This We Believe And Do Know: Points #23-24 / A Teaching On Joy

by John Robert Stevens

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Release #: 2003-0428-2R

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This We Believe And Do Know: Points #23-24 / A Teaching On Joy


This We Believe And Do Know: Points #23-24 / A Teaching On Joy, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Van Nuys, CA on Thursday, November 10, 1960 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 27, 1960. Hidden Treasure.

This We Believe And Do Know: Points #23-24

We believe in spiritual relationships and ministry to one another in the church. What makes relationships work? How does God go about producing unity? The world does it by conformity; God produces unity by variety. Fall in love with one another. Love gives the proper motivation to all the gifts and ministries in the church. This message is based upon points #23 and 24 from “This We Believe And Do Know,” in To Every Man That Asketh.

A Teaching On Joy

Christ intended for His people to be one of the happiest, most joyful people on earth. This everlasting joy is not created by favorable circumstances, but it is a fruit of the Spirit that results from living in His presence.