Ten random topics from the complete topic list.
Out of Print
Release #: 83-04-18-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
August 7, 1982 Saturday 6:00 P.M. Haiku
The wonderful effects of victory over a nephilim spirit are the healing and freedom that comes. (32 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | (Mal. 4:5-6); (Isa. 49:25; 35:10); (Psa. 16:11) |
Topics: | Freedom; Nephilim; Healings, Spiritual; Family |
Series: | The Communion of His Cross; Crazy, Free |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, Recommended Listening |
August 8, 1982 Sunday 11:30 A.M. Haiku
The first expression of the adamic nature was Adam’s fig leaf cover-up, and the greatest evidence of Kingdom purity is the removal of the facade of religiosity. “There’s nothing hid that shall not be revealed.” (28 min.)
Scriptures: | (Rom. 8:29); (Matt. 10:26); (II Cor. 11:14); (Gen. 18) |
Topics: | Religious, Religious Spirit; Judgment, of Another; Faith, Vicarious; Exposure; Knowing the Lord |
Series: | The Communion of His Cross; Operation: Fig Leaf; Crazy, Free |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 82-07-21-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
July 8, 1982 Thursday 11:15. A.M. Hono.
So much of our intimidation and self-condemnation is ministered to us, but not by God. Protect your basic experience from contamination through the “letter” of the Word. The Holy Spirit brings freedom and awareness of the Lord’s presence, His provision and His promises to you personally. Our joyful walk with the Lord is the basis of the exercise of His authority. (57 min.)
Scriptures: | II Cor. 3:6,17; Matt. 28:18; Phil. 3:3,9-10,14-17; Acts 4:29; John 15:3; (Matt. 8:8-10); (I Pet. 5:3; 2:2) |
Topics: | Freedom; Authority; Restraints, Restrictions; Self-Condemnation; Unbelief |
Series: | With the Family on the Beach; Seated In His Presence |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 82-07-08-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
May 30, 1982 Sunday P.M. Hono.
What joy and hilarity came to us in Honolulu in our freedom. It was like the first Pentecost, when the believers were accused of being drunk with new wine. You should have been there. (47 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | (Heb. 8:13) |
Topics: | Freedom; Oneness; Services |
Series: | When The Family Gathers; The Oneness That Brings Order and Judgment |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 82-05-19-01-RV
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
May 3, 1982 Monday 6:00 P.M. Val.
Monday night explosion special! The Word was intense, but laced with humor and spice. L.A. is exploding and everyone is coming to explode with it. If we are aware and dedicated, this is the explosion that will be felt around the world. What will this explosion cost? You! (60 min.)
Scriptures: | (Luke 12:48); (Acts 10;13-15); (Acts 10:34); (Mal. 4:5-6) |
Topics: | Freedom; Oneness; Hospitality |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-12-31-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
October 27, 1981 Tuesday 7:15 A.M. No. H.
After the 4:00 a.m. dictate “From This Hour On,” John met with the brothers for a communion service. In the oneness of the communion, John’s meeting with the Lord became the experience of all. This tape is a must. (67 min.)
Scriptures: | (I John 2:19); (Rom. 4:21) |
Topics: | Freedom; Wheat and Chaff; Flesh |
Series: | The Unfolding Applied; All Those Bonds; The Communion of His Cross |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-12-20-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
December 16, 1981 Wednesday P.M. No. H.
We see that “The Unfolding” meant that God has sovereignly chosen to manifest His sons through their co-creation of each other. As we are moved by the revelation of what God has deposited in us, we DEMAND ministry that will loose us from everything that hinders our fulfilling what God has put in us. (29 min.)
Scriptures: | Eph. 2:10 |
Topics: | Promises, Possessing Them; Freedom; Body of Christ, Body Ministry; God’s Perfect Will, Walk; Hindrances; Faith, Aggressive |
Series: | The Unfolding Expanded; JRS Dialogue; Create the Atmosphere |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
December 17, 1981 Thursday P.M. No. H.
