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Release #: 2013-0116-2R
Available MP3 Download: Forgive And Be Forgiven, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Mount Zion, Brazil on Sunday, January 28, 2007.
Forgive And Be Forgiven
We must forgive, or He will not forgive us (Matthew 6:14-15). The debt that we feel someone owes us because they offended us is not worth losing His presence, and is not worth our sin coming back on us. We refuse to harbor anything in our heart against one another. With Christ as our example, we forgive one another. Effective prayer depends on our access to the Father and being able to boldly enter His presence, and in order to do that, we must live in a place of forgiveness.
Scriptures: | Matt. 6:12,14-15; 18:21-35; Mark 11:25; Luke 23:33-37; Psalms 32:1-6; 103:1-5 |
Topics: | Forgiveness; Prayer; Presence of the Lord; Sin; Communion; (Preparation) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
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Release #: 2008-0812-1R
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
I Don’t Remember
August 10, 2008 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA
Today, we completed our salvation experience by entering into God’s forgetting of our sin. Satan continues to be victorious over us when we accept Christ but entertain Satan’s remembrances. Through the apostolic word and Communion, the power of God transformed a hungry people.(12:6)
Scriptures: | Matt. 16:22; Rom. 12:1-2; 8:1-11; Jer. 31:33-34; II Cor. 11:3; (Matt. 13:36-43); (Gen. 3:14); (Rom. 4:3; 11:26-27); (Zech. 3); (Psalms 103:12); (Jer. 50:20); (Phil. 3:13); (Micah 7:18-19); (Isa. 44:22; 43:25); (Heb. 10:17; 8:12); (Acts 13:39); (Eph. 1:7) |
Topics: | L.A. Area; Salvation; Sin; Satan; Righteousness; Judgment; Spiritual Warfare; Mind; Adamic Nature; Condemnation; Repentance |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2007-0924-2RV
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
Translated Into His Presence
September 23, 2007 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA
The purpose of Atonement is to remove from us the sin nature laid upon us by Satan and to hurl us into the presence of the Father and the Kingdom of His Son. How do we apppropriate Atonement? We simply reach out with our withered hand and take this experience. With this Word, an Atonement experience is loosed upon all mankind. The service began with a Word that creates one America under God.
Scriptures: | Col. 1:13-16, 20, 22; (I John 1:29); (Rom. 7:17, 20); (Dan. 7:27); (Eph. 6:12); (John 13:5-10); (Matt. 12:10-13); (Isa. 66:8) |
Topics: | Atonement; Azazel; Presence of the Lord; Sin; (Mexico); (Brazil); (United States) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2007-0924-1RV
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
Atonement And Judgment
September 22, 2007 Saturday 5:30 PM North Hills, CA
Sin is the nature of Satan implanted as an unnatural transplant into mankind. Christ is our Azazel goat; He carries sin back onto Satan and to a place of eternal separation from God so that we are free to live in God’s presence.
Scriptures: | I John 3:3; Matt. 1:21; John 1:29; 5:25-30; Rom. 7:24; 7:16-20; Lev. 16:7-10, 22; Eph. 2:1-6; 6:12; Col 2:8-15; (Matt. 27:46) |
Topics: | Atonement; Judgment; Nature, Adamic; Satan’s Tactics; Sin; Forgiveness |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2007-0922-2RV
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
Separate Yourself From Sin
September 22, 2007 Saturday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA
The sin nature was laid upon you by Satan. Your ability to separate yourself from your sin nature is essential to applying the Day of Atonement. In Christ, all sin was laid upon Him and removed from you in its totality. We see Atonement as sending our sin nature away and proclaim, “It is no longer mine.”
Scriptures: | Rom. 7:17; Lev. 16:20-22; Isa. 53:4-5; I Peter 2:24-25; Eph. 4:22-25; Col 3:5-9; (Heb. 4:12) |
Topics: | Nature, Man’s; Atonement; Sin |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2007-0922-1RV
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
We Believe In Atonement, The Riddance Of Sin
September 21, 2007 Friday 7:30 PM North Hills, CA
The experience of Atonement reaches beyond salvation and forgiveness. Atonement is the riddance of the sin nature that perpetuates itself in us even after our sins are forgiven; it is our baptism into newness of life whereby we are free to enter the Father’s presence. We believe in atonement and we appropriate it as one Body.
