
Showing 501–600 of 6447 results


His Word Comes With A Guarantee

Release #: 2018-0102-2R

Available MP3 Download: His Word Comes With A Guarantee, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niterói, Brazil on Friday, December 29, 2017.

His Word Comes With A Guarantee

God swore by Himself when He made a promise to Abraham (Hebrews 6:13-15). No other guarantee was needed back then, and no other guarantee is needed for you today other than God Himself. Whatever He has promised you in His Word, He will do it. Abraham waited patiently because he knew that God’s promise to him was guaranteed by God’s very name. Our faith must be like Abraham’s–a faith that knows that the Word of God comes with a guarantee that He will do it. We simply lay hold of His promises and His Word, and we enter into His rest. This Word changes everything in our relationship with Him and His Word. We lay hold of what He has said, knowing that all His promises are backed up by all that He is.


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The Realm Of Spirit And Your Mortal Body

Release #: 2017-1226-2R   •  Message Date: 10/26/1967

Available MP3 Download: The Realm Of Spirit And Your Mortal Body, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, October 26, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

The Realm Of Spirit And Your Mortal Body

We must come into an understanding of what God has taught us in His Word about the connection between the realm of spirit and our physical body. God is strengthening all of our faculties with His wisdom and grace, and this teaching gives us more understanding of the principles that He has made available to us. In this message, we learn how to bless others with our hands, how to eat and fast in ways that help our spirits, and how to strengthen our auras. Teaching is also given on the meanings of spiritual signs in our physical body. We have come to the realm of spirit and our mortal bodies are being made alive to God.


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The Way To A Steadfast Ministry / We Are New Wineskins

Release #: 2017-1219-2R   •  Message Date: 10/25/1967

Available MP3 Download: The Way To A Steadfast Ministry / We Are New Wineskins, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, October 25, 1967 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, October 26, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

The Way To A Steadfast Ministry

God chastens us and uses circumstances to bring us into a revelation of the Lord, which in turn leads us into a sustained and enduring ministry. It is shattering to come face to face with Him, but out of that experience comes what God wants: a steadfast ministry. We will become those who stand together without breaking ranks, loving and taking responsibility for each other. This service started with a time of judgment to break bottlenecks and it sets great things in motion.

We Are New Wineskins

Be new and fresh in the Lord. Be flexible and ready to receive and to give. Refuse to grow old in your thinking and in your spirit. This is a progressive, unfolding walk with God. Although we respect everything that God has restored to His Church, we are eagerly reaching into the next steps. Fantastic fulfillments will come as we take faith to launch out in God.


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This Feast Of Dedication — Fill Your Heart With The Living Word

Release #: 2017-1218-2R

Available MP3 Download: This Feast Of Dedication — Fill Your Heart With The Living Word, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, December 17, 2017.

This Feast Of Dedication — Fill Your Heart With The Living Word

The Feast of Dedication celebrates the miracle of Hanukkah that occurred at the cleansing of the second temple during the time of the Maccabees. They had to build a menorah and fill it with what little oil they had. Then God created a miracle. Years earlier, when the foundation of the second temple was laid, the old men who had seen the first temple wept over the lost glory. Still, Haggai exhorted them to take courage and work. God was saying, “The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former.” Hanukkah doesn’t start with a miracle; it ends with a miracle because God blesses your efforts and faith. The Lord is telling us to fill ourselves with the living Word that He has given us. Fill whatever you do with that anointed oil of the Word. It’s not based on what we have or do not have. The miracle of Hanukkah will be done in you and through you because of the anointing of His living Word.


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Awaken To The Presence Of The Lord / Faith Requires A Commitment

Release #: 2017-1216-2R   •  Message Date: 11/12/1967

Available MP3 Download: Awaken To The Presence Of The Lord / Faith Requires A Commitment, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, November 12, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Awaken To The Presence Of The Lord

Awaken to the Lord’s presence. Speak His Word and claim blessings. Sometimes in your toughest circumstances the Lord is meeting you. He is changing you and teaching you how to do new things. Take it; walk in it. Listen intensely and hear what the Lord is saying to you.

Faith Requires A Commitment

What can you do to strengthen your faith? Set your heart to believe and to never waver or doubt under any circumstance. Your will determines whether your mind will be open to the fiery darts of the enemy or reject them and have faith. Do you believe in what God is doing and saying today? If you do, it requires a commitment that is so deep in your life that you give everything you are to what God is speaking.


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At Tabernacles, God Opened A Door / The Door To The Storehouse Is Open

Release #: 2017-1212-4R   •  Message Date: 10/27/1967

Available MP3 Download: At Tabernacles, God Opened A Door / The Door To The Storehouse Is Open, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, October 27, 1967 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 5, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

At Tabernacles, God Opened A Door

In this Feast Of Tabernacles, we witnessed the genesis and the launching of many things in our lives: a greater closeness in our worship to the Lord and a greater awareness of Him. We are coming into a relationship with Christ that is mature and satisfying. We leave this Feast with an anticipation for more change, knowing that our problems are simply part of a passing scene and that He has positioned us before Him.

The Door To The Storehouse Is Open

God has set before us an open door that no one can shut. That door leads to His great treasury house, which is filled with unlimited blessings. We should take advantage of the access that we have to everything we need. Let’s enter into the labors and accomplishments that God has set before us. We may make mistakes, but as we go forward He will lead us.


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Repentance That Restores God’s Presence

Release #: 2017-1212-2R

Available MP3 Download: Repentance That Restores God’s Presence, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken at Anuhea, Maui, HI on Sunday, December 10, 2017.

Repentance That Restores God’s Presence

In Psalm 51 David teaches us how to repent. Repentance is not about cleansing ourselves through sacrifice and works. God is the One who cleanses and washes clean. David cared about and focused on his relationship with the Lord. He didn’t want God to walk away from the relationship. “Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me” (Psalm 51:11). Moses had the same heart as David. God was going to send an angel to bring Moses and the Israelites into the promised land, but Moses responded, “If You don’t go with us, don’t send us.” In that same way, we are not a people motivated by the fulfillment of promises. The only thing that matters is having God’s presence with us. Our repentance is about maintaining our relationship and closeness with God that allows Him to be near us. This Word lifts us out of an old way of repentance and brings us into the joy of our salvation.


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Let Your Light Shine Before Men

Out of Print

Release #: 2017-1209-1R

Released on CD: Let Your Light Shine Before Men, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, December 4, 2005.

Let Your Light Shine Before Men

Christ did not isolate Himself from the world and neither should we. When we open up and reveal Christ in us, we are His light to the world. The Magical Christmas Caroling Truck is an opportunity for us to bring the touch of the Lord into people’s lives. In this season when people are open, we commit ourselves to stop hiding and let the light of Christ shine through us.

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Let Your Light Shine Before Men

Release #: 2017-1209-2R   •  Message Date: 12/04/2005

Available MP3 Download: Let Your Light Shine Before Men, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, December 4, 2005.

Let Your Light Shine Before Men

Christ did not isolate Himself from the world and neither should we. When we open up and reveal Christ in us, we are His light to the world. The Magical Christmas Caroling Truck is an opportunity for us to bring the touch of the Lord into people’s lives. In this season when people are open, we commit ourselves to stop hiding and let the light of Christ shine through us.


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You Will Be Shaken As God Executes His Will

Release #: 2017-1204-2R

Available MP3 Download: You Will Be Shaken As God Executes His Will, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, December 3, 2017.

You Will Be Shaken As God Executes His Will

As a school of prophets, we must have the same relationship with the Father that Jesus had: we must be so open to receive His love that He is able to work His will in us and create us into His expression in the earth. How do we get there when our thoughts and paradigms are so contrary to His? The disciples’ response to God sending Jesus to the cross was dramatic and emotional. They were sad, troubled, fearful, grieved, unbelieving, and scattered. But that didn’t stop God; it was time to execute His will in bringing salvation to man, so He did. The disciples were forced to catch up after the fact. It required repentance, weeping, and waiting on the Lord. God shook them free from their walls and paradigms. Through the devastation that shattered them, they were open on the day of Pentecost to receive the outpouring of the Spirit. They were strengthened with power and equipped to be ambassadors of His will. We are living in the days when God is moving and preparing to establish His Kingdom. It will be as dramatic as when Christ went to the cross. God’s moving will shake all things. Prepare your heart; ask Him into your life. Allow Him to shake you free from your walls and paradigms that block you from receiving His love and becoming His expression and will in the earth. Allow His love to change your life.


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Wills Disciplined To Do The Will Of God

Out of Print

Release #: 2017-1129-3R

Released on CD: Wills Disciplined To Do The Will Of God, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, November 20, 2005.

Wills Disciplined To Do The Will Of God

The only thing you truly own and control is your will, and your will is being molded and shaped by the decisions you make and the actions you take every day. Very simply, the Kingdom of God consists of people who have set their will to do the will of the Father, and hell contains those unwilling and unable to will His will. This Word was a warning in the Spirit directed especially to the people under age 30.

