Christ-Centered Relationships

by Gary Hargrave

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Release #: 99-09-15-01R

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Christ-Centered Relationships


Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Christ-Centered Relationships
September 12, 1999 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA

The Kingdom of God is relationships, and the backbone of relationships in the Father’s family is hearts that are broken before Him as Lord. The ultimate sacrifice to the Lord is a broken spirit and a contrite heart (Psalms 51:17). During these Ten Days Of Repentance, we turn to the Lord and honestly ask of Him, “Lord, are You the center of all my relationships?” The people of Mount Zion, Brazil participated by phone in this service, which included fun announcements and a report by Silas Esteves on the many events and projects which are part of the prophetic community there.

Scriptures: Psalms 51:17
Rated: Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Milestone