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Release #: 2011-0222-5R
Available MP3 Download: Repentance To Eradicate Our History, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Wednesday, October 25, 2006.
Repentance To Eradicate Our History
It is a principle of the spirit that what we sow, we reap. If we sow to the flesh, we reap division and strife. If we sow to the spirit, we reap life and we command God’s blessing. Today, we proclaim a new day for the church in Palmer Lake. The old has ended, and now this church becomes the prophetic community God has called it to be.
Scriptures: | II Cor. 12:20-21; I Peter 4:1-5,7-11; Psalms 133:1-3; James 4:1-3; (Matt. 5:45; 6:14; 22:39); (Gen. 12:3); (Gal. 5:15); (Luke 6:37); (Rev. 20:11) |
Topics: | Repentance; Forgiveness; Nature, Man’s; (Relationships, Kingdom) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
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Release #: 2008-0423-2R
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
A Fourth Generation Coming Forth
April 20, 2008 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA
This Word identifies and defines the generations of this walk with God. A fourth generation has come forth that is composed of the first three generations, as well as what each of those generations has produced on the natural and spiritual level . We open our hearts to this fourth generation as they impart all that they have received from the Lord from the first three generations. By the miracle of Passover, we all become the fourth generation! This is our liberation and the fulfillment of John Stevens’ vision. This Word should be heard with the message from April 25, 2008 Friday P.M. that was titled, Passover: The Deliverance Of The Fourth Generation.(52:54)
Scriptures: | Daniel 3:20-22, 24-25; (Matt. 24:12); (Acts 13:36) |
Topics: | Generation, Fourth; Generations, First, Second, and Third; Relationships, Kingdom; Openness; (Fulfillment); (John’s Word) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
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Release #: 2008-0319-2-R
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
What Happened To Your Commitment?
March 16, 2008 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI
God has many emotions, the greatest being love. That love is communicated to His people without walls and is unconditional. Before He pours out His love on us we must have no walls. Our cry to God is for unconditional love. Then it will be as God said, “Zion is a city without walls.”
Scriptures: | Exo. 34:14; (I John 4:8,16); (John 3:16); (Heb. 6:13); (Jer. 31:31-33); (Zech. 2:4) |
Topics: | Walls; Love, His for Us; Relationship with the Lord; Relationships, Kingdom |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
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Release #: 2008-0319-1-R
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
Driven By Our Eternal Purpose
March 15, 2008 Saturday 8:00 AM Honolulu, HI
God is driven to glorify Himself in you for His purpose. He is requiring a oneness of purpose as a Body of Christ out of this generation. We loose the revelation of the purpose of our calling.
Scriptures: | John 12:27-28; Acts 26:16; Phil. 2:1-8; (Acts 13:36) |
Topics: | Destiny; Oneness; Relationships, Kingdom |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Release #: 2008-0108-5R
Available MP3 Download: How Spiritual Warfare Has Affected Our Relationships, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niterói, Brazil on Sunday, March 11, 2007.
How Spiritual Warfare Has Affected Our Relationships
We have lived through many days of warfare. In order to survive and to stand firm against the schemes of Satan, we had to put on the armor of God; however, this has tremendously impacted our relationships. Now, the Lord is saying that it is time for days of peace. We take off our armor and our defenses, let go of our resistances, and live in a new atmosphere where Satan and his accusations against us have been cast out. Today, we exchange our swords for plowshares. It is time for us to bear fruit.
Scriptures: | Eph. 6:10-17; Isa. 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4; (I Tim. 6:12); (John 8:4-11); (Heb. 4:12) |
Topics: | Warfare; Relationships, Kingdom; Conditioning |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
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Release #: 2007-0710-3R
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
A Revelation Of Serving The Father
July 2, 2007 Monday 9:30 AM Shiloh, Kalona, IA
Our perfection as sons is inextricably tied to our oneness with each other. But our oneness must be born out of a common revelation that we are serving the Father, and only the Father, through our relationships with each other.
Scriptures: | I Cor. 12:13,18; John 17:23; 2:23-25; II Cor. 4:5-7; Mark 3:31-35; (John 5:19,30; 19:26-27); (I Phil. 2:8); (Eph. 5:21); (II Kings 2:1-13) |
Topics: | Body of Christ; Serving the Lord; Relationships, Kingdom; Oneness; (University of Shiloh) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Release #: 2007-0510-5R
Available MP3 Download: The Kingdom Is A Father And Son Relationship, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Saturday, February 3, 2007.
The Kingdom Is A Father And Son Relationship
Everything in the Kingdom of God is about the deep relationship of love between the heavenly Father and His Son. The Father took everything He created and gave it all to His Son. Now, Christ is in the process of perfecting it, to give it all back to the Father. The church today must become an atmosphere that matures many father-son relationships and engages them in this relationship between the Father and the Son. This Word changes how we think about church.
Scriptures: | Matt. 11:27; John 3:35; I Cor. 15:21-25,27-28; 4:15; 11:1; (I Tim. 4:14); (Phil. 2:19-20); (Luke 15:11-13) |
Topics: | Relationship with the Father; Relationship with the Lord; Sonship; (Relationships, Kingdom) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
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Release #: 2007-0507-1-RV
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
The Father’s Family
May 6, 2007 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA
We are functioning as the Father’s family. It is much easier to be a church than it is to enter into the love and commitment for one another that overcomes every problem and causes us to become what God wants. This Word encourages the people of the Los Angeles church to continue becoming the family of God.
Scriptures: | II Cor. 6:18; John 19:26-28 |
Topics: | Father’s Family; Love, in the Body; Relationships, Kingdom; L.A. Area |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
The Living Word was established in 1968 out of a vision to capture, preserve, and publish the teachings of John Robert Stevens. Many of Stevens' sermons have been edited and published in books, manuals, and a weekly periodical titled "This Week."
The Living Word continues in its ministry today—carefully preserving and publishing messages taken from the vast library of John Robert Stevens' ministry from 1950-1983, as well as the messages of others who teach and minister the Word.
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The Living Word
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