The Elijah Dichotomy

by Gary Hargrave

Out of Print

Release #: 2008-0923-1R

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The Elijah Dichotomy


Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

The Elijah Dichotomy
September 21, 2008 Sunday 9:30 AM North Hills, CA

Like Elijah, we are a people who have moved in great faith and mighty works; yet, having grown weary of the warfare, we have also succumbed to fear, unbelief, and withdrawal. It is time for us to enter God’s divine rest and to call on His divine power to destroy the spirit of Jezebel, the destroyer of the prophets. We must be free to be the vessels of God and to turn this world back to Him.(59:44)

Scriptures: I Kings 19:1-13; (I Sam. 4); (Ezek. 10); (Psalms 51:11); (I Kings 18); (Heb. 11)
Topics: Fear; Jezebel Spirit; Unbelief; Deliverance; Biblical Character, Elijah