Restored To Function / Hunger To Keep His Ways

by Gary Hargrave

Out of Print

Release #: 2000-0630-1R

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Restored To Function / Hunger To Keep His Ways


Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following 2 messages by Gary Hargrave.

Restored To Function
June 25, 2000 Sunday 9:30 AM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

After rebuilding the temple, the people of Israel did not know what to do with it. Under Ezra, they relearned how to function as priests. We have been part of the restoration of the church, as “builders” under John’s teaching. Now, can we change from building to functioning? We must become the priests who function in what has been built.

Hunger To Keep His Ways
June 25, 2000 Sunday 7:30 PM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

We respond to the Word in the moment, but do we keep it? The Kingdom is based upon keeping the principles of the Word we have received. When we do not exercise the principles, the presence of the Lord can be lost in time.