Of What Are You Born? / Participate In God’s Attributes

by John Robert Stevens

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Release #: 2003-0811-3R

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Of What Are You Born? / Participate In God’s Attributes


Of What Are You Born? / Participate In God’s Attributes, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 2, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Of What Are You Born?

Religion that is born out of the Adamic flesh nature builds up a person’s self-esteem through externals, rituals, and minute observances. However, those who are born by the Spirit are a humble people, chosen by God to be filled with His divine strength and wisdom, to complete Christ’s ministry in the earth.

Participate In God’s Attributes

God is incomprehensible and His attributes are limitless; but He desires to reproduce Himself in us. Therefore, expose yourself to the Lord that He may impart His attributes and nature to you. This impartation is the greatest miracle of all eternity.