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War For Worshipers

Release #: 2015-0418-4R   •  Message Date: 06/11/1975

Available MP3 Download: War For Worshipers, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Wednesday, June 11, 1975.

War For Worshipers

The Father is seeking worshipers. Satan seeks worshipers. He offered the world to Christ if He would worship him. In Revelation is the story of the final conflict between God’s worshipers and Satan’s. Worship is what it is all about.


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Our Only Fight

Release #: 2015-0418-2R   •  Message Date: 07/05/1982

Available MP3 Download: Our Only Fight, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Monday, July 5, 1982.

Our Only Fight

How stirring are these Scriptures on the warfare of faith! Here are all the tactics our defeated foe uses to make us losers like himself. But God gives us the victory and He gives the faith to appropriate it. “Fight the good fight of faith — take hold of the eternal salvation” (Timothy 6:12). “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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Faith Is Greater Than Revelation / Sharpen Your Faith

Release #: 2015-0416-2R   •  Message Date: 12/18/1966

Available MP3 Download: Faith Is Greater Than Revelation / Sharpen Your Faith, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 18, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Faith Is Greater Than Revelation

More important than having revelation or understanding is the faith, obedience, and trust that we have towards God. He delights in us when we walk by faith and follow His leading. In this communion, we open our hearts to this truth.

Sharpen Your Faith

The Kingdom of God is coming on the earth, even though Satan is raging to delay God’s will. Have faith! The only way Satan can hinder is by hindering you from opening your heart to receive the early and latter rain that will accomplish God’s purposes in your life and in the earth. This message chisels away every bit of unbelief you think you may have.


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The Transformation Into A Spiritual People

Release #: 2015-0413-4R

Available MP3 Download: The Transformation Into A Spiritual People, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, April 12, 2015.

The Transformation Into A Spiritual People

On this last day of our Passover celebration, we anticipate great things as we count the days until Pentecost. God is performing miracles among us and delivering us from the distractions and bondage of this natural world so our focus can be on Him. As we learn to worship in spirit and truth, our minds are transformed to live in the realm of spirit. This Sabbatical year, strive to enter His rest. Present your whole being back to God; that is your spiritual service of worship (Romans 12:1). The world needs sons of God coming forth who know the language of the spirit realm and relate to God in the spirit. We have known these things; now we are going to do them


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On What Level?

Release #: 2015-0411-4R   •  Message Date: 07/17/1982

Available MP3 Download: On What Level?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Saturday, July 17, 1982.

On What Level?

Everyone who has followed the Word for the past two years will be very interested in this hour-long message. From the Feast of Tabernacles 1981 to the completion of two months “unwrapping” in Honolulu, there was the most miraculous leading of the spirit step by step. Note carefully what the Word revealed and the Holy Spirit sealed to us. On what level do you stand?


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Joyful In His Presence

Release #: 2015-0411-2R   •  Message Date: 07/11/1982

Available MP3 Download: Joyful In His Presence, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, July 11, 1982.

Joyful In His Presence

The age-long search of the Father for worshipers is accomplished when we joyfully worship in His presence. Satan has lost his battle when we worship in the Spirit. Futility, the many-armed octopus, is destroyed in those worshipers who worship with the fruit of the Spirit — such as love, joy, and peace (Galatians 5:22-23).


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The Spirit’s Sword / Our Authority In His Presence

Release #: 2015-0409-2R   •  Message Date: 07/06/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Spirit’s Sword / Our Authority In His Presence, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, July 6, 1982 and in Honolulu, HI on Saturday, July 10, 1982.

The Spirit’s Sword

This Word deals with the true purpose and function of the Scriptures. If the Scriptures are interpreted and understood by reason, we miss the revelation of God that the very Scriptures record. We hide the Word in our heart like a sword in a sheath. What we know about the Scriptures should not be our instrument for debate or argument or doctrine. The Word that He has spoken to us is a sword of the Spirit, not man’s. The Word in our mouth should be a revelation of the Holy Spirit and not the brief of a legalist of the Scriptures. “The letter killeth, but the Spirit maketh alive.”

Our Authority In His Presence

Victory is manifested from His presence. This message gives a formula for the manifestation of Christ’s great provision for us. Here is the formula of how we approach and stand in the presence of the Lord.


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Feed Me And Lead Me

Release #: 2015-0402-2R   •  Message Date: 05/01/1982

Available MP3 Download: Feed Me And Lead Me, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Saturday, May 1, 1982.

Feed Me And Lead Me

A little humor makes palatable the deep thrusts of this Word to the shepherds. We see what an integral part of every ministry is the possessing of a shepherd’s heart. The Word is forceful and fun. This Word has to be one of the most important revelations of shepherding.