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Wills Disciplined To Do The Will Of God

Release #: 2017-1129-4R   •  Message Date: 11/20/2005

Available MP3 Download: Wills Disciplined To Do The Will Of God, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, November 20, 2005.

Wills Disciplined To Do The Will Of God

The only thing you truly own and control is your will, and your will is being molded and shaped by the decisions you make and the actions you take every day. Very simply, the Kingdom of God consists of people who have set their will to do the will of the Father, and hell contains those unwilling and unable to will His will. This Word was a warning in the Spirit directed especially to the people under age 30.


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Your Communion With The Lord / The Open Door No Man Can Close

Release #: 2017-1129-2R   •  Message Date: 11/05/1967

Available MP3 Download: Your Communion With The Lord / The Open Door No Man Can Close, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, November 5, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Your Communion With The Lord

As we partake of the Communion, we must not be guilty of performing a ritual that is meaningless. In the Communion, our Lord is saying to us, “As you eat, open your spirit. Come into a oneness with Me. Receive My life and My strength unto yourself.” The Communion is the mystical mingling of our spirits with His.

The Open Door No Man Can Close

Behind this great day of restoration and blessing is the Lord of lords Himself. He has the key of David and He has opened a door that no man can close. He is saying to us, “The door is open; enter in.” Let us enter in with all the faith in our hearts and lay hold of every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Prior to the Word, John gives a report on several exciting breakthroughs that are happening throughout the fellowship: printing of “The First Principles;” establishing a printing and recording ministry to publish the Word; the possibility of a church among the Amish people who have received the Holy Spirit; and developing camps and retreats for our young people.


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An Amazing Feast Of Tabernacles Experience, Then And Now

Release #: 2017-1128-8R   •  Message Date: 10/27/1967

Available MP3 Download: An Amazing Feast Of Tabernacles Experience, Then And Now, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, October 27, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

An Amazing Feast Of Tabernacles Experience, Then And Now

John chapter 7 describes the last observance of the Feast Of Tabernacles that the Lord Jesus kept before He was crucified. During that time when He was bringing great revelation-teaching, some people were questioning, “How do we know if a teaching originates from God or from the motivation of a self-seeking man?” Others were seeking to kill Him. On the last day of the Feast Of Tabernacles, Christ stood and spoke, “If any man thirst, let him come to Me and drink and out of his belly will flow rivers of living water.” When people left the Feast Of Tabernacles they had to make a decision: would they walk in the glorious truths that would stagger their imagination, truths that eye has not seen, nor ear heard? It is much the same for us today. God’s Spirit is fresh. Persecution may come. The legalists will seek to destroy the grace of Christ. We have learned to drink of the Lord and we have learned to bless our brother and be a supply for the world. Set your sights on something bigger. Dwell where He dwells, surrender all. This message is the Word that God wanted us to have for the Feast Of Tabernacles.


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Christ, Our Immunity

Release #: 2017-1128-6R   •  Message Date: 10/26/1967

Available MP3 Download: Christ, Our Immunity, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, October 26, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Christ, Our Immunity

In this message, John Stevens makes real to us Christ’s experience in Gethsemane. At Gethsemane, the walls of immunity came down, and the hordes of hell came rushing through to do what God had determined had to be done. For us, the walls of immunity are coming up. The days of spiritual immunity are upon us and we will prevail over all the power of darkness. Let us be strong to enter into them in the name of the Lord. Jesus is our immunity, our fortress, and our protection.


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Set Your Will On God / Come Into His Presence And Appropriate

Release #: 2017-1128-4R   •  Message Date: 10/24/1967

Available MP3 Download: Set Your Will On God / Come Into His Presence And Appropriate, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, October 24, 1967 and in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, October 25, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Set Your Will On God

God works with our human will until our will is set on Him. Wrestle with God like Jacob did, until He meets your heart. Reach into God with eager expectation and seek Him with all of your heart.

Come Into His Presence And Appropriate

People miss the wonderful blessings waiting for them when they become discouraged and draw back from God. Instead, we must draw nearer to Him, develop an awareness of His presence, and draw His blessings. God has made Himself available and we can appropriate whatever we need from Him. Let’s hunger after the Lord, and when He blesses us, let’s turn and worship Him and bless each other with what we have received.


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Love Enables Us To Embrace God’s Will

Release #: 2017-1128-2R

Available MP3 Download: Love Enables Us To Embrace God’s Will, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken at Anuhea, Maui, HI on Sunday, November 26, 2017.

Love Enables Us To Embrace God’s Will

The Lord has been speaking to us out of John 14 where Jesus challenges His disciples to love Him and not resist the will of the Father. Jesus loved the Father, and that love not only motivated Jesus but also equipped Him to do the will of the Father. Jesus said, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word ” (John 14:23). Love connects us to the Father and enables us to embrace His will and do it. Jesus is sending us into the world to do the will of the Father. We will not accomplish His will by our own effort and energy, but by loving Him. Love will transport us into His will. This is another key to release the power of the school of prophets. God is opening a fantastic door for us, and we need to take the next step and love Him so we can embrace His will and execute it.


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Driven By Love, We Become His Spotless Bride

Release #: 2017-1120-2R

Available MP3 Download: Driven By Love, We Become His Spotless Bride, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, November 19, 2017.

Driven By Love, We Become His Spotless Bride

When Jesus was getting ready to go to the cross, He instructed His disciples, saying, “If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced.” Love would have caused them to think differently, because love controls how you think and takes you where He is. Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her that He might sanctify her and present to Himself a bride without spot or wrinkle. He died for us to be His virgin bride–a virgin in mind, heart, spirit, attitude, and memory. We will not enter into a marriage relationship with Him carrying baggage from our past. God is bringing us out of one way of life into another. We are being washed clean and born again without blemish. The Apostle Paul talked about the love of God controlling us, and he labored to present the Church to Christ as a pure virgin. This love is the key of the Kingdom; it will drive us, control us, and take us where Christ wants us to be. We can’t work this up in ourselves. We draw His love for us. Christ wants a virgin bride and an eternal relationship. We press into this experience and believe we can be among those who stand without spot or wrinkle.


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Think God’s Word

Release #: 2009-0401-2R   •  Message Date: 03/29/2009

Available MP3 Download: Think God’s Word, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, March 29, 2009.

Think God’s Word

It is time to make progress! It is by the seed that we have the planting. The seed has been planted on good ground, but do not let the birds pick it away. Do not listen to speculations — that is the battle. Take your thoughts captive. Take the Word and force your thoughts to think according to that Word. This is the way forward!


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It Is Time To Be One Flesh / The Key To Authority Is Unity

Release #: 2008-0924-4R   •  Message Date: 10/02/1999

Available MP3 Download: It Is Time To Be One Flesh / The Key To Authority Is Unity, by Gary Hargrave. These messages were spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, October 2, 1999.

It Is Time To Be One Flesh

With this Tabernacles marriage blessing, the futility of the curse that has existed in marriage relationships is ended and a door is opened to enter into the true oneness that God intended between a man and a woman.

The Key To Authority Is Unity

“Power is going to be released through the authority of Jesus Christ, and the authority of Jesus Christ is released through the unity of the saints” — John Robert Stevens. God is waiting for us to be one so that He can lay His mantle of authority upon us. This Word paints a greater vision for us of God’s purpose in creating unity in the Body.


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The Blessing The Lord Commands

Release #: 2017-1116-6R   •  Message Date: 01/09/1975

Available MP3 Download: The Blessing The Lord Commands, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, January 9, 1975.

The Blessing The Lord Commands

How limited is the blessing upon those who seek personal answers or deliverance from a personal problem! How vast and unlimited are the promises and blessings upon those who seek the blessing of the Lord upon their brothers! How simple, yet how profound is this message. Will we ever learn that this is Body ministry?


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The Burden We Don’t Share

Release #: 2017-1116-4R   •  Message Date: 01/20/1978

Available MP3 Download: The Burden We Don’t Share, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Shiloh, Kalona, IA on Friday, January 20, 1978.

The Burden We Don’t Share

The Body must learn to eliminate its poisons but not on one another. Dump your bitterness and confusion on the Lord, but do not defile one another by what you dump on Him.


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The Burden We Share

Release #: 2017-1116-2R   •  Message Date: 01/07/1978

Available MP3 Download: The Burden We Share, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Shiloh, Kalona, IA on Saturday, January 7, 1978.

The Burden We Share

The mutual exchange of burden is probably the most significant thing we have as the Father’s family. Each one of us must participate ourselves and bring forth everyone else in the Kingdom flow. All to be participators, all to be ministers, all to be functioning members of the family.


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If You Love Me, Everything Will Change

Release #: 2017-1113-2R

Available MP3 Download: If You Love Me, Everything Will Change, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, November 12, 2017.

