Ten random topics from the complete topic list.
Out of Print
Release #: 2009-0414-1R
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
The Revelation Of A Mighty People
April 11, 2009 Saturday 5:30 PM North Hills, CA
The Passover that the sons of Israel experienced under Joshua is a prophetic illustration of where the Body of Christ is now living. The Church has been followers of Moses-type leaders, but in this Passover, God is opening up the provision for each person to individually covenant with Him and to know Him personally. Out of these individual covenants, a mighty people will emerge under one anointing, one Lord.(41:32)
Scriptures: | Josh. 21:43-45; Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:13; (Josh. 5; 6); (Joel 2); (Acts 2) |
Topics: | Body of Christ; Relationship with the Lord |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2008-0319-2-R
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
What Happened To Your Commitment?
March 16, 2008 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI
God has many emotions, the greatest being love. That love is communicated to His people without walls and is unconditional. Before He pours out His love on us we must have no walls. Our cry to God is for unconditional love. Then it will be as God said, “Zion is a city without walls.”
Scriptures: | Exo. 34:14; (I John 4:8,16); (John 3:16); (Heb. 6:13); (Jer. 31:31-33); (Zech. 2:4) |
Topics: | Walls; Love, His for Us; Relationship with the Lord; Relationships, Kingdom |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2006-1130-1R
Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
Make His Lordship A Lifestyle, Not A Doctrine
November 26, 2006 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI
The Lordship of Jesus Christ is the greatest foundational truth that has ever been given to a people. Re-establish and renew your relationship with the Lord. When He is both Messiah and Lord to you, your spirit and soul will be refreshed in Him.
Scriptures: | Psalms 91:1-16; Acts 2:36; Phil. 2:9; John 3:16; Isa. 53:1-5; (II Tim. 3:5); (James 1:8; 2:14-26); (Heb. 12:5-11); (II Pet 1:4) |
Topics: | Lordship of Jesus Christ; Lordship; Relationship with the Lord; Repentance; Subjection; (Resistance) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2002-0225-1R
Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
We Roll Away The Stone
February 10, 2002 Sunday 9:30 AM Mount Zion, Brazil
As it was with Lazarus’ stench, we feel like God is too late and we cry, “It’s beyond belief and my hope is in danger!” Christ is taking us beyond our ability to believe, and He is preparing us for the Father to move. We expose this unbelief by rolling away the stone (John 11:39) of unbelief over our hearts.
Scriptures: | John 11:2-6,20-21,32-33,38-43; (Rom. 8:11) |
Topics: | Relationship with the Lord; Faith; Purpose, God’s |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2001-0815-3R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
April 29, 1977 Friday P.M. Iowa
With bold action let us respond to what we hear. God and His word becomes personal then God will not be a vague impersonal force to us. (21 min.)
Scriptures: | Isa. 40:28-31; Luke 18:1-8; Jer. 29:13; (Rev. 2:4-5); (James 2:20); (Psa. 18:26) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Movement, Motion; Faith; Initiative; Intensity; Waiting on the Lord; (Marriage) |
Series: | Faith Action |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 82-04-30-01-RV
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
April 25, 1982 Sunday A.M. Val.
The whole message is that the sheep know their Great Shepherd. This becomes the objective and drive of every shepherd, that he bring His sheep to know His voice and above all to know Him. The message was transmitted by telephone to Shiloh. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | I Pet. 5:1-4; (Luke 12:32); (John 21:15-17) |
Topics: | Shepherding; Family Spirit; Relationship, with the Lord; Experiences, Expanding |
Series: | Our Lord, The Shepherd |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 82-02-17-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
January 3, 1982 Sunday A.M. Val.
All our service will not please Him if we have broken the greatest commandment of all. We love Him with all our heart and all our works are a loveactivity. (40 min.)
Scriptures: | Rev. 1:20; 2:1-7; (I Sam. 2:3); (James 2:17); (John 5:39) |
Topics: | Love, to the Lord; Relationship, with the Lord; Self-Acceptance; Christ in You; Application |
Series: | The Unfolding Expanded; The Measurements of Spirit |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
December 1, 1981 Tuesday Aft. No. H.
Love is the basis of all our functioning in the Kingdom. Whatever we do, first we love. However, if we are to endure, we are sustained by knowing His love for us. (2 min.)
Scriptures: | I John 4:16-21 |
Topics: | Love, His for Us; Faith; Mind |
Series: | JRS Dictates |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 82-02-07-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
February 5, 1982 Friday P.M. No. H.
The unfolding spirals upward as we are thrust into a higher spiritual level and its warfare. The soul-flesh is the level of satanic access to us. With the work of the cross, we move immediately in our spirits to a greater oneness and awareness of the Lord. This step demands that we be filled with the Spirit on this higher level. This is one of the most careful evaluations of the soul and spirit realms. (106 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Hag. 2:9,12-15; Gal. 1:12,16; Gal. 5:16,24-25; 6:12-14; (Col. 2:20; 3:1,5,15-16); (Phil. 3:10) |
Topics: | Fullness; Bonds; Cross Experience; Relationship, with the Lord; Soul, Soulish; (Defilement) |
Series: | The Unfolding Expanded;The Measurements of Spirit;The Counterfeit Crucifixion |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 82-02-07-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
February 5, 1982 Friday P.M. No. H.
The unfolding spirals upward as we are thrust into a higher spiritual level and its warfare. The soul-flesh is the level of satanic access to us. With the work of the cross, we move immediately in our spirits to a greater oneness and awareness of the Lord. This step demands that we be filled with the Spirit on this higher level. This is one of the most careful evaluations of the soul and spirit realms. (106 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Hag. 2:9,12-15; Gal. 1:12,16; Gal. 5:16,24-25; 6:12-14; (Col. 2:20; 3:1,5,15-16); (Phil. 3:10) |
Topics: | Fullness; Bonds; Cross Experience; Relationship, with the Lord; Soul, Soulish; (Defilement) |
Series: | The Unfolding Expanded;The Measurements of Spirit;The Counterfeit Crucifixion |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 82-02-02-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
January 17, 1982 Sunday 8:00 A.M. No. H.
In the Kingdom, every true commission has a forerunner and every true commission is a forerunner of ministries to come. Mutually and individually, we create the freedom in which every charge is fulfilled. Each of us prepares the way of the Lord.” We run interference for each other so that everyone makes a touchdown. A commission is fulfilled in the atmosphere it creates first as it also creates the atmosphere in which other commissions are fulfilled. (64 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | (Heb. 1:1-2); (Isa. 40:3) |
Topics: | Commissioning, Commission; Faith, Vicarious; Faith, Creative; Atmosphere, Spiritual; Kingdom; (Delegation); (Relationship, with the Lord) |
Series: | JRS Dialogue; The School of Prophets; Faith Creates The Unfolding Kingdom; Commissioned? Charge!; The Measurements of Spirit; Create the Atmosphere |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
January 17, 1982 Sunday 11:45 A.M. No. H.
In the Kingdom, every true commission has a forerunner and every true commission is a forerunner of ministries to come. Mutually and individually, we create the freedom in which every charge is fulfilled. Each of us prepares the way of the Lord.” We run interference for each other so that everyone makes a touchdown. A commission is fulfilled in the atmosphere it creates first as it also creates the atmosphere in which other commissions are fulfilled. (16 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | (Heb. 1:1-2); (Isa. 40:3) |
Topics: | Commissioning,Commission; Faith, Vicarious; Faith, Creative; Atmosphere, Spiritual; Kingdom; (Delegation); (Relationship, with the Lord) |
Series: | JRS Dialogue; The School of Prophets; Faith Creates The Unfolding Kingdom; Commissioned? Charge!; The Measurements of Spirit; Create the Atmosphere |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 82-01-05-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
October 25, 1981 Sunday A.M. Ana.
As an age shifts, whatever laws have bound God’s people on a previous level must give way to one superceding law: the law of a greater separation unto the Lord. (60 min.)
Scriptures: | II Cor. 6:11-18; 7:2-3; I Cor. 10:13 |
Topics: | Bondage; Kingdom; Relationship, with the Lord |
Series: | The Unfolding Applied; Basic Codes of the Kingdom |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
October 27, 1981 Tuesday 11:45 A.M. No. H.
Oneness is unattainable as long as bonds exist. The breaking of bonds is the prelude to the oneness of the Kingdom. (9 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 4:16-17 |
Topics: | Bonds; Oneness; Bondage |
Series: | JRS Dictates; The Unfolding Applied; All Those Bonds |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-11-29-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
November 26, 1981 Thursday 7:00 A.M. No. H.
We break our bondage to any misconception of the Lord that we have had. A distortion of God is as bad as a graven image. We can only be one with Him as He really is. (31 min.)
Scriptures: | (Rom. 12:1); (John 14:7) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Bonds; Relationships, Spiritual; Oneness |
Series: | The Unfolding Applied; JRS Dictates; Unfolding Classes and Conferences; One in Spirit |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Recommended Listening |
November 26, 1981 Thursday 7:30 A.M. Val.
In all things, whatever befalls us, in battle, in victories, assault and blessings, He is with us. To be unaware of Him means that we doubt His presence. Faith unveils our awareness of Him and makes our heart a perpetual fountain of thanksgiving. (23 min.)
Scriptures: | I Thess. 5:18; Col. 3:17; (Matt. 28:20); (Rom. 8:28); (Psa. 121:3-4) |
Topics: | Thankfulness, Thanksgiving; Awareness; Faith |
Series: | The Unfolding Applied; Unfolding Classes and Conferences; Teaching Expositions |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-11-16-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
November 15, 1981 Sunday A.M. Val.
All authority is in Christ. We cannot move effectively with authority without we are one with Him. In that oneness with Him we have authority that can break the deadly soul-flesh bonds. The message defines and directs what God is doing in the dividing assunder of soul and spirit. (51 min.)
Scriptures: | Eph. 1:3,18-23; Col. 1:16-17; Col. 2:9-10; Phil. 3:2-3,17-21 |
Topics: | Oneness; Authority; Relationship, with the Lord; Soul, Soulish; Bonds |
Series: | The Unfolding Applied; All Those Bonds; One in Spirit |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-11-04-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 13, 1981 Sunday Aft. Hono.
God often asks of us to act beyond reason as a preliminary to miracle faith. As we actively obey, our faith is activated. The body exploded into the greatest aggressive, active expression of faith. This is a must. A miracle begins with acts of faith. (43 min.)
Scriptures: | John 2:1-11; II Kings 4:6; John 15:15 |
Topics: | Faith, Expressed; Greater Works; Relationship, with the Lord |
Series: | Faith Acts; The Unfolding |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-09-26-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 21, 1981 Monday P.M. Hono.
This will be a classic teaching of the Kingdom as it reveals our relationships within the oneness of the Father’s family and our relationships apart from that oneness. This reveals God’s purpose and love in breaking bonds and creating oneness. This is a great teaching on our functioning in the oneness God has created. (76 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | (Matt. 10:36); (Matt. 12:48-50); (II Cor. 5:16); (Luke 10:16) |
Topics: | Oneness; Bonds; Relationships, Natural; Relationship, with the Lord; Loneliness; Family |
Series: | The School of Prophets; The Unfolding; Bonds Versus Oneness |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-06-20-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
June 6, 1981 Saturday 2:30 Aft. No. H.
When we are in one accord and our one focus is His Kingdom and what He is doing now, then the problems in our oneness with each other will be met. (18 min.)
Scriptures: | (John 17:4); (Acts 2:1) |
Topics: | Oneness; Relationship, with the Lord; Relationships, Natural; Focus |
Series: | JRS Dictates; Pentecost ’81–We Move! |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Recommended Listening |
June 7, 1981 Sunday A.M. Val.
This keynote for the Feast of Pentecost emphasizes the action that follows our appropriation. We keep the Passover ready to march. We receive Pentecost and go forth with the Word. Tarry… then carry. (34 min.)
Scriptures: | (I Cor. 16:8-9); (II Thess. 1:10); (Acts 2:2-6) |
Topics: | Christ in You; Word, Acting; Appropriation; Witness |
Series: | Pentecost ’81–We Move! |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-06-16-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
June 14, 1981 Sunday A.M. Val.
If broken bones don’t heal right, the fracture must be rebroken and set right. God will mercifully repeat His disciplines and dealings until we are “healed” into oneness with the Lord and then with one another. (53 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Hosea 6:1-3; Psa. 51:6-8 |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Oneness; Devastation; Waiting on the Lord |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-05-02-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
May 1, 1981 Friday Aft. No. H.
John meets in the back room with the brothers and the intense cry and hunger after God precipitated this month; a month of fervent prayer, intercession and impartation. (59 min.)