Scriptures: | Lev. 16:8-10; Rom. 7:14-19, 22-25; 6:1-6; (Lev. 16: 1-7, 11-34); (Phil. 3:10) |
Topics: | Atonement; Azazel; Forgiveness; Deliverance; Salvation; (Sin) |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2007-0708-1R
Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
Despise The Shame
June 29, 2007 Friday 7:30 PM Shiloh, Kalona, IA
When God said to Adam and Eve, “Who told you that you were naked?”, God was expressing His anger at the shame that Satan had cast upon them. It was never in God’s plan that we be shamed; rather, He has always been driven for us to come into His likeness. In this School Of Prophets, we throw off Satan’s shame and declare that instead of shame, we will have a double portion of His glory.
Scriptures: | Gen. 3:7-11; Isa. 62:7; (Heb. 12:2; 2:11) |
Topics: | Sin; Relationship with the Father; Reproach; Biblical Character, Adam; Biblical Character, Eve |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2006-1101-1R
Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.
Seek Him While He May Be Found
October 28, 2006 Saturday 9:00 AM Palmer Lake, CO
During the Feast Of Trumpets 2006, the Lord appeared to us in the Word and created an access into His presence. In this Word, He urges us to seek Him while He may be found. Do not miss this favorable time of the Lord, for He is ready to answer. Cry out to Him for the removal of the nature of sin and for a baptism into His nature.
Scriptures: | Isa. 55:6-7; 49:8; II Cor. 6:1-3; (II Kings 13:14-19); (Eph. 4:13); (Matt. 3:1-2,10); (John 8:11); (Isa. 6:1-7); (Zech. 3:1-5); (Mark 8:18) |
Topics: | Seeking the Lord; Change of Nature; Sin; Nature, Man’s (Root); (Forgiveness) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Our Faith To Be Born Again
October 29, 2006 Sunday 10:00 AM Palmer Lake, CO
When Christ spoke to Nicodemus about being born again, He was describing something that Nicodemus had never experienced. While we focus on whether something in our lives is good or bad, Christ is concerned with whether it is born from a root of flesh or a root of spirit. He has an experience for us, beyond redemption, that causes us to be reborn by the Holy Spirit. In this new state of being, we come into His presence and become His true people.
Scriptures: | John 3:1-7; Rom. 7:14-25; 8:1-2,7-11; 6:3-11; (Matt. 19:25-26); (Acts 10); (Isa. 48:11); (I Cor. 15:50) |
Topics: | Change of Nature; Root System; Nature, Adamic; Salvation; Sin |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2006-1018-1R
Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
Discover The Joy Of Salvation
October 15, 2006 Sunday 10:00 AM Shiloh, Kalona, IA
We are missing out on the full joy of our salvation because we have not completely appropriated Christ’s provision of forgiveness. We have built up a rating system for sin. Our perception is that the person with the most sin is the one that needs the most salvation. Yet, God has no rating system, because in His eyes, the human nature is the root of all sin and not one man is a greater sinner than another. On this 8th Great Day of the Feast Of Tabernacles, we reach in to receive the ultimate forgiveness that Christ died for and to know the joy that comes by the absolute release of a complete salvation.
Scriptures: | Isa. 12:1-3; Luke 7:36-50; (John 7:37-38); (Luke 18:18-22); (James 2:10); (Matt 3:10; 7:1) |
Topics: | Salvation; Joy; Forgiveness; Sin |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2006-1003-1R
Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
A Complete Atonement
October 1, 2006 Sunday 5:30 PM North Hills, CA
Christ’s victory on the cross accomplished more than the forgiveness of our sins. He truly fulfilled the Day of Atonement so that whatever was created in the realm of spirit as a result of sin can be removed from us. We end these Ten Days Of Repentance by appropriating Christ’s Atonement that includes not only the forgiveness of sin but the removal of the consequences and ramifications of our sin. When the wicked one comes, he will find nothing in us.
Scriptures: | Lev. 16:29-31,5-10,20-22; Eph. 4:8-10,26-27; (Lev. 16:11-16); (Mark 16:20); (John 14:30) |
Topics: | Spirit Realm; Atonement; Sin; Transference; (Satan’s Tactics); (Forgiveness) |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 2006-0908-1-R
Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.