What God has in ages past ordained me to be, I am determined to be. The life and work in His perfect will for me, I am determined to fulfill. Because the Body makes increase and perfects itself, I DEMAND my brother to create me and bring me forth into all God ordained me to be. I DEMAND, “Free me to be what I am to be; enable me for what I am to do.” (38 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Eph. 2:8,10; John 3:5-8; II Cor. 5:16-17; (Heb. 11); (II Cor. 7:1-3) |
Topics: | Co-Creator; Body of Christ, Body Ministry; God’s Perfect Will, Walk; Soul, Soulish; Spirit, Spiritual; (Persecution) |
Series: | The Unfolding Expanded; JRS Dictates |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-11-06-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
October 18, 1981 Sunday A.M. Ana.
The Feast of Tabernacles convocation exploded in a revelation of the many bonds to be broken, and deliverance was imparted in the service. We had freedom with great joy. (44 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Rom. 8:19-23; Psa. 51:8; I Cor. 5:14-16; Heb. 4:12; (Psa. 51:6-17) |
Topics: | Bonds; Freedom; Devastation |
Series: | The School of Prophets; The Unfolding Applied; All Those Bonds; His Kingdom Priesthood; Feasting in His Presence |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-04-12-02-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
April 10, 1981 Friday 11:30 P.M. Shiloh
The ashes from the kilns where they have made bricks become the boils that oppress their oppressors. (10 min.)
Scriptures: | Exo. 9:8-11; Psa. 105:16-22; (Isa. 61:1-3); (Luke 4:21) |
Topics: | Judgment; Freedom |
Series: | JRS Dictates; Ten Days of Judgment |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, Recommended Listening |
April 11, 1981 Saturday A.M. Shiloh
Why be free?? What will you do with your freedom? God delivers us to serve Him. Our exodus deliverance is that we will be worshipers. What will you do with your freedom? You will serve Him instead of Pharaoh! Exodus 9:13. (39 min.)
Scriptures: | (Exo. 9:14,17); (Mal. 4:3); (I Cor. 7) |
Topics: | Lordship; Freedom; Bond Servant, Bondslave |
Series: | Ten Days of Judgment |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-04-08-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
February 14, 1981 Saturday P.M. Campbell
This is a new day of freedom and joy. Wounds are healing up and there will be no scars. (46 min.)
Scriptures: | (II Cor. 10:6) |
Topics: | Freedom; Judgment; Joy; Channels |
Series: | Heal Us, Lord!; Words Over The Bay Area |
March 7, 1981 Saturday P.M. Campbell
You have received more than you are aware of. It is also true that Satan is our accuser, but you have a problem with self-guilt if you believe his lies. The service was filled with encouragement. (39 1/2 min.)
Topics: | Release; Bonds; (Intercession); (Vampire Spirit) |
Series: | Words Over The Bay Area |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-01-22-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
January 20, 1981 Tuesday 12:30 Aft. No. H.
God may deliver us from our prison, but we may still cling to the hidden chains on our spirit. “For freedom hath Christ set us free,” only don’t handcuff yourself again. Be free!! Think free!! (28 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 5:1,13; Luke 4:18-21; Isa. 61:1-3 |
Topics: | Healings, Spiritual; Freedom; Conditioning |
Series: | JRS Dictates; Heal Us, Lord! |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
January 20, 1981 Tuesday 2:15 Aft. No. H.
Every new level of the Kingdom is introduced by a healing of the wounded and a deliverance from bondage. After devastation comes total deliverance. Resurrection life must follow the work of the cross. (32 min.)
Scriptures: | Hosea 6:1; Matt. 12:17-37; Isa. 42:13-16,22; (Isa. 61); (John 11) |
Topics: | Healings, Spiritual;Devastation; Parousia, Presence of the Lord |
Series: | JRS Dictates; Heal Us, Lord! |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-07-16-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
June 20, 1979 Wednesday A.M. Hono.
On the north shore of Oahu the Holy Spirit, grieving, revealed what organized Christianity had done to the Island people and is doing to the whole Body of Christ now. The vision reaches into the purity of the Kingdom to come when the money changers will again be driven from God’s House. Will not judgment begin with the smug religious den of thieves? This tape is a land mine that the Babylonian dedication will explode. It will be a controversial tape but it will be the sting of Christ’s whip on the back of the money changers and a clear prophecy to ecclesiastical and financial Babylon. To the thousand prophets, this is excellent. (60 min.)