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Intercession; Release; (Hunger) |
Series: | JRS Dialogue; More Than Enough |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-04-18-05-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
April 12, 1981 Sunday 9:30 A.M. Shiloh
God dealt with the hardness of heart by hail and by fire. He said, “I led them by the hand out of Egypt,” but the prophet said that God would now lead us by the heart. (18 min.)
Scriptures: | Exo. 9:18-26; Heb. 8:8-11; (Heb. 4:12) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Living Word |
Series: | Ten Days of Judgment |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Recommended Listening |
April 12, 1981 Sunday Aft. Shiloh
We are not being delivered from oppressions and bitternesses only; we are being restored to our first love. (45 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 22:37; 25:35-40; Eph. 4:15; (Isa. 66:2); (I Cor. 13) |
Topics: | Love; Revelation, of the Lord; Christ in You |
Series: | Ten Days of Judgment |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-04-16-05-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
April 14, 1981 Tuesday 2:30 Aft. Des Moines, IA
We turn from fatalism to faith. Perhaps God Himself has left this time undetermined that we might appropriate Him as the instrument to complete His new creation. Is God saying, “Let Me be the pen in your hand to write the last chapter of the book of destiny”? Do we ask God, “What will be?”” or is God saying, “You tell Me what will be? Is it still true, “According to your faith, be it done unto you,” and “What will you that I do unto you?” (44 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 24:36; Luke 18:2-8; Heb. 11:13; I Cor. 15:24-28 |
Topics: | Initiative; Relationship, with the Lord; End-Time Events;Faith, Creative; (Devastation) |
Series: | The School of Prophets; Ten Days of Judgment; JRS Dialogue |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-04-10-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
April 4, 1981 Saturday Aft. Shiloh
A deep teaching on transference and oneness was the basis of the back room meeting of the ministers from several states. The impartation and flow was with much more authority. Many truths were covered. (82 min.)
Scriptures: | (John 17:22-23); (Deut. 6:4) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Bonds; Oneness |
Series: | The School of Prophets; JRS Dialogue; Shiloh Weekend Conference- April 4-5 |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 81-04-06-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
March 29, 1981 Sunday A.M. Campbell
A rare service that thrusts us all into the flow of worship-warfare, and or into this level where the overcome become the overcomers. This was a unique breakthrough to impartation during the high level of worship. Excel lent and practical teaching for everyone at this time of breakthrough for every church. “The study of this service will result in inexhaustible and infinite help.”–JRS. (56 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | (Psa. 51:8); (Eph. 5:13-19) |
Topics: | Worship; Devastation; Relationship, with the Lord; (Warfare); (Healings, Spiritual) |
Series: | Declare War; Words Over The Bay Area |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 80-11-06-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
October 21, 1980 Tuesday P.M. S.D.
Again the relationship between a man and a woman highlights that each must feed the other’s faith, not their ego. They are heirs together of grace, not vying for control by domination or manipulation. (29 min.)
Scriptures: | (Psa. 68:11); (I Tim. 2:15); (I Sam. 1:28); (Eph. 4:11); (II Cor. 8:5) |
Topics: | Women; Men; Relationships, Natural; Faith-Builders; Dedication, to the Word; Relationship, with the Lord |
Series: | JRS Dictates; JRS Dialogue; The Higher Plane; Women Series |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, Recommended Listening |
November 1, 1980 Saturday P.M. S.D.
The Holy Spirit’s emphasis on the third generation is exploding into the teaching on the family and the children of this generation. The great field of evangelism of the Kingdom begins with the third generation, and this word is basic to the discipline and chastening of this coming generation. (23 min.)
Scriptures: | (Titus 2:3-4); (II Kings 2:23-24); (I Sam. 4); (Heb. 12); (Num. 14:18) |
Topics: | Family; Children; Parents; Discipline, Children; Kingdom School |
Series: | JRS Dictates; All Thy Children…; The Higher Plane |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 80-10-10-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 24, 1980 Wednesday P.M. Wash. Iowa
Feast of Tabernacles opened in Washington, Iowa with a word that assesses the meaning of the feast to us who stand on the threshold of the Kingdom. The feast is to us the entering of a new age, and joy from the Lord becomes our strength. The message was not finished because of the spontaneous demand for impartation–for hands to be laid upon them. (56 min.)
Scriptures: | (Acts 2:1-4); (Exo. 12:2); (Matt. 19:30); (Rom. 8:14); (Isa. 61:1-2); (Luke 4:17-21); (Luke 8:43-48); (Neh. 8:9-10); |
Topics: | Feast of Tabernacles; Faith; Relationship, with the Lord; Relationship, with JRS; Intercession; (Persecution); (Dealings); (Feasts, Jewish) |
Series: | Tabernacles-In Transit |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 80-09-20-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 17, 1980 Wednesday A.M. No. H.
What is the next step beyond devastation? It is the healing of the flock as the Lord gives them shepherds after His own heart. We look closely at the purpose behind the intercession and the faith and we see the Good Shepherd leading the sheep into His Kingdom. The bleat of every lamb is “Thy Kingdom come.” The tape is full of specifics and directives for these coming days of the Kingdom. The Great Shepherd is giving the sheep shepherds after His own heart. This is an orientation and direction for all the flock everywhere. (76 min.)
Scriptures: | Jer. 3: 15; Isa. 40: 1-5,10-11,31; Isa. 56:10; Jer. 23:4; Ezek. 34:2 |
Topics: | Shepherding; Healing; Living Word; Christ in You; (Love); Relationship, with the Lord); (Motivation) |
Series: | The School of Prophets; JRS Dialogue; Watch Your Step |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 80-08-26-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
August 21, 1980 Thursday P.M. No. H.
With our motivation refined we are released into a bolder faith. If our Lord does not conform to the mold of what we think He is, then we seek for the clear revelation of what He really is to be to us. (63 min.)
Scriptures: | I Cor. 5:6,12-13; (Jude 1:3,12); (II Kings 6:16); (Psa. 139:22); (Heb. 5:14); (Matt. 20:26); (Phil. 3:10) |
Topics: | Knowing the Lord; Relationship, with the Lord; Faith, Aggressive; (Appropriation); (Thinking, God’s and Ours); (Religious, Religious Spirit); (Judgment) |
Series: | The School of Prophets; JRS Dialogue; Bonded or a Bond Servant?; Watch Your Step |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 80-08-10-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
August 10, 1980 Sunday A.M. Val.
“He hath torn us and He will heal us.” (Hosea 6:1.) The Lord is bringing forth our devotion by the path of devastation. The song He seeks comes from the heart that He hath healed. The balm of Gilead was applied to every heart at the convocation. “We tune our hearts.” Recommended listening with this tape is the message, “Genesis Chapel–New Beginnings Out Of Chaos,” Sunday P.M. July 27, 1980 in South Gate. (64 min.) (56 min.)
Scriptures: | Jonah 2:2-10; Mal. 2:2-6; Hosea 6:1-2; Eph. 1:6-8; (John 4:23); (Exo. 19:5-7); (Isa. 61:3); (Psa. 51:17) |
Topics: | Devastation; Healings, Spiritual; Broken Heart, Spirit; Priest, Priesthood; (Worship); (Purity); (Acceptance); (Relationship, with the Lord) |
Series: | Kingdom Music: “We Tune Our Hearts”–Kingdom Music and Convocation |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening, Kingdom Music |
Out of Print
Release #: 80-06-27-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
June 20, 1980 Friday Aft. Seabury
The Word plows deep in unearthing our real walk with God. This hour becomes a probe into our relationship to the Lord. If you have lost out with God, it shows you how to return to Him. If you have lost your first love, it shows you how to retrieve it. (61 min.)
Scriptures: | Rev. 2:1-5; (Heb. 6:10); (Jude 1:3); (Isa. 6:1-8); (I Sam. 3:10); (Matt. 22:37); (James 4:7-8); (Jer. 29:13); (Heb. 4:16); (I Kings 18:15) |
Topics: | Love, to the Lord; Relationship, with the Lord; Waiting on the Lord; Initiative; Devastation; Repentance |
Series: | Sighting Our Position |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 80-03-08-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
January 27, 1980 Sunday A.M. Hono.
When the heart is focused on the Lord and His Word, there is a faith in all that He says and reveals. Then we have faith in His Word for ourselves and for each other. We see one another in the light of His commission and revelation to each of us. (41 min.)
Scriptures: | II Cor. 5:14-17; (II Sam. 6:6-12); (Heb. 12:6,8); (Heb. 11:5-6); (Job 1:21); (John 3:16); (I John 4:19); (James 5:17); (II Kings 2:23-24); (II Cor. 10:10); (I Thess. 2:13); (I Cor. 2:3,5); (Acts 17:6); (Exo. 6:2); (I Cor. 13:3); (Gen. 1:27); (Judges 6:12); (Rom. 4:17); (II Cor. 3:18); (Heb. 12:2); (Luke 18:11,14); (James 4:6); (I Cor. 1:29); (Exo. 4:10); (Psa. 51:5); (Rom. 3:10); (II Cor. 5:18); (Job 23:10); (Job 42:10);(Eph. 1:11); (Heb. 11:13,33);(Rom. 7:18); (Phil. 4:13); (II Cor. 3:6); (Jer. 26:18); (I Sam. 3:10,19); (I John 1:7); (Heb. 10:24); (II Tim. 1:6);(I Tim. 4:15); (Psa. 121:1-2) |
Topics: | Faith; Relationship, with the Lord; Relationships, Spiritual; Love, His for Us; Love, to the Lord; Word, Ours; (Bitterness); (Dealings); (Kingdom School); (Revelation); (Anecdotes, Personal Experiences, JRS); (Marriage); (Commissioning, Commission) |
Series: | Relate By Revelation |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
February 14, 1980 Thursday Aft. Hono.
“While taking a walk the Lord spoke to me about mountains and how God would position us above all of our insurmountable circumstances. This is the true immunity of the sons of God.”–JRS. (10 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 17:20; (Isa. 40:4); (Isa. 2:2); (Rev. 12:4-5); (Psa. 91:1,7); (Rev. 4:1); (Rev. 3:20); (James 4:8); (Rom. 8:19-21); (Eph. 1:20); (John 15:7); (Psa. 121:1-2) |
Topics: | Immunity; Parousia, Presence of the Lord; Waiting on the Lord; Victory; Focus; Spirit, Spiritual; (Faith); (Book of Revelation); (Authority); (Futility); (Intercession) |
Series: | JRS Dictates; Relate By Revelation |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, Recommended Listening |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-12-19-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
December 9, 1979 Sunday P.M. Val.
Our rapid transformation in the Kingdom of God will come through our constant exposure to our need of the leading of the Spirit and to our need of impartation. Is the Kingdom bought or taught? Or is it made by the disciples who have received impartation, revelation and commission? (55 min.)
Scriptures: | Heb. 10:11; Matt. 8:26; I Cor. 4:11 |
Topics: | Kingdom, Teaching On; Impartation; Revelation; (Living Word); (Walk, Way); (Prophetic Community, Company); (Commissioning, Commission); (Transition); (Hunger); (Position); (Word, Becoming); (Shepherding); (Oneness); (Faithfulness); (Exposure); (Relationship, with the Lord); (Bonds) |
Series: | The Big Trip ’79 |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-12-18-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
November 25, 1979 Sunday A.M. D.C.
There are few messages that give a classic summary of the past years of the local church and at the same time give us a simple survey of what it means to enter the period of the Kingdom. (59 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | (Phil. 3:5); (I Cor. 2:4); (Col. 3:16); (II Cor. 13:3); (Matt. 13:52); (Eph. 5:19); (Acts 2:15); (Psa. 119:18); (I Cor. 13:11); (II Cor. 4:7); (I Pet. 4:11); (Gen. 3:1); (Matt. 4:4-10); (Rev. 19:12); (John 13:13-14); (Rom. 8:34); (Matt. 28:18) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Kingdom Age; Dedication, to the Word; Dealings; Faith; Conditioning; Warfare; Word, Receiving; Worship; (Bitterness); (Servant) |
Series: | A Series on Growing; The Big Trip ’79 |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
November 25, 1979 Sunday 7:30 P.M. D.C.
This word began in Washington, D.C. on Sunday morning and was completed in the Sunday evening service. The two messages together give the panorama of the basics in our walk with God into the Kingdom, from our first openness to the Word to our witness and persecution over it, from our first worship in the Spirit to our warfare in the Spirit. You should listen to these two messages whenever your walk with God suffers any disrupting factors. (28 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Col. 1:24-29; Heb. 6:1; (Matt. 5:16); (Isa. 26:12); (II Thess. 1:10); (John 5:2-9); (Heb. 13:8); (John 8:58); (Dan. 11:32); (Isa. 42:9); (John 3:14,16) |
Topics: | Dead Works; Change; Dedication, to the Word; Kingdom; Warfare; Religious, Religious Spirit; (Worship); (Persecution) |
Series: | A Series on Growing; The Big Trip ’79 |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-11-15-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
November 11, 1979 Sunday A.M. D.C.
