3R

Available MP3 Download: Seek The King; Manifest The Kingdom, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, September 25, 2010.

Seek The King; Manifest The Kingdom

Salvation does not automatically bring you into God’s Kingdom. Salvation brings the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, but that experience is only a prerequisite. The Kingdom of God is entered into by those who fix their focus on the King and press into His Kingdom with all their heart, until they are born again by the Spirit. Then, they manifest the Kingdom of God into this earthly world. This Word further explains how the Feast of Tabernacles points to an experience beyond salvation.


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What Is Longevity? / Both A Doctor And A Prophet

Release #: 2010-0923-4R   •  Message Date: 06/27/1981

Available MP3 Download: What Is Longevity? / Both A Doctor And A Prophet, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in No. Hollywood, CA on Saturday, June 27, 1981 and in No. Hollywood, CA on Sunday, February 7, 1982.

What Is Longevity?

Moses lived 120 years and when he died, his eye was not dim nor his vigor abated (Deuteronomy 34:7). Here are a few notes exploring the process by which the mortal body is quickened by the input of the spirit. How much of what comes against us physically can be thrown off if we retain our heart’s set devotion to worship God?

Both A Doctor And A Prophet

This counsel and prophecy sets before the Body of Christ a relationship between the flock and the men who serve them in any capacity. This is a perfect vision of a minister of the Word who is also a professional man or also a tradesman, or who serves in any humble capacity.


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If Anyone Is Thirsty…

Release #: 2010-0923-3R

Available MP3 Download: If Anyone Is Thirsty…, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Wednesday, September 22, 2010.

If Anyone Is Thirsty…

Tabernacles is God’s appointed time to come and dwell among us. We come to the Feast with our hearts open wide, ready to drink of His presence, and out of our bellies will flow rivers of living water (John 7:37-38).


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Receive Atonement

Release #: 2010-0922-2R

Available MP3 Download: Receive Atonement, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, September 18, 2010.

Receive Atonement

Today, God is pouring out His Atonement over all the earth. Humble your soul and receive it. Do nothing, except open your heart to receive the atonement He is imparting to you. Prior to the Word, God ministered atonement to The Living Word Fellowship by removing from us the satanic restraint on who we are as John’s legacy.


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Don’t You Make It Unclean!

Release #: 2010-0919-4R

Available MP3 Download: Don’t You Make It Unclean!, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, September 19, 2010.

Don’t You Make It Unclean!

This Word is a warning to us that we have the ability, by what we say and how we view one another, to defile what God has made clean. We are going to enter the presence of the Lord during this Feast of Tabernacles, and by the Word of the Lord, we proclaim holy what God has made clean.


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This Day You Are Clean

Release #: 2010-0919-3R

Available MP3 Download: This Day You Are Clean, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, September 18, 2010.

This Day You Are Clean

God established, by His initiative, the Day of Atonement. “Today, I make you clean.” He cleanses you all the way through to your conscience. What He has declared clean, you must no longer deem as unclean.


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Do You Really Believe In Atonement?

Release #: 2010-0918-2R

Available MP3 Download: Do You Really Believe In Atonement?, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Friday, September 17, 2010.

Do You Really Believe In Atonement?

Does our belief in Christ’s work stop at repetitious salvation, or can we be audacious enough to believe everything of our nature was transferred to Christ? Do we believe the provision of Jesus Christ is complete? There is more to be had than our initial salvation. In the next 24 hours, we reach to experience the full, complete, total, final atonement Christ provided.


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Accept Yourself As A Servant Of The Lord

Release #: 2010-0917-5R   •  Message Date: 08/22/1971

Available MP3 Download: Accept Yourself As A Servant Of The Lord, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Chico, Ca. on Sunday, August 22, 1971.


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We Will Not Return To Our Homes Until–

Release #: 2010-0917-4R   •  Message Date: 08/21/1971

Available MP3 Download: We Will Not Return To Our Homes Until–, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Chico, Ca. on Saturday, August 21, 1971.


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Moving Up Higher

Release #: 2010-0916-4R   •  Message Date: 09/25/1982

Available MP3 Download: Moving Up Higher, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Saturday, September 25, 1982.

Moving Up Higher

We are moving into a more effective level of the Holy Spirit. The less effective soul-level of gifts and ministries gives way to the more effective level of spirit as the human element faces the work of the cross and becomes purified. Now, the gifts and ministries will have more effectiveness, authority, and power than ever before.


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A Revelation Of His Acceptance

Release #: 2010-0916-3R

Available MP3 Download: A Revelation Of His Acceptance, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Saturday, October 17, 1992.

