Lord, Give Us An Overflow! / The Wonderful Value Of Spiritual Fullness / Lord, Speak To The Depths Of Our Spirits

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2013-1221-6R




Available MP3 Download: Lord, Give Us An Overflow! / The Wonderful Value Of Spiritual Fullness / Lord, Speak To The Depths Of Our Spirits, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, May 26, 1966 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 29, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Lord, Give Us An Overflow!

It is very important that we see the value of the fullness of God. Problems come when the spiritual level goes down. We must learn to tap into the fullness and overflow of the Spirit of the Lord. Believe for the great portion that God wants to release. Let us be a people of God who walk in His overflow with joy.

The Wonderful Value Of Spiritual Fullness

Nature abhors a vacuum and will try to fill it. Most of your problems could be solved by spiritual fullness. In whatever comes against you, as you begin to worship God and give thanks, there is no more room left for doubt. Your submission to authority will remove the force that Satan uses against you. The way to spiritual protection is to learn how to stand behind the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lord, Speak To The Depths Of Our Spirits

Until you develop the capabilities of your spirit, you will never have a walk with God because God is a spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to delve deeply into your spirit and speak to your subconscious mind. Be open; you do not know how many prejudices you have and for what God is trying to prepare you. There is so much influence that the Holy Spirit can have in your life, if you let Him.

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