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Release #: 76-04-17-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

April 16, 1976 Friday P.M. Val.

A startling new ministry came for the first time by united prophetic proclamation by the apostolic company. Deep judgment of the inner heart became the key of deliverances that are permanent. A deliverance without judgment leaves the enemy at large to harass again. (83 min.)

Scriptures: Matt. 12:43-45; 8:29; 6:33; I Cor. 5:6-8; Exo. 12:12; I John 2:15-17; (Josh. 1:8-9); (Luke 12:32)
Topics: Judgment; Deliverance; Immunity; (Passover); (Blood); (Purity); (Focus); (Unbelief)
Series: I. Our Passover-And Judgment of of the Gods
Rated: For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages

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