I Indeed Come Now As…. / A Tribute To Freedom

by Gary Hargrave

Out of Print

Release #: 2000-0731-1R

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I Indeed Come Now As…. / A Tribute To Freedom


Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave/Others.

I Indeed Come Now As….
July 4, 2000 Tuesday 9:30 AM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

The Word of the Lord, His ways and His principles are eternal and unchanging. However, the appearings and manifestations of the Lord to different generations change as His purpose for them changes. We must have a current appearing of the Lord that directs and focuses His Word to our lives at this time.

Scriptures: Josh. 1:6-8; 5:13-14; Matt. 1:23; 17:5; Acts 1:3; II Cor. 5:16
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

A Tribute To Freedom
July 4, 2000 Tuesday 11:00 AM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

A tribute was given to the flag, to our great country, and to those who have served her in the armed forces. The flag should continue to represent the freedom for all men to serve God. Our nation is under God, and its ultimate purpose is that men shall be free to worship the Lord.