The Remnant That Walks On Water / Respond Willingly

by John Robert Stevens

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Release #: 2003-0728-1R

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The Remnant That Walks On Water / Respond Willingly


The Remnant That Walks On Water / Respond Willingly, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 15, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

The Remnant That Walks On Water

Matthew chapter 14 describes four episodes that rapidly and completely unfold a picture of the Church Age. There is to be only one remnant that will step out into the supernatural walk and receive the Lord’s greater promises and deliverance. That remnant will be so close to the Lord that He will hold them up when their own faith fails.

Respond Willingly

Just as God executed His will through Jonah, an unwilling and imperfect vessel, so also is God able to move through us. Jonah was unwilling in his service to the Lord; whereas, we desire the mercies of God to so work upon us that we see His love and respond willingly.