Listen for one hour. You will hear a deep revelation word on how we appropriate at the Lord’s table in the Kingdom, how we give with a Kingdom dedication and how we battle and intercede to wrest the control of the world system from the demonic powers and nephilim. These three words become one directive to us all and should be reviewed carefully and often. To reject one phase of these revelation words is to fail in the effectiveness of the whole. (59 min.)
Scriptures: | Acts 8:26-40; II Cor. 9:8; Eph. 6:12; Dan. 10:2-5; Dan. 10:9-14,20-21; (Matt. 26:29); (Acts 24:14); (Jer. 3:15); (Matt. 16:16-17); (Matt. 25:35-36); (Isa. 53:3-12); (II Cor. 9:6-8); (Matt. 25:23-27); (II Tim. 2:3); (Rev. 11:15); (Matt. 6:33); (Matt. 5) |
Topics: | Communion, Holy Supper; Giving; Battle; (Hunger); (Living Word); (Grace); (Tradition); (Kingdom Age); (Intercession); (Disciple, Discipleship); (Immunity); (Principalities, Powers); (Relationship, with the Lord); (Revelation); (Christ in You); (Judgment, of Babylon); (Humility) |
Series: | The Nephilim: Past, Present and Future; The Big Trip ’79; Communion Meditation |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-10-20-02-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
October 20, 1979 Saturday A.M. Shiloh
Days of fasting and prayer at Shiloh resulted in this word to Brother Stevens and must be shared. It must be listened to very carefully for it reveals the unrealized depth that the root of a wrong spirit can reach. It holds before us also the goal of attaining that deep root of a right and willing spirit. (44 min.)
Scriptures: | (Matt. 6:14-15); (Heb. 11:6); (Psa. 139:23-24); (Rom. 8:28); (II Tim. 3:12); (Gen. 50:20); (Heb. 10:38); (Eccl. 10:1); (Dan. 3:17-18,27); (Psa. 131:2); (Luke 6:27); (Job 1:1) |
Topics: | Testing; Reactions; Bitterness; Right Spirit; Repentance; Relationship, with the Lord; Forgiveness, Ours; (Perfect Will of God, Seek); (Devastation); (Withdrawal); (Resentment); (Rebellion); (Willingness); (Bond Servant, Bondslave) |
Series: | “Revealed in the Closet” Revelations; New Elders-Shepherds and Sheeps; Unbelief Is a Bitter Root |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
October 20, 1979 Saturday Aft. Shiloh
Why can a grievance turn a heart away from a living word and a commission from the Lord? The answer is the love and compassion we have, for the Lord in His Word will reject every grievance, “takes no account of a wrong suffered.” By His Word we grow in grace and appropriate the grace to grow. (12 min.)
Scriptures: | I Cor. 13:5-7; John 21:15-17; (Psa. 1:2-3); (Prov. 4:18); (Matt. 6:14-15); (Eccl. 10:1) |
Topics: | Shepherding; Commissioning, Commission; Faithfulness; Compassion; Word, Acting; (Love, to the Lord); (Criticism); (Bitterness); (Withdrawal) |
Series: | “Revealed in the Closet” Revelations; New Elders-Shepherds and Sheeps; Unbelief Is a Bitter Root |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-10-08-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 30, 1979 Sunday A.M. Val.
On this Sunday morning that concluded the ministries’ convocation, the brothers stressed the word that is coming in this transition time. Brother Stevens concluded the picture of this transition with the parable of the tares and the wheat and their separation at the consummation of the age. (56 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 13:24-30,36-43; Phil. 3:17-21; (Matt. 28:20); (Eph. 5:27); (Mal. 3:1) |
Topics: | Transition; Kingdom Age; Relationship, with JRS; Openness; Relationship, with the Lord; Conditioning; Repentance; Sifting; End Time; (Word, Receiving); (Lordship) |
Series: | The Trumpets Gave a Certain Sound-I Corinthians 14:8 |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-08-11-08-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
August 5, 1979 Sunday A.M. Shiloh
It’s the same old story at every moving of God: He reveals and we repent; then we can appropriate the full flow of what He’s bringing. If you heard loud crashes and thunders on this Sunday morning it was because the siege has successfully brought down walls. Brother Stevens evaluated this service when he said, “We must be scaling the last few inches to the peak. It was a tough climb, but the view is terrific and devastating.” You will agree we saw something great, but we don’t know yet how to describe it. (49 min.)
Scriptures: | (Matt. 24:28) |
Topics: | Requirements, God’s of Us; Repentance; Appropriation; Faith, Aggressive; Relationship, with the Lord; Dedication, to the Word; (Impartation); (Unity); (Battle) |
Series: | The School of Prophets; The Victory Siege; Hungry Faith in His Word |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-07-25-04-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
July 22, 1979 Sunday A.M. Shiloh
The inner conflict of every believer is to overcome the sense of rejection which he carries with him into God’s Kingdom. All relationships, communications and the flow of the Word must come through channels that sense their acceptance in God through their faith in Christ’s atonement. From this follows their acceptance of one another as the children of the Heavenly Father. To reject yourself in His sight is to reject the veracity of His Word. (52 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | I Pet. 2:4-11; (Eph. 1:6); (Matt. 27:46); (I John 3:2); (Gen. 4:5-8); (Isa. 53:3,5); (Prov. 24:16) |
Topics: | Rejection; Self-Condemnation; Unbelief; Relationship, with the Lord; Provision; Conditioning; Repentance |
Series: | The School of Prophets; Expository; “Accepted in the Beloved” Ephesians 1:6; “There Will Be Some Changes Made”; The Victory Siege |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-07-13-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
May 11, 1979 Friday P.M. SoG.
Grace Chapel is on a new plateau in worship with deep changes coming by divine directives for our services. The worship was exhilarating, the word was penetrating and ripped us open and we left with the dew of heaven on our spirits. (44 min.)
Scriptures: | Heb. 4:11-16,2 |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Worship; Devastation; Word, Acting; Kingdom Age; (Rut); (Intercession); (Responses); (Denomination) |
Series: | The Vision for Future Worship |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-05-31-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
April 22, 1979 Sunday A.M. Val.
The message is low key but definitive of the current relationship crisis God has provoked among us everywhere as a result of 25 years’ teaching that the Body is to be one. The word is definitive because it accurately describes the phases and purposes of refinement in the fire. (50 min.)
Scriptures: | Mal. 4:4-6; 3:1-5; (John 17:21); (Gal. 5:15); (Gal. 6:14);(I Cor. 15:28); (Eph. 4:16); (Matt. 6:9-10); (Matt. 6:33); (Heb. 12:29) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Unity; Anecdotes, Personal Experiences, JRS; Worship; Purging; Words Over Churches, Church of the Living Word; (Freedom); (Meeting, with the Lord); (Body of Christ, Body Ministry); (Bonds); (Family Spirit) |
Series: | How The Father Wants Us TO DO It |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-04-09-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
February 18, 1979 Sunday P.M. Shiloh
The difference between the whore of Babylon and the Bride of Christ is that Babylon prostitutes all that God has given her for a price. The harlot spirit is found in anyone who serves either God or another person for a price or for what they can receive in return. (31 min.)
Scriptures: | I Cor. 6:16-17; 7:15,21; I Pet. 5:2; John 10:11-13; (I Tim. 5:8); (II Cor. 6:14-15); (Gal. 3:28); (I Cor. 5:11); |
Topics: | Kingdom Age; Relationships, Spiritual; Relationships, Natural; Relationship, with the Lord; Oneness; Divorce; Marriage |
Series: | “Revealed in the Closet” Revelations |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
February 19, 1979 Monday A.M. Shiloh
God looks upon the heart and by Him actions are weighed. The feeling the lust the motivation is deemed in the sight of God to be the equivalent of the act. The Kingdom comes when God has men who are as dedicated to His principles as they are to the actions that bring it forth. The dealings of God by His Word are a sword that pierces until it discovers the thoughts and the intents of the heart. (17 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 5:21-22,28; Deut. 6:5; Matt. 22:37,39; Eph. 5:28-29; Deut. 4:29; Psa. 119:10-11; Luke 18:10-14; Psa. 19:7; Heb. 4:12; II Cor. 10:4-5 |
Topics: | Kingdom Age; Requirements, God’s of Us; Motivation; Judgment; Grace; (Principle); (Justification); (Oneness); (Marriage); (Dedication) |
Series: | “Revealed in the Closet” Revelations; The Days of Devastation |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-04-04-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
April 1, 1979 Sunday A.M. Val.
What was that great faith that exceeded anything our Lord had seen in Israel? What was the faith so great that at an instant a miracle appeared in a distant place? It took a Gentile soldier to understand that submission to Christ was the key to miracle faith. (41 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 8:5-8,9-13,30-34; Phil. 2:5-11; (Matt. 7:1); (John 5:39); (Eph. 5:21); (John 8:29); (John 12:32); (Acts 3:6); (Luke 7:38); (John 3:16,14); (Phil. 1:29); (John 15:7); (Matt. 21:23); (John 5:20); (Acts 19:15) |
Topics: | Faith; Authority; Submission, to the Lord; Lordship; (Humility); (Sermon on the Mount); (Scripture); (Word, Absorbing); (Self); (Worthiness); (Purging); (Word, Speaking); (Religiosity, Religiousness); (Relationship, with the Lord); (Miracles) |
Series: | The School of Prophets; A New Look at Faith |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
April 1, 1979 Sunday A.M. Ana.
This message continues the exposition of Matthew 8 and unfolds again the faith in the authority of His word. His provision is perfect presently and permanently available. Even if He takes a nap, your faith will bring His miracles. The focus of faith is not upon great experiences and blessings and a sense of His special attention and calling but upon the authoritative word He has spoken. (29 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 8:23-24; 14:22-36; (Eph. 5:21); (Acts 19:13-15); (Eph. 2:5-7); (Mark 6:22); (Matt. 24:45); (Matt. 19:30); (John 7:8); (Matt. 9:28) |
Topics: | Authority; Faith, Creative; Miracles; Word, God’s; Focus; (Submission); (Humility); (Greater Works); (Compassion); (Word, Speaking); (Dealings); (Provisions); (Anointing) |
Series: | The School of Prophets; A New Look at Faith; The Days of Devastation |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-12-26-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
December 24, 1978 Sunday P.M. SoG.
We are not patient with tranquilized churches. Our commissions and prophecies must not lay dormant. We’re not that far from a thousand prophets. Here is the message of what is shortly to come to pass in the Kingdom. Here are the directives for evangelizing the world. (50 min.)
Scriptures: | Heb. 12:5-13; (Matt. 11:12); (Gen. 32:26); (Phil. 1:20); (Joel 2:2-10); (II Tim. 1:6) |
Topics: | Local Church; Ministries; Commissioning; Church Services; Kingdom; Evangelism; Pastor; Nature, Adamic and Christ; God’s Perfect Will, Walk; (Intercession); (Liberty); (Problems); (Vision); (Sanctification); (Walk, Way); (Intensity); (Violence); (Relationship, with the Lord); (Worship); (Aggressiveness); (Criticism); (Apostolic Company); (Communication); (Word, Receiving); (Growth); (Obedience, to the Word); (Repentance); (Renewal) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-12-19-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 3 messages by John Robert Stevens.
December 16, 1978 Saturday A.M. Ana.
Apostle Paul emphasizes that his heart is open to the Corinthians and urges them to be equally open to him. Then he shows the peril of relationships that are not equally dedicated to serve the Lord. The unequal yoke spells disaster in the Father’s family. (40 min.)
Scriptures: | II Cor. 6:11-18; Joel 2:4-10; (Luke 17:1-2); (Gen. 19); (Eph. 5:25); (Rom. 8:31-33) |
Topics: | Dedication; Relationships, Spiritual; Communication; Openness; (Equal, Equality); (Divisions); (Worship); (Family); (Persecution); (Relationship, with the Lord); (Rapture); (Kingdom School); (Finances); (Battle) |
Series: | Expository; To Relate or Not To Relate and To Whom; The Dedication-Revelation |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
December 10, 1978 Sunday A.M. Val.
