Out of Print

Release #: 81-08-15-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

August 13, 1981 Thursday A.M. Haiku

What is the practical procedure for the Body to become one by love? How will the prayer for oneness in John 17 be fulfilled? Open your heart to your brother and walk into his. (53 min.)

Scriptures: II Cor. 6:11–7:3; John 14:18-23; 16:1-4; John 17:20-26; Phil. 1:27-30; I John 2:18-19;I John 4:1-6,13,15-17;Matt. 25:31-46
Topics: Oneness; Openness; (Antichrist)
Series: JRS Dictates; Come Into My Heart; The Unfolding
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening

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Out of Print

Release #: 74-02-01-03-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

January 27, 1974 Sunday P.M. Ana.

It is imperative that the believers in this walk mature in their spiritual perception so that they may discern the great deception coming on the whole earth. The deception will be so great that if it were possible Satan would deceive the very elect. (30 min.)

Scriptures: II John 5-11; Mark 13:22; Rom. 8:14; I Tim. 4:1-2; II Tim. 3:1-6, 13; Acts 13:2
Topics: Deception; Christ in You; Antichrist; Sonship; Local Church; Endtime
Series: Basic Scriptures of the Walk; The Deceiver–or the Revealer
Rated: JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: 74-01-30-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

January 26, 1974 Saturday A.M. Ana.

This is a day of darkness created by the great deceiver. Deception cannot be perceived by human wisdom. It is by the anointing of the Holy Spirit that we–“know all things.” Deception is only overcome by the Spirit’s revelation. (58 min.)

Scriptures: I John 4:1-6; II John 7; I John 2:18-29
Topics: Deception; Revelation; Antichrist; Christ in You; Second Coming
Series: Kingdom Sabbath; The Deceiver–or The Revealer
Rated: JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: 73-12-11-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

December 9, 1973 Sunday A.M. Val.

Expository: Isaiah gives a song of endtime attitudes and conditions. As we study this chapter we begin to think as citizens of the Kingdom instead of citzens of the passing world. (48 min.)

Scriptures: Isa. 26:1-21
Topics: Peace; Tribulation; Prophecy; Dealings; Truth; Antichrist
Series: The Kingdom Thinking
Rated: JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: 73-12-07-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

December 2, 1973 Sunday P.M. Ana.

When the churches have prostituted their authority and spiritual force with the world, God calls this adultery. This constitutes Babylon, the harlot. (57 min.)

Scriptures: Rev. 17:1-6; Rev. 18:8-11; Rev. 19:1-9; John 17:13-23; I John 2:15-17; James 4:4
Topics: Babylon; Bride of Christ; Organization; Antichrist; Adultery; World-Worldly
Series: The Bride and the Harlot; Deeper Worship
Rated: JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-18-A0-24-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

The New Testament apostles warned the Church of the impending falling away. The Dark Ages were the falling away of which Paul spoke. From the days of Martin Luther we have been in a pattern of restoration. “Contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints!” (54 min.)

Scriptures: I Thess. 2:17–3:13; 4:13–5:23; I Thess. 1:3–2:17; (Rev. 2:13); (Matt. 24:36)
Topics: Church, Early; End-Time Events; Resurrection Life; Outpouring; Antichrist; Denomination
Series: Expository; The School of Prophets; The Restoration of the New Testament Church
Rated: For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-18-10-54-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

Babylon caused the early church to fall away from its original purity and power. The tide of restoration which began five hundred years ago is rising to new heights in this generation. This message describes the vision of the New Testament church and the role that it plays in opening up new spiritual frontiers. (63 min.)

Scriptures: II Thess. 2:1-4; (II Cor. 1:20); Rev. 18:4-5); (Eph. 2:11-13); (Jude 3)
Topics: New Testament Church, Then; Restoration, Restitution, Church; Antichrist; Vision
Series: The Role of the Church in the End Time
Rated: For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-05-B0-27-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

Nebuchadnesser’s dream in Daniel 2 reveals that there are many consecutive kingdoms until God’s Kingdom crushes them all and fills the earth. This message deals with the political and religious powers that have united to destroy God’s people. The outcome is their utter defeat when judgment is given to the sons in the end time. This exposition of Daniel 2 identifies the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome, showing the spiritual influence which these ancient kingdoms still have upon the world. (51 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: Dan. 2:25-47; Dan. 7:7; (Joel 2:28-32); (Rev. 13:1-8)
Topics: Book of Daniel; Babylon; Antichrist; Empires, Cultures; History, Ancient; (Catholicism); (Papacy); Communism); (Tribulation); (Outpouring)
Series: The Prophetic Books; Expository; The School of Prophets
Rated: For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-05-B0-20-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

This lesson shows us the origin of natural and spiritual Babylon. This is an extensive scriptural study on Babylon. Those who are interested in understanding how Bible prophecies related to the end time have been and are being fulfilled will find this word fascinating. (68 min.)

Scriptures: Isa. 13:1-16; 14:1-27;Isa. 10:1:17-22; Rev. 17:1-11;Rev. 17:16-18; 18:1-9; (Rev. 12:3); (II Thess. 2:3); (Eph. 2:2); (II Cor. 4:4)
Topics: Book of Isaiah; Babylon; History, Ancient; Papacy; Satan; Antichrist; (Politics); (Catholicism); (Communism)
Series: Isaiah; Expository; The School of Prophets
Rated: For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages

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