A Revelation Of His Acceptance

God intimately knows your ways and your thoughts, so why do you hide from His presence and flee from His appearings? It is because your carnal mind is unable to believe or understand God’s absolute, total acceptance of you even in your state of unrighteousness. If you can see that the Lord accepts you and that He will never reject you, then you will stand in His presence and be changed.


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How Did Christ Respond To His Culture?

Release #: 2010-0914-2R

Available MP3 Download: How Did Christ Respond To His Culture?, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, September 12, 2010.

How Did Christ Respond To His Culture?

Jesus lived during a time in which there was just as much conflict between various factions of people as exists in the world today. However, Jesus was not of this world, and He remained free of its influence. Like Christ, today we speak the Word of the Lord that lays an axe to the root of Satan’s influence on this age.


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9/11 — Never Forget, Never Again!

Release #: 2010-0913-2R

Available MP3 Download: 9/11 — Never Forget, Never Again!, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, September 11, 2010.

9/11 — Never Forget, Never Again!

On this ninth anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attack, the Word of God shows us the spiritual solution to Satan’s efforts to destroy all mankind. Now is the time for us, as God’s ambassadors, to exert the spiritual influence on this nation that infuses it with God’s Spirit. The Word included instructions to the Arab nations.


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Repent, For The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand

Release #: 2010-0912-4R

Available MP3 Download: Repent, For The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Friday, September 10, 2010.

Repent, For The Kingdom Of God Is At Hand

The Feast of Trumpets signifies a time of proclaiming that the Kingdom of God is at hand. However, our proclamation has greater power and impact when our repentance leads us to the realization that, through Christ, we have been made citizens of God’s Kingdom. Repent until you know from whence you came, and then, as God’s ambassador, manifest His Kingdom on this earth.

Scriptures: Matt. 4:17; 3:1-2; 10:1,7-8; Luke 10:8-10; Col. 1:13; Rev. 11:15; John 17:14; Phil. 3:20; (Isa. 43:19); (Rev. 19:10); (II Chron. 5:5-14); (Luke 10:17); (John 18:36; 16:28); (II Cor. 5:17,20); (Heb. 11:8-10,13-16)
Topics: Kingdom of God; Repentance; Knowing Who You Are; (Islam)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word


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Lord, Make Us Your Kingdom

Release #: 2010-0912-3R

Available MP3 Download: Lord, Make Us Your Kingdom, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, September 11, 2010.

Lord, Make Us Your Kingdom

The Kingdom of God must be the influencing force on this earth. However, before His Kingdom can be a greater force than all other influences, He must have a people who are no longer susceptible to being influenced by any spirit except the Spirit of God. Today, we deepen our salvation experience and proclaim, “Lord, make us Your Kingdom!”


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Days Of Awe, Days Of Fire

Release #: 2010-0910-2R

Available MP3 Download: Days Of Awe, Days Of Fire, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Wednesday, September 8, 2010.

Days Of Awe, Days Of Fire

“…Each man’s work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire (I Corinthians 3:13). In these days of awe, we believe to have this experience of fire, so that this temple can bear the weight of God’s glory. The Word was preceded by a living prophecy regarding what these days of awe will mean to the global Body of Christ.


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Fear Closes The Doors / Real Repentance

Release #: 2010-0907-5R   •  Message Date: 05/07/1965

Available MP3 Download: Fear Closes The Doors / Real Repentance, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, May 7, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 9, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Fear Closes The Doors

While the world is full of doubt and fear, you should be linked into a divine destiny that gives purpose and meaning to your life. Then, you will have the backing of Christ’s authority to do whatever He sent you to do. Otherwise, you may find your life so paralyzed by fear that you never accomplish the great things that you want to do in God.

Real Repentance

The closer a man gets to God, the more he becomes a real repenter. Real repentance involves three steps: prayer for mercy and forgiveness; prayer for the creative power of God; and prayer for dedication and service. When you see your need, look to God to create in you the thing that you lack.


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Principles Of Victory In Spiritual Conflict / Footwashing: A Lesson In Body Ministry

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0907-3R

Principles Of Victory In Spiritual Conflict / Footwashing: A Lesson In Body Ministry, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 2, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, May 6, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Principles Of Victory In Spiritual Conflict

Satan is assaulting us in this day just as he assaulted such men of God as John the Baptist and Martin Luther, because we too are walking in the greater divine truths of our time. In the midst of spiritual conflict, we must understand five principles that open the door to our victory or to our defeat. This Word explains all five principles and how to apply them.

Footwashing: A Lesson In Body Ministry

In footwashing, we see the expression of a great revelation: as a man is elevated into authority, he must also have a humble dedication to serve. Footwashing is not a lesson in humility; it is a lesson in Body ministry.

