Out of Print

Release #: 73-10-20-03-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

October 19, 1973 Friday A.M. Ana.

The greatest problem in the walk is not the temptation to the sin about us but the possibility of the age that causes us to neglect what we should do. The sins of omission in a privileged people constitute a greater wickedness then sins of the ungodly. (This was a probe) (30 Min.)

Scriptures: Luke 12:47-48; Heb. 2:3-4; Luke 13:7-9; James 4:17; John 15:2
Topics: Judgment Seat Of Christ; Sin; Faithfulness; Passivity; Responsiblity; Fruitfulness
Series: Feast of Tabernacles
Rated: JRS Selected Messages

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