The Perfecting Of Faith Is Our Walk With God

by Gary Hargrave

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Release #: 2008-0115-1R

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The Perfecting Of Faith Is Our Walk With God


Originally released on CD: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

The Perfecting Of Faith Is Our Walk With God
January 9, 2008 Wednesday 7:30 PM Mount Zion, Brazil

It is necessary for God to give you His faith because as He perfects His faith in you, He makes you permanent as He is. As we exercise the gift of faith towards God, we are perfected and become as He is.

Scriptures: I Peter 1:3-9; (Gen. 12:12-13; 22:9); (Rom. 4:19); (Heb. 11:12, 17-19); (James1:3); (John 3:16)
Topics: Faith; Purpose, God’s; God Creating In Us; Testing; (Relationship with the Father); (Promises, Possessing Them); (Unbelief); (Death)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word