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There Are No Favorites With God / A Mature Son Is Led By The Spirit

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0907-2R

There Are No Favorites With God / A Mature Son Is Led By The Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, April 29, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 2, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

There Are No Favorites With God

In this Word, John talks about four problems: pride, worry, indifference and instability. The answer to these problems is found in a deep realization that John came to regarding his own personal relationship with the Lord: There are no favorites with God. If anyone excels, it will not be favortism on God’s part; rather, it will be the humility, faith, and steadfastness with which a person responds to everything God says and does that brings fruitfulness.

A Mature Son Is Led By The Spirit

The mature spiritual believer is guided by God; whereas, the immature believer governs his life independently of God. As you come into sonship, you relinquish the direction of your life unto Him, and you execute the leading of His Spirit. This message was also spoken on April 25, 1965 Sunday AM in Sepulveda, CA and was released under the title, “The Guidance Of The Holy Spirit–Romans 8:14,” and printed in the book, Romans 8 Outlines, as a chapter titled, “Guidance Of The Spirit.”

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Be His Witness / Will You Be His Witness?

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0907-1R

Be His Witness / Will You Be His Witness?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 25, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, April 25, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Be His Witness

The next step for Grace Chapel of South Gate is for every member to boldly move as a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. The blessing, the love, and the wisdom that God has given us are not an end in themselves; they are the equipment for effective witnessing to bring people into the purpose of God for their lives.

Will You Be His Witness?

Boldness to witness for Jesus Christ is an essential element in the well-rounded growth of a church. Witnessing brings persecution, which makes us grow as we find our strength in the church. We worship, we walk, and we war. Now, we take the next step: we witness.

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Create The Pure Kingdom Atmosphere

Release #: 2010-0904-6R   •  Message Date: 09/06/1982

Available MP3 Download: Create The Pure Kingdom Atmosphere, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Monday, September 6, 1982.

Create The Pure Kingdom Atmosphere

Always, the Lord is dealing with one thing: your spirit. A pure spirit is never a victim of deception, for it will see God and not illusion. It is in the atmosphere of pure spirit that the promises and power of God are unhindered. Let our worship to Him be acceptable–a broken and contrite spirit.


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He Owns Us All / Pure Love Gives, Not Possesses

Release #: 2010-0904-5R   •  Message Date: 09/09/1982

Available MP3 Download: He Owns Us All / Pure Love Gives, Not Possesses, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Haiku, HI on Thursday, September 9, 1982 and in Haiku, HI on Saturday, September 11, 1982.

He Owns Us All

The pure relationship between us depends upon our giving ourselves over wholly to the Lord. If the Lord possesses me and I am not my own, can I presume to possess another? When Christ is Lord over us all, we will create among ourselves the pure atmosphere of the Kingdom.

Pure Love Gives, Not Possesses

You cannot belong to the Lord and yet possess others. They too, must belong to the Lord, not to you. Here is true teaching on the unselfish giving quality of love, and the key to our joyful relationship to the Lord. This Word came as a prelude to a wedding.


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I Was Not Known As Jehovah

Release #: 2010-0904-4R   •  Message Date: 04/15/1976

Available MP3 Download: I Was Not Known As Jehovah, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Thursday, April 15, 1976.

I Was Not Known As Jehovah

This tape will be a total experience instead of a teaching service. You’re incited to demand Jehovah to be manifested. This word teaches us how to think about the Kingdom, about everything that opposes the Kingdom. It will blast you loose from traditional, conventional attitudes and orient you to the Kingdom.


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We Are A Transition Generation

Release #: 2010-0830-2R

Available MP3 Download: We Are A Transition Generation, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, August 29, 2010.

We Are A Transition Generation

We are living in a transitional generation. During times of transition, you cannot rely on what you have known in the past. Rather, your heart must be yearning and hungry to see and to hear the Lord as He reveals Himself in the new way He is appearing. A burning heart cannot be shaken from following Him.


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Salvation, Condemnation And Spiritual Warfare

Release #: 2010-0824-2R

Available MP3 Download: Salvation, Condemnation And Spiritual Warfare, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, August 22, 2010.

Salvation, Condemnation And Spiritual Warfare

There is therefore now no death sentence in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1) because God has literally taken our sin, including the consequences and the punishment for it, and laid it on Christ. Satan, however, has refused God and refused salvation. Satan’s strategy is to constantly throw his condemnation onto us. In this Word, we submit even deeper to Christ’s complete salvation and we refuse to deal with Satan’s condemnation.