The defectors and the failures are those who do not seek the word and the will of God. But that word must be transplanted from the page to the heart. The word will not be fulfilled in us and through us until we have become the scriptural transplants. (11 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 4:1-11; Acts 16:16-18; Acts 19:13-17; II Cor. 3:1-6; John 7:17; (Psa. 119:89); (Matt. 5:18); (Gen. 16:1-2); (Gen. 15:1-6); (Gen. 16:1-2) |
Topics: | Word, God’s; Word, Becoming; Revelation; (Obedience); (Warfare); (Lordship); (Evangelism) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
December 10, 1978 Sunday A.M. Ana.
Everything changes at the threshold of the Kingdom. Only new relationships of Kingdom standard will endure. What was may not be enough. New relationships are forged in the fires of Kingdom demands. (19 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 12:46-50; John 7:17; I Cor. 4:1-2; (Matt. 11:19); (John 8:25); (Matt. 16:15); (Heb. 6:6); (II Thess. 1:10); (Acts 9:16); (Psa. 37:23-24); (Eph. 6:11-13); (Mark 1:30-31); (Matt. 4:18-20); (Rev. 20: 12-13); (Job 1:12); (Gen. 17:18); (II Tim. 4:7); (I John 5:18); (Eph. 4:15) |
Topics: | Faithfulness; Relationships, Natural; Relationships, Spiritual; Immunity; Responsibility; Revelation; (Family); (Persecution); (Maturity); (Relationship, with the Lord) |
Series: | To Relate or Not To Relate and To Whom |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-12-12-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
December 2, 1978 Saturday A.M. Ana.
Faith explodes into fulfillment especially when it is not sustained by an emotional facade. Feelings give us a high that is really a pseudo faith. True faith is not moved by adverse circumstances. (24 min.)
Scriptures: | Isa. 6:1-7; I John 3:22; Acts 17:6; II Cor. 10:3-6; (Phil. 1:6); (II Tim. 3:12); (Matt. 14:25-33); (Heb. 12:26-28); (Mark 13:22); (Acts 14:27); (Rom. 7:18); (II Cor. 1:8) |
Topics: | Faith; Word, Acting; Relationship, with the Lord; Revelation, of the Lord; (Dedication); (Greater Works); (Intercession); (Apostolic Company); (Word, God’s) |
Series: | To Greater Faith |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
December 9, 1978 Saturday A.M. Ana.
Worms with a word from God must go through a patient process to become fulfilled butterflies. We hear. Then we endure. Then we die. Then we rise to become and to fulfill what we have heard. A timely present exhortation. (29 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Gen. 3:1-7; 15:9-11; I Sam. 3:19; (Psa. 119); (Heb. 11:1); (Heb. 10:35); (Psa. 105:19); (Gen. 15–16); (Gen. 21–22) |
Topics: | Word, Becoming; Unity; Word, God’s; Change, Nature; (Faith); (Intercession); (Divine Order) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-10-16-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
October 15, 1978 Sunday A.M. Val.
The worst form of bondage is thelittle bondages or limitations that you don’t perceive that you have. These are the little foxes, the spots and wrinkles the Bride must remove. The worst deception is that we are unaware of what we have from God or we would reach for a greater revelation of Him and of those limitations we are unaware of. These terms are contradictory: an honest liar, a wise fool,an off-white robe of righteousness. (33 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | I John 1:9; I Thess. 5:23; II Cor. 7:1; Gal. 5:1; (Matt. 5:8); (Rev. 19:8); (Isa. 1:18); (Isa. 6:5); (Eccl. 10:1); (James 3:4); (Eph. 5:27); (I John 2) |
Topics: | Purity; Dedication; Revelation; Bondage; Deception; Relationship, with the Lord; (Legalism) |
Series: | The Great Time of Transition–Feast of Tabernacles, 1978; Into the Greater Works |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
October 15, 1978 Sunday A.M. Ana.
Each day of the feast required less sacrifices than the day before, for each day their need of purifying diminished. By the day of rejoicing they were ready to press into new levels of service. We are rejoicing in what He has done in us, but we weep before Him that we might rejoice even more. This feast our tears are the meat sandwich between the layers of bread of rejoicing. These tears determine whether we will be vessels of honor or dishonor. (36 min.)
Scriptures: | Exo. 23:14-19; Num. 29:7-40; Mal. 3:2-5; Phil. 3:7,13,18; I Pet. 1:22; James 4:6-10; II Tim. 2:19-22; (Matt. 5:8); (Heb. 7:25);(I John 3); (Eccl. 10:1); |
Topics: | Fulfillment, Progressive; Purity; Feast of Tabernacles; Dedication; Revelation; Joy |
Series: | The Great Time of Transition–Feast of Tabernacles, 1978; Into the Greater Works |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-08-14-05-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
August 13, 1978 Sunday A.M. Ana.
If you are not focused on Him you may journey on without Him and lose Him. If you’ve lost the Lord and that tenderness you once had to Him, go back to the place you left it. At the age of twelve Christ was not lost in the temple, He knew where He was. It was His parents who retraced their steps to find Him anew. (28 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Luke 2:41-49; Rev. 14:1-5; (Matt. 6:33); (Jer. 29:13); (Prov. 3:5) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Focus; Worship; Music; Old Order; Openness |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
August 13, 1978 Sunday P.M. SoG.
After the deliverance from bitterness of heart comes the compassion of heart. We rejoice that God never forsook us and we weep for those who forsook Him. “His compassions fail not,” nor must ours fail. This word gives us a glimpse of the next step before us. (37 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | (Lam. 3:22); (Job 13:15) |
Topics: | Compassion; Love, in the Body; Bitterness; Dedication; Broken Heart, Spirit; Restoration, Restitution, Man; (Word, Becoming); (Fulfillment) |
Series: | Bitterness and Brokenness |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-08-07-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
August 5, 1978 Saturday P.M. SoG.
The Lord gives us a word and too much time elapses before its fulfillment but much of it comes to pass quickly. The question is, what is holding us back? It is not Satan or our limitations. The answer is absolutely in our own spirits. (45 min.)
Scriptures: | (Matt. 5:3); (I Cor. 1:27); (I Cor. 9:26) |
Topics: | Right Spirit; Bitterness; Broken Heart, Spirit; Relationship, with the Lord; Delays; Waiting on the Lord; Humility; (Manifestation, of the Sons of God); (Oneness); (Marriage); (Revelation); Intercession); |
Series: | The School of Prophets; Bitterness and Brokenness |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-08-01-08-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 8, 1978 Friday P.M. Shiloh
The apostolic heartbreak cries for His perfect will to come forth in His sons. So he moves as the Lord does to impose the discipline and dedication that produces His perfect will. A son may break your heart while you are breaking his to see him fulfill God’s perfect will. The true father sacrifices the image his son has of him if his son can come into a revelation of the Father. (39 min.)
Scriptures: | (Prov. 3:5) |
Topics: | Discipline; Dedication; God’s Perfect Will, Seek; Word, Acting; Carefulness; Father Ministry; Relationship, with the Lord; (Word, Becoming) |
Series: | The School of Prophets |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-07-03-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
July 2, 1978 Sunday A.M. Ana.
How can-we give without giving ourselves to the Lord? Does a gift have meaning without it involves a relationship between the giver and the receiver? We give our all to the Lord and He pronounces us to be a treasured possession to Him. The text message is similar to Sunday evening in Washington, Iowa, 6-11-78, “A Basket at His Feet.” (36 min.)
Scriptures: | Deut. 26:1-5, 10-19; (Prov. 19:17); (Rom. 12:1); (Psa. 37:25); (II Cor. 8); (II Cor. 9) |
Topics: | Giving; Relationship, with the Lord; Dedication; Sacrifice; Discipleship; Body of Christ, Body Ministry; First Fruits |
Series: | Expository; The Giver-Gift |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
July 2, 1978 Sunday P.M. SoG.
The Macadonian paradox was that the poorest people were the greatest givers and that they gave more than they had. Giving can be a gift-grace in which God causes an abundance of time, energy, resources and finances to flow through a ministry of vision who believes for the will of God to come forth in the earth. (48 min.)
Scriptures: | II Cor. 8:1-9; 9:4-9; (Heb. 4:15); (Mal. 3:10) |
Topics: | Giving; Dedication; Discipleship; Relationship, with the Lord; Family Spirit; (Judgment, of Babylon) |
Series: | Expository; The Giver-Gift |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-07-01-10-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
June 11, 1978 Sunday P.M. Iowa
A great chapter on giving is Deuteronomy 26 and the covenant relationship that the giver enters with God. God wants a oneness, a covenant with those who worship and sacrifice at His feet. A message every pastor will want to convey. (27 min.)
Scriptures: | Deut. 26:1-19; (Rom. 12:1) |
Topics: | Giving; Oneness; Sacrifice; Disciple, Discipleship; (Tithing); (Relationship, with the Lord) |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
June 23, 1978 Friday A.M. Shiloh
The golden text of the Psalms. Psalm 1 opens up and yields its golden secrets for living triumphantly. The word and our absorption of it is the key that unlocks the door for the best of His blessing. (23 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Psa. 1:1-4; (John 15:7) |
Topics: | Word, Absorbing; Word, Receiving; Sustained; Meditation; (Judgment); (Righteousness);(Attitude) |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-05-22-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
April 22, 1978 Saturday A.M. Shiloh
Perception can be expanded until we can learn to hear God speak and to observe what He does. Everything that He does to us can become an expanding experience. we can draw from the Lord and give ourselves to the flow of His fullness. Appropriate and appreciate what you’ve appropriated. (37 min.)
Scriptures: | Rev. 3:18; (Matt. 13:12); (I Cor. 12:31); (I Tim. 3:1); (Isa. 59:19); (Isa. 40:31); (Jer. 29:13); (James 4:8) |
Topics: | Experiences, Expanding; Relationship, with the Lord; Perception; Appropriation; Promises, Possessing Them; (Delay) |
Series: | Feast of Passover, 1978 |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
April 30, 1978 Sunday P.M. SoG.
Focus on the Lord increases our perception and spiritual strength, while withdrawal dims our vision and weakens us. (36 min.)
Scriptures: | Isa. 40:31; (I Cor. 9:26); (Psa. 16:8); (I John 2:16); (Isa. 65:25); (I Cor. 9:26); (Rev. 4:8) |
Topics: | Focus; Relationship, with the Lord; Waiting on the Lord; Perception; Worship; Babylon; Violence; Judgment |
Series: | Feast of Passover, 1978 |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-04-28-06-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
May 30, 1978 Tuesday A.M. Shiloh
The Psalmist is deeply concerned about his relationship to God and his sin against the Lord. “Against Thee only have I sinned.” His repentance demands of himself a broken and a contrite heart. Do we sense the greatness of a sin against God over a sin against another or ourselves? (30 min.)
Scriptures: | Psa. 51:1-17; (James 4:8);(Deut. 8:3); (Joel 1:12) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Broken Heart, Spirit; Sin; Practice, Presence of the Lord; (Joy); (Sustained);(Willingness); (Repentance) |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
May 31, 1978 Wednesday A.M. Shiloh
How deep and beyond comprehension is God’s knowledge of us now and forever. He is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient; you can’t run away from that! Another preparation for Pentecost message. (22 min.)
Scriptures: | Psa. 139; (I Cor. 11:28);(I Cor. 2:12) |
Topics: | God; Omniscience; Omnipotent; Exposure, to God; (Manifestation, of Christ); (Attributes); (Attitude) |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-04-12-10-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
April 19, 1978 Wednesday Aft. Shiloh
Another Shiloh School of Prophets with an expanding revelation of our relationships to the Lord and to one another. We may differ and disagree without being rebellious or unsubmissive. Unity of spirit and a right spirit become the keys of relating to one another even under stress and differences of opinion. This is the School of the Prophets in action. (72 min.)
Scriptures: | (Eph. 4:3-5); (Gal. 5:26); (Col. 3:18); (Gal. 2:7-13); (Acts 15); (Eph. 4:1); (Rev. 6:3); (Acts 5:1-11) |
Topics: | Oneness; Relationships, Spiritual; Right Spirit; Agreement; Diversity; Openness; Submission; Divine Order; (Dedication); (Revelation); (Intercession); (Relationship, with the Lord); (Lordship); (Christ’s Blood); (Word, Acting); (Judgment); (Instruments) |
Series: | We Relate |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-04-12-02-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
April 16, 1978 Sunday A.M. Shiloh
Here is another important revelation about our relationships. It explains our striving for oneness, the drag that soulish and fleshly bonds cripple us with and the way that these bonds can become vampire spirits upon our soul life. Here is a contrast between the relationships that strengthen and the bonds that weaken our walk with God. (33 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Rom. 12:9-16; (I John 1:7); (II Cor. 5:16) |
Topics: | Relationships, Spiritual; Relationships, Natural; Oneness; Relationship, with the Lord; Bonds; Body of Christ, Body Ministry; Vampire Spirit; (Battle); (Dedication); (Fellowship) |
Series: | We Relate; Marriage in the Kingdom |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
April 16, 1978 Sunday A.M. Wash. Iowa
There are always problems when we relate to one another after the flesh. Korah and some of his family did not see Moses with revelation, but after the flesh. Other sons of Korah saw Moses in God and they wrote many of the Psalms. This message emphasizes our knowing one another in the spirit and not after the flesh. (20 min.)