Scriptures: | (I Tim. 5:17-18); (Luke 10:4,7,10-12); (Rom. 10:14-17); (Matt. 23:15); (Matt. 7:22-23); (I Cor. 3:3-4); (Mark 9:38-40); (Acts 23:6-9); (I Cor. 1:26-29); (I Cor. 2:8); (John 2:14-16); (Isa. 40:3-4); (Isa. 62:10); (Isa. 2:2); (Luke 13:34); (Prov. 23:23); (Rev. 3:17-18,20-21); (Heb. 10:25); (Rev. 17:5) |
Topics: | Church Order; Kingdom Order; Denomination; Lordship; Church Administration; Greed; Babylon; (New Testament Church, Then); (Submission); (Sectarianism); (Conformity); (Chosen); (Freedom); (Walls) |
Series: | “Revealed in the Closet” Revelations; Hawaii Conference, June 1979 |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-05-31-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
April 22, 1979 Sunday A.M. Val.
The message is low key but definitive of the current relationship crisis God has provoked among us everywhere as a result of 25 years’ teaching that the Body is to be one. The word is definitive because it accurately describes the phases and purposes of refinement in the fire. (50 min.)
Scriptures: | Mal. 4:4-6; 3:1-5; (John 17:21); (Gal. 5:15); (Gal. 6:14);(I Cor. 15:28); (Eph. 4:16); (Matt. 6:9-10); (Matt. 6:33); (Heb. 12:29) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Unity; Anecdotes, Personal Experiences, JRS; Worship; Purging; Words Over Churches, Church of the Living Word; (Freedom); (Meeting, with the Lord); (Body of Christ, Body Ministry); (Bonds); (Family Spirit) |
Series: | How The Father Wants Us TO DO It |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-05-30-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
April 22, 1979 Sunday P.M. SoG.
Misunderstanding and deception in our relationships often are caused by our tuning in to the battle or oppressions another is under instead of penetrating through the area of conflict and vampire bonds to the inner spirit of that person. We are seeking to know the Christ in one another. (40 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 25:42-46; Phil. 2:10-11; II Thess. 1:10; (John 6:68-69) |
Topics: | Relationships, Spiritual; Christ In You; Channel; Deception; Freedom; Love, in the Body; (Responses, Predetermined); (Oppression); (Walls); (Bonds); (Aura); (Generation Gap); (Conditioning); (Self-Acceptance, of Others) |
Series: | The School of Prophets; Freedom in Spirit; How The Father Wants Us To Do It |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, Pivotal Messages |
March 11, 1979 Sunday P.M. SoG.
Restrictive circumstances are not an evidence of slavery if your spirit is free. Conversely you may be free and independent in circumstances and be bound in your spirit by many oppressions. (42 min.)
Scriptures: | (Gal. 5:1); (I Cor. 8:9-13); (I Cor. 9:19-23); (I Pet. 3:15); (II Tim. 2:9);(I Cor. 7:20-22); (Luke 18:40-42) |
Topics: | Freedom; Circumstances; Responsibility; Bondage; (Conscience); (Stumbling); (Legalistic) |
Series: | Freedom in Spirit; The School of Prophets |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-04-08-05-R
This cassette tape contained the following 3 messages by John Robert Stevens.
April 6, 1979 Friday P.M. L.W. Bldg.
How deeply He loved His disciples so He became like a slave to wash their feet and thus He set them free. We become Christ’s slaves and then we become the liberating vessels of grace and “through love we become servants one to another.” (33 min.)
Scriptures: | John 13:1-2,11,18,27,30,3-10; John 13:15-17,34-35; Gal. 5:1,13; (Exo. 12:11); (Eph. 5:26-27); (Gen. 17:1); (Matt. 5:44); (Rom. 12:19-20); (John 15:15); (Matt. 20:16); (Matt. 19:14); (I Cor. 1:27) |
Topics: | Love, His for Us; Bond Servant, Bondslave; Love, in the Body; Reactions; Betrayal; Cleansed; Freedom; (Word, Speaking); (Footwashing); (Passover); (Devastation); (Biblical Character, Judas); (Independence) |
Series: | The Passover of Intervention; Freedom in Spirit |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
March 26, 1979 Monday A.M. No. H.
