Believe God’s Promises! / Communion Meditation: Steadfast In One Accord

by John Robert Stevens

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Release #: 2000-0725-2R

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Believe God’s Promises! / Communion Meditation: Steadfast In One Accord


Believe God’s Promises! / Communion Meditation: Steadfast In One Accord, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, May 6, 1971 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 23, 1971. Hidden Treasure.

Believe God’s Promises!

The promises of God have yet to be totally believed and claimed by any generation. This walk with God is an answer for the world, but it will dwindle away like any other movement unless we believe God’s Word and bring His promises into reality.

Communion Meditation: Steadfast In One Accord

We must become a people who steadfastly pray in one accord. This communion meditation exposes our unbelief and prepares us for the Lord’s visitation at Pentecost.