Scriptures: | Heb. 4:11-13; (II Cor. 5:16); (Rom. 5:1); (John 3:6); (John 13:17) |
Topics: | Relationships, Spiritual; Relationships, Natural; Oneness; Word, God’s; Revelation; Body of Christ, Body Ministry; Battle |
Series: | We Relate |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-03-26-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 4 messages by John Robert Stevens.
March 9, 1978 Thursday Aft. L.W. Bldg.
Brother Stevens defines the spiritual violence of intercession and illustrates it with the stories of Joshua and Jacob. Eight minutes that could change your walk with God. (8 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | (Isa. 49:25); (Gen. 32:26); (Rom. 9:13); (Matt. 11:12) |
Topics: | Violence; Intercession; Word, Believing; Relationship, with the Lord; Intensity |
Series: | The School of Prophets |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
March 11, 1978 Saturday A.M. Ana.
The truth does not change but it may expand. The legal restrictions of yesterday give way to a liberating grace today, and our passivity gives way to a violent expression of faith that possesses the Kingdom. (19 min.)
Scriptures: | (Gen. 32:26); (Isa. 49:25);(Exo. 21:24); (John 8:7,11); (Rom. 9:13); (Hosea 2:15) |
Topics: | Experiences, Expanding; Legalism; Manifestation, of the Sons of God; Faith, Aggressive; Kingdom, Taking It |
Series: | The School of Prophets |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
March 19, 1978 Sunday A.M. Shiloh
The pure word will shake us, explode us out of Egypt and Egypt out of us. This explosive total deliverance purified us for the Kingdom. You’re clean through the word spoken. (11 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Heb. 12:18,25-29; (Matt. 11:12) |
Topics: | Word; Purity; Shaken; Priest, Priesthood; Relationship, with the Lord; Intercession; Violence |
Series: | The School of Prophets |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
March 22, 1978 Wednesday A.M. Shiloh
Intercession takes a promise of God that is a dormant provision and explodes it into a real fulfillment, again and again. (14 min.)
Scriptures: | Isa. 53:12; Heb. 7:25; (Luke 22:31-32) |
Topics: | Intercession; Promises, Possessing Them; Reality; Expectation; Fulfillment |
Series: | The School of Prophets |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-03-25-02-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
March 19, 1978 Sunday A.M. Wash. Iowa
The test of the sincerity of our love is that we complete what He set before us to do. We are driven to complete what He has set before us. (33 min.)
Scriptures: | II Cor. 8:1-11; 9:5-8; (Heb. 12:1); (Gal. 6:9); (Rom. 12:1); (Luke 19:40) |
Topics: | Giving; Love, to the Lord; Sacrifice; Heart; Disciple, Discipleship; Relationship, with the Lord |
Series: | The Pure Priesthood |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
March 19, 1978 Sunday P.M. Wash. Iowa
We have begun many things by a word from the Lord. We may not have it in ourselves to finish them, but “it is not by might, nor power, but by my Spirit….” Here are the priorities to be completed and the promise of the blessings before us when we finish. (25 min.)
Scriptures: | Hag. 2:4-9,21-23; Ezra 5:1-2; Ezra 6:14-15; 4:24; Zech. 4:6; (Heb. 12:1); (Gal. 6:9); (Isa. 61:6); (Rev. 1:6); (Rev. 5:10); (Rev. 3:2); (Zech. 4:6) |
Topics: | Priority; Obedience, to the Word; Blessing; Promises, Possessing Them; Kingdom of Priests; Authority; (Kingdom School) |
Series: | The Pure Priesthood |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-03-13-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
March 12, 1978 Sunday A.M. Val.
The Kingdom comes forth through the channels created by the priests of the Lord. We change as we minister as priests to the Lord. The world changes because as a priesthood we become His channels. Here are guidelines for the intercession, the worship and the waiting before the Lord. (30 min.)
Scriptures: | Isa. 61:1-2; Luke 14:16-21; I Pet. 2:5; II Cor. 3:18; Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 20:6; (John 12:48); (I Sam. 12:23); (Rom. 9:13) |
Topics: | Priest, Priesthood; Kingdom; Relationship, with the Lord; Intensity; Violence; Intercession; Change; (Criticism) |
Series: | The Pure Priesthood |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
March 12, 1978 Sunday A.M. Ana.
Ezra 6 describes the completion of the temple and the subsequent purification and preparation of the priesthood who were to function in the Passover. This becomes a picture of the endtime kings and priests who purify themselves to stand in the Parousia during the Passover of the Kingdom–when we are immune to the judgment of the world. The word is a prophetic keynoter for the ensuing two months. (27 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Ezra 6:14-22; (Rev. 1:6); (I Pet. 2:9); (II Cor. 3:18); (I Cor. 11:28); (I Cor. 5:7); (Joel 2:32); (I John 3:3) |
Topics: | Priest, Priesthood; Purity; Relationship, with the Lord; Change; Passover; Waiting on the Lord; (Babylon) |
Series: | The Pure Priesthood |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-03-03-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
February 26, 1978 Sunday P.M. SoG.
We are a trained army and well equipped. Our weapons are mighty. The important thing now is your focus, i.e., your aim. The best ammunition is wasted without zeroing in on the target. (13 min.)
Scriptures: | (Psa. 68:11) |
Topics: | Relationships, Spiritual; Relationship, with the Lord; Purity; Word, God’s; Oneness; (Warfare) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
February 26, 1978 Sunday P.M. Val.
He is not far from you. It’s the time of His presence. A meeting with God is not difficult these days. This word is a heart breaker. You have only to be aware of His presence to touch Him. You can touch Him, you know. (43 min.)
Scriptures: | Luke 8:44-47; (Jer. 29:13); (Heb. 4:15); (Exo. 3:9); (Luke 4:18); (John 16:23) |
Topics: | Parousia, Presence of the Lord; Awareness; Appropriation; Aggressiveness; Persistence; Meeting, with the Lord; (Intercession); (Desperation) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-01-21-04-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
January 12, 1978 Thursday A.M. Shiloh
The flow of the spirit cannot be taken for granted. We need a consistent exposure to the Living Word. “He is Lord, wait on Him!” The enemy seeks to stop the wells. The fight is over the flow. (41 min.)
Scriptures: | Gen. 26:1-4,6,15-22; (Matt. 13:1-9); (I Cor. 9:26-27); (I Cor. 4:3); (Psa. 57:7); (Psa. 16:8); (Matt. 6:33) |
Topics: | Spirit, Spiritual; Waiting on the Lord; Diligence; Relationship, with the Lord; Self; Living Word); (Discipline) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
January 17, 1978 Tuesday A.M. Shiloh
In a special week of waiting on the Lord, Brother Stevens received of the Lord ways for the young prophets to bypass logic and reason and enter in to the flow of creative revelation. This will blow your mind. (25 min.)
Scriptures: | Phil. 4:6-7; John 1:41,44; (Prov. 3:5-6); (Phil. 3:3); (I Cor. 8:1) |
Topics: | Revelation; Reason; Creativity; Humility; Obedience |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-01-11-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
December 26, 1977 Monday A.M. Shiloh
There is no good relationship without a revelation behind it. There is no revelation without an open heart to God. (48 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 16:13-18; John 15:16-27; (I John 1:7); (Matt. 15:3); |
Topics: | Revelation; Relationship, with the Lord; Relationships, Natural; Dedication; Maturity; Thinking, God’s and Ours; Love, in the Body; (World, Worldly) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-12-10-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
December 3, 1977 Saturday A.M. Ana.
Here we go again–leaving the restrictions of immaturity for the initiative of sons. Galatians is a new book, isn’t it? (42 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 4:1-9,17-18,22-23,28-31; Gal. 5:6,13; Eph. 5:21; Eph. 4:32,16 |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Growth; Interdependence; Love, in the Body; Submission; Humility; Discipleship; (Self-Defensiveness); Determination ; Longsuffering |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
December 4, 1977 Sunday A.M. Ana.
Here’s a short one: But it deals with an oft occurring theme. We are bondslaves, but our maturing positions us to serve one another as sons in the family. (15 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 5:10-18; (Gal. 2:20) |
Topics: | Bond Servant, Bondslave; Unity; Immunity; Death, of the Flesh; Withdrawal; (Oppression); (Religiosity, Reliousness) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-12-01-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
November 20, 1977 Sunday 9:00 A.M. Iowa
When the Christ in you has taken over and the flesh is crucified we’ll attain the goal of living without sin. The test of all truth and error is that Christ is coming forth in our flesh. The message deals with weighty doctrinal questions and is worthy of serious consideration. Can we live without sin? Does Christ live in us and overwhelm the flesh? (22 min.)
Scriptures: | I John 3:6-9; 2:1,3-6; 4:1-6; John 1:14; (I John 3:2-3); (II John 1); (I John 5:11); (Rom. 8); (John 3:30); (Col. 1:27); (Matt. 12:20); (II John 7) |
Topics: | Righteousness; Sin; Sonship; Maturity; Relationship, with the Lord; Christ in You; Body of Christ, Body Ministry |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
November 20, 1977 Sunday 11:00 A.M. Shiloh
John’s epistles deal with the necessity of truly knowing and loving the Lord and His people. Combined with “The Test of Truth and Error” on one tape you have a valuable exposition of major themes in I and II John. (26 min.)
Scriptures: | I John 2:3-6; 3:14-19; 4:7-11; Heb. 12:6; (I John 2:13-14); (Phil. 3:10); (John 14:8-9); (Gen. 28:16); (James 4:8); (Matt. 6:10); (Acts 26:19) |
Topics: | Knowing the Lord; Relationship, with the Lord; Awareness; Love, His for Us; Oneness |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-10-11-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 3 messages by John Robert Stevens.
October 9, 1977 Sunday A.M. Val.
The nearer we are to the Lord the more the “accuser” ministers self-condemnation to us. The most spiritual are tempted to feel most inadequate. Persecution comes by the religious world against those who do not conform to the religious ritual. (34 min.)
Scriptures: | Mark 12:28-34; 7:6-8; Matt. 21:31-32; (Rom. 14:23); (Rom. 5:9); (Prov. 24:16) |
Topics: | Worthiness; Condemnation; Divine Enablement; Relationship, with the Lord; Word, Receiving; Faith, Aggressive; Persecution; (Grace) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
October 9, 1977 Sunday A.M. Ana.
Why do religious people-put their own interests ahead of God? If you do give the Lord priority, be sure that your heart is prepared. Be clothed with humility. Enter His presence with a contrite heart. (12 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 22:1-14; (Matt. 22:36-37); (Isa. 29:13); (Mark 7:6) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Wholeheartedness; Humility; Preparation; Religiosity, Religiousness; Worthiness; (Grace); (Persecution) |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
October 9, 1977 Sunday P.M. SoG.
If you’re invited you can’t be much. The big shots decline to attend. It looks like only the weirdos get the supper. (24 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Luke 14:15-24 |
Topics: | Chosen; Worthiness; Preparation; Babylon; Compromise; Evangelism; (Grace); (Humility) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-09-23-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 3 messages by John Robert Stevens.
August 21, 1977 Sunday P.M. SoG.
When you change, God lays a heavy trip on you, for the changes within you change the area of your responsibility. Once you move out to serve God, God expects all of the qualifications of discipleship to be fulfilled in you. Don’t draw back from a ministry involving responsibility, but always be sure that you enter it soberly with the due realization of your responsibilities. To whom much is given, much will be required. (23 min.)
Scriptures: | James 3:1 |
Topics: | Change, Self; Relationship, with the Lord; Responsibility |
Series: | Relate and Communicate |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons |
August 31, 1977 Wednesday P.M. Ana.
In the midst of a week of prayer this fifteen minute message gave new guidelines for intercession and a fresh scriptural assurance that we will not be disappointed in our intercession. (15 min.)
Scriptures: | I Pet. 2:6; Heb. 7:25; Luke 22:44; Heb. 10:23; I Cor. 15:58; Eph. 6:9; Prov. 18:21; I Pet. 5:8; II Kings 7:1 |
Topics: | Intercession; Disappointment; Promises, Possessing Them; Hope |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons |
September 7, 1977 Wednesday P.M. Iowa
When Christ came to the hour of His death there was none to intercede for Him. When Christ comes to the hour of His glorification in His manymembered Body, all will be interceding incessantly and persistently. This intercession has begun. (15 min.)
