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Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People
Release #: 2018-0706-2R
Available MP3 Download: Our Love Relationship With The Jewish People, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken at Shiloh, Kalona, Iowa on Tuesday, July 3, 2018.
Our Love Relationship With The Jewish People
For too long, the church has taken a stance of trying to convert the Jewish people to Christianity. In this message, we learn that the Jewish identity is sacred to God and should not be tampered with. “Israel has been saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation.” (Isaiah 45:17). One of the fundamental points of the Jewish faith is belief in this salvation. As Christians, our concept of salvation is very different than the reality for the Jewish people, who are already separated unto God through His covenant with Abraham. Gentiles need salvation through Christ to be delivered out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of God’s beloved Son. Ignorance is a powerful weapon that has been behind much of the persecution and negativity against the Jewish people. Let’s encourage the Body of Christ to become educated about Judaism and God’s relationship with His people. I Corinthians 13 says that when we see through a glass darkly, the best thing to do is move in love. With love we can bless the Jewish people, remind them of the Word over them in the Scriptures, and express sorrow for what the church has been to them. Father, give us a more perfect understanding of Your plan for Your people.
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Release #: 2018-0310-2R
Available MP3 Download: Judaism’s Heart Of Inclusion, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Jerusalem, Israel on Friday, March 2, 2018.
Judaism’s Heart Of Inclusion
As we conclude Shiloh University’s Israel tour, we leave this land with a tremendous thankfulness for the heart of inclusion that is so rooted in Judaism. All the prophecies and promises belong first and foremost to the Jewish people. We who were afar off and without hope in the world were grafted in through the ministry of Jesus (Ephesians 2:11-12). Are all the promises and prophecies ours? Absolutely yes! They are ours by virtue of inclusion, not by virtue of us excluding or replacing the Jews from their covenant. It is impossible for God to break His covenant with His people, and it was into this unbreakable covenant that we have been grafted. Let us not forget that Jesus was a Jew. He lived His life on earth as an observant Jew (Matthew 5:17). He lived the Judaic heart of inclusion by reconciling us to God and including us in the covenant (Romans 5:8-11). Thank You, Father, for giving us Your Son who included us in Your covenant. Thank you to the Jewish people for continuing in the covenant from generation to generation so that it could be handed down to us. We receive your heart of inclusion, and with that same heart, we draw people into the Messiah and into His Kingdom.
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Release #: 2018-0303-2R
Available MP3 Download: Our Shared Messianic Hope, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken at En Gedi, Israel on Monday, February 26, 2018.
Our Shared Messianic Hope
Judaism and Christianity share a messianic hope that should unify us more than separate us. We are all looking for exactly the same event to happen: the appearing of the Messiah (“Mashiach”) who will sit on the throne of David, anointed as King to rule over an earthly Kingdom as God’s representative on earth to bring peace and change to the world. We may have different concepts and caveats of how this will happen, but hindsight will show us how the Messiah thinks about those differences. In the meantime, let’s get rid of division, anti-Semitism, and accusations. Let us recognize the force we are together in a faith that looks for a time when all Israel comes together to anoint a Mashiach who rules and reigns on earth. The story of the Messiah is not over yet; and like it was for king David at En Gedi, He is in hiding until He is anointed to establish His Kingdom on earth. This message was inspired by a visit to En Gedi during Shiloh University’s Israel Tour, February 2018.
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Release #: 2018-0224-2R
Available MP3 Download: The Temple And The Cornerstone Of Our Faith, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Jerusalem, Israel on Friday, February 23, 2018.
