Embrace Change / A Charge To The Timothys

by John Robert Stevens

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Release #: 2002-0806-4R

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Embrace Change / A Charge To The Timothys


Embrace Change / A Charge To The Timothys, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 24, 1963 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 31, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Embrace Change

The changes taking place in the natural realm only reflect what God has turned loose in the spirit realm. We must face changes with faith, knowing that the only thing that does not change is God Himself.

A Charge To The Timothys

Paul’s charge to Timothy was to preach the Word. However, Paul’s instruction was prompted by his revelation that Timothy’s anointing to speak the Word will come out of the fulness and overflow of the Word that had already been instilled in him. This process illustrates what God is doing today in creating able ministers of His Word.