We Will Be His Eternal Worshipers / Let The Holy Spirit Lead Our Services

by John Robert Stevens

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We Will Be His Eternal Worshipers / Let The Holy Spirit Lead Our Services


We Will Be His Eternal Worshipers / Let The Holy Spirit Lead Our Services, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, March 29, 1961 and in South Gate, CA on Friday, March 31, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

We Will Be His Eternal Worshipers

God is trying to produce a worship that will come from the heart of His creatures in spite of every circumstance and limitation upon their understanding, a worship that will please Him for eternity. In a flow of prophecy, John speaks of the great joy that we, as a redeemed and anointed people, will know in our continual worship to the Lord.

Let The Holy Spirit Lead Our Services

In this Bible School session, John lays out the importance of the leading of the Holy Spirit in a New Testament church service and in the interpretation of the scriptures. Without the Holy Spirit, we are a slave to the old order of interpreting the Word, and we miss everything that God is doing. With the leading of the Holy Spirit, our services are fresh and alive. This message is based upon Lesson 14, “Leading the Worship Service,” from the study manual Worship.