Scriptures: | Isa. 59:15; 60:1; 61:1-3; Isa. 62:1,4 6,10; (Isa. 62); (Luke 22:44); (II Thess. 1:10); (John 1:29); (Rev. 5:1-6); (Luke 18:1-8); (Rom. 8:26); (Zech. 13:7); (Heb. 13:5); (Gen. 49:9-10); (Col. 2:3) |
Topics: | Intercession; Second Coming; Christ, the Man; Judgment; (Betrayal); (Persecution) |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-09-17-05-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 15, 1977 Thursday P.M. Shiloh
“Press on, lay hold, stretch up, live on tiptoes.” Oh, the value of knowing Christ and the power of His resurrection. We are a colony of the Kingdom. This was the apex of the Ministers’ Convocation. It was a meeting with the Lord at Shiloh. (70 min.)
Scriptures: | Phil. 3:7-21; I Sam. 3:21; (John 11:25); (Hosea 6:1); (Matt. 5:40); (II Kings 5:27) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Resurrection Life; Appropriation; Priority- Colonization; (Warfare); (Fulfillment) |
Series: | Apostolic Company–All Systems Go; Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-09-06-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
August 14, 1977 Sunday A.M. Iowa
On the 44th anniversary of the Washington, Iowa church, the apostolic word compared our present situation to the unfinished conquest of Canaan. The Lord revived our pursuit of prophecies yet unfulfilled, of divine directives uncompleted. We are humble before God, hungry for God and in haste to complete His perfect will in the earth. (49 min.)
Scriptures: | Josh. 11:18-23; 13:1-2,6-8,13; Josh. 18:1-5,8-10; (James 2:17); (Gal. 6:7); (Matt. 6:22) |
Topics: | Movement, Motion; Faith, Aggressive; Communication; Relationship, with the Lord; Warfare; Passivity; (Withdrawal); (Hunger) |
Series: | Relate and Communicate |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-09-06-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
August 13, 1977 Saturday P.M. Shiloh
This lesson began as Lesson 2 of The Fixed Focus series, but it soon flowed in an apostolic level so unique and deep in its presentation of the realm of our spirit. The lesson is basically for the more mature believe who is knowledgeable in the Word and understands what God is doing today. (52 min.)
Scriptures: | I Thess. 5:16-25; Dan. 12:2-4,9-10 |
Topics: | Oneness; Openness; Discipleship; Relationship, with the Lord; Humility |
Series: | The School of Prophets |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-08-25-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
August 24, 1977 Wednesday P.M. Ana.
Day by day exposure to the reality of what we are tests even the best relationship. This repetition of exposure on the human level will cause a shallow, immature relationship to deteriorate. The fantasy image of a knight in shining armor will fade from mind as the immature faces the continuous exposure to reality. (52 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | John 17:13-23; (John 11:7); (Isa. 53:2); (II Cor. 10:10); (Dan. 4:3); (Isa. 9:6); (John 12:47-48); (Gal. 6:17); (Matt. 9:12); (John 2:24); (John 13:1); (Matt. 16:24); (I Cor. 4:13); (Matt. 26:33-35) |
Topics: | Relationships, Natural; Relationship, with the Lord; Oneness; Maturity; Marriage; Reality; (Young People); (Illusions); (Love, Human or Divine); (Criticism Judgment, of Another); (Kingdom Age) |
Series: | Relate and Communicate |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-08-08-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
July 26, 1977 Tuesday P.M. Des Moines, IA
John 13–18 covers the last hours of Christ’s communication and ministry to His disciples before His crucifixion. It is significant that our Lord constantly dwells on the right relationship to the Father, to Himself, and to one another, with the promise that everything else is added. We are one; believe it! (30 min.)
Scriptures: | John 14:1-2; 15:7-15; Matt. 6:9-12,33; (John 17:5,11); (Matt. 19:6); (Matt. 28:20); (Eph. 6:19); (Psa. 37:4); (James 4:3); (I Cor. 1:12) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Communication; Oneness; Believe, Belief; (Deliverance) |
Series: | Relate and Communicate |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
July 27, 1977 Wednesday P.M. Des Moines, IA
God calls a remnant of the flock and gives them shepherds after His own heart who lead them in wisdom and understanding and make those sheep to become the throne of the Lord. (18 min.)
Scriptures: | Jer. 3:14-19; (Luke 12:32); (John 15:15); (Amos 3:7); (Matt. 19:6) |
Topics: | Communication; Shepherding; Relationships, Spiritual; Body of Christ, Body Ministry; (Faith); (Submission) |
Series: | Relate and Communicate |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-08-05-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
July 31, 1977 Sunday A.M. Iowa
God demands the whole heart. Here it is again in a word that disturbs you deeply and reveals afresh what God demands of your heart. (62 min.)
Scriptures: | Deut. 6:1,4-8; 11:13-14,16; Deut. 11:18,22-23; 30:1-2; Deut. 30:6,10-18; Hosea 10:2; Rom. 10:6-11; Luke 2:51; Heb. 4:12; (Deut. 6:1-15); (Psa. 139:23-24) |
Topics: | Broken Heart, Spirit; Lordship; Repentance; Wholeheartedness; Relationship, with the Lord; (Worship) |
Series: | Relate and Communicate |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, Pivotal Messages |
July 31, 1977 Sunday P.M. Iowa
“…Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7. “And I will punish men who are stagnant in spirit, who say in their hearts, the Lord will not do good or evil!” Zephaniah 1:12. The story of David is the story of a heart Cod searched and loved. (24 min.)
Scriptures: | I Sam. 16:1-13; Rom. 8:27-28; I Chron. 28:9-15,19-20;Zeph. 1:12 |
Topics: | Lordship; Purity; Heart; Motivation; Movement Motion; (Courage) |
Series: | Relate and Communicate |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-07-21-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 3 messages by John Robert Stevens.
July 17, 1977 Sunday A.M. Val.
When we relate to the Lord rightly we relate to one another rightly. Our obedience to the Lord ultimately results in an unbreakable fellowship with one another. (27 min.)
Scriptures: | John 14:16-23; 15:7-15; (I John 1:7); (I Cor. 13:12); (Heb. 2:11); (Prov. 27:17); (John 7:17); (Dan. 5:27); (John 16:12) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Obedience; Right Spirit; Communication; Relationships, Natural; Unity; Awareness; (Criticism); (Separation) |
Series: | Relate and Communicate |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
July 17, 1977 Sunday A.M. Ana.
Righteousness is rightness and involves being right in your spirit, having a right response to God’s Word and to your other relationships. Even if your actions are right, they are nullified if you have a wrong spirit. There is no right relationship without a right spirit. (25 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 6:33; Col. 3:17; I Sam. 23; (Matt. 25:31-46); (Job 1:8); (Job 2:7-8; 3:1); (Exo. 4:24-26); (Psa. 51:10); (I John 1:7);(Num. 22); (Exo. 13:21); (Jonah 4:9); (Jonah); (Job);(Deut. 8:4); (Num. 21); |
Topics: | Right Spirit; Obedience; Relationship, with the Lord; Submission; Relationships, Natural; Righteousness; (Deception); (Shiloh) |
Series: | Relate and Communicate |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
July 17, 1977 Sunday P.M. SoG.
Without a right relationship to the Lord you are not open to what God is doing and speaking now. With a wrong relationship to the Lord one can accept what the Lord once did without accepting His present moving in the earth. (13 min.)
Scriptures: | Deut. 18:15-19; (John 8:31-48); (Acts 4:13); (Matt. 2:1-6); (Exo. 10:24-26); (Matt. 9:17); (John 1:17); (Eph. 4:11-13); (I Cor. 13:10); (Micah 5:2) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Right Spirit; Old Order; Relationships, Natural; Perfection; (Knowledge); (Divine Order); |
Series: | Relate and Communicate |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-07-05-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
June 17, 1977 Friday A.M. Seattle
Two things exploded in this service. For a half hour the Lord broke our hearts with concern for His little ones; then the word errupted like a volcano in expository teaching of Colossians on the seer-wisdom and the elemental spirits’ defeat. The Kingdom is coming. Futility is defeated. (72 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Col. 1:9-29; 2:1-5,8-23; Col. 5:3-4; Heb. 6:6; (Matt. 18:6-7); (Matt. 5:11-12); (Matt. 22:37); (Matt. 28: 19); (Matt. 3:10); (II Thess. 1:10); (Phil. 3:10); (Isa. 53:6); (Heb. 12:2); (Acts 20:35); (Rom. 13); (Rom. 11:29); (Eph. 3); (Gen. 18:32); (Luke 10:8); (Heb. 4); (II Cor. 11:14); (Rev. 12) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Parousia, Presence of the Lord; Lordship; Wisdom, God’s; Perception; Elemental Spirits; (Authority); (Reconciliation); (Deception); (Body of Christ, Body Ministry) |
Series: | June 1977, Seattle–To See; I Will–and I Will Not…; Expository |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-06-06-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
June 4, 1977 Saturday A.M. Ana.
If you love God first you cannot love another too much, but you pervert every relationship when you don’t love God enough. “An open heaven puts sunlight on the problems and they melt.” (39 min.)
Scriptures: | James 4:4-8; (III John 2); (Esther 4:14); (Heb. 11:17-19); (Job 1:20); (Psa. 37:4); (Dan. 6:13); (Matt. 6:33) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Focus; Human Relations; Perversion; Adultery; (Marriage) |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, Pivotal Messages |
June 5, 1977 Sunday A.M. Ana.
All of the law and prophets stand on the first commandment. This commandment demands total love to the Lord. The Kingdom of God also demands the total love of our whole heart. (15 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 22:34-40; (Prov. 16:7); (John 21:15-17) |
Topics: | Focus; Motivation; Relationship, with the Lord; Love, to the Lord |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-05-31-07-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
May 23, 1977 Monday A.M. Shiloh
Here is the picture of our position at this Pentecost. “The time has come to talk of mice and men,” of spirits and sons, of our position and our opposition, of the “little” giants that possess the Kingdom. (42 min.)
Scriptures: | (Heb. 3:7); (Heb. 4:2); (Heb. 11:3); (Eph. 2:22); (II Tim. 2:2,9); (Acts 8); (Acts 10:31); (John 1:6); (Rev. 2:7) |
Topics: | Apostolic Company; Relationship, with the Lord; Hearing; Lordship; Evangelism; Intercession; (Submission); (Persecution); (Communication); (Shiloh) |
Series: | The Pentecost of Tongues and Ears |
May 24, 1977 Tuesday P.M. Shiloh
The last meeting of the brothers at this Pentecost saw the ears opened and tongues loosened and the vision made plain. Shiloh has not been programmed. The vision of Shiloh is before us. (27 min.)
Scriptures: | (II Cor. 3); (Gal. 5:15); (Ezek. 12:22-28); (Luke 12:32); (Prov. 18:21) |
Topics: | Hearing; Word, Speaking; Meeting, with the Lord; Shiloh; (Bond Servant, Bondslave) |
Series: | The Pentecost of Tongues and Ears |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-05-11-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
April 24, 1977 Sunday A.M. Iowa
When we limit God we limit ourselves, then we tend to have a limited concept of our brothers in Christ. This is a Sunday morning family service in Washington, Iowa. (29 min.)
Scriptures: | Psa. 34:3; 78:41 |
Topics: | Revelation; Relationship, with the Lord; Limitations; Thinking, God’s and Ours; Faith |
Series: | Faith-Action |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
April 26, 1977 Tuesday P.M. Aurora, Illinois
On a special jubilee night in Aurora this word positively challenged our hearts to the greatness of God. The word is similar to “How Limited Is Your God?”, but it will be edifying to listen to both approaches. (29 min.)
Scriptures: | Psa. 34:3-6; 35:27; 69:30; Psa. 78:41; Luke 1:46 |
Topics: | Lordship; Focus; Love, to the Lord; Awareness; Limitations; (Persecution) |
Series: | Faith-Action |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-03-29-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
March 20, 1977 Sunday P.M. SoG.
The prophets’ meeting defined our position as worshipers, yet the army of the Lord that brings down principalities and powers. The focus on the Lord must never waver. The intensity of our warfare must never wane. (36 min.)
Scriptures: | Acts 15:16; Amos 9:11; (Matt. 22:37); (James 4:7-8); (Eph. 6:12,18); (Heb. 11:40); (Psa. 137:9); (I Sam. 15:33); (Luke 5:39); (Matt. 13:52); (II Thess. 2:15) |
Topics: | Worship; Warfare; Balance; Intercession; Relationship, with the Lord; (Word, God’s);(Health) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, Pivotal Messages |
March 27, 1977 Sunday P.M. SoG.