If You Love Me, Everything Will Change

To grasp what God is doing in the circumstances of our lives, we must see that He is always working towards His eternal purpose for us. His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are not our ways. So we have to move from where we are and be where He is. Isaiah 55 tells us to seek the Lord while He may be found. The way to seek Him, the way to return to Him, is to love Him with all of your heart. God loves you and is working in your life to bring you into an eternal relationship with Him. He has many things to tell us, but like the early disciples, we’re not able to bear them. The Scriptures tell us that love bears all things. Love brings us into the place where we can hear what He is saying. Bring down every wall to the power and force of God’s love. Open up to His love for you and return that love with all of your heart.


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Take Me Where I Would Not Go

Release #: 2017-1106-2R

Available MP3 Download: Take Me Where I Would Not Go, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken at Anuhea, Maui, HI on Sunday, November 5, 2017.

Take Me Where I Would Not Go

We are in the middle of a deep experience where God is driven to get rid of the duplicity in our hearts that disapproves of and crosses out His will. Peter was a dramatic example of being praised for his revelation one minute, and in the next minute being in total opposition of what Christ was saying (Matthew 16). Just because you have a revelation doesn’t mean you want His will. Peter was focused on himself and how Christ going to the cross would affect him, instead of being focused on how it would affect the Kingdom of God. We come before You, Lord, and open our hearts. We repent by surrendering to You, stretching out our hands and asking You to take us where we would not go. We reach into a love that will carry us through until we agree with, embrace, and love Your will. Then we will be the force to manifest it to the earth.


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Driven Into An Eternal Relationship Of Oneness

Release #: 2017-1103-2R

Available MP3 Download: Driven Into An Eternal Relationship Of Oneness, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken at Anuhea, Maui, HI on Wednesday, November 1, 2017.

Driven Into An Eternal Relationship Of Oneness

As Christ prepared for His death on the cross, He used the sorrow and grief of His disciples to drive them into a new relationship with Him. He connected them into the same oneness that He Himself already had with the Father: “because I live, you will live also. In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.” (John 14:19-20). In His earthly state, Christ was separated from the Father; yet He could see and hear the Father (John 5:19). This is the mystical relationship of communication and oneness that Christ wanted the disciples to enter into. In that relationship, He would continue to mature them to rule and reign with Him in His Father’s Kingdom. In the joy of our salvation experience, we lose the impact of what the disciples were experiencing at the time of Christ’s departure. However, all that Christ was imparting to the disciples in their time of sorrow and grief must be our experience. We open our hearts to His impartation that delivers us into a greater relationship of oneness with Him. This is the relationship that matures us to rule and reign with Him.


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If You Love Me, You Will Rejoice

Release #: 2017-1030-2R

Available MP3 Download: If You Love Me, You Will Rejoice, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, October 29, 2017.

If You Love Me, You Will Rejoice

The Lord said to His disciples: “If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced because I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I ” (John 14:28). This admonition from Christ to the disciples was difficult for them to accept because they were so absorbed in their own sorrow and grief over His departure. Christ was weaning them away from relating to Him on a level that would not make it into the Kingdom of God. He was drawing them into a new and greater relationship of oneness with Him and with the Father. This was a deep, life-changing experience for the disciples. From their perspective, Christ was leaving them. However, from God’s perspective, He was opening up a day of the greater works and connecting them into the realm of spirit through the power of the oneness that He wanted to have with them. We, too, have to experience this transition in our relationship with Him. Our present hardships are only a moment in our eternity. From God’s perspective, He has plans for welfare and not for calamity to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). As we pray, “Thy Kingdom come,” we cannot be rejecting His will and His ways. Instead, melt in love towards Him and He will draw us to where He is and show us what He is doing. This Word culminates a time of seeking God for a meeting with Him in the days surrounding the 2nd anniversary of Marilyn’s passing. We will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. We will not let our hearts be troubled but we will trust the Lord and His plan for us.


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Our Flesh Limits God

Release #: 2017-1028-8R   •  Message Date: 09/13/1981

Available MP3 Download: Our Flesh Limits God, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, September 13, 1981.

Our Flesh Limits God

The past hours and days have seen the Holy Spirit revive the prophecies and promises and goals of intercession for which we’ve expended our lives. What limited the measure of fulfillment? The flesh-mind remains the diluting input to our spirit-faith. The limited fulfillment to the Word may have disillusioned, but God will let no flesh glory in His presence. Therefore, the purification of the priesthood precedes God moving in swift judgment.


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The Lord Has Given A Living Word, But Who Has Heard It?

Release #: 2017-1028-6R   •  Message Date: 03/23/1979

Available MP3 Download: The Lord Has Given A Living Word, But Who Has Heard It?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in No. Hollywood, CA on Friday, March 23, 1979.

The Lord Has Given A Living Word, But Who Has Heard It?

This Word was delivered to a recent assembly of about 150 pastors that met in Sepulveda to find direction for legal problems, etc. The Word became the most important challenge to the churches for a long time. Every church was built through the basic living Word that came by print or by recording, but the churches as well as individuals are stalemated when they fail to heed the Word that is coming in a progressive, unfolding revelation. How can we understand what God will do when we’ve not listened to the Word that tells us what He is doing? Confusion results from facing circumstances and battles without understanding the Word God is giving. This is absolutely essential.


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Hear It, Do It, Become It / Gifts For The Imperfect

Release #: 2017-1028-4R   •  Message Date: 09/11/1981

Available MP3 Download: Hear It, Do It, Become It / Gifts For The Imperfect, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Friday, September 11, 1981 and in Honolulu, HI on Thursday, September 10, 1981.

Hear It, Do It, Become It

We become as we act on the Word we receive. Passive hearing is sterile. The emphasis in the Kingdom is more what we are becoming than what we are proclaiming.

Gifts For The Imperfect

The gifts of the Spirit and spiritual ministries are not given to those who have reached perfection; rather they are given to create in each other perfection and maturity.


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Purity Is Appropriated

Release #: 2017-1028-2R   •  Message Date: 09/06/1981

Available MP3 Download: Purity Is Appropriated, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Sunday, September 6, 1981.

Purity Is Appropriated

The Lord’s chastening does not produce purity but prepares us to appropriate it. The priests of the Kingdom must be purified before judgment comes. The Lord’s Supper becomes the greatest means by which we may “thoroughly judge” ourselves, and thus appropriate His righteousness. This message is a key revolutionary restoration message.


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Transformation Starts In Your Mind

Release #: 2009-0324-2R   •  Message Date: 03/22/2009

Available MP3 Download: Transformation Starts In Your Mind, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, March 22, 2009.

Transformation Starts In Your Mind

This Word is life-changing, practical training on how to effect the recent Word on transformation in our lives.


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Our Bodies Are The Arena

Release #: 2017-1024-6R   •  Message Date: 11/12/1981

Available MP3 Download: Our Bodies Are The Arena, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in No. Hollywood, CA on Thursday, November 12, 1981.

Our Bodies Are The Arena

We know the conflict that exists in the realm of our spirit and our soul, but we are more aware of how vulnerable we are physically. Romans 8 — “we yearn for the redemption of our bodies;” at least we would gain some immunity from the satanic assault.


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The End-Time Spiritual Temple / Spiritual Immunity

Release #: 2017-1024-4R   •  Message Date: 10/22/1967

Available MP3 Download: The End-Time Spiritual Temple / Spiritual Immunity, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 22, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

The End-Time Spiritual Temple

We are living in the most significant hour in the history of the world. In this time of restoration, the glory of God upon the end-time spiritual temple will be greater than the glory that rested on any other temple (Haggai 2:7). It is a temple of living stones, built up by the Spirit for the habitation of God. Everything that can be shaken is going to be removed, and all that will remain is what God has wrought within you. Haggai’s prophecy to Israel came during the Feast Of Tabernacles, and that prophecy continues to have significance for us today as we celebrate the Feast. Practical ways for becoming involved in the work of the Lord are also given.

Spiritual Immunity

John Stevens describes a meeting with God he experienced last night in which it was given to him to walk into spiritual immunity. It was a first-fruits experience, and the promise is that this immunity will be given to many others as they come into the ministry. John also teaches about standing in the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ.


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Persevere And Faint Not / A Call For Fervent Prayer — Part I

Release #: 2017-1024-2R   •  Message Date: 10/08/1967

Available MP3 Download: Persevere And Faint Not / A Call For Fervent Prayer — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 8, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Persevere And Faint Not

How many blessings and answers are lost because we become depressed or discouraged or resigned when things don’t seem to change? With the help of the Holy Spirit, we should be perpetually hopeful and always seeking the Lord with a fresh faith that believes, “This can be the moment that the Lord breaks through and answers my prayer.” Who knows what God can bring forth for us today?

A Call For Fervent Prayer — Part I

We have not yet touched the depth of prayer that the Lord wants to bring forth. There must be something violent within us that drives us to prayer and intercession until it becomes an agony within our heart. When God senses that drive, He answers prayer. This message is a call for prayer that brings answers and revival.


