A Covenant Of Everlasting Love

by Gary Hargrave

Release #: 2017-0820-2R




Available MP3 Download: A Covenant Of Everlasting Love, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, August 20, 2017.

A Covenant Of Everlasting Love

We must realize that God’s intent towards Israel and the Jewish people is first and foremost a love relationship. In bringing forth the Jewish people, God was looking to take a small segment of humanity and show His love to a people, and as they love and walk with Him, it would be an illustration of His love for all the nations. God created a covenant with Abraham that his descendants would be blessed, and that they would be given a land to possess eternally (Genesis 15:1-21). This was an eternal, unbreakable covenant that does not depend on Abraham, or on the failure or success of his descendants. Other covenants were created, but these do not negate or preclude this original, overarching covenant that God made with Abraham. This knowledge of God’s unbreakable, eternal love for His people Israel is the foundation of our faith and our own relationship with Him. We have a loving God who has committed Himself to His first-born son, Israel, and who has grafted us into the same covenant.

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