Shiloh In The Morning: His Sovereign Will / Capable Of God’s Feelings

by John Robert Stevens

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Release #: 2002-0218-3R

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Shiloh In The Morning: His Sovereign Will / Capable Of God’s Feelings


Shiloh In The Morning: His Sovereign Will / Capable Of God’s Feelings, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Shiloh, IA on Tuesday, November 22, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

Shiloh In The Morning: His Sovereign Will

We fulfill the sovereign will of God as we first submit to His will, then take the initiative to do what He has set before us to do. This principle is a key to the Shiloh workers in their intercession and spiritual warfare.

Capable Of God’s Feelings

God wants us to expand our hearts and be capable of experiencing the entire scope of His emotions. Both love and hate coexist within God, and out of His heart, comes both judgment and deliverance