The Helmet Of Salvation
September 3, 2006 Sunday 9:30 AM Honolulu, HI
“Put on the helmet of salvation .” (Ephesians 6:17). This scripture underscores the truth that your initial salvation experience is meant to be directly applied to your mind. Both sin and salvation are a result of what your mind becomes convinced of. When you wear salvation like a helmet, then you are transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Scriptures: | Gen. 3:1-7; Eph. 6:10-19; Rom. 12:1-2; (Gen. 3:8-9); (I Thess. 5:8); (Isa. 59:17) |
Topics: | Salvation; Mind of Christ; Sin; Disobedience |
Rated: | For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-08-11-06-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
August 6, 1979 Monday P.M. Shiloh
This word was a dynamite blast opening up a top level phase of the Victory Siege. It made us alert to what is required of an elder or one upon whom hands of commission are laid. (37 min.)
Scriptures: | II Tim. 2:1-10; I Tim. 5:22 |
Topics: | Impartation; Appropriation; Dedication; Laying On of Hands; Sin; Faith; (Worthiness); (Objectivity); (Subjectivity) |
Series: | The Victory Siege; Balance and Emphasis; New Elders-Shepherds and Sheeps |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
August 5, 1979 Sunday Aft. Shiloh
The Lord moved on the apostle and filled his hands afresh only to devastate him and cause him to release that fullness to others, to other prophets. And the prophets who also have let go and. have empty hands can take the fullness that is being passed to them. (35 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Phil. 3:4-11; (Luke 5:11); (Heb. 12:1); (Mark 9:36); (Matt. 6:33); (Mark 7:7-8) |
Topics: | Sacrifice; Appropriation; Fullness; Weight; (God’s Perfect Will, Walk); (SelfInterest); (Limitation) |
Series: | Shiloh’s Open; The Victory Siege; New Elders-Shepherds and Sheeps |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-04-08-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
April 5, 1979 Thursday P.M. L.W. Bldg.
Resentment and bitterness grows every day that it is not checked and dealt with. A heart closes when an experience is interpreted with unbelief or rebellion. But faith opens the door for every word and every experience also to grow. How blessed is the forgiveness that prevents the growth of bitterness. We ultimately become the product of the things that have festered. (29 min.)
Scriptures: | Prov. 4:23; 16:32; Gen. 15:16; Heb. 4:2; Psa. 1:3; (Gen. 37); (Esther 3:5-6); (John 12:3-5); (Matt. 15:18-19); (Acts 1:14); (Luke 13:6-9); (II Tim. 1:5); (I Sam. 26:21); (Rom. 5:3); (James 1:14-15); (James 1:19); (Heb. 12:15); (James 3:6); (Rev. 15-16) |
Topics: | Bitterness; Forgiveness, Our’s; Faith; Word, God’s; Sin; (Resentment); (Heart); (Delays); (Emotions); (Communication); (Dealings); (Promises, God’s to Us); (Right Spirit); (Destiny); (Word, Absorbing); (Jealousy); (Trust); (Repentance) |
Series: | The Passover of Intervention |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
April 5, 1979 Thursday P.M. L.W. Bldg.
Malice and unbelief are a leaven that soon pervades over the whole of the being. If the thorns grow they will choke out the word. If we meditate on the word as Joshua we prevail over enemy and nature. (22 min.)
Scriptures: | I Cor. 5:6-8; Josh. 3:5; 1:8-9; Matt. 6:33; (Josh. 5:9-10); (I Cor. 10:5); (Gen. 15:16); (Josh. 5:1); (Mark 9:24); (Matt. 13:22); (Gal. 5:6) |
Topics: | Preparation; Possessing; Word; Absorbing; Feast of Passover; Feast of Unleavened Bread; (Subconscious); (Unbelief); (Bitterness); (Fear); (Rebellion); (Withdrawal) |
Series: | The Passover of Intervention |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 79-01-17-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
January 3, 1979 Wednesday P.M. Ana.
In the restoration of the walls of Jerusalem Nehemiah’s enemies sought to intimidate him. Nehemiah knew that if he acted on fear he would sin, for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. (25 1/2 min.)
