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Release #: 75-09-04-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

August 7, 1975 Thursday P.M. SoG.

This is an expository of the chapters that defend Paul’s apostleship and teaches us how to think and relate to the apostolic ministry. These chapters also show the true attitude an apostle should have of himself and of the people to whom he ministers. The message has a very feeding quality and is predominantly expository. Every pastor should repeat this to his people. (56 min.)

Scriptures: II Cor. 10:1-17; 11:2-33; II Cor. 12:1-14; II Cor. 13:1-3, 4:7; (Gal. 6:17); (Rom. 12:2)
Topics: Apostle, Apostolic; Divine Order; Leadership; Thinking, God’s and Ours; Maturity; Reward; Shortcomings
Series: Expository
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons

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