We must not grope as the blind or stumble with partial vision. We must perceive. The eyes of our heart must be enlightened. We cry to see, to understand. We refuse to be blind. (20 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Eph. 1:15-23; II Kings 6:15-17; Mark 10:47-52; 8:24; I Cor. 2:9; (Joel 2:28) |
Topics: | Vision; Awareness; Shiloh; Education; (Seer) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-03-25-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
March 24, 1977 Thursday A.M. Val.
Our hearts turn again to the Passover. The Passover is a journey that begins with a search of the heart. How can a righteous God not totally hate sin? How can a loving God give less than His only begotten Son to suffer for every man’s sin? How can we serve such a God without hating sin as He hates it and seeking with our whole heart the righteousness He has provided? This word was basic and moved every heart. The comments of several are included because they will hold your heart in repentance before the Lord. This tape is one of the best. (54 min.)
Scriptures: | Ezek. 22:30-31; (Heb. 4:16); (John 3:16-17,3); (Phil. 3:8,10); (Matt. 18;8-9); (Luke 14:21); (Luke 13:34); (James 4:23); (I Cor. 2:9); (Rom. 8:7);(Rom. 7:18); (Eph. 3:20);(Isa. 6:1-5); (John 4:23) |
Topics: | Thinking, God’s and Ours; Relationship, with the Lord; Sin; Sonship; Grace; Intercession |
Series: | Out of Our Minds |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-10-25-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
October 17, 1976 Sunday P.M. Iowa
Once you have determined that your focus will be on the Lord you are constantly aware of the enemy’s roar. Satan would strike your heart with fears and lies to divert that focus of faith. Associate with those worshippers who will constantly strengthen your attention on the Lord. This is the pattern of victory. (33 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | II Chron. 20:2-3,12,21-22; (Acts 28:3-5); (Luke 17:32); (Isa. 26:3); (Heb. 12:1-2) |
Topics: | Focus; Overcoming; Relationship, with the Lord; Problems; Praise |
October 20, 1976 Wednesday P.M. Iowa
We successfully pass through the times that shake our souls when we have the pure vision and the word unfading in our heart. God gives us revelation and a vision of things to come that gives meaning to every step that we take and to every battle that we fight. (37 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Rom. 8:17-19; (Rev. 12:11); (Rom. 8:17-19) ; (Gal. 15:7); (II Cor. 4:17); (II Cor. 7:10); (Psa. 23:6); (Heb. 12:6); (Isa. 28:10) |
Topics: | Vision; Shiloh; Focus; Death, of the Flesh; Overcoming; (Vindication); (Right Spirit) |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-10-11-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
October 9, 1976 Saturday A.M. Ana.
To be righteous is to relate to God in a right way. Sin is the cancer of mankind’s spirit. It is when what God has created goes berserk and is expressed wrongly. Repentance must involve both a renunciation of a wrong relationship to God’s law and a humble embracing of God’s law with a right spirit and a right relationship to God. Here is the keynote word from the Lord for the Feast of Tabernacles. (47 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | James 5:16-17,9,12; (I Kings 18:21); (Prov. 16:32); (Heb. 4:16); (Jonah 3–4); (Psa. 37:4); (John 15:7); (Matt. 6:22); (Song of Sol. 2:15) |
Topics: | Righteousness; Relationship, with the Lord; Faith, Aggressive; Humility; Miracles; Law; (Immunity); (Lust); (Tolerance) |
Series: | The Feast of Tabernacles, October 1976 |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
October 10, 1976 Sunday P.M. SoG.
The Bible is the story of God making Himself accessible to us who could not approach His holiness. What an unspeakable privilege it is to accept His invitation to come boldly to His throne. (10 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Heb. 4:12-16; 10:12; II Sam. 6:9; (I John 4:8); (Heb. 13:5); (John 14:6) |
Topics: | Access; Provision; Grace; Righteousness |
Series: | The Feast of Tabernacles, October 1976 |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-10-09-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
October 9, 1976 Saturday P.M. Ana.
Religious flesh tries to produce what God requires but only brings forth a facsimile, a phony, human image of the righteous, spiritual being that God creates of us. There are so many wrong responses our flesh can produce to God’s demands. Here is a message so basic and so essential. “The religious produce movements but the faith of the spiritual moves mountains.” (56 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | I Cor. 15:53; John 1:14; Eph. 2:8; John 3:6; Gal. 3:3–5:24; Matt. 26:41; (Rom. 8:23); (II Cor. 5:16); (Luke 10:20); (Jer. 13:23); (John 14:9); (Matt. 24:24); (II Cor. 11:14); (Psa. 57) |
Topics: | Religiosity, Religiousness; Flesh; Body, Soul, Spirit; Redemption; Relationship, with the Lord; (Responses) |
Series: | The School of Prophets; The Feast of Tabernacles, October 1976 |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-10-05-21-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 30, 1976 Thursday A.M. Shiloh
Beyond the steps of restoration that we have taken is the holy relationship we are entering with the Lord. Truths and experiences give way to a higher level. We are His bond servants, but now we are His Bride, His fair one. This is the peak of the word of the Lord on repentance given to the Ministers’ Convocation. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | Exo. 32:7-14; 33:12-23; Isa. 61:10-11,2-4,7; Isa. 62:4,1-3,6-12 |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Bride of Christ; Fear, of the Lord; Repentance; Delight, Lord’s in Us; God’s Workmanship; (Motivation) |
Series: | Shattered at Shiloh |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-10-05-13-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 27, 1976 Monday P.M. Shiloh
Let me hold these things ever in my heart as I come before Thy presence: 1) Thou dost desire truth in my innermost being, 2) Create in me a clean heart, 3) Renew in me a steadfast spirit and sustain me with a willing spirit, and 4) I give Thee the sacrifices of my broken spirit. (71 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Psa. 51:1-17; (Mark 12:30-31); (James 4:6) |
Topics: | Repentance; Broken Heart, Spirit; Relationship, with the Lord; Willingness; Passivity; Withdrawal; Wholeheartedness; Work |
Series: | Shattered at Shiloh; Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-09-02-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 2, 1976 Thursday P.M. SoG.
Your hand holds the match that lights the fuse to all God’s explosive power. Reverently, we make ourselves one with the workings of God. One Body, and one with God in a synergistic flow, we are making it happen. This word is a beginning of something-something more than we can evaluate right now. (56 min.)
Scriptures: | Mark 16:20; Rom. 8:28; 16:21; Col. 4:11; James 2:22; Exo. 14:13-16; (I Tim. 2:8); (Matt. 28:18) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Channel; Promises, Possessing Them; Unity; Intercession; Initiative; Position; Warfare |
Series: | The Word and Works of God |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-07-31-05-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
July 29, 1976 Thursday A.M. Shiloh
Satan battles us in areas of circumstances, relationships, finances, health, cares, distractions, etc., always creating a lie by the appearances of things. The battle he wages is to discredit the word God gives relative to these things. Focus on the word, not on what Satan puts the spotlight on. (52 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Josh. 1:5-9 1-3; (Rom. 8:23,28); (Phil. 4:12); (Isa. 51:1); (Psa. 105:15); (Joel 2:28) |
Topics: | Word, God’s; Relationship, with the Lord; Lies; Focus; Distractions; (Government) |
Series: | Shiloh–July, August 1976 |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-06-26-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
June 16, 1976 Wednesday A.M. Hono.
We expect great things from the Lord. We will not countenance disappointment, but we are open for the Lord to surprise us with an answer bigger than we anticipated. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | (I Cor. 2:1-5,12-13); (Eph. 3:20); (Acts 3:5-6); (Luke 17:20); (Heb. 11:1) |
Topics: | Expectations; Conditioning; Relationship, with the Lord; Miracles; Awareness; Anticipation; (Faith, Creative) |
Series: | Hawaii–First Fruits, June 1976 |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-05-24-07-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
May 23, 1976 Sunday A.M. Val.
Cain, Korah and Baalam–these three represent the basic end-time sin. Their sin is in their relationship to God and to His people and this word explains these sins that are behind the withdrawal and the building of walls in the Body. Here is another excellent word on our relationships.
Scriptures: | Gen. 4:1-16; Jude 11; (Mal. ); (Phil. 3:3) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Human Relations; Halfheartedness; Fear; Rejection; Walls; Criticism; Character, Cain; Personal Experiences, JRS; (Sex); (Tithing) |
Series: | The Oneness Relationship; Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons |
May 23, 1976 Sunday A.M. Ana.
The sin of Cain is murderous anger at the blessing of the Lord on another instead of upon himself. The law of love impels a brother to lay down his life for another and he rejoices when great blessings from the Lord are upon another. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | I John 3:8-19; James 1:14; (Gen. 4:4-16); (Jude 11) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Hatred; Jealousy; Sin; Sonship; Character, Cain; (Persecution) |
Series: | The Oneness Relationship |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-05-24-05-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
May 23, 1976 Sunday P.M. Val.
Here is an important word to intercessors–the time is now to pray positively without any vindictive focus on any of God’s anointed servants. “Touch not Mine anointed.” This service is filled with a fantastically high level of intercession. This service says, “This is how it’s done.” (58 min.)
Scriptures: | Psa. 105:14-15; I Sam. 24:1-15; II Chron. 20:15-21; Ruth; (John 8:11); (II Tim. 3:8-11) |
Topics: | Intercession; Divine Order; Judgment; Humility; Submission; Arrogance; Relationship, with the Lord; (Lordship); (Self-Interest); (Will of God); (Right Spirit) |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-05-21-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
May 20, 1976 Thursday A.M. Val.
Has your relationship to the Lord or to the Body ever seemed clouded or cut off? Have you felt that your bond was so strained that you were without communication? You must have this tape on walking with God and with the Body with that close fellowship and oneness. This word will hit you hard but will strengthen your walk beyond measure. (54 min.)
Scriptures: | I John 1:3-7; I Cor. 1:4-13; Luke 24:13-36; Rev. 3:14-22; Matt. 28:13-20; (John 7:17) |
Topics: | Relationships, Spiritual; Relationship, with the Lord; Fellowship; Obedience, to the Word; Oneness; (Perception); (Walls) |
Series: | The Oneness Relationship |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-05-15-07-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
May 15, 1976 Saturday P.M. SoG.
This second session of Lesson 3 covers the same points as the first session but the teaching is varied and the presentation is different. It might be good to have both versions. (52 min.)
Scriptures: | (II Cor. 3:13,18); (II Kings 3:11-12); (Rom. 12:9) |
Topics: | Change, Self; Ministries; Attributes; Relationship, with the Lord; (Discipline, Time); (Involvement); (Compassion); (Tolerance); (Submission); (Flexibility); (Impartiality); (Aggressiveness) |
Series: | The School of Prophets |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-05-10-05-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
May 9, 1976 Sunday A.M. Val.
The important relationships in the Body of Christ come while we are doing the will of God. The great changes are made while we are in motion. The great problems arise while we are inactive. This message is not urgent–but good for those coming into the Body.
Scriptures: | Matt. 12:46-50; I John 1:6-7; I John 2:3; John 14:20; 15:10; (John 7:17); (James 1:22) |
Topics: | Obedience; Relationships, Spiritual; Involvement; Motion, Expression Of; Family; Relationship with the Lord; (Criticism); (Immunity); (Walls); (Work) |
Series: | The Submissive Relationship |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
May 9, 1976 Sunday A.M. Ana.
Oh, that we might be able to say as Christ did, “I do always those things which please the Father.” Men-pleasers are never God-pleasers, yet God-pleasers can please more men than menpleasers can. This message is not urgent–but good for those coming into the Body.
Scriptures: | Gal. 1:10; I Thess. 2:4; 4:1; I Cor. 11:1; 10:31-33; John 8:29; Rom. 15:1-5; Prov. 16:7; II Tim. 2:3-4; (I John 1:7) |
Topics: | Pleasing to the Lord; Relationships, Spiritual; Fear of Man; Liberty; Involvement; Dedication; Anecdotes, Personal Experiences, JRS; (Focus) |
Series: | The Submissive Relationship |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-05-10-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
May 6, 1976 Thursday A.M. Val.
The unequaled yoke is defined as a relationship between two people who are at extremes in their level of dedication. This message is more of an apostolic exhortation on our relationship to the Lord and to each other. This message could take sleep from you and disturb you deeply, if you are not properly related to the Lord and to one another. (51 min.)
Scriptures: | II Cor. 6:14-15; Lev. 19:17-19; Deut. 22:10-11; Mal. 3:2-6 |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Relationships, Natural; Purity; Marriage; Submission; Intercession; (Violence); (Denominations); (Revelation) |
Series: | The Submissive Relationship |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-05-03-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 3 messages by John Robert Stevens.