Scriptures: | Neh. 4:1-22; 6:1-13,15; (Rom. 14:23); (Ezra 3:6-13); (I John 5:18); (Gen. 12:3); (II Tim. 1:7); (Isa. 26:3); (Phil. 1:28); (I Tim. 6:12); (Isa. 53:10); (I John 5:4) |
Topics: | Fear; Satan’s Tactics; (Intimidation); (Oneness); (Faith, Expressed); (Focus); (Babylon); (Immunity); (Warfare); (Work); (Distraction); (Boomerang Principle); (Sin) |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
January 4, 1979 Thursday P.M. SoG.
Paul said, “I shall not be put to shame in anything, but with all boldness Christ shall be exalted.” When faith is not alarmed by the opponents, the victory is forthcoming. (22 min.)
Scriptures: | Phil. 1:19-30; 2:1-2; (Matt. 25:35-40); (John 15:18); (Jer. 51:46); (I John 4:18); (I Cor. 12:23); (Rom. 8:1); (Joel 2:8) |
Topics: | Faith; Fear; Oneness; (Love, in the Body); (Suffering); (Dedication); (Trust); (Warfare); (Disciple, Discipleship) |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 78-04-28-06-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
May 30, 1978 Tuesday A.M. Shiloh
The Psalmist is deeply concerned about his relationship to God and his sin against the Lord. “Against Thee only have I sinned.” His repentance demands of himself a broken and a contrite heart. Do we sense the greatness of a sin against God over a sin against another or ourselves? (30 min.)
Scriptures: | Psa. 51:1-17; (James 4:8);(Deut. 8:3); (Joel 1:12) |
Topics: | Relationship, with the Lord; Broken Heart, Spirit; Sin; Practice, Presence of the Lord; (Joy); (Sustained);(Willingness); (Repentance) |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
May 31, 1978 Wednesday A.M. Shiloh
How deep and beyond comprehension is God’s knowledge of us now and forever. He is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient; you can’t run away from that! Another preparation for Pentecost message. (22 min.)
Scriptures: | Psa. 139; (I Cor. 11:28);(I Cor. 2:12) |
Topics: | God; Omniscience; Omnipotent; Exposure, to God; (Manifestation, of Christ); (Attributes); (Attitude) |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-12-01-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
November 20, 1977 Sunday 9:00 A.M. Iowa
When the Christ in you has taken over and the flesh is crucified we’ll attain the goal of living without sin. The test of all truth and error is that Christ is coming forth in our flesh. The message deals with weighty doctrinal questions and is worthy of serious consideration. Can we live without sin? Does Christ live in us and overwhelm the flesh? (22 min.)
Scriptures: | I John 3:6-9; 2:1,3-6; 4:1-6; John 1:14; (I John 3:2-3); (II John 1); (I John 5:11); (Rom. 8); (John 3:30); (Col. 1:27); (Matt. 12:20); (II John 7) |
Topics: | Righteousness; Sin; Sonship; Maturity; Relationship, with the Lord; Christ in You; Body of Christ, Body Ministry |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
November 20, 1977 Sunday 11:00 A.M. Shiloh
John’s epistles deal with the necessity of truly knowing and loving the Lord and His people. Combined with “The Test of Truth and Error” on one tape you have a valuable exposition of major themes in I and II John. (26 min.)
Scriptures: | I John 2:3-6; 3:14-19; 4:7-11; Heb. 12:6; (I John 2:13-14); (Phil. 3:10); (John 14:8-9); (Gen. 28:16); (James 4:8); (Matt. 6:10); (Acts 26:19) |
Topics: | Knowing the Lord; Relationship, with the Lord; Awareness; Love, His for Us; Oneness |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-03-25-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
March 24, 1977 Thursday A.M. Val.
Our hearts turn again to the Passover. The Passover is a journey that begins with a search of the heart. How can a righteous God not totally hate sin? How can a loving God give less than His only begotten Son to suffer for every man’s sin? How can we serve such a God without hating sin as He hates it and seeking with our whole heart the righteousness He has provided? This word was basic and moved every heart. The comments of several are included because they will hold your heart in repentance before the Lord. This tape is one of the best. (54 min.)