The world has a type of love that is still competitive between husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters. The Lord would devastate that competitiveness and teach us that true love is humble. “It vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not its own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil.” We love Him so we serve Him. This word came out of ministry to one of the little sisters that works freely in the Living Word Building. (11 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 5:5; II Tim. 2:12; Col. 3:14; Psa. 16:11; Deut. 6:5; Matt. 11:29; Prov. 29:25; I Cor. 1:27-29; John 3:30; II Cor. 3:2; Joel 2:7; (Gal. 5:17); (Matt. 8:8) |
Topics: | Humility; Compassion; Christ in You; Devastation; Word, Becoming; Manifestation, of the Sons of God; Relationships, Spiritual; Competition; Fear; (Joy) |
Series: | Channels By Crucifixion; “Revealed in the Closet” Revelations; The Passover of Intervention; The Days of Devastation |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
March 1, 1979 Thursday P.M. Shiloh
The true hunger after God is always a humble manifestation and with every blessing and fulfillment to that hunger, that heart grows more humble still. The arrogant search of the Pharisee never led them to the Christ who washes His disciples’ feet. (12 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 5:6; Deut. 4:29; John 13:1,3-5; John 14:9; John 13:12,14; Eph. 2:13;Phil. 3:8,10,13; Matt. 13:44-46; (I Cor. 13); (John 13–17) |
Topics: | Hunger; Love; Humility; Wholeheartedness; Leadership;(Relationships, Spiritual); (Sacrifice); (Nature, Adamic or Christ); (Agnosticism) |
Series: | The Passover of Intervention; The Days of Devastation; “Revealed in the Closet” Revelations |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-02-01-08-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
January 21, 1979 Sunday A.M. Iowa
It is easy to accept bondage because bondage does not require a spiritual perception or revelation. The only requirement of a slave is the drudgery of laborious obedience. In bondage no issues are resolved, no decisions are made. With freedom comes a responsibility to choose, to learn, to strive for his freedom and to attain his greatest potentials as a free person. The earnest prayers of the free are often greater than the cries of the oppressed. (48 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 5:1,13-21,24-25; Gal. 4:6-11,21-29 |
Topics: | Bondage; Freedom; Religiosity, Religiousness; Diligence; (Death, of the Flesh); (Spirit, Spiritual); (Persecution); (Change, Nature); (Repentance) |
Series: | To Conform Or Not To Conform? |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-12-07-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
December 3, 1978 Sunday P.M. SoG.
It happened again in South Gate. A Living Word that had been foretold for some weeks came to open up the door labeled release. Witchcraft, oppressions, restraints and barriers became the target of a demolition Living Word. A new era has been opened to us of the Lord. (45 min.)
Scriptures: | (Psa. 109:1-5,29-31); (I Sam. 28); (Psa. 66:18); (Isa. 40:31); (Luke 17:32); (Luke 19:44) |
Topics: | Living Word; Judgment; Witchcraft; Freedom; Oppression; Grace; Hearing;Apostolic Company; Humility; Focus; Jubilee |
Series: | The School of Prophets; The Dedication-Revelation |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-10-18-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
October 16, 1978 Monday P.M. Ana.
The Feast of Booths should remind us that we’re out of Egypt’s prisons and we are mobile and move at the leading of the Lord to our destiny. How shall we overcome the conditioned responses in thinking that lives slave when free? Don’t sit in the cell with the door open. Say, “Have booth, will travel.” (54 min.)