May 2, 1976 Sunday A.M. Val.
Most timely is this message for us as we anticipate the fulfillment of promises and the possession of all God has set before US. Here is the Joshua 5 story of a Passover for a people with hearts circumcised. Everything was changing in the transition from wilderness land to Beulah land. Then a new revelation of the “general” of the army was expedient. The first message, from the Valley, is probably more complete but the second version from Anaheim is included because of the vein of humor and different approach to the same basic word. Indeed, you will enjoy listening to both. This word may be emphasized and amplified in the immediate days ahead.
Scriptures: | Josh. 5:2-3,7-14; (Heb. 12:6) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Circumcision; Walk; Passover; Change; Lordship; (Babylon); (Obedience); (Appropriation) |
Series: | On To Pentecost From Passover; Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
May 2, 1976 Sunday A.M. Ana.
Most timely is this message for us as we anticipate the fulfillment of promises and the possession of all God has set before US. Here is the Joshua 5 story of a Passover for a people with hearts circumcised. Everything was changing in the transition from wilderness land to Beulah land. Then a new revelation of the “general” of the army was expedient. The first message, from the Valley, is probably more complete but the second version from Anaheim is included because of the vein of humor and different approach to the same basic word. Indeed, you will enjoy listening to both. This word may be emphasized and amplified in the immediate days ahead.
Scriptures: | Josh. 5:2,8-15; (Heb. 12:6) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Circumcision; Passover; Word, Ours; Faith, Aggressive; Lordship; Submission; (Divine Order); (Dealings) |
Series: | On To Pentecost From Passover; Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
May 2, 1976 Sunday P.M. Val.
God says that the indication of our total victory is when our Jerichos are on the defensive. When the walls are “shut up” we know that our shouts will bring them down flat. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | Josh. 6:1-5; (I Cor. 14:8); (Matt. 13:24-30) |
Topics: | Warfare; Victory; Obedience; Satan; Walls; Prophetic Proclamation; (Hindrances); (Anticipation) |
Series: | On To Pentecost From Passover; Expository |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-04-29-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
April 25, 1976 Sunday A.M. Ana.
This message is similar to “Dedicated to Total Loss” but the emphasis is more on a right relationship to God and the message is delivered with more impact. Read the summary of the above message and then make your choice. Both are included because of differences in each tape but the word is similar. (45 min.)
Scriptures: | Phil. 3:1-8; Josh. 1:8-9; (Psa. 37:4); (Matt. 6:33) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Individuality; Cross Experience; Reservations; Expectation; Loneliness; (Marriage); (Courtship) |
Series: | II. Our Passover–And Relationships of the Remnant |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
May 5, 1976 Wednesday P.M. Ana.
As divine order is being established for the Kingdom, the deep truths about authority and submission are being highlighted. Do we submit to those that God has commissioned even though their authority is not submissive to the authority over them? We can be taught by the teachable. We can submit to the submissive, but not to the rebellious. (69 min.)
Scriptures: | Heb. 13:7,17; I Kings 12:1-19 |
Topics: | Submission; Submission, to the Lord; Authority; Leadership; (Divine Order); (Rebellion); (Responsibility); (Problems); (Violence) |
Series: | The Submissive Relationship |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-04-28-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
April 25, 1976 Sunday A.M. Val.
Haven’t you always wanted to know the key to a personal meeting with God? The basic principle of rightly relating to the Lord and to one another is the answer. The death to individuality and the focus on Christ’s glory is the basic underlying truth, Included in the message are the seven progressive phases of expectation. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | Phil. 3:7-15; (Josh. 13:1); (Acts 1:8); (Matt. 5:16); (I Cor. 3:11); (Gal. 5:16) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Cross Experience; Loneliness; Focus; Reservations; Dedication; Human Relations; (Denomination, Sectarianism); (Marriage); (Courtship); (Prostitution) |
Series: | II. Our Passover-And Relationships of the Remnant |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-03-22-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
March 18, 1976 Thursday A.M. Val.
The persistent with their insistent faith receive the answer to their prayers. Their relationship to God guarantees the answer they get is the right one. Therefore, what you know to pray for you petition persistently until you receive it. (72 min.)
Scriptures: | Luke 11:1-14; Matt. 7:11; (Luke 18:8); (Matt. 15:22-28); (I Cor. 7:17-24); (Gal. 6:9); (Prov. 24:16); (Gen. 32:26) |
Topics: | Persistence; Prayer; Faith, Creative; Relationship, with the Lord; Change; Circumstances; (God’s Perfect Will, Walking); (Freedom) |
Series: | Persistent and Insistent |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
March 19, 1976 Friday P.M. Val.
God has gone to great lengths to expose Himself to us. He cannot deny Himself. He commits Himself by promise and anticipates our insistent faith. God challenges you to put Him on the spot. (72 min.)
Scriptures: | Luke 18:1-8; (Heb. 11:6); (Heb. 4:15); (Heb. 6:18 |
Topics: | God’s Limitation; Persistence; Relationship, to the Lord; Prayer; (Submission to the Lord); (Worthiness); (Initiative); (Responsibility); (Faith, Aggressive); (Discouragement) |
Series: | Persistent and Insistent |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-03-16-13-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
March 14, 1976 Sunday P.M. Val.
Here is the story of Jacob chosen before his birth yet striving with God to be blessed. The circumstances of his life seemed ill-fated but by persistent faith becomes a prevailing prince of God. Other Bible personalities are alluded to also in these Biblical examples of the end-time apostolic company.
Scriptures: | Rom. 9:10-33; Gen. 28:10-22; Gen. 32:1-2,22-32; 35:1-19; (Matt. 15:27); (Job 2:9) |
Topics: | Predestination; Promises, Possessing Them; Relationship, with the Lord; Preparation; Hindrances; Sustained; Character, Jacob; (Tithing); (Character, David); (Character, Job) |
Series: | His Body Without A Blemish; Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons |
March 14, 1976 Sunday P.M. Val.
Here is the story of Jacob chosen before his birth yet striving with God to be blessed. The circumstances of his life seemed ill-fated but by persistent faith becomes a prevailing prince of God. Other Bible personalities are alluded to also in these Biblical examples of the end-time apostolic company. (73 min.)
Scriptures: | Josh. 3:5; Matt. 7:2; John 15:3; Matt. 11:17 |
Topics: | Judgment; Purifying; Participation; (Priest) ;(Prophet) |
Series: | His Body Without A Blemish |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-12-29-07-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
December 27, 1975 Saturday P.M. Seattle
This message is similar to “And Everyone Bring a Basket” which came December 14 in South Gate. The differences in the two messages are in the fantastically superior picture of our relationships as it is presented in this message. The exposition of the principal passages in the Scripture on giving will be a basic source of many excellent messages on giving and dedication. The emphasis here is upon the relationship that God wants with every giver and upon the covenant He wants the giver to enter into with Him. (72 min.)
Scriptures: | Deut. 26; II Cor. 8:1-5; Mal. 3:7-18; (Acts 5:1-5; 4:32-37); (Gen. 4:3-16); (Matt. 26:28); (I Cor. 6:13); (I Cor. 13:1) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Tithing; Covenants; Possessing; Position; Sex |
Series: | The Seattle Holiday Conference-December 1975 |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
December 28, 1975 Sunday P.M. Seattle
This is a fantastic message on Thanksgiving showing that every experience and relationship we have must include a basic ingredient of thanksgiving. There can be no obedience without it. There can be no worship or intercession without it. We cannot relate to God nor do His will without it. (72 min.)
Scriptures: | Eph. 5:15-21; I Thess. 5:16-18; Jonah 2; Psa. 100; 95; Phil. 4:4-8; Col. 3:12-21 |
Topics: | Thankfulness, Thanksgiving; Will of God; God’s Perfect Will; Walking; Obedience; Relationship, Spiritual; Love |
Series: | The Seattle Holiday Conference-December 1975 |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-12-24-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 3 messages by John Robert Stevens.
December 21, 1975 Sunday A.M. Ana.
We are the temple. We are the priesthood. We are the sacrifices of praise to God continually. We combine praise to the Lord with our work, our warfare, our prayer and intercession, and with everything we do or experience.
Scriptures: | Heb. 13:15-16; I Pet. 2:5,9; Phil. 4:4-7; Mal. 1:11 |
Topics: | Praise; Revelation; Relationship, with the Lord; Sifting; Problems; Sacrifice; Work |
Series: | Praise Principles |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages |
December 21, 1975 Sunday P.M. SoG.
To the discouraged: the only answer to your deep discouragement is a “meeting with God.” Walk with God! Praise Him! Make Him more important to yourself than your circumstances. “In every thing give thanks.”
Scriptures: | I Thess. 5:18 |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Dedication; Worship; Problems; Focus; Discouragement; Work |
Series: | Praise Principles |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages |
December 21, 1975 Sunday P.M. Val.
Praise! Don’t cuss! The praisers are the sustained and the blessed! The murmurers and cursers are the crushed and defeated!
Scriptures: | Eph. 5:20; Psa. 107:1-43 |
Topics: | Praise; Faith, Aggressive; Relationship, with the Lord; Thankfulness; Problems |
Series: | Expository; Jubilee Services |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-12-21-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
December 21, 1975 Sunday A.M. Val.
With the offensive odor of burnt offerings in the tabernacle there was also the sweet smell of the perpetual incense offering. Thus the stench of our unworthiness is covered as we present ourselves to God with the incense of praise and worship to the Lord. This word grabbed all of our hearts. All of us need this message. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | Exo. 30:1,6-8; Rev. 8:1-6; Heb. 13:15-16; 9:1-5; Phil. 4:18 |
Topics: | Worship; Relationship, with the Lord; Work; Focus; Worthiness; Altar; Temple |
Series: | Praise Principles |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-12-09-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
December 7, 1975 Sunday A.M. Val.
As the end-time events portray the coming disasters and changes, our hearts can become very fearful. We must focus on the Lord, “lift up our heads for our redemption draweth nigh.” Concentrate on the up-look.
Scriptures: | Luke 17:20-24,28-33; 21:24-28 |
Topics: | Focus; End-Time Events; United States; Fear; Relationship, with the Lord |
Series: | Bombs for Babylon; The Up-Look |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
December 7, 1975 Sunday A.M. Ana.
When we are occupied with our difficulties we fail to see the complete vision. We cannot see the forest for the trees. Then we need to rise to a higher level in the spirit so that we may have a fresh vision of the Lord and a fresh view of His Kingdom. Only those who live on the highest plane have the pure vision that is undistracted by the present problems.
Scriptures: | Psa. 34:1-6; Heb. 12:2; (Luke 21:28); (Acts 7:56); (Acts 26:19) |
Topics: | Focus; Position; Distractions; Problems; Vision; Sustained |
Series: | The Up-Look |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-10-13-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
October 10, 1975 Friday P.M. Val.
Prophetic proclamation came over the church during this message. Listen to it and you will feel like an immovable mountain. YOU only become something important in God when God becomes important to you. Another message in pictures.
Scriptures: | Psa. 125:1-3; Zech. 2:5; Isa. 60:11,14,18; (Rom. 12:2) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Steadfastness; Freedom; Change; Fear; Tolerance |
Series: | The War Over The Word |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
October 11, 1975 Saturday A.M. Ana.
Satan hates the word God has given you. He will steal it, blast it, choke it, imitate it and discredit it. The issue is not your circumstances or your problems, but your faith in the word. We contend earnestly for the faith and we resist the enemy steadfastly in the faith. (56 min.)
Scriptures: | Matt. 13:3-9,19,24-30,38-39; Eph. 4:26-27; 6:11-12; James 4:7-8; I Pet. 5:7-9; (John 12:27, 31); (John 14:30); (John 16:11); (Matt. 28:18-19); (Jude 3); (I John 3:8); (I Tim. 6:12); (Luke 9:51); (Rom. 8:7) |
Topics: | Faith, Aggressive; Warfare; Word, God’s; Submission; Resistance; Authority |
Series: | The War Over The Word |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
The Living Word was established in 1968 out of a vision to capture, preserve, and publish the teachings of John Robert Stevens. Many of Stevens' sermons have been edited and published in books, manuals, and a weekly periodical titled "This Week."
The Living Word continues in its ministry today—carefully preserving and publishing messages taken from the vast library of John Robert Stevens' ministry from 1950-1983, as well as the messages of others who teach and minister the Word.
Thank you for supporting the ministry of The Living Word.
The Living Word
P.O. Box 958
North Hollywood, CA 91603
Tel: (818) 983-1523
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