Scriptures: | Ezek. 22:30-31; (Heb. 4:16); (John 3:16-17,3); (Phil. 3:8,10); (Matt. 18;8-9); (Luke 14:21); (Luke 13:34); (James 4:23); (I Cor. 2:9); (Rom. 8:7);(Rom. 7:18); (Eph. 3:20);(Isa. 6:1-5); (John 4:23) |
Topics: | Thinking, God’s and Ours; Relationship, with the Lord; Sin; Sonship; Grace; Intercession |
Series: | Out of Our Minds |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, Pivotal Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 77-01-04-09-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
January 1, 1977 Saturday A.M. Seattle
Here is a revelation exposition that opens up our understanding of the eighth chapter of Romans. The deliverance to be worked in creation by the sons of God begins within them as they are delivered from sin in their flesh. The flesh has to be crucified to the sin within it so that then their mortal flesh may be made alive by the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. (38 min.)
Scriptures: | Rom. 7:18-25; 8:1-14; (Gal. 5:16); (II Thess. 5:24) |
Topics: | Redemption; Flesh; Focus; Sin; Christ in You |
Series: | Seattle Four Star; Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
January 1, 1977 Saturday Aft. Seattle
Here is a revelation exposition that opens up our understanding of the eighth chapter of Romans. The deliverance to be worked in creation by the sons of God begins within them as they are delivered from sin in their flesh. The flesh has to be crucified to the sin within it so that then their mortal flesh may be made alive by the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. (19 min.)
Scriptures: | Rom. 8:16-78; (Hosea 6:1-2); (Col. 3:1) |
Topics: | Led; Signs; Cross Experience; Sonship; (Double Portion); (Motivation) |
Series: | Seattle Four Star; Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-05-08-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
May 8, 1976 Saturday P.M. SoG.
As a prophetic company the emphasis isn’t on what you can do or learn, but on what you are becoming in the Lord. There isn’t any attribute of God that you can’t appropriate; there isn’t any gift that can’t be dispersed throughout the Body. We are moving into a high level of impartation. This lesson covers eleven attributes that we must appropriate as we move into sonship. Restriction to the School of Prophets only is lifted on this one. (56 min.)
Scriptures: | Phil. 2:19-30; II Kings 3:11-12; II Tim. 2:2 |
Topics: | Impartation; Ministry School; Change, Nature; Attributes; Collective Action, Experience; (Submission); (Involvement); (Teaching); (Perspective); (Compassion); (Aggressiveness); (Awareness); (Perfection); (Impartiality); (Discipline, Mind); (Sin) |
Series: | The School of Prophets |
Rated: | For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-03-16-09-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
March 14, 1976 Sunday A.M. Val.
This teaching is the sequel to “The Threat Within” on March 11, 1976. The purity is the immunity of the church. Repentance is the antidote to the sin which would be a defiling leaven to the whole Body. The word is filled with answers and guidelines. (50 min.)
Scriptures: | I Cor. 5:2-6,13; I John 2:1 |
Topics: | Repentance; Sin; Responsibility; Body of Christ, Body Ministry; Openness; Intercession; Guidelines, Repentance; Guidelines, Intercession; (Fear of God); (Judgment) |
Series: | His Body Without A Blemish; Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons |
Out of Print
Release #: 76-02-06-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
February 5, 1976 Thursday A.M. Val.
The word was penetrating, revealing deep problems and potential areas of defeat. The word called for deep compassion for one another, but total rejection and intolerance of any lingering sin in ourselves or in the Body. We totally reject the love of the world or the love of the Father is not in us.
Scriptures: | Matt. 5:29-30; Gal. 6:2,5; Jude 23; (II Kings 17:33); (Hosea 10:2); (Acts 27:24) |
Topics: | Violence; Body of Christ, Body Ministry; Tolerance; Righteousness; Sin; Compassion; Fulfillment; Wholeheartedness |
Series: | The School of Prophets |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
February 5, 1976 Thursday P.M. SoG.
Before the heart’s cry, its deep desires, is fulfilled there is a dedicated, focused delight in the Lord. When we cry to be delivered it is because unlimited discipleship will be our delight. We are prepared in our hearts to fulfill the demands that His deliverance will mean.
Scriptures: | Psa. 37:1-6; 21:1-6; John 5:6; Jer. 29:10-14; John 16:23-24 |
Topics: | Deliverance; Requirements, God’s of Us; Wholeheartedness; Delight, in the Lord; Prayer; Fulfillment |
Series: | The School of Prophets |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-06-18-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
June 8, 1975 Sunday A.M. Ana.