Scriptures: | Neh. 8:2-18; Isa. 61:1-20; Acts 12:1-11; (Luke 4:21); (II Tim. 2:9); (Isa. 9:2); (Matt. 9:5); (John 5:8); (John 9:7); (Mark 2:4); (John 15:3); (Heb. 12:2); (Luke 12:50) |
Topics: | Bondage; Movement, Motion; Freedom; Year of Jubilee; (Word, Acting); (Faith, Aggressive); (Healings, Physical) |
Series: | The Great Time of Transition–Feast of Tabernacles, 1978 |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-11-26-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
November 12, 1977 Saturday A.M. Shiloh
This exposition of Galatians 4 portrays the restrictions upon the immature with the lifting of restraint upon the mature sons. The Kingdom slant on the book of Galatians is fresh and inspiring. The scope of the word penetrates into family, church, and Kingdom relationships. Brother Miller: “There’s a hundred sermons in this one. It’s a sleeper.” (29 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 4:1–5:1 |
Topics: | Maturity; Restraints, Restrictions; Elemental Spirits; Submission; Freedom; (Shiloh); (Sabbath) |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-09-10-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 5, 1977 Monday A.M. Ana.
For nearly two hours the word with the confirming voices of the prophets and teachers established this auspicious moment before the Lord. The many open doors before us God has revealed. Now we must enter those doors. His divine provision opens to us the necessity to believe in His divine enablement. We can walk in all He has set before us. This service is presented in two cassettes. The first, a C-75, brings you an apostolic Living Word. The second, a C-30, brings highly inspired confirmation from many. You may order only the word or the word and the confirmation. Brother Stevens recommends both. (73 min.)
Scriptures: | Rev. 3:7-13; Isa. 22:15-25; Hag. 2:4-9; Col. 2:1-3; Eph. 3:20; (Eph. 4:11-13); (I Sam. 12:23); (Hag. 2:4-5); (Matt. 9:38); (Exo. 33:15); (John 17:24); (Dan. 12:9); (I Cor. 16:9); (Isa. 61:1); (Matt. 12:29); (Rom. 16:20); (II Cor. 1:9); (I Cor. 2:9,12); (Heb. 4:2); (Heb. 2:6,9) |
Topics: | Access; Freedom; Apostolic Company; Movement, Motion; Sonship; (Maturity); (Finances); (Father Ministry); (Immunity) |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-08-30-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
August 12, 1976 Thursday A.M. Shiloh
This exposition of Galatians 5 is the finest distinction between legalism and appropriation grace to come forth. The School of Prophets demanded it to be “four star” for it delineates the exact line between Pharisaic religious discipline of the flesh and the dedicated spiritual discipline of spiritual sons in their divine transformation. Religious flesh can only produce flesh. God begets sons of God. Hogs beget pigs. The School of Prophets must avoid legalism. (66 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 5:1-26; (II Cor. 11:13-14); (I Cor. 5); (I John 3:12); (I Cor. 9:26-27); (II Tim. 3:12); (Rom. 4:3); (Rom. 9:28); (Hosea 10:12); (I Tim. 6:12) |
Topics: | Righteousness; Religiosity, Religiousness; Appropriation; Grace; Circumcision; Cross Experience; Freedom; (Christ-in You); (Persecution); (Love) |
Series: | Shiloh–July, August 1976; Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-07-05-09-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
July 3, 1976 Saturday A.M. Ana.
The message on the bond-servant ministry was followed by five important and related apostolic exhortations concentrating principally on intercession. (13 min.)
Scriptures: | I Cor. 9:1-2,9,18-27 |
Topics: | Bond Servant, Bondslave; Freedom; (Intercession); (Oneness); (Submission) |
Series: | Apostolic Exhortations and Teachings |
July 1, 1976 Thursday P.M. SoG.
The message on the bond-servant ministry was followed by five important and related apostolic exhortations concentrating principally on intercession. (5 min.)
Topics: | Hope; Trust; (Worship) ; (Word, Speaking) |
Series: | Apostolic Exhortations and Teachings |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-07-03-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
July 1, 1976 Thursday P.M. SoG.
What can we say about this word? It is a prophetic, Living Word that unfolds the high level of the coming, creative word. The word that came did more than teach us-it purged us and created in us, it broke chains and moved mountains. (32 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | John 1:1-2,14; II Cor. 13:1-4; Rom. 10:6-10 13; I Cor. 2:1-5; (I Cor. 14:5); (Col. 1:16-17) |
Topics: | Word, Speaking; Lordship; Oracles of God; (Freedom); (Purifying); (Prophecy) |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
June 30, 1976 Wednesday P.M. Ana.