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The Victory — Once And For All

Release #: 2015-0331-2R   •  Message Date: 06/27/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Victory — Once And For All, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, June 27, 1982.

The Victory — Once And For All

We struggle in vain if we don’t believe that He won the victory for all time for each of us. One sacrifice, one victory: and we must not struggle as though we had yet to see it accomplished. We do not strive to persuade the Lord but we strive in faith to appropriate His perfect provision — once and for all. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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Functioning In His Presence

Release #: 2015-0328-4R   •  Message Date: 07/11/1982

Available MP3 Download: Functioning In His Presence, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, July 11, 1982.

Functioning In His Presence

This is creative teaching that positions the believer on the throne with Christ and anoints every function of his walk with God, and makes effective all of his warfare against the hostile spirits. This is how warfare really works.


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I Will Not Fear

Release #: 2015-0328-2R   •  Message Date: 06/21/1982

Available MP3 Download: I Will Not Fear, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Monday, June 21, 1982.

I Will Not Fear

The spirit of fear is not of God but the gift of faith is from God. Therefore let us cast out the spirit of fear. This is one of the most important messages to make your faith effective without that diluting effect of fearfulness. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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Authority Controls

Release #: 2015-0326-8R   •  Message Date: 06/27/1982

Available MP3 Download: Authority Controls, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, June 27, 1982.

Authority Controls

Fantastic! He redeemed us and restored authority to the Kingdom. He heals us and then commissions us to bind and to loose. We are much more than a conqueror. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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The Third Day — The Day Of Spirit

Release #: 2015-0326-6R   •  Message Date: 08/31/1972

Available MP3 Download: The Third Day — The Day Of Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, August 31, 1972.

The Third Day — The Day Of Spirit

The whole plan of God has been moving toward this age, the day of spirit. In the first day, God dealt with man on a natural plane. Next came the second day in which God was dealing on the plane of the soul. We are now in the most wonderful age in the entire history of God’s relationship with man — the third day, the day of spirit. For this reason, let us open our spirits to God, worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), and walk according to the Spirit (Galatians 5:16). In this day of spirit, our entire being — spirit, soul, and body — enters into the full redemption that God has ordained.


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Walk Through The Land / Possess And Displace

Release #: 2015-0326-4R   •  Message Date: 05/11/1965

Available MP3 Download: Walk Through The Land / Possess And Displace, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Tuesday, May 11, 1965 and in Washington, IA on Thursday, May 13, 1965. Hidden Treasure.

Walk Through The Land

Take a walk in God today, expand your vision, and believe to see the land yet to be possessed. Apply the ministry of displacement to wherever Satan has hindered you from possessing what God has already given you. This message is one of several classes on “Walking Through The Land” that came during the Washington, Iowa conference.

Possess And Displace

How do we possess the land? How do we displace the enemy from the inheritance that God has already given us? This Word describes the principles of displacement, and it is followed by a workshop in which these principles are applied. This message is one of several classes on “Walking Through The Land” that came during the Washington, Iowa conference.


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Our Redemption Releases The Manifestation Of The Sons / His Life Is Coming Forth In Us / Two Principles To Live By

Release #: 2015-0326-2R   •  Message Date: 12/04/1966

Available MP3 Download: Our Redemption Releases The Manifestation Of The Sons / His Life Is Coming Forth In Us / Two Principles To Live By, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, December 4, 1966 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 4, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Our Redemption Releases The Manifestation Of The Sons

What God has in mind for His sons who are redeemed through Jesus Christ is far greater than the dominion and authority that Adam walked in. Our full redemption includes life to the physical body and the restoration of the mind and senses to see the world of spirit. The manifestation of the sons of God has already begun. The Father is bringing forth first fruits that will begin setting all of creation free.

His Life Is Coming Forth In Us

As we believe and accept the truth that the life of Christ is coming forth in a many-membered Body, we will find the secret of all that the scriptures are talking about.

Two Principles To Live By

Two principles are explained in this Word: 1) your response to spiritual stimulus must be very carefully disciplined and channeled; 2) you must position yourself in the Body of Christ to serve the Lord. Live by these principles; they are the key to becoming a great blessing and ministry to the Body of Christ.


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Saved And Forgiven To The Uttermost / Great Will Be The Anointing

Release #: 2015-0324-6R   •  Message Date: 11/17/1966

Available MP3 Download: Saved And Forgiven To The Uttermost / Great Will Be The Anointing, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, November 17, 1966 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, November 18, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Saved And Forgiven To The Uttermost

Our greatest despair comes when we look inwardly. We see our flaws, and we think the Lord has given up on us. The truth is that He ever lives to make intercession for us. Our encouragement comes from looking at the eternal priesthood of Jesus Christ and realizing that the greatest factor in our salvation is not our faithfulness, but His. Our salvation is not based on our perfection, but on His. Upon this solid foundation of Christ’s eternal priesthood, the Father saves us to the uttermost.