The emphasis is upon the ministry of the Holy Spirit for judgment, as Satan is cast out and judged. Several of the gifts of the Holy Spirit focus on this phase of the ministry of the Spirit. Emphasis is also given to the Holy Spirit’s distribution of the riches of Christ to us. This passage is a compendium of the Holy Spirit’s purposes and functions.
Scriptures: | John 16:7-15; 12:31; Acts 19:13-16 |
Topics: | Holy Spirit; Judgment, Satan; Gifts, of the Holy Spirit; Sin; Righteousness; Deception |
Series: | All You’ve Wanted To Know About Satan But Were Afraid To Ask; Expository |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
June 8, 1975 Sunday P.M. SoG.
How shall we measure our devotion to the Lord? Let it be with all our heart. Let us abound in the work of the Lord. God delights in the givers who sow bountifully, in the disciples who give their last ounce of devotion. This is what distinguishes the Walk. The message: short, but very important.
Scriptures: | I Cor. 15:58; II Cor. 8:7; II Cor. 9:6-8 |
Topics: | Giving; Faith, Expressed; Abundance; Fanaticism; Outpouring; Disciple, Discipleship; Channel; Selfishness |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-03-13-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
March 9, 1975 Sunday A.M. Val.
No human qualification is adequate. Only His righteousness is enough. The exposition of this chapter identifies the apostle’s goals and he urges us to follow. How far are we willing to go?
Scriptures: | Phil. 3:1-21; Eph. 2:8-10; Ezek. 3:18 |
Topics: | Righteousness; Relationship with the Lord; Cross-Experience; Sin; Goals; Living Works |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
March 9, 1975 Sunday A.M. Ana.
The servants will be the kings. The secret of success in the Kingdom is to look after your brother’s interest. This exposition of Philippians chapter two highlights four great examples of bond servants of God–our Lord, the Apostles Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus.
Scriptures: | Phil. 2:1-29; James 4:10; Luke 12:31; Prov. 19:17; Luke 6:38; Matt. 16:25; Mark 10:28 |
Topics: | Servant; Humility; Thinking, God’s and Ours; Selfishness; Dedication; Sacrifice |
Series: | Expository |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 75-01-02-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
December 6, 1974 Friday P.M. Val.
This brief fourteen minute introduction to the book of Galatians will stimulate your interest, and define the deep problems of legalism that is answered by this amazing book of six short chapters. (50 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 5:6; 1:1-4; 2:20-21; Gal. 6:15-18; Acts 14:11-15 |
Topics: | Nature, Adamic and Christ; Grace; Legalism; Heart; Sin; Spiritual; Cross Experience |
Series: | Every Galatian Needs to Be Crucified |
December 13, 1974 Friday P.M. Val.
Galatians tolls the death knell to the works of the flesh. Religiosity must die and spiritual living come forth. Here is a beautiful exposition contrasting the believer who is fleshly and the believer who is spiritual, and the outcome of their lives. Sow to the wind and reap a whirlwind. (50 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 3:1-7; Acts 2:38-39; John 5:17; 3:18; Gal. 6:1-10; Heb. 12:15; Gal. 5:20-21 |
Topics: | Sow; Flesh; Spiritual; Dead Works; Christian; Religiosity |
Series: | Every Galatian Needs to Be Crucified |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 74-12-22-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
December 15, 1974 Sunday A.M. Val.
If we died with Christ when He suffered for our sins, then we are dead to the demands and condemnation of the law. If we died in Christ once, we are dead to the law and cannot be brought into a second jeopardy. You can’t crucify a man twice for the same offense. (56 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 2:3-5,13-21; 4:16-20; Gal. 6:12-14; I Cor. 3:6 |
Topics: | Cross Experience; Righteousness; Law; Condemnation; Liberty; Sin |
Series: | Every Galatian Needs to Be Crucified |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
December 15, 1974 Sunday P.M. SoG.
It is human to boast in race, heritage, or position but it is wrong. God sees us differently-estranged and cut off from covenants and blessings. God creates for us, by His grace, a new heritage, a new nature, a new family of brothers and sisters with bonds that are stronger than all human bonds. (56 min.)
