Believe To Speak

by Gary Hargrave

Out of Print

Release #: 2004-0918-2R

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Believe To Speak


Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave/Others.

Believe To Speak
September 18, 2004 Saturday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA

Today, as the Lord’s anointed trumpets, we created the year to come and frame an age by our words. An offering for the Joshua Generation followed the prophecy and worship. This year we will see a new reality for our children because we are in a new place and can, therefore, as never before, impart to them a hunger for the Word and an unflinching faith to see it fulfilled.

Scriptures: Prov. 18:20-21; (Heb. 11:3); (II Peter 1:21); (Psalms 24:1); (Gen. 26:15-22); (John 7:37-38)