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Kick The Hinges Off The Door

Release #: 2017-1021-2R   •  Message Date: 10/23/1967

Available MP3 Download: Kick The Hinges Off The Door, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Monday, October 23, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Kick The Hinges Off The Door

It is God’s will that the great victory upon this earth will be wrought through humans. We have prayed and looked to God for victory, but we must realize that God has opened the door to it right here and now. Be careful not to kick it shut with indifference. Start living in His presence. Every day, walk that day with God and according to your faith, it will be done unto you.


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Our Authority To End Death And Hades

Out of Print

Release #: 2017-1019-5R

Released on CD: Our Authority To End Death And Hades, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, September 22, 1985.

Our Authority To End Death And Hades

This Word was again an expression of some of the revelation which came during a meeting with the Lord on Friday, September 20, 1985. The scales of unawareness must drop from our eyes until we understand how far into the Kingdom we really are. This service began the Prophet, Priest, and King’s exercise of authority which will end death and Hades.

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What Do We Do With Freedom?

Out of Print

Release #: 2017-1019-3R

Released on CD: What Do We Do With Freedom?, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Shiloh, Kalona, IA on Saturday, July 4, 1987.

What Do We Do With Freedom?

We know that Christ has set us free. The question is what do we do with our freedom? In the Kingdom, we as free men commit that freedom to the establishment of His Lordship. This means that we love our neighbor as ourself, and through love we serve one another. This is the root of the prophetic community.

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Our Authority To End Death And Hades

Release #: 2017-1019-6R   •  Message Date: 09/22/1985

Available MP3 Download: Our Authority To End Death And Hades, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, September 22, 1985.

Our Authority To End Death And Hades

This Word was again an expression of some of the revelation which came during a meeting with the Lord on Friday, September 20, 1985. The scales of unawareness must drop from our eyes until we understand how far into the Kingdom we really are. This service began the Prophet, Priest, and King’s exercise of authority which will end death and Hades.


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What Do We Do With Freedom?

Release #: 2017-1019-4R   •  Message Date: 07/04/1987

Available MP3 Download: What Do We Do With Freedom?, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Shiloh, Kalona, IA on Saturday, July 4, 1987.

What Do We Do With Freedom?

We know that Christ has set us free. The question is what do we do with our freedom? In the Kingdom, we as free men commit that freedom to the establishment of His Lordship This means that we love our neighbor as ourself, and through love we serve one another. This is the root of the prophetic community.


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Hastily Out Of The Dungeon / Progressive, Unfolding Revelation / A Meeting With The Father

Release #: 2017-1019-2R   •  Message Date: 10/20/1967

Available MP3 Download: Hastily Out Of The Dungeon / Progressive, Unfolding Revelation / A Meeting With The Father, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, October 20, 1967 and in South Gate, CA on Saturday, October 21, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Hastily Out Of The Dungeon

In this time of the Feast Of Tabernacles, we must have a flow of prophecy that produces an awareness of blessing, not just an anticipation of blessing. These are days of fulfillment in which we receive and appropriate the blessings of the Lord. As it was with Joseph, we have been tested and tried by the Word of the Lord, serving the Lord as best we can. But the time is coming when God will hastily summon us from the dungeon, the shackles of restrictions will be removed, and He places us in authority to be His instruments to accomplish His purposes.

Progressive, Unfolding Revelation

The greatest thing that can take place in our life is to be exposed to a progressive, unfolding, step-by-step revelation of what God is doing. Without an unfolding revelation people can become discouraged and not appreciate what God has done for them. Let us praise God instead of being discouraged; we may be just around the corner from the biggest fountain of blessing that ever happened.

A Meeting With The Father

John Stevens describes an experience in which his spirit was caught up into a meeting with the Father during the worship in this service. The Father spoke to him of things to come. As the experience unfolded, John realized his own unworthiness and put himself wholly at the Father’s mercy.


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From God Through You

Release #: 2017-1013-8R   •  Message Date: 09/07/1981

Available MP3 Download: From God Through You, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Monday, September 7, 1981.

From God Through You

When we are one, our responses are different than when we are independent. Oneness excludes condemnation as well as revelation of another’s need without the love to meet it. Alone we never see another rightly. As one we love and know even as we are known.


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Neither Control Nor Be Controlled

Release #: 2017-1013-6R   •  Message Date: 08/30/1981

Available MP3 Download: Neither Control Nor Be Controlled, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, August 30, 1981.

Neither Control Nor Be Controlled

In our oneness we do not control one another, but we reproduce what Christ has wrought in us in one another’s lives. We bring one another forth in His image, not in our own fleshly image. This is the oneness that creates, but does not control.


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You Really Do Love Me!

Release #: 2017-1013-4R   •  Message Date: 08/24/1981

Available MP3 Download: You Really Do Love Me!, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Monday, August 24, 1981.

You Really Do Love Me!

The love-triangle of the spirit is: you know God loves you and you love Him. You know He loves your brother. Then it is easy to love your brother and be one with him.


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Swallowed Up Into One

Release #: 2017-1013-2R   •  Message Date: 08/18/1981

Available MP3 Download: Swallowed Up Into One, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, August 18, 1981.

Swallowed Up Into One

The goal of all satanic activity is division and independence. Christ prevails as Lord when you open your heart to Him and to one another. We will be swallowed up into one.


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How Do You Defend Yourself?

Release #: 2017-1012-6R   •  Message Date: 08/20/1981

Available MP3 Download: How Do You Defend Yourself?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Thursday, August 20, 1981.

How Do You Defend Yourself?

We can discern ourselves by our response to conflict. The flesh will fight or flee, but the new nature will react differently. Under battle, do you respond in the flesh or in the spirit?


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Open That Heart!

Release #: 2017-1012-4R   •  Message Date: 08/16/1981

Available MP3 Download: Open That Heart!, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, August 16, 1981.

Open That Heart!

Honolulu melted open the locked doors and everyone invited each other in. This promises to be the end of separateness and the beginning of being truly one.


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Where From And Where To?

Release #: 2017-1012-2R   •  Message Date: 08/06/1981

Available MP3 Download: Where From And Where To?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Thursday, August 6, 1981.

Where From And Where To?

This hour described the better part of a century of the unfolding restoration and beginnings of the Kingdom. We have watched each succeeding generation press into the grace of God to become sons by appropriation. The discipline of religion gives way to the creation of sons by a Word by the laying on of hands.


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Don’t Fear His Order / His Order

Release #: 2017-1010-4R   •  Message Date: 08/30/1981

Available MP3 Download: Don’t Fear His Order / His Order, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, August 30, 1981.

Don’t Fear His Order

Don’t be intimidated, because the divine order of the Kingdom is not designed to eliminate you, only your position.

His Order

This is a dictate describing the divine order in contrast to personal kingdoms. The Kingdom equals divine order plus no individual control.


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God’s Compassion To Fulfill His Word Over You

Release #: 2017-1010-2R

Available MP3 Download: God’s Compassion To Fulfill His Word Over You, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, October 7, 2017.

God’s Compassion To Fulfill His Word Over You

There is a deep impartation we can receive from the experience of Sukkot that is recorded in the Book of Nehemiah. All the people were gathered to Ezra the scribe that they might gain insight into the words of the law. They discovered that the Lord had commanded through Moses that they should live in booths during the feast. So, they did just that. God met them in response to their obedience, and that inspired them to seek the Lord in a new way. In their repentance, they confessed the repeated sins of their fathers and rehearsed God’s faithfulness to always forgive when they turned to Him. During this Sukkot, we are also finding a new relationship with the Lord and His Word. Talk to the Lord about your life and history. When we simply confess and repent to Him, He will bring us back to His Word, pick us up, and put us back on track. Be open, honest, and unflinching, trusting in His love, compassion, and faithfulness to fulfill His Word for His namesake.


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Sukkot: The Wilderness Of Life Or Death

Release #: 2017-1005-2R

Available MP3 Download: Sukkot: The Wilderness Of Life Or Death, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Wednesday, October 4, 2017.

Sukkot: The Wilderness Of Life Or Death

Sukkot is a time to remember what God did for the children of Israel in the wilderness. It was a place of preparation and a precursor for entering into the Promised Land. They were transformed out of slavery and into a nation of people who must learn how to live in His presence. Their dependency on God was a matter of life and death; they could not survive without His provision and leading. God is driven to do good for us and to fulfill His Word over us. As it was with the Israelites, our wilderness experience of life or death contains all that is needed to prepare us to receive the new day that God wants to bring us into. In this time of Sukkot, let our hearts return to an absolute dependency on Him. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. His presence is with us to guide us into the days of the Kingdom. In His presence, we will learn and become. We will know the truth and it will set us free, but we must be ready for Him to lead us in a way we have not walked before. Approach this Sukkot like none other.


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That New Nature / Of What Do We Repent?

Release #: 2017-1003-6R   •  Message Date: 08/08/1981

Available MP3 Download: That New Nature / Of What Do We Repent?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Haiku, HI on Saturday, August 8, 1981 and in Haiku, HI on Tuesday, August 11, 1981.

