Endowed With The Love Of God / Six Steps To Becoming A Ministry, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 10, 1962. Hidden Treasure.
Endowed With The Love Of God
In the end time, the power and signs of Satan will be very great and, if it were possible, would deceive the very elect. However, before the Lord Himself returns, a tremendous endowment of the love of God will be poured upon His Church. As the Church flows in the love of God, it becomes the revelation of Christ to the world that dispels all darkness.
Six Steps To Becoming A Ministry
This message identifies six steps for every believer in the Body of Christ to walk in their ministry. First, accept God’s calling on your life, then, anticipate, appropriate, assume, act on, and stand accountable for that ministry. These steps are an endless cycle that will continually guide you through your ever-expanding ministry.