The word unfolded the basics of God’s riches: with an exact and definite request specifically claimed for ourselves right now. We possess in fullness. Jehovah signed a blank check. Fill it in. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | Isa. 66:7-9; (Isa. 65:24); (Jer. 29:13); (Acts 2:21) |
Topics: | Freedom; Time; Promises, Possessing Them; (Faith); (Focus); (Humility) |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-03-22-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
March 18, 1976 Thursday A.M. Val.
The persistent with their insistent faith receive the answer to their prayers. Their relationship to God guarantees the answer they get is the right one. Therefore, what you know to pray for you petition persistently until you receive it. (72 min.)
Scriptures: | Luke 11:1-14; Matt. 7:11; (Luke 18:8); (Matt. 15:22-28); (I Cor. 7:17-24); (Gal. 6:9); (Prov. 24:16); (Gen. 32:26) |
Topics: | Persistence; Prayer; Faith, Creative; Relationship, with the Lord; Change; Circumstances; (God’s Perfect Will, Walking); (Freedom) |
Series: | Persistent and Insistent |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
March 19, 1976 Friday P.M. Val.
God has gone to great lengths to expose Himself to us. He cannot deny Himself. He commits Himself by promise and anticipates our insistent faith. God challenges you to put Him on the spot. (72 min.)
Scriptures: | Luke 18:1-8; (Heb. 11:6); (Heb. 4:15); (Heb. 6:18 |
Topics: | God’s Limitation; Persistence; Relationship, to the Lord; Prayer; (Submission to the Lord); (Worthiness); (Initiative); (Responsibility); (Faith, Aggressive); (Discouragement) |
Series: | Persistent and Insistent |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-02-25-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
February 22, 1976 Sunday P.M. Val.
For reasons unknown this was the poorest recording to come for some time. The tape is offered only for reference to those who want to refer back to this amazing service. This is the highest level of majestic worship to come in this liberated transitional worship. How awesome was the Lord’s Prayer by hundreds kneeling before the Lord. How wonderful the tambourine dance like Miriam on the shores of the Red Sea. How wonderful the living faith that claims total release for the apostolic company. Brother Stevens does not recommend you wasting your money on this poor recording. (69 min.)
Topics: | Worship; Freedom; Music, Instrumental; (Kingdom); (Judgment) |
Series: | Cradle of Liberty |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-01-08-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
December 31, 1975 Wednesday P.M. Ana.
Christ took upon Himself the form of a bondservant in His total humility and abasement. He received authority and exaltation from the Father. He says to us, “Wash feet and be happy.” Become His servant. You were created to become His possession. (31 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 5:1,13; Phil. 2:5-11; John 13:17; Matt. 11:25-30; I Cor. 6:13 |
Topics: | Possessed, by God; Bondservant, Bondslave; Freedom; Submission; Fulfillment; Slavery; Music |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
January 4, 1976 Sunday P.M. SoG.
This chapter presents Christ and three of the early church apostles in their total dedication to the bond-servant ministry. They are four examples of what it means to be possessed totally by the Father’s will and to be totally subservient to anything required as a bondservant of the Lord, created and possessed wholly by the Father. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | Phil. 2:1-30; (John 5:30); (Matt. 18:1-4); (Heb. 4:15); (John 1:3) |
Topics: | Bondservant, Bondslave; Possessed by God; Body of Christ, Body Ministry; Christ, the Man; (Early Church); (Fulfillment) |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-11-28-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
November 27, 1975 Thursday A.M. Val.
The churches came together for a Thanksgiving service in the Valley church. First came some majestic worship from the hymns, then the message, followed by a very free time of praise most of which is included on this tape. The message gave a panoramic view of Thanksgiving in the heavens, in the New Testament Church service, in the sacrifices of the Kingdom priests, etc. (69 min.)