That New Nature

When will it finally dawn on us that God is judging the old nature more than its actions and expressions?

Of What Do We Repent?

A brief word on repentance. Do we continually repent of the acts and the expressions of the flesh or do we repent of the basic nature of flesh? Do we trim branches or put the axe to the root? Do we tie apples to the tree or are they grown? Do we produce dead works or do we produce living works?


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Oneness Defeats Satan

Release #: 2017-1003-4R   •  Message Date: 08/27/1981

Available MP3 Download: Oneness Defeats Satan, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Thursday, August 27, 1981.

Oneness Defeats Satan

Out of a spiritual battle we have emerged victorious because of our oneness. Our oneness in the Lord is greater than all the united efforts of Satan, and by our being one, Satan is divided and defeated, and his deception is broken.


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I Am Free To Be / God’s Plan

Release #: 2017-1003-2R   •  Message Date: 12/23/1982

Available MP3 Download: I Am Free To Be / God’s Plan, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, December 23, 1982 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, December 26, 1982.

I Am Free To Be

We become the will of God by accepting it from the Lord. Do not analyze or struggle in pursuit of His promises. Just sense that it is yours. Take a step of faith beyond your understanding and say, “God spoke it; I’m going to believe it.”

God’s Plan

Zion is travailing and the jaws of the dragon are snapping to devour the manchild, but the focus of our travail is not satan’s assault. Rather, it is to believe the Word and see God’s plan established in the earth. The priesthood that God is raising up is becoming the midwife to bring forth Christ in a many-membered body.


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You Are In My Heart

Release #: 2017-0930-2R   •  Message Date: 08/13/1981

Available MP3 Download: You Are In My Heart, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Thursday, August 13, 1981.

You Are In My Heart

What is the practical procedure for the Body to become one by love? How will the prayer for oneness in John 17 be fulfilled? Open your heart to your brother and walk into his.


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Neither Condemned Nor Intimidated

Release #: 2017-0929-4R   •  Message Date: 08/10/1981

Available MP3 Download: Neither Condemned Nor Intimidated, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Monday, August 10, 1981.

Neither Condemned Nor Intimidated

The Word created a release from self-condemnation and from intimidation. This Word can turn you loose, too.


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The ABC’s Of Your Spirit

Release #: 2017-0929-2R   •  Message Date: 07/21/1981

Available MP3 Download: The ABC’s Of Your Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, July 21, 1981.

The ABC’s Of Your Spirit

Once again the basic scriptural understanding of the human spirit is given with practical procedures and practices. It is the ABC’s again, yet like a postgraduate course we all need.


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All We Can Be

Release #: 2017-0928-2R   •  Message Date: 04/06/1982

Available MP3 Download: All We Can Be, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in San Diego, CA on Tuesday, April 6, 1982.

All We Can Be

Again the Holy Spirit emphasizes that the Kingdom of God comes through what we can become by grace, not by what our abilities can produce. We repent for what God provided for us to be and that we have not appropriated it.


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The Battle Of The Fathers — Part I / The Battle Of The Fathers — Part II

Release #: 2009-1209-4R   •  Message Date: 08/11/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Battle Of The Fathers — Part I / The Battle Of The Fathers — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Haiku, HI on Wednesday, August 11, 1982.

The Battle Of The Fathers — Part I

At some point every child of God faces the crisis and decision as to whether he will follow a total dedication to the Lordship of Christ into the Father’s family of sons or will he limit his dedication to the point where he can become one of Satan’s anti-sons.

The Battle Of The Fathers — Part II

At some point every child of God faces the crisis and decision as to whether he will follow a total dedication to the Lordship of Christ into the Father’s family of sons or will he limit his dedication to the point where he can become one of Satan’s anti-sons.


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Don’t Lock Your Door

Release #: 2017-0927-6R   •  Message Date: 08/13/1981

Available MP3 Download: Don’t Lock Your Door, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Thursday, August 13, 1981.

Don’t Lock Your Door

We break the bonds that perpetuate division and vulnerability. We open the door to enter one another’s hearts as Christ entered ours.


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Dig Again The Wells Of The Living Word

Release #: 2017-0927-8R

Available MP3 Download: Dig Again The Wells Of The Living Word, by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Anuhea, Maui, HI on Sunday, September 24, 2017.

Dig Again The Wells Of The Living Word

With the anointing of a living Word from God, our founder John Stevens dug up many wells of God’s promises such as, worship in the spirit, the prophetic community, the Joseph ministry, and the family spirit. We must realize our responsibility to keep the old wells of the living Word flowing and to dig new wells. As it was with Isaac, let us not be passively drinking from the wells of the Word without knowing our responsibility as sons: Then Isaac dug again the wells of water which had been dug in the days of his father Abraham, for the Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham (Genesis 26:18). As we move forward with this responsibility, we will be fruitful in the land and we will see the Lord’s dominion over every realm.


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Transformed By Exposure

Release #: 2017-0927-4R   •  Message Date: 07/23/1981

Available MP3 Download: Transformed By Exposure, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Thursday, July 23, 1981.

Transformed By Exposure

The basic changes to our nature are not effected by our discipline but by our exposure to the Lord and His Living Word. Analysis leads to self-condemnation. Revelation leads to transformation.


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“And Now We Send It Back!”

Release #: 2017-0927-2R   •  Message Date: 12/18/1982

Available MP3 Download: “And Now We Send It Back!”, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, December 18, 1982.

“And Now We Send It Back!”

Christ has already defeated satan and all of his efforts against us can be self-defeating to satan. Satan’s perversion of the principles of transference can be a double portion of judgment on his own head as well as those who are his own agents and channels.


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“What Do The People Need?”

Release #: 2017-0926-6R   •  Message Date: 09/12/1982

Available MP3 Download: “What Do The People Need?”, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Sunday, September 12, 1982.

“What Do The People Need?”

This is a dialogue with John determining what is needed in the churches. Basically, their need is to establish their own relationship with the Lord. The message that followed was “Hungry For His Presence.”


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Trumpets Of Love And Healing

Release #: 2017-0926-4R

Available MP3 Download: Trumpets Of Love And Healing, by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Wednesday, September 20, 2017.

Trumpets Of Love And Healing

In this Rosh Hashanah, the Lord is sending His Word and healing us (Psalm 107:20). Now we can be trumpets of love and healing to others and minister reconciliation to the world. We do this by speaking words of love and trust to each other and to our community. The Word concluded with an exhortation that created a new level for the Hawaii churches in their ministry to the world.


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Trumpets Of His Divine Love

Release #: 2017-0926-2R

Available MP3 Download: Trumpets Of His Divine Love, by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Anuhea, Maui, HI on Sunday, September 17, 2017.

Trumpets Of His Divine Love

As we prepare for the Feast Of Trumpets, let us turn to Romans 12:9-19 for practical instructions on how we can equip ourselves to receive His presence during this Feast season. The ministry of God’s love that is so needed in the world today begins with our wholehearted obedience to these instructions.


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Shabbat Shuvah — He Treads Our Iniquity Under Foot

Release #: 2017-0925-2R

Available MP3 Download: Shabbat Shuvah — He Treads Our Iniquity Under Foot, by Gary Hargrave & Jeremiah Gruenberg. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Friday, September 22, 2017.

Shabbat Shuvah — He Treads Our Iniquity Under Foot

This special Shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur only comes once a year and the focus of this night is repentance. Hosea 14:2-9, Joel 2:15-27, and Micah 7:18-20 are beautiful passages which Jews read on this night every year. They speak of returning to the Lord and saying, “Take away all iniquity and receive us graciously.” In these verses, God responds to Israel and speaks of His jealousy and love for them, and talks about how they will be satisfied and will never be put to shame. Micah writes that He will tread our iniquities under foot. Yes, You will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. This is the night in which we see all our sins being tread under God’s foot and cast into the sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered again. Whatever you are dealing with, make this a night like never before and walk away from your iniquity. Forget it, knowing He has dealt with it.


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Abide In His Love For You

Release #: 2017-0922-2R

Available MP3 Download: Abide In His Love For You, by Craig Haworth & Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in San Diego, CA on Saturday, September 16, 2017.

Abide In His Love For You

Everything you have been through in your life is the Father’s love bringing you to the place where you abide with Him and abide in His love. God’s ultimate goal is to abide in you, and to have you abide in Him. He is working to break down your sense of isolation, and to bring you into His family. How do you end purposelessness in your life? – by knowing how much He loves you. God works everything for good to that end. “Indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him” (Romans 8:17). Through your experiences, He draws you into a closer relationship with Him. Following the service, we continued in the Word as we celebrated our new name, Living Word Community Church of San Diego.


