Available MP3 Download: Take God’s Complete Provision / Let God Be Infused Within You, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, December 22, 1967 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 24, 1967. Hidden Treasure.
Take God’s Complete Provision
You are endowed by God. You are complete in Him. Many things may seem to throw you into defeat in the spiritual warfare. Nevertheless, that is an illusion. Accept what God says about His complete, perfect, absolute provision for everything in your life. He is concerned about the development and sanctification of your whole being, and He has made a complete provision for it. The victory and glory of Christ will flow through you. Limitations and restrictions are not in God’s provision; they come from your own unbelief. John concludes the message by stirring up our faith that the Scriptures are the inspired Word of God.
Let God Be Infused Within You
The Lordship of Jesus Christ means coming to the place where you are an instrument of God because He is so deeply infused within your life. This truth is illustrated in the Communion. As we partake and assimilate His body and blood, we receive an infusion of His divine nature until it becomes a living part of us.