Scriptures: | Gal. 3:6-14,16,26-29; 2:20; Eph. 2:12; Gen. 15:6; 12:3; John 3:16; I Cor. 1:20;Rom. 7:18; Acts 17:26 |
Topics: | Crucifixion; Son of God; Christ; Substitution; Family; Transference |
Series: | Every Galatian Needs to Be Crucified |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 74-11-21-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
October 10, 1974 Thursday A.M. Val.
The heart of the book of Jude is the description and judgment of “these men” who are responsible for the apostacy and falling away from the faith. The appeal of the book is to contend for the faith once delivered to all saints. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | Jude 4, 8-19 |
Topics: | Deception; Overcoming; Faith; Rebellion; Sin; Flesh |
Series: | Jaunt Through Jude |
November 14, 1974 Thursday A.M. Val.
This exposition continues the description and the fate of “These Men”. (59 min.)
Scriptures: | Jude 4, 11-19 |
Topics: | Apostasy; Rebellion; Self-Preservation; Selfishness; Divine Order; Judgment; Babylon |
Series: | Jaunt Through Jude |
Out of Print
Release #: 74-10-24-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
September 26, 1974 Thursday A.M. Val.
Among several examples given in the book of Jude of moral depravity and subsequent judgments, the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah is sighted in Jude and identified by our Lord as being typical of these days. We contend for the pure faith and the pure righteousness, but we must understand the defiling nature of the Sodom conditions about us. In its frankness perhaps this message should be rated X. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | Jude 7-9; Luke 17; Gen. 13:13; Gen. 18:20-32; Gen. 19:1-13; Phil. 4:8; Rom. 12:2 |
Topics: | Sin; Last Days; Immorality; Sex; Purity; Relationships, Natural; Hippies |
Series: | Jaunt Through Jude |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
August 29, 1974 Thursday A.M. Val.
More faith is required of you as you progress than is required of you when you begin. A little faith is required to flee Egypt but much is required as you follow the cloud in the wilderness. There the unbelieving perish. In the message you note that fear prompts you to take matters in your own hands, to leave the realm of trust and enter the disaster area of presumption. (24 min.)
Scriptures: | Jude 1-4, 5-6; I Sam. 13; Exo. 14:13 |
Topics: | Aggressive Faith; Submission; Unbelief; Patience; Revelation; Problems |
Series: | Jaunt Through Jude |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 74-10-02-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
September 28, 1974 Saturday A.M. Ana.
The sacrifices for ignorance were a part of the Day of Atonement, indicating that we have a responsibility before the Lord for our ignorance and the sins that are unintentional. Ignorance is more than a lack of understanding or stupid actions. Ignorance is a spiritual state and may be cured. (53 min.)
Scriptures: | Heb. 9:7; Num. 15:22-30; Eph. 4:11-14,17-24; Isa. 6:8-13; Dan. 12:10; Rom. 1:2,25-28; Lev. 23:27-34; James 1:5-8 |
Topics: | Ignorance; Responsibility; Sin; Initiative; Deception; Atonement |
Series: | Kingdom Sabbath; Day of Atonement |
Out of Print
Release #: 74-09-12-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.
September 8, 1974 Sunday A.M. Val.
God’s people have a sense of values different from other men’s. The believer can lose everything the world values and still have many “precious” treasures. This chapter, this epistle, speaks of these precious things and shows the tremendous treasures wrought in us by the sufferings of Christ. (43 min.)
Scriptures: | I Peter 4:1-14 |
Topics: | Sufferings; Death of the Flesh; Priority; Sin; Persecution; Love in the Body |
Series: | Expository |
September 8, 1974 Sunday A.M. Ana.
God’s people have a sense of values different from other men’s. The believer can lose everything the world values and still have many “precious” treasures. This chapter, this epistle, speaks of these precious things and shows the tremendous treasures wrought in us by the sufferings of Christ. (43 min.)
Scriptures: | I Peter 4:1-14 |
Topics: | Suffering; Persecution; Death of the Flesh; Dealings; Priority; Love in the Body |
Series: | Expository |
Out of Print
Release #: 74-07-21-31-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
July 12, 1974 Friday P.M. Mt. Palomar
The eternal purpose of God is worked out through His sons that are coming forth. Theirs is the destiny to see principalities and powers brought down, creation released from futility and Satan bruised under their feet. (30 min.)
