No Longer Unbelievable

by Gary Hargrave

Out of Print

Release #: 2001-0919-2R

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No Longer Unbelievable


Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

No Longer Unbelievable
September 15, 2001 Saturday 5:30 PM Honolulu, HI

The events of September 11, 2001 are a wake-up call to us of the depths of the drive of the forces of darkness to destroy the atmosphere in which Christ is being born. Today, we end the flinch and recognize the new level of warfare to which we must be committed. We intercede for the United States to stand up and be all it is to be in the heart of God.

Scriptures: Matt. 3:1-20; (I Cor. 2:8)
Rated: Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word