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Victory Over Distractions / Be Of Good Courage / A Day Of Appropriation

Release #: 2017-0921-4R   •  Message Date: 10/23/1967

Available MP3 Download: Victory Over Distractions / Be Of Good Courage / A Day Of Appropriation, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Monday, October 23, 1967 and in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, October 24, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Victory Over Distractions

When the atmosphere in our services is cleared of doubts and fears until there is only an awareness of what God has spoken, then people can be ministered to on the plane of spirit and, in a short time, an entire congregation is met by God. God brings releases and healings. First, we bring down strongholds by taking authority over our thoughts and imaginations and then we bring them into subjection to Jesus Christ.

Be Of Good Courage

The Lord commands us to be of good courage because His blessing rests upon us. The Lord tests our faith to see whether we will be tossed to and fro by every emotion and by every appearance of things, or whether we will be moved only by the fact that He tabernacles with us, and He comes with His glory to meet us and bless us. How great is His love for us. He works in us completely and perfectly that which was in His heart for us before the foundation of the world. Rejoice and be of good courage!

A Day Of Appropriation

In this brief time of impartation and prophecy, spiritual protections and immunities are ministered to God’s people. We must receive His blessings as He pours them out on us. This is a day to appropriate God’s fullness.


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His Glory In Earthen Vessels / Sow Bountifully And Reap Bountifully

Release #: 2017-0921-2R   •  Message Date: 10/22/1967

Available MP3 Download: His Glory In Earthen Vessels / Sow Bountifully And Reap Bountifully, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 22, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

His Glory In Earthen Vessels

Our ministry is to have the glory of the Lord shining forth from us. We believe for that, even though we are just earthen vessels that the Lord is scouring. We do not put any confidence in the flesh. Instead, we recognize the great need we have for God’s mercy and we reach into His boundless grace. During times of sifting when the Lord is opening up a new plane of walking with Him, it is important that we ask for His forgiveness and cleansing so we are prepared to move on with Him. This message ended in prayer and encouragement for us to draw near to Him.

Sow Bountifully And Reap Bountifully

People and churches are blessed when the people tithe faithfully, but we should not give with a sense of legalism. Our giving should be filled with hope and with the anticipation that if we sow bountifully, we will see the Lord cause us to reap bountifully. Start giving and watch God bless you.


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Our Individual Restoration

Release #: 2017-0920-4R   •  Message Date: 10/21/1967

Available MP3 Download: Our Individual Restoration, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, October 21, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Our Individual Restoration

God is restoring to His remnant abilities that have been restricted since the fall of man. As He continues this work of redemption in each one of us, we can appropriate Him and minister to one another in real faith. The message concludes with practical teaching on how to bless each other.


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Filled And Baptized

Release #: 2017-0920-2R   •  Message Date: 05/29/1971

Available MP3 Download: Filled And Baptized, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, May 29, 1971.

Filled And Baptized

Do it again, Lord! Let there be another Pentecost. Many have been filled with the Spirit, but few have been baptized with the Spirit without measure. In the Old Testament, people knew what it was to be filled with the Spirit. In the New Testament, Jesus opened the door to not only be filled with the Spirit, but to have the Spirit without measure. Learn to appropriate and to walk in the fullness of God. It will change everything for you and for the Church. When we are baptized with the Spirit without measure, we will be the source of living waters to the earth.


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What Do These Terms Mean?

Release #: 2017-0919-4R   •  Message Date: 10/20/1967

Available MP3 Download: What Do These Terms Mean?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, October 20, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

What Do These Terms Mean?

In this message, John responds to a request for explanation of some of the steps that God has brought us into, why we do what we do, and the new terminology that we have developed. He explains terms such as “hits,” “warfare,” “restraint,” “opening and closing doors,” “channel,” “aura,” “free spirit,” and “walk in the spirit”. New movings of God require new expressions, and we see that happening in our terminology. John’s explanation of each term is a teaching in itself.


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Prepared Hearts Anointed For A New Day

Release #: 2017-0919-2R

Available MP3 Download: Prepared Hearts Anointed For A New Day, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in San Diego, CA on Sunday, September 17, 2017.

Prepared Hearts Anointed For A New Day

This Word is a commission to the San Diego church, and to our Fellowship as a whole, into a new day. Like the children of Israel who spent years as slaves in Egypt, you have been in a time of trials and difficulty, but the purpose was to create a people after His own heart. God has worked to turn all of those things for good. He was with you through all of it. Romans 8:17 tells us that we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him. David was prepared as a man after God’s own heart before he was anointed king. Saul was anointed, but he was not prepared. He could not carry the anointing outside of the atmosphere of the school of prophets. We have seen days of great anointing, but now the Lord is looking to pour out an enduring anointing on hearts prepared to carry it. Through David, God began a deep Father-son relationship with Israel. This is the end of an arm’s-distance relationship with the Father, and the beginning of a new day.


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Everything Boomerangs

Release #: 2017-0914-4R   •  Message Date: 12/19/1982

Available MP3 Download: Everything Boomerangs, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Sunday, December 19, 1982.

Everything Boomerangs

This is the sequel to “Everything Circles” and it is even more explicit in describing the procedures and the purity of spirit whereby we are channels of the Word that creates or the rejected Word that destroys. This can end uncertainty and ineffectiveness in our intercession and travail.


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Worship Creates Oneness — Ephesians 5 / We Are God’s Symphony

Release #: 2017-0914-2R   •  Message Date: 10/11/1982

Available MP3 Download: Worship Creates Oneness — Ephesians 5 / We Are God’s Symphony, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Monday, October 11, 1982 and in Sepulveda, CA on Tuesday, October 12, 1982.

Worship Creates Oneness — Ephesians 5

This exposition of Ephesians 5 reveals how our relationship to the Lord in worship is the basis of all our relationships, especially marriage relationships. This is the keynote message for the music conference.

We Are God’s Symphony

We are God’s symphony, sounding together with what we claim before God. God has given us the initiative to take the aggressive role in the battle. Our only sin will be if we do not claim His fullness to the point of overflow. Don’t accept Satan’s bluff! Wrestle with God and insist on possession!


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Judaism: A Relationship Of Love

Release #: 2017-0913-2R

Available MP3 Download: Judaism: A Relationship Of Love, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Wednesday, September 6, 2017.

Judaism: A Relationship Of Love

Judaism began with God’s love for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and with His choosing of the Jews as His people: “The Lord did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but because the Lord loved you and kept the oath which He swore to your forefathers (Deuteronomy 7:7-8). The Sh’ma prayer of the Jewish people is proof that the whole relationship of their faith is rooted and grounded in love: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart” (Deuteronomy 6:4-6). Judaism is not legalism and commandments. It is a deep love relationship between God and His people. Torah means “instruction.” It contains the instructions of a loving Father teaching His children about a way of life. Christianity divides itself from Judaism by claiming it is no longer under the Law. However, when Jesus gives us a new commandment (John 13:34), He actually ratifies Judaism and reaffirms His love for the basic instruction of Judaism: “Teacher which is the great commandment in the Law?” And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 22:36-40). This is the teaching of the Torah! This instruction of Judaism is given to all the world! Our obedience to this commandment is the way to eternal life (Luke 10:25-28). Lord, open our eyes to see that You have given us all one message. Our walk with You and our faith should be rooted in a relationship of love. Help us to receive Your love, and help us to return that love to You with all our hearts, all our strength, with all that we are. And help us to love one another just as You have loved us.

This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”


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Salvation Is From The Jews

Release #: 2017-0911-2R

Available MP3 Download: Salvation Is From The Jews, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Saturday, September 2, 2017.

Salvation Is From The Jews

This teaching addresses how the leaven of anti-Semitism is fed by misconceptions about salvation and the coming of the Messiah. Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, reminds us to remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. (Ephesians 2:12). Only through Christ are Gentiles reconciled into a relationship with God; this is the basis of Christian faith. For the Jews, salvation is included in God’s covenant with Abraham and Israel. The drive of Christianity to bring salvation to the Jews is misplaced and is based on a lack of revelation of God’s covenant with the Jews. That drive only serves to further the division between us. Within the heart and history of Judaism, there is a deep longing and anticipation for the day of the Messiah. As in the days when Christ was on earth, neither Gentile nor Jew can claim to fully understand His manifestation or how He will establish His Kingdom. Nevertheless, the promise of His Kingdom and His presence on earth is found in both the Hebraic and Greek testaments. Together with the Jews, we as Gentiles should be crying for the days of the Messiah to come quickly. Lord, forgive us for our lack of understanding and for the anti-Semitism that, motivated by jealousy, tries to replace the Jews. Bring oneness between the hearts of Christians and Jews. Let us strive to find a oneness of faith, a oneness of belief, and a common cry of heart to pray, “Father, release the day of the Messiah. Bring forth Your Kingdom on this earth today, as it is in heaven.”

This teaching is part of a series, “Our Relationship And Revelation With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”


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The Crucifixion Of Christ And The Destruction Of The Temple

Release #: 2017-0909-2R

Available MP3 Download: The Crucifixion Of Christ And The Destruction Of The Temple, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, August 29, 2017.