The Temple And The Cornerstone Of Our Faith
The rubble and stones of the Temple ruins in Jerusalem inspire us to look more deeply at both the natural and spiritual events in God’s relationship with His people. For both Jews and Gentiles, those events impact our walk with God today just as it did for the people who lived when the Temple stood. God’s covenant with the Jewish people is still alive and His Word over them will be fulfilled, yet the Temple itself no longer exists. The Temple ruins are a consequence of disobedience. God dwelt in the Temple, but when His people began to worship other gods, He left. Christianity must not separate itself from the significance of this. God will remove His presence from our lives if we are not living in and maintaining our personal relationship with Him. Although we have received salvation through Christ, we continue to live with the consequences of our sin. We must reach for a deeper salvation in Him that not only washes us from our sin but delivers us from its consequences. The Temple ruins remind us how much God was willing to take the most precious thing that existed on the earth at the time–the Temple that housed His presence–and tear it down. The only thing precious to Him is His relationship with you. He will do whatever it takes to get your attention on Him, even if it means ravaging something you hold sacred. God is calling all of us, Jews and Gentiles alike, back to Him. He will not be angry forever and He will remove the consequences of our sin. As we look at the destruction of the Temple, we are also looking at the rubble of our Christian faith. Christianity in its beginnings grew out of Judaism, and what we would have become is buried in the rubble of the Temple ruins. Instead, we see today a Christianity that has been built upon a foundation of division and paganism. We must return to the cornerstone of our faith and build upon it. Father, show us the truth. We reach for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. We seek the relationship with You that is the foundation of that faith. This Word was inspired by a visit to the archaeological site at the southern end of the Temple Mount during Shiloh University’s Israel Tour, February 2018.
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Release #: 2017-0913-2R
Available MP3 Download: Judaism: A Relationship Of Love, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Wednesday, September 6, 2017.
Judaism: A Relationship Of Love
Judaism began with God’s love for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and with His choosing of the Jews as His people: “The Lord did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any of the peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples, but because the Lord loved you and kept the oath which He swore to your forefathers (Deuteronomy 7:7-8). The Sh’ma prayer of the Jewish people is proof that the whole relationship of their faith is rooted and grounded in love: “Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart” (Deuteronomy 6:4-6). Judaism is not legalism and commandments. It is a deep love relationship between God and His people. Torah means “instruction.” It contains the instructions of a loving Father teaching His children about a way of life. Christianity divides itself from Judaism by claiming it is no longer under the Law. However, when Jesus gives us a new commandment (John 13:34), He actually ratifies Judaism and reaffirms His love for the basic instruction of Judaism: “Teacher which is the great commandment in the Law?” And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 22:36-40). This is the teaching of the Torah! This instruction of Judaism is given to all the world! Our obedience to this commandment is the way to eternal life (Luke 10:25-28). Lord, open our eyes to see that You have given us all one message. Our walk with You and our faith should be rooted in a relationship of love. Help us to receive Your love, and help us to return that love to You with all our hearts, all our strength, with all that we are. And help us to love one another just as You have loved us.
This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”
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Release #: 2017-0911-2R
Available MP3 Download: Salvation Is From The Jews, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Saturday, September 2, 2017.
Salvation Is From The Jews
This teaching addresses how the leaven of anti-Semitism is fed by misconceptions about salvation and the coming of the Messiah. Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, reminds us to remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. (Ephesians 2:12). Only through Christ are Gentiles reconciled into a relationship with God; this is the basis of Christian faith. For the Jews, salvation is included in God’s covenant with Abraham and Israel. The drive of Christianity to bring salvation to the Jews is misplaced and is based on a lack of revelation of God’s covenant with the Jews. That drive only serves to further the division between us. Within the heart and history of Judaism, there is a deep longing and anticipation for the day of the Messiah. As in the days when Christ was on earth, neither Gentile nor Jew can claim to fully understand His manifestation or how He will establish His Kingdom. Nevertheless, the promise of His Kingdom and His presence on earth is found in both the Hebraic and Greek testaments. Together with the Jews, we as Gentiles should be crying for the days of the Messiah to come quickly. Lord, forgive us for our lack of understanding and for the anti-Semitism that, motivated by jealousy, tries to replace the Jews. Bring oneness between the hearts of Christians and Jews. Let us strive to find a oneness of faith, a oneness of belief, and a common cry of heart to pray, “Father, release the day of the Messiah. Bring forth Your Kingdom on this earth today, as it is in heaven.”