Great Will Be The Anointing

Acts chapter 19 describes the story of Paul’s ministry in Ephesus and the spontaneous moving of the Holy Spirit in the early Church. Today, that same anointing and power of the Holy Spirit is being restored to the Body of Christ. Even though satanic forces are contending against it, God’s Word will be spoken and people will be liberated. We are a people who dare to believe this.


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The Scriptural Basis Of True Faith

Release #: 2015-0324-4R   •  Message Date: 11/25/1966

Available MP3 Download: The Scriptural Basis Of True Faith , by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Friday, November 25, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Scriptural Basis Of True Faith

God has perfectly provided for all our needs. We must not accept any longer the unscriptural limitations that are in our lives, for they do not glorify God. We open our hearts to live with a momentary expectation and an anticipation of what the Lord is going to do right now. True faith always sees God’s perfect provision for every need.


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John And The Locals

Release #: 2015-0324-2R   •  Message Date: 05/27/1982

Available MP3 Download: John And The Locals, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Thursday, May 27, 1982.

John And The Locals

This dialogue between John and most of the local ministries in Honolulu shows the high level of spiritual perception and dedication coming to the Honolulu body. It was Acts 2, “One accord in one place,” and this was the eve of Pentecost.


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Satan’s Propaganda Or The Creative Word — Part II

Release #: 2015-0321-4R   •  Message Date: 06/01/1982

Available MP3 Download: Satan’s Propaganda Or The Creative Word — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, June 1, 1982.

Satan’s Propaganda Or The Creative Word — Part II

Every fact that is presented without faith or love is Satan’s propaganda. Everything that you view without revelation can be Satan’s propaganda. Facts cannot be anything but a lie unless they are interpreted with the wisdom and the faith of Christ Jesus, the Lord. Part One came to a few in the Honolulu apartment, and continued into Part Two in the service at Grace Chapel.


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Satan’s Propaganda Or The Creative Word — Part I

Release #: 2015-0321-2R   •  Message Date: 06/01/1982

Available MP3 Download: Satan’s Propaganda Or The Creative Word — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, June 1, 1982.

Satan’s Propaganda Or The Creative Word — Part I

Every fact that is presented without faith or love is Satan’s propaganda. Everything that you view without revelation can be Satan’s propaganda. Facts cannot be anything but a lie unless they are interpreted with the wisdom and the faith of Christ Jesus, the Lord. Part One came to a few in the Honolulu apartment, and continued into Part Two in the service at Grace Chapel.


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The Faithfulness Of Our Faith

Release #: 2015-0317-8R   •  Message Date: 06/26/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Faithfulness Of Our Faith, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Saturday, June 26, 1982.

The Faithfulness Of Our Faith

Do you see yourself in the mirror of the Word and forget what manner of person you are, or do you give yourself to the Word continually? The persistence of faith is emphasized in the Scriptures and is most important for us now. Our faith must have a persistent application. This is the atmosphere of miracles. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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Release #: 2015-0317-6R   •  Message Date: 06/22/1982

Available MP3 Download: Continually, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, June 22, 1982.


Once you receive a promise from the Lord never give it up, but be sustained in your faith to obtain it. The disciples were steadfast, giving themselves “continually to the Word of God and prayer.” This is another message to expand the span of your concentration on what God has said. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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Worship That Brings His Presence

Release #: 2015-0315-2R

Available MP3 Download: Worship That Brings His Presence, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, March 15, 2015.

Worship That Brings His Presence

We are in a transition in which worship will accomplish more than intercession and prayer have done in the past. God, in the early 1900s, graced us with a gift of worship that is expressed in oneness. It is time for that gift to grow. God is seeking those who worship Him in spirit and truth. When we worship, we enter into His presence; we come into His house and worship at His throne. In response, God comes down and dwells with us; He inhabits the praises of His people. True worship brings God’s presence into the earth and the worshiper into living in two realms: heaven and earth.


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War Without Battle

Release #: 2015-0313-2R   •  Message Date: 07/04/1982

Available MP3 Download: War Without Battle, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, July 4, 1982.

War Without Battle

This Word will change your concept of spiritual warfare. You will stop struggling to win what has already been won and you will focus in faith on the deception that would steal the victory from you. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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Always Persistent

Release #: 2015-0312-2R   •  Message Date: 06/26/1982

Available MP3 Download: Always Persistent, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Saturday, June 26, 1982.

Always Persistent

If you receive a Word from the Lord and do not persist in it, you will seek in frustration for another Word and then another to bolster your faith, and eventually will abandon the Word in futility. Get a Word and