Out of Print

Release #: 75-01-30-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

January 26, 1975 Sunday A.M. Val.

The principle of transference is basic to everything we are or become and to every ministry we perform. What God is and knows He transfers to us and we in turn transfer that to others. The measure of His fullness within determines the force of His flow from us and the strength with which we repel demonic assault. (52 min.)

Scriptures: Isa. 53:4-8; I Thess. 2:13; Col. 1:24; I Pet. 5:8; Rom. 15:1-5; Rom. 15:12-21; Luke 10:5-6,10-12; I John 4:4; Gal. 6:2; Rev. 5:5-6; John 1:29
Topics: Fullness; Transference; Warfare; Boomerang Principle; Divine Enablement; Sex
Series: Hungry for God; Into the Higher Level; The Overflow
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons

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Out of Print

Release #: 75-01-29-07-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

January 24, 1975 Friday P.M. Bay Area

Here we have the best basic teaching on the principle of transference in the Scriptures, and how God uses it for all He works in us, and Satan uses it for all his oppressions to us. If we are to counteract what Satan “transfers” to us, we must be SO filled with the Spirit that the counter pressures from within us-“rivers of living water”–overcome the pressures against us. This message with all the anointed exhortations that confirmed it will precipitate great changes in all those in the “Walk.” The service was followed by an all-night of prayer. (85 min.)

Scriptures: Isa. 53:4-8; Col. 1:24-29; Gal. 6:2; Rom. 15:1-3; Luke 10:5-6,10-12; I John 4:4; Eph. 3:19-21; Rom. 12:17-21; I Thess. 3; John 7:37-39
Topics: Transference; Fullness; Holy Spirit; Overcoming; Boomerang Principle; Hunger; Progressive Fulfillment
Series: Apostolic Seminar at the Bay Area; Then What?; The Overflow
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: 75-01-28-11-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

January 25, 1975 Saturday A.M. Bay Area

A Living Word flowed from the Apostolic Company on this Sabbath service leading us step-by-step into the fullness the Spirit has demanded. We have moved step-bystep since the Feast of Tabernacles to this hour. We are prepared, now we are being filled, and now the rivers of living water begin. (51 min.)

Scriptures: Eph. 5:18-21; Col. 3:16-17; John 7:38; Heb. 11:1,3
Topics: Fullness; Hunger; Parousia; Tribulation; Rapture; Remnant; Passivity; Prophecy, Creative
Series: Apostolic Seminar at the Bay Area; Then What?; The Overflow
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: 75-01-25-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

January 18, 1975 Saturday A.M. S.D.

An experience is not necessarily fullness. We must drink of the Spirit until we overflow. The ministry to the world will be the rivers of living water that flow from the innermost being of the “filled ones”. This was the service at Coniah Chapel which saw such a deep drinking of the Spirit and ministry to the ministries of the church. The message was similar to the message, “Keep Coming! Keep Drinking” Jan. 16, 1975 at Grace Chapel. (47 min.)

Scriptures: John 7:37-39; Isa. 12:3; Psa. 23; Matt. 5:6; II Kings 13:15-19
Topics: Fullness; Hunger; Experiences; Intensity; Compromise; Tongues
Series: The Overflow
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages

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