This teaching is part of a series, “Our Relationship And Revelation With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”
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Release #: 2017-0909-2R
Available MP3 Download: The Crucifixion Of Christ And The Destruction Of The Temple, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, August 29, 2017.
The Crucifixion Of Christ And The Destruction Of The Temple
The question “Who crucified Jesus?” and the prevailing assumption that “the Jews did it” form much of the foundation for the lie of anti-Semitic thinking. In order to stand against this lie, we must not be ignorant about spiritual warfare: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). Flesh and blood did not crucify Christ; the rulers of this age crucified Him (I Corinthians 2:8). Furthermore, Christ Himself tells us that He understood the Father’s will for Him: For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life so that I may take it again. No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father” (John 10:17). Another premise of anti-Semitism is that the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD was an act of God’s judgment on Israel and the Jewish people. Revelation 12 helps dispel this lie. In satan’s rage, he seeks to destroy the woman which is Israel and has continued that determination of destruction since the ascension of the Messiah. Satan, the father of lies, is using the Jewish people as the scapegoat for his crucifixion of Christ. Repent for accepting this lie; separate yourself from satan’s accusation against the Jews. Satan continues to rage on the earth, and he is set to destroy Christians and Jews alike. Our answer against satan’s rage is our faith, love, and prayers of compassion for one another.
This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”
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Release #: 2017-0905-4R
Available MP3 Download: Our Repentance For Anti-Semitism Will Bear Fruit, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, September 3, 2017.
Our Repentance For Anti-Semitism Will Bear Fruit
We have been into a series of teachings about the leaven of anti-Semitism. This series ties into our recent flow of teachings about removing the things that block us from becoming the prophetic community that God has called us to be. The leaven of anti-Semitism is one of those blocks. In order to aggressively sweep out this leaven, these words require action on our part, both personally and collectively. We must be aggressive in our repentance. In Luke 3, John the Baptist tells us to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. The fruit of our repentance will be us moving as a school of prophets. As we separate the precious from the vile, we will see a new level of the presence of the Lord, and our mouths will be as His mouth (Jeremiah 15:19).
This message is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”
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Release #: 2017-0905-2R
Available MP3 Download: The Relationship Between Judaism And Christianity: 14th Century Through The Holocaust, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Monday, August 28, 2017.
The Relationship Between Judaism And Christianity: 14th Century Through The Holocaust
In this teaching, we explore the history of anti-Semitism from the end of the 13th century and into the 20th century and look at how anti-Semitism has impacted God’s anointing on the Christian church. Are the schisms and divisions in the Christian church today a result of our drive and determination to divide ourselves from the Jews, God’s chosen people? How can we be anointed of God, yet at the same time be rejecting His Word and His covenant with Israel and the Jewish people? Our search for the leaven of anti-Semitism leads us to honestly ask these questions and to pray for the Lord to give us His thinking and His heart. God cannot pour out His blessing on the Christian church when He swore to Abraham that He will curse those who curse His people (Genesis 12:3). When we attempt to convert or evangelize the Jews, we are actually furthering the division and hatred of the Church fathers towards Judaism, rather than ministering the love and comfort of Christ. Let us receive this realization with the humbling conviction that comes from the Holy Spirit. Lord, help us to find in Your presence a place of repentance. Let our repentance be deep enough that it washes the Church, our Church fathers, and all of our hearts from the satanic impartation of anti-Semitism. Bring us into a new relationship with the Jewish people. With this Word, we believe to begin a path of reconciliation between Christians and Jews that creates a new history, a new future.
This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”
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Release #: 2017-0902-4R
Available MP3 Download: Anti-Semitism Is Testing Christianity, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, August 27, 2017.