The Crucifixion Of Christ And The Destruction Of The Temple

The question “Who crucified Jesus?” and the prevailing assumption that “the Jews did it” form much of the foundation for the lie of anti-Semitic thinking. In order to stand against this lie, we must not be ignorant about spiritual warfare: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). Flesh and blood did not crucify Christ; the rulers of this age crucified Him (I Corinthians 2:8). Furthermore, Christ Himself tells us that He understood the Father’s will for Him: For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father” (John 10:17). Another premise of anti-Semitism is that the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD was an act of God’s judgment on Israel and the Jewish people. Revelation 12 helps dispel this lie. In satan’s rage, he seeks to destroy the woman which is Israel and has continued that determination of destruction since the ascension of the Messiah. Satan, the father of lies, is using the Jewish people as the scapegoat for his crucifixion of Christ. Repent for accepting this lie; separate yourself from satan’s accusation against the Jews. Satan continues to rage on the earth, and he is set to destroy Christians and Jews alike. Our answer against satan’s rage is our faith, love, and prayers of compassion for one another.

This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”


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Contend! Resist!

Release #: 2017-0908-4R   •  Message Date: 10/23/1982

Available MP3 Download: Contend! Resist!, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, October 23, 1982.

Contend! Resist!

Our faith must manifest itself in a submission to God and an aggressive resistance of Satan. Don’t be a cork floating on a tidal wave; contend for the promises and declare war on the passivity that causes you to accept delay. “I’m not going to pull a train; you’re going to push it” – John Robert Stevens.


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Why An Ishmael?

Release #: 2017-0908-2R   •  Message Date: 10/30/1982

Available MP3 Download: Why An Ishmael?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, October 30, 1982.

Why An Ishmael?

What is a spiritual Ishmael? What is a spiritual Isaac? How do you identify each? With great anointing and brokenness, the Holy Spirit opened up the realm of healing of wounds others had inflicted on them. Be clean; be free. Return to your commitment to the Lord.


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The Faith-Facts And Fear’s Lying Circumstances / Changing The Facts

Release #: 2017-0907-2R   •  Message Date: 01/12/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Faith-Facts And Fear’s Lying Circumstances / Changing The Facts, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in No. Hollywood, CA on Tuesday, January 12, 1982 and in No. Hollywood, CA on Saturday, January 9, 1982.

The Faith-Facts And Fear’s Lying Circumstances

When you believe God’s Word, the Word is and will be the fact. When you fear and doubt, Satan assails you with lying symptoms and circumstances that are wrongly interpreted in your unbelief. Arise and proclaim the Word that describes and determines what is and what is to be. Arise and prophesy that you are what God intended you to be and that you are His Kingdom on the earth. I am what He says I am. I do what He commissions me to do.

Changing The Facts

This phone conversation explores our absorption with our circumstances as the unchangeable facts. Actually, “faith always frames the age to come” (Hebrews 11). Faith speaks a Word that creates a new world of facts.


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Our Repentance For Anti-Semitism Will Bear Fruit

Release #: 2017-0905-4R

Available MP3 Download: Our Repentance For Anti-Semitism Will Bear Fruit, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, September 3, 2017.

Our Repentance For Anti-Semitism Will Bear Fruit

We have been into a series of teachings about the leaven of anti-Semitism. This series ties into our recent flow of teachings about removing the things that block us from becoming the prophetic community that God has called us to be. The leaven of anti-Semitism is one of those blocks. In order to aggressively sweep out this leaven, these words require action on our part, both personally and collectively. We must be aggressive in our repentance. In Luke 3, John the Baptist tells us to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. The fruit of our repentance will be us moving as a school of prophets. As we separate the precious from the vile, we will see a new level of the presence of the Lord, and our mouths will be as His mouth (Jeremiah 15:19).

This message is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”


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The Relationship Between Judaism And Christianity: 14th Century Through The Holocaust

Release #: 2017-0905-2R

Available MP3 Download: The Relationship Between Judaism And Christianity: 14th Century Through The Holocaust, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Monday, August 28, 2017.

The Relationship Between Judaism And Christianity: 14th Century Through The Holocaust

In this teaching, we explore the history of anti-Semitism from the end of the 13th century and into the 20th century and look at how anti-Semitism has impacted God’s anointing on the Christian church. Are the schisms and divisions in the Christian church today a result of our drive and determination to divide ourselves from the Jews, God’s chosen people? How can we be anointed of God, yet at the same time be rejecting His Word and His covenant with Israel and the Jewish people? Our search for the leaven of anti-Semitism leads us to honestly ask these questions and to pray for the Lord to give us His thinking and His heart. God cannot pour out His blessing on the Christian church when He swore to Abraham that He will curse those who curse His people (Genesis 12:3). When we attempt to convert or evangelize the Jews, we are actually furthering the division and hatred of the Church fathers towards Judaism, rather than ministering the love and comfort of Christ. Let us receive this realization with the humbling conviction that comes from the Holy Spirit. Lord, help us to find in Your presence a place of repentance. Let our repentance be deep enough that it washes the Church, our Church fathers, and all of our hearts from the satanic impartation of anti-Semitism. Bring us into a new relationship with the Jewish people. With this Word, we believe to begin a path of reconciliation between Christians and Jews that creates a new history, a new future.

This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”


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Anti-Semitism Is Testing Christianity

Release #: 2017-0902-4R

Available MP3 Download: Anti-Semitism Is Testing Christianity, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, August 27, 2017.

Anti-Semitism Is Testing Christianity

When the Israelites turned away from God to worship the golden calf, God became angry. When He was prepared to destroy them and raise up another people through Moses, Moses responded by entreating the Lord to turn away His burning anger. Furthermore, he persistently reminded the Lord of His unbreakable covenant with His chosen people (Exodus 32:9-14). God used this opportunity to test Moses’ heart and ability to lead Israel. We find this test repeated in the Scriptures when Paul admonishes the Gentile believers for their attitude toward God’s chosen people (Romans 11:25-29). The leaven of anti-Semitism has placed Christianity in the midst of the same testing. Will Christianity stand up before God as Moses did and say, “If You do not forgive Your chosen people, then blot me out of the book, too” (Exodus 32:32)? God is speaking to us when He says: “‘Comfort, O comfort My people,’ says your God. ‘Speak kindly to Jerusalem; And call out to her, that her warfare has ended'” (Isaiah 40:1-5). Moses and Paul passed the test. Will Christianity pass the test? Let us walk through this testing with repentance, and cleanse ourselves from the leaven of anti-Semitism. Father, give us grace and let us comfort all those who mourn in Zion (Isaiah 61:3). Anoint us to minister the love and comfort of Your Son, Jesus, and to proclaim blessing and release to Your chosen people.

This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”


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The Relationship Between Judaism And Christianity: 70 AD To The Fourth Century

Release #: 2017-0902-2R

Available MP3 Download: The Relationship Between Judaism And Christianity: 70 AD To The Fourth Century, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, August 27, 2017.

The Relationship Between Judaism And Christianity: 70 AD To The Fourth Century

In this message, we explore what created the separation between Judaism and Christianity following the day of Pentecost as well as the growth of anti-Semitism from 70 AD to the mid-4th century. The anti-Semitism that continued to fuel the separation between Judaism and Christianity can be found in the writings of the Church fathers of these early centuries. As you follow the historical roots outlined in this study, let God speak to your heart. According to His Word concerning Israel and the Jewish people, God will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you (Genesis 12:3). As we repent for the leaven of anti-Semitism in our own hearts, we believe that our repentance can release the Church from the sin of anti-Semitism that is placing the Church in jeopardy of God’s judgment.

This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”


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The Danger Of Limited Dedication / Discovered, Defined, Destroyed

Release #: 2010-0929-2R   •  Message Date: 08/04/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Danger Of Limited Dedication / Discovered, Defined, Destroyed, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Haiku, HI on Wednesday, August 4, 1982 and in Haiku, HI on Thursday, August 5, 1982.

The Danger Of Limited Dedication

It is difficult to understand why people who have walked with the Lord can become channels of oppression. This message traces historically and in our people when their hearts have limited their dedication to the Word they have received. This explains how an apostle can become a Judas or how one called of God can become a stumbling block.

Discovered, Defined, Destroyed

The nephilim Sheshai is discovered as the spirit behind the many channels of oppression and it’s destroyed by a Word. An historic landmark.


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By Authority / Authority / Climbers Need More Love

Release #: 2017-0830-2R   •  Message Date: 06/11/1981

Available MP3 Download: By Authority / Authority / Climbers Need More Love, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in No. Hollywood, CA on Thursday, June 11, 1981 and in No. Hollywood, CA on Thursday, June 25, 1981 and in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, July 26, 1981.

By Authority

The effective fulfilling of a commission depends on the authority upon the one who is commissioned. All authority in heaven and in earth was claimed by the Lord when He commissioned His disciples. The revelation of your authority is as important as the revelation of your commission.


A study to understand authority as God gives it and what it can bring in the way of immunity to those who are submissive to that authority.