Scriptures: | Gen. 3:1-16; Rom. 16:20; I Tim. 2:9-15; I Cor. 11:5-6; Rom. 8:19-22; Mal. 2:13; Matt. 24:19-20 |
Topics: | Word, Speaking; Sin; Women’s Ministry; Family; Futility; Oneness |
Series: | Mt. Palomar Camp ’74; Cross-ref. Authority Over Futility |
Rated: | For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 74-06-24-05-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
June 9, 1974 Sunday A.M. Val.
To believe for God to burn out all imperfection, chaff, and to bring forth the body without spot or wrinkle is very difficult to believe. But God has judged our sins on the cross of His Son, and we enter into His righteousness by the fact that God has judged our sins in His Son and thus counted us righteous. (30 min.)
Scriptures: | I Cor. 11:23-33; Dan. 12-10 |
Topics: | Judgment, Own Spirit; Purity; Communion; Baptism of Fire; Sin; Covenant in His Blood |
Series: | Post Feast of Pentecost |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 74-03-21-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
March 3, 1974 Sunday P.M. Val.
There is a fine line drawn between the incomplete obedience of King Saul and the total submissive obedience that God requires. Many go so far only to fall short of the will of God. The secret pet sins and interests of the flesh we spare–we hide them from the annihilation God requires. (58 min.)
Scriptures: | I Sam. 15:1-5, 7-35; 16:1; Exo. 17:1-6 |
Topics: | Obedience; Sin; Evasiveness; Reservation; Ego Trip; Giving |
Series: | The True Submission; Expository |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 74-01-01-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
December 23, 1973 Sunday A.M. Val.
The blood of Christ cleanses from sin and rebellion to the depth of our being. It is necessary that we walk on in the light, and the blood will cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (41 min.)
Scriptures: | Rev. 1:5-6; 7:9-17; I John 1:7; Gen. 1-3; Job 1:5 |
Topics: | Cleansed; Sin; Sifting; Worshipers; Righteousness; Rebellion |
Series: | The Precious Blood |
Rated: | Foundational Teaching |
Out of Print
Release #: 73-10-20-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
October 19, 1973 Friday A.M. Ana.
The greatest problem in the walk is not the temptation to the sin about us but the possibility of the age that causes us to neglect what we should do. The sins of omission in a privileged people constitute a greater wickedness then sins of the ungodly. (This was a probe) (30 Min.)
Scriptures: | Luke 12:47-48; Heb. 2:3-4; Luke 13:7-9; James 4:17; John 15:2 |
Topics: | Judgment Seat Of Christ; Sin; Faithfulness; Passivity; Responsiblity; Fruitfulness |
Series: | Feast of Tabernacles |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 73-10-07-01-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
October 7, 1973 Sunday A.M. Val.
Some think it is worse to be lonely or not loved or not accepted than to sin. “Sin separates between you and your God”. (Isa. 59:2) Nothing is worse than that. (36 min.)
Scriptures: | Isa. 59:1-4, 9-15, 21; Titus 2:11-15 |
Topics: | Sin; Loneliness Motivation; Tolerance |
Series: | The Day of Atonement |
Rated: | JRS Selected Messages |
Out of Print
Release #: 73-07-01-03-R
This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.
June 17, 1973 Sunday P.M. SoG.
A man walking with God is a friend of His cross. We die to the flesh. (17 min.)
Scriptures: | Phil. 3:13-21; Col. 3:5; Matt. 16:24; II Cor. 11:31 |
Topics: | Cross-Crucifixion; Disciple, Discipleship; Carnal; Flesh; Sin; Perfection |
Series: | The Walk |
The Living Word was established in 1968 out of a vision to capture, preserve, and publish the teachings of John Robert Stevens. Many of Stevens' sermons have been edited and published in books, manuals, and a weekly periodical titled "This Week."
The Living Word continues in its ministry today—carefully preserving and publishing messages taken from the vast library of John Robert Stevens' ministry from 1950-1983, as well as the messages of others who teach and minister the Word.
Thank you for supporting the ministry of The Living Word.
The Living Word
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North Hollywood, CA 91603
Tel: (818) 983-1523
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