The Sanctification Of Your Spirit

by Gary Hargrave

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The Sanctification Of Your Spirit


Released on CD: The Sanctification Of Your Spirit, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, September 7, 2003.

The Sanctification Of Your Spirit

Satan was created blameless until unrighteousness was found in his spirit. Since then, Satan’s desire has been to replace God and to compete with Him; he wants to take the glory away from God. Satan wants man to be in this same war of competition with God so that our worship towards God is not completely pure. Our example is Christ who did only the will of the Father, learned obedience, and did not exalt Himself to a place of competition with the Father. We must have this same obedience and drive towards the will of God. This Word sanctifies our spirits into a deeper, more pure worship of Him.