Climbers Need More Love

This was a free, joyful service in Honolulu. We need more love and we joyfully believe for it. This Word inspires and imparts.


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Anti-Semitism — Satan’s Tactic Against The Church

Release #: 2017-0828-2R

Available MP3 Download: Anti-Semitism — Satan’s Tactic Against The Church, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Friday, August 25, 2017.

Anti-Semitism — Satan’s Tactic Against The Church

As we reach for a greater anointing to be the prophetic community God has called us to be, the Lord is increasingly burdening me with the revelation of how much anti-Semitism is hindering us. The Scriptures very clearly tell us about Israel: I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you (Genesis 12:3). Today, satan is maneuvering Gentile believers, and the Christian church in general, into a position where God Himself must judge them because of their disobedience to His commandment concerning the Jewish people and Israel. We are facing the greatest potential of judgment. In this end-time spiritual warfare when God is coming to set up His throne on earth and judge the nations, He is asking us: “What have you done with the opportunity I gave you to be grafted into My covenant with Israel?” You should not gloat over your brother in the day of his misfortune, nor rejoice over the people of Judah in the day of their destruction, nor boast so much in the day of their trouble (Obadiah 1:12). Do not be passive about searching for the leaven of anti-Semitism in your heart. By the grace of God and the light of the Holy Spirit, get rid of it. Repent for the anti-Semitism that has been passed down through the history of the Church. Ask the Father to teach you the truth about His relationship and covenant with Israel, and to give you more revelation of His love for the Jewish people. We receive this word of warning with open hearts, knowing that it is our protection from satan’s tactic to cause God to bring judgment on the Church in our generation.

This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”


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The Will Of God Is A State Of Heart / God’s Promises For Tabernacles

Release #: 2017-0826-8R   •  Message Date: 10/12/1967

Available MP3 Download: The Will Of God Is A State Of Heart / God’s Promises For Tabernacles, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, October 12, 1967 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 15, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

The Will Of God Is A State Of Heart

It is the utmost importance that we find the will of God and walk in it. The will of God is a state of heart that leads you to worship the Lord, to praise Him, and to give thanks for everything that happens. You cannot walk in the will of God with rebellion, an unforgiving spirit, withdrawal, depression, discouragement, or anything that is not faith. To walk in the will of God requires faith, and faith accepts God with joy and rejoicing.

God’s Promises For Tabernacles

The Feast Of Tabernacles is a time of rest and a time of unity when all of Israel came together and built lean-tos. Tabernacles is also a time of believing God for joy. It is a time of great promise, of hope, and of expectancy. Tabernacles is a time when God renews His covenants and His promises to you. God makes you live again in a living, burning hope, and you possess what He has set before you. This Word gives us a deeper understanding and vision for celebrating the Feast Of Tabernacles.


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Keys For Conquerors

Release #: 2017-0826-6R   •  Message Date: 10/19/1967

Available MP3 Download: Keys For Conquerors, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, October 19, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

Keys For Conquerors

The keys of spiritual warfare, spiritual protection, and spiritual defenses are revealed in this message. The first key is to stand in the victory Christ won for you. Do not battle Satan yourself. Secondly, know that the Holy Spirit is an earnest of your inheritance and what that means. Thirdly, you have protection through submission to those the Lord has divinely appointed over you. A fourth key is your personal appropriation of Christ’s attributes. A fifth and last key for spiritual defense is your spiritual aggressiveness. Pray day and night in the spirit, and you will be setting in motion the one law that supercedes all else.


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See With Compassion And Judge Not

Release #: 2017-0826-4R   •  Message Date: 10/08/1967

Available MP3 Download: See With Compassion And Judge Not, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 8, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

See With Compassion And Judge Not

We must have an honest and open heart before God that will let us see each other with compassion and without judgment. We should pray for each other and constantly strengthen and encourage what God is bringing forth in a person’s life. Lord, give us compassionate and understanding hearts, and give us grace to forgive.


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We Stand In The Presence Of The Lord / The Reason For Restrictions — Part II

Release #: 2017-0826-2R   •  Message Date: 10/01/1967

Available MP3 Download: We Stand In The Presence Of The Lord / The Reason For Restrictions — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 1, 1967. Hidden Treasure.

We Stand In The Presence Of The Lord

We may feel sometimes, “Who am I? Where am I going?” But the Word shows us that Christ has done something wonderful for us as God’s dear children: He has opened up to us a relationship with the Father where God can add to us the things that are really worthwhile. The blessings that His people have are so much better than the treasures of the world. This message has previously been printed in the booklet, THE LIVING WORD, Vol. II, No. 11.

The Reason For Restrictions — Part II

Restricting relationships and circumstances can help guide your spirit into the dedication and preparation you need to walk in better things. If you try to free yourself from those restrictions, the preparation you need to walk in liberty will not have been worked within you. Abide in the calling wherein you were called (I Cor. 7:20,24) and let God be the one to remove those restrictions.


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Is This How We Will Live?

Release #: 2017-0823-2R   •  Message Date: 08/17/1982

Available MP3 Download: Is This How We Will Live?, by John Robert Stevens & Marilyn Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Tuesday, August 17, 1982.

Is This How We Will Live?

John and Marilyn talk together about the lifestyle and warfare of the Kingdom and what dedication really means.


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What Makes A Timothy, An Elisha, And A Joshua?

Out of Print

Release #: 2017-0822-1R

Released on CD: What Makes A Timothy, An Elisha, And A Joshua?, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Thursday, October 19, 2000.

What Makes A Timothy, An Elisha, And A Joshua?

In order to progress spiritually, you must find a human vessel in the earth in whom God has chosen to appear, and lock the focus of your spirit on that person. This creates the atmosphere for your spirit to be trained and disciplined, and the anointing of that person will begin to rest upon you. This Word gives an understanding of what it means to “wait on the Lord,” and it reveals the principles by which Timothy, Elisha, and Joshua received a double portion of the spirit of those whom they served.

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What Makes A Timothy, An Elisha, And A Joshua?

Release #: 2017-0822-2R   •  Message Date: 10/19/2000

Available MP3 Download: What Makes A Timothy, An Elisha, And A Joshua?, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Thursday, October 19, 2000.

What Makes A Timothy, An Elisha, And A Joshua?

In order to progress spiritually, you must find a human vessel in the earth in whom God has chosen to appear, and lock the focus of your spirit on that person. This creates the atmosphere for your spirit to be trained and disciplined, and the anointing of that person will begin to rest upon you. This Word gives an understanding of what it means to “wait on the Lord,” and it reveals the principles by which Timothy, Elisha, and Joshua received a double portion of the spirit of those whom they served.


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A Covenant Of Everlasting Love

Release #: 2017-0820-2R

Available MP3 Download: A Covenant Of Everlasting Love, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, August 20, 2017.

A Covenant Of Everlasting Love

We must realize that God’s intent towards Israel and the Jewish people is first and foremost a love relationship. In bringing forth the Jewish people, God was looking to take a small segment of humanity and show His love to a people, and as they love and walk with Him, it would be an illustration of His love for all the nations. God created a covenant with Abraham that his descendants would be blessed, and that they would be given a land to possess eternally (Genesis 15:1-21). This was an eternal, unbreakable covenant that does not depend on Abraham, or on the failure or success of his descendants. Other covenants were created, but these do not negate or preclude this original, overarching covenant that God made with Abraham. This knowledge of God’s unbreakable, eternal love for His people Israel is the foundation of our faith and our own relationship with Him. We have a loving God who has committed Himself to His first-born son, Israel, and who has grafted us into the same covenant.


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By The Power That Resurrected Christ

Release #: 2009-0414-3R   •  Message Date: 04/12/2009

Available MP3 Download: By The Power That Resurrected Christ, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, April 12, 2009.

By The Power That Resurrected Christ

The new covenant is not just communion and the forgiveness of sin. The new covenant is a people who know Him, from the least to the greatest, and who live in a covenant relationship with the Father. The same power that resurrected Christ from the dead will fulfill this new covenant.


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The Feast Of Esther

Release #: 2009-0321-6R   •  Message Date: 03/08/2009

Available MP3 Download: The Feast Of Esther, by Gary Hargrave, translated by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken in São Gonçalo, Brazil on Sunday, March 8, 2009.

The Feast Of Esther

The Feast Of Purim established in the book of Esther is also about us. Christ destroyed Satan, but He wants us to destroy Satan’s plot against mankind. The final act of judgment on Satan will be performed through God’s people. God has given us His signature ring so that we can decree our release.


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Maturity Serves

Release #: 2009-0313-2R   •  Message Date: 03/07/2009

Available MP3 Download: Maturity Serves, by Gary Hargrave, translated by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken in Rhema Community, São Gonçalo, Brazil on Saturday, March 7, 2009.

Maturity Serves

We must be concerned about following Christ’s example. He did not seek to be served; He served the will of the Father. The world needs a mature Church whose purpose is to serve the will of God.


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