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God Through You

Release #: 2010-0810-2R

Available MP3 Download: God Through You, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, August 8, 2010.

God Through You

As God moves in the earth today, it will be through you. Yet, since the beginning of time, the antichrist spirit is determined to deny Christ coming forth in human vessels. This Word today gives us an experience in God whereby we come to know that Christ in us is a greater force than the antichrist. Christ in us is the answer for this age.


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How To Wait On The Lord / Feast Upon The Lamb

Release #: 2010-0802-2R   •  Message Date: 04/14/1965

Available MP3 Download: How To Wait On The Lord / Feast Upon The Lamb, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, April 14, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, April 16, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

How To Wait On The Lord

If you believe that God spoke to Abraham, then you must also believe that He can speak to you today. God wants to produce a people who are led by His Spirit and who can unlock the power of His Word. This involves waiting on the Lord.

Feast Upon The Lamb

Christ our Lamb is the Word of God. Don’t just hear the Word; digest it! Then you will have divine strength to leave the bondage of sin. This Word was preceded by an exhortation on the attitude with which we should approach the Lord. The service concluded with ministry to a young couple in which teaching was given on the oneness of marriage.


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Is Your Future Lost In Your Past?

Release #: 2010-0802-4R

Available MP3 Download: Is Your Future Lost In Your Past?, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, August 1, 2010.

Is Your Future Lost In Your Past?

God is getting ready to do something different and new. Will we be stuck in our past, or can we “forget what lies behind” (Philippians 3:13) and press into that which eye has not seen nor ear heard (I Corinthians 2:9)? We refuse for our past to block our future. We embrace and press into God’s future for us.


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Our Relationship To The Christian World / Reception, Dedication, Execution

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0801-4R

Our Relationship To The Christian World / Reception, Dedication, Execution, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, April 22, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, April 23, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Our Relationship To The Christian World

With the wisdom of a fathering ministry, John clarifies our relationship to the Christian world, as he reports on a Lutheran retreat that he recently attended. God did not raise us up to be an independent church, but we are to be a blessing to the greater Body of Christ.

Reception, Dedication, Execution

Reception, dedication, execution–these are three stages every believer encounters in this walk with God. Yet, within each stage lies a danger. What stage are you in? Be aware of the dangers therein and walk aggressively, in no way alarmed by your opponents, which is destruction for them!

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Receive The Resurrection Power Of The Holy Spirit / Lazarus, Come Forth!

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0801-3R

Receive The Resurrection Power Of The Holy Spirit / Lazarus, Come Forth!, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, April 18, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Receive The Resurrection Power Of The Holy Spirit

When you open your heart to Christ and receive the Holy Spirit, a process begins in you of quickening your mortal body and bringing forth resurrection life. This process is taking place right now. This message was also spoken on April 18, 1965, Sunday AM in South Gate, CA and was released under the title, “The Resurrection Power Of The Holy Spirit–Romans 8:9-13” and printed in the book, Romans Eight Outlines.

Lazarus, Come Forth!

In this expository message out of John 11, the story of Lazarus is used to illustrate a pattern for revival and deliverance. If you believe, you will see the glory of God, but your faith must also have a corresponding action.

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The Lord Is Looking At Your Heart / The Mind Of The Spirit Versus The Mind Of The Flesh — Romans 8

Out of Print

Release #: 2010-0801-1R

The Lord Is Looking At Your Heart / The Mind Of The Spirit Versus The Mind Of The Flesh — Romans 8, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, April 8, 1965 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 11, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

The Lord Is Looking At Your Heart

This Word is a deep heart-searcher. What is in your heart motivates everything you say and do; therefore, God is concerned about purifying your heart. He wants a heart-based relationship with you.

The Mind Of The Spirit Versus The Mind Of The Flesh — Romans 8

Romans 8 opens up a walk in the Spirit where sin can no longer have dominion over you. This walk in the Spirit is a necessity, not a luxury. Your success in attaining to the perfect will of God depends on it. This message was also spoken on April 11, 1965, Sunday AM in Sepulveda, CA and was released under the title, “The Contrast Between Life In The Spirit And Life In The Flesh–Romans 8:5-8,” and printed in the book, Romans Eight Outlines.

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Allow God’s Word To Work In You

Release #: 2010-0726-2R

Available MP3 Download: Allow God’s Word To Work In You, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, July 25, 2010.

Allow God’s Word To Work In You

Nelson Mandela changed the course of history in South Africa by allowing himself to be the embodiment of God’s forgiveness. Likewise, we can decide to not respond to circumstances and events on a human level. There is nothing so impossible or dark about this age that cannot be changed by opening our heart and allowing the living Word to work in us and through us.


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