Anti-Semitism Is Testing Christianity
When the Israelites turned away from God to worship the golden calf, God became angry. When He was prepared to destroy them and raise up another people through Moses, Moses responded by entreating the Lord to turn away His burning anger. Furthermore, he persistently reminded the Lord of His unbreakable covenant with His chosen people (Exodus 32:9-14). God used this opportunity to test Moses’ heart and ability to lead Israel. We find this test repeated in the Scriptures when Paul admonishes the Gentile believers for their attitude toward God’s chosen people (Romans 11:25-29). The leaven of anti-Semitism has placed Christianity in the midst of the same testing. Will Christianity stand up before God as Moses did and say, “If You do not forgive Your chosen people, then blot me out of the book, too” (Exodus 32:32)? God is speaking to us when He says: “‘Comfort, O comfort My people,’ says your God. ‘Speak kindly to Jerusalem; And call out to her, that her warfare has ended'” (Isaiah 40:1-5). Moses and Paul passed the test. Will Christianity pass the test? Let us walk through this testing with repentance, and cleanse ourselves from the leaven of anti-Semitism. Father, give us grace and let us comfort all those who mourn in Zion (Isaiah 61:3). Anoint us to minister the love and comfort of Your Son, Jesus, and to proclaim blessing and release to Your chosen people.
This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”
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Release #: 2017-0902-2R
Available MP3 Download: The Relationship Between Judaism And Christianity: 70 AD To The Fourth Century, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, August 27, 2017.
The Relationship Between Judaism And Christianity: 70 AD To The Fourth Century
In this message, we explore what created the separation between Judaism and Christianity following the day of Pentecost as well as the growth of anti-Semitism from 70 AD to the mid-4th century. The anti-Semitism that continued to fuel the separation between Judaism and Christianity can be found in the writings of the Church fathers of these early centuries. As you follow the historical roots outlined in this study, let God speak to your heart. According to His Word concerning Israel and the Jewish people, God will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you (Genesis 12:3). As we repent for the leaven of anti-Semitism in our own hearts, we believe that our repentance can release the Church from the sin of anti-Semitism that is placing the Church in jeopardy of God’s judgment.
This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”
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Release #: 2017-0828-2R
Available MP3 Download: Anti-Semitism — Satan’s Tactic Against The Church, by Gary Hargrave. This teaching was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Friday, August 25, 2017.
Anti-Semitism — Satan’s Tactic Against The Church
As we reach for a greater anointing to be the prophetic community God has called us to be, the Lord is increasingly burdening me with the revelation of how much anti-Semitism is hindering us. The Scriptures very clearly tell us about Israel: I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you (Genesis 12:3). Today, satan is maneuvering Gentile believers, and the Christian church in general, into a position where God Himself must judge them because of their disobedience to His commandment concerning the Jewish people and Israel. We are facing the greatest potential of judgment. In this end-time spiritual warfare when God is coming to set up His throne on earth and judge the nations, He is asking us: “What have you done with the opportunity I gave you to be grafted into My covenant with Israel?” You should not gloat over your brother in the day of his misfortune, nor rejoice over the people of Judah in the day of their destruction, nor boast so much in the day of their trouble (Obadiah 1:12). Do not be passive about searching for the leaven of anti-Semitism in your heart. By the grace of God and the light of the Holy Spirit, get rid of it. Repent for the anti-Semitism that has been passed down through the history of the Church. Ask the Father to teach you the truth about His relationship and covenant with Israel, and to give you more revelation of His love for the Jewish people. We receive this word of warning with open hearts, knowing that it is our protection from satan’s tactic to cause God to bring judgment on the Church in our generation.
This teaching is part of a series, “Our Revelation And Relationship With The State Of Israel, Judaism, And The Jewish People.”
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Release #: 2017-0820-2R
Available MP3 Download: A Covenant Of Everlasting Love, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, August 20, 2017.