Scriptures: | Isa. 43:24; Rev. 4:8-11; 5:8-14; Col. 3:15-17; Eph. 5:18-20; Heb. 13:15-16; II Tim. 3:1-2; Psa. 145:1-21 |
Topics: | Thanksgiving; Faith, Aggressive; Praise; Submission; Worship; Sacrifice; Freedom |
Series: | Thanksgiving |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-10-13-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
October 10, 1975 Friday P.M. Val.
Prophetic proclamation came over the church during this message. Listen to it and you will feel like an immovable mountain. YOU only become something important in God when God becomes important to you. Another message in pictures.
Scriptures: | Psa. 125:1-3; Zech. 2:5; Isa. 60:11,14,18; (Rom. 12:2) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Steadfastness; Freedom; Change; Fear; Tolerance |
Series: | The War Over The Word |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
October 11, 1975 Saturday A.M. Ana.
Satan hates the word God has given you. He will steal it, blast it, choke it, imitate it and discredit it. The issue is not your circumstances or your problems, but your faith in the word. We contend earnestly for the faith and we resist the enemy steadfastly in the faith. (56 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 13:3-9,19,24-30,38-39; Eph. 4:26-27; 6:11-12; James 4:7-8; I Pet. 5:7-9; (John 12:27, 31); (John 14:30); (John 16:11); (Matt. 28:18-19); (Jude 3); (I John 3:8); (I Tim. 6:12); (Luke 9:51); (Rom. 8:7) |
Topics: | Faith, Aggressive; Warfare; Word, God’s; Submission; Resistance; Authority |
Series: | The War Over The Word |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-10-02-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 28, 1975 Sunday P.M. Val.
On the last service of the Feast of Tabernacles we enjoyed the greatest freedom in the Sepulveda church with Brother Diaba conducting as they do in Ghana. The worship was free, uninhibited and very sincere. The apostle to Ghana has a Living Word. This tape will impart the true missionary vision for the gospel of the Kingdom to all the nations. (68 min.)
Scriptures: | Deut. 16:15; Rom. 8:1-2; Eph. 2:10; Gal. 5:1; Eph. 2:19 |
Topics: | Freedom; New Testament Church; Missionary; Guidance, of the Holy Spirit; Rejoicing |
Series: | Feast of Tabernacles 1975; Violent Proclamation Cross Reference |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-04-05-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
April 2, 1975 Wednesday P.M. Val.
The Passover in Egypt brought them out of bondage–Exodus 12. The Passover in Numbers sustained them in the wilderness–Numbers 9. The Passover in Deuteronomy instructed them to prevail in the land of their inheritance. Today Christ our Passover is leading us into our inheritance. (55 min.)
Scriptures: | Deut. 16:1-8; Gal. 5:1,13; Exo. 12; Num. 9 |
Topics: | Divine Order; Passover; Freedom; Christ’s Blood; Servant; Repentance |
Series: | Beyond Passover |
April 3, 1975 Thursday P.M. Ana.
If we do not possess the reality of the Passover Lamb, all of our inspired efforts will be futile. Without His precious blood we can never escape either judgment or defeat. We will overcome only by the blood of the Lamb. (55 min.)
Scriptures: | Exo. 12; Josh. 5:1-15; Num. 9; 10; II Kings 23; 24; 25; II Chron. 31:1-12; John 2:15-25; Acts 12:1-24; Exo. 33:13-15 |
Topics: | Reality; Movement, Motion, Expression of; Deliverance; Christ’s Blood; Passover; Experiences; Provision |
Series: | Beyond Passover |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 73-12-03-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
November 23, 1973 Friday P.M. Ana.
We are moving into the glorious liberty of the sons of God (Rom. 8:21), and we are finding the glorious freedom is progressive. We move into it step by step. (48 min.)
Scriptures: | Rom. 6:12-19; John 8:31-32,36; II Pet. 2:19; Rom. 12:2 |
Topics: | Freedom; Manifestation of the Sons of God; Perfection; Restraints-Restrictions; Growth; Bondage |
Series: | Neither Jew Nor Greek; Free to Become |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 73-11-20-41-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
November 18, 1973 Sunday P.M. Ana.
