Liberated To Serve Christ / The Ephod Of Samuel

by John Robert Stevens

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Release #: 2003-0428-1R

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Liberated To Serve Christ / The Ephod Of Samuel


Liberated To Serve Christ / The Ephod Of Samuel, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 9, 1960 and in South Gate, CA on Friday, October 21, 1960. Hidden Treasure.

Liberated To Serve Christ

Christ set you free so that you may belong to Him. We must use our God-given liberty to freely serve Christ and each other in love, or else we will end up under a more severe bondage than that from which we were liberated.

The Ephod Of Samuel

God will never wait for you to be ready for the ministry He has for you to fulfill. Instead, He places upon you a ministry, like an oversized ephod, that is a little more than you can handle, and He anticipates your growth into it.