A Covenant Of Everlasting Love
We must realize that God’s intent towards Israel and the Jewish people is first and foremost a love relationship. In bringing forth the Jewish people, God was looking to take a small segment of humanity and show His love to a people, and as they love and walk with Him, it would be an illustration of His love for all the nations. God created a covenant with Abraham that his descendants would be blessed, and that they would be given a land to possess eternally (Genesis 15:1-21). This was an eternal, unbreakable covenant that does not depend on Abraham, or on the failure or success of his descendants. Other covenants were created, but these do not negate or preclude this original, overarching covenant that God made with Abraham. This knowledge of God’s unbreakable, eternal love for His people Israel is the foundation of our faith and our own relationship with Him. We have a loving God who has committed Himself to His first-born son, Israel, and who has grafted us into the same covenant.
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Release #: 2017-0814-2R
Available MP3 Download: Ending The Lie Of Supersessionism, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Anuhea, Maui, HI on Sunday, August 13, 2017.
Ending The Lie Of Supersessionism
This Word exposes the lie of supersessionism, replacement theology, and fulfillment theology – the belief that Christianity has forever superseded the nation of Israel as the people of God. We cannot be a school of prophets if we misinterpret the basic thing God is saying in His Word: He will never reject His people; He will never reject Israel. As those who are grafted into the promises, we will be blessed as Israel is blessed. As a school of prophets, we prophesy out of the Scriptures and remind the Lord of His Word and promises over His chosen people. We must speak these words into existence without twisting them or speaking with unbelief. Let every word be fulfilled, for Your name’s sake! Give Your people a new heart and raise them up and bring them into the land you swore to their fathers. Today, we take a stand against this replacement theology that is satan’s lie to destroy mankind.
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Release #: 2017-0811-2R
Available MP3 Download: The Leaven Of Anti-Semitism, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Anuhea, Maui, HI on Wednesday, August 9, 2017.
The Leaven Of Anti-Semitism
The Lord is speaking to us about the things that prevent us from moving as a school of prophets who bring forth the Kingdom of God. It is necessary that we sweep out any leaven of anti-Semitism. We love the Jewish people and the nation of Israel but we have to make sure there is no hidden leaven in our hearts. Satan wants to destroy all flesh, but his hatred and jealousy is first against God’s chosen people. Christianity has been guilty of anti-Semitism; many of the fathers of the Christian church were anti-Semites. We must sweep out this leaven. Joel’s prophecy of the end time speaks of God gathering the nations for judgment “on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel” (Joel 3:2). God’s judgments on the nations will be determined by how they treated His people. We do not want to be condemned with the world; we want to be those prophets that bring forth His Kingdom! The Lord is warning us to examine our hearts. Let the light of the Holy Spirit shine on us and search out any leaven of anti-Semitism and let the fire of God burn it up.
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Release #: 2017-0226-4R
Available MP3 Download: Balaam’s Counsel — The Tactic Of Satan, by Gary Hargrave, translated by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niterói, Brazil on Sunday, February 26, 2017.
Balaam’s Counsel — The Tactic Of Satan
Their constant lack of trust in God drove the children of Israel into rebellion and rejection of Him, although His presence and provision were always with them. In their lack of trust, they accused Him and complained against Him. For the first time in His relationship with His people, God leveled total judgment against them (Numbers 14). At the same time of this significant event, satan–the adversary and the liar–learned a tactic that would continue to affect God’s people throughout history: he could manipulate people to violate their relationship with God so that God Himself would have to judge them for their lack of trust in Him. This tactic is first illustrated in the story of Balaam, and we see it repeated throughout the Scriptures. We must see the tactic of Balaam ended and the Body of Christ freed from any openness to it. As God walks us into the days of His Kingdom on earth, we will see more of satan’s attempts to push the Body of Christ into a lack of trust in God. This milestone Word is our sword in the spirit that brings us into greater authority as watchmen on the wall to protect the Body of Christ in the end time. This should not be our day of judgment; these are days of release into His Kingdom. We bring judgment against every plan of satan to turn these days of release into our destruction.
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