Our Destiny In God’s Kingdom

by Gary Hargrave

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Release #: 2008-0527-3R

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Our Destiny In God’s Kingdom


Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

Our Destiny In God’s Kingdom
May 18, 2008 Sunday 7:30 PM Itaipu, Niteroi, Brazil

On this night at Bola de Nove Church, the Word connected us to our greater destiny in Christ which goes far beyond our salvation. Having brought us into a place of sonship, God wants to include us in the process of subjecting all things under Christ’s feet until His Kingdom is absolutely established and all creation is set free from futility.(35:23)

Scriptures: John 3:16; Phil. 2:9-11; Heb. 2:8; Eph. 1:5,7,11,13-17; Rom. 8:19-22; (Acts 2:36); (Matt. 3:2); (Luke 20:42-43); (Eph.1-4)
Topics: Purpose, God’s; Destiny; Kingdom of God
Rated: Foundational Teaching; For Mature Sons