The world around us constantly exerts pressure to condition our thinking and impose chains on our minds. As citizens of the Kingdom, we must be free from this bondage in every way. Our spirits must be free to seek first the Kingdom of God. (49 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 3:27-29 |
Topics: | Freedom; Conditioning; Bondage; Free-Spirit; Faith-Aggressive; Appropriation |
Series: | Neither Jew Nor Greek; Free to Become |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 73-11-17-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
November 17, 1973 Saturday A.M. Ana.
This message deals with the travail in our spirits as we come into the hour of His sons being manifested. The freedom from the multitude of bondage, many of which we have not been aware, becomes the travail of our spirit. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 3:2, 5-12, 28-29; Rom. 10:11-13; I Cor. 7:17-24; Gal. 5:1, 13; Rom. 8:21 |
Topics: | Freedom; Bondage; Thinking, Ours and God’s; Restraints and Restrictions; Prejudice; Limitations |
Series: | Kingdom Sabbath; Neither Jew Nor Greek; Free To Become |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 73-09-14-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
September 12, 1973 Wednesday P.M. Val.
We were not set free to “do our own thing”–we are free to be bondservants of Christ and of one another. The principles of love and submission will never work on a human level. We must love with His love.
Scriptures: | Gal. 5:1, 13-15; 6:1, 10; Rom. 6:16-18; Phil. 2:7; II Pet. 2:18-19; I Cor. 8:9; John 14:15,21; John 15:10, 12-14, 17; 17:4; 21:16 |
Topics: | Love; Marriage; Bondservant-Bondslave; Bondage; Freedom; Submission – To the Ministries |
Series: | Some Things About Love |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
September 13, 1973 Thursday P.M. SoG.
What you do for yourself has no real meaning. It’s serving one another that holds satisfaction. If you’ve done anything in love you’ve lost nothing.
Scriptures: | Gal. 5:13 |
Topics: | Love; Sacrifice; Self-Interest; Bondservant-Bondslave |
Out of Print
Release #: 73-08-29-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
July 20, 1973 Friday P.M. Ana.
Exhortation: Accept that you are free. Don’t wait till there are stripes on your back to seek God.
Scriptures: | Ps. 78:34 |
Topics: | Freedom; Bondservant-Bondslave; Acceptance; Motivation; Humility; Revelation; Unbelief; Led; Waiting on the Lord |
Series: | The Walk |
July 20, 1973 Friday P.M. Ana.
Message: Our attitude is one of waiting and humility. We do not fail in unbelief; we walk in and claim.
Scriptures: | Ps. 78:12-22, 25:4-5; James 4:6 |
Out of Print
Release #: RN-18-C0-02-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
We are free slaves. We are blind believers. We rest with a burden. We conquer by yielding. We gain wisdom through foolishness. The humble are the great. Reproach brings us honor. (34 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 5:1; Heb. 11:27; II Cor. 4:18; Matt. 11:28-30; II Cor. 12:9-10; Mark 10:43-44; Matt. 13:12; Heb. 11:24-26; Mark 8:48; Acts 5:41 |
Topics: | Freedom; Faith, Expressed; Rest, God’s; Conquer, Conqueror; Wisdom, God’s; Bond Servant, Bondslave; Reproach |
Series: | Messages for the Ministries |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons |
Christ has delegated His authority. It is operative in the submissive and the humble. Be bold to use the name of Jesus Christ! Blow the whistle on the devil wherever you find him! (16 min.)
Scriptures: | Eph. 1:18-23; 2:6; Luke 10:19;Matt. 28:18-19; (I John 3:8); (Acts 19:13-16); (James 4:7) |
Topics: | Authority; Submission; Submission, to the Lord; Humility; Boldness |
Series: | Messages for the Ministries |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
The Living Word was established in 1968 out of a vision to capture, preserve, and publish the teachings of John Robert Stevens. Many of Stevens' sermons have been edited and published in books, manuals, and a weekly periodical titled "This Week."
The Living Word continues in its ministry today—carefully preserving and publishing messages taken from the vast library of John Robert Stevens' ministry from 1950-1983, as well as the messages of others who teach and minister the Word.
Thank you for supporting the ministry of The Living Word.
The Living Word
P.O. Box 958
North Hollywood, CA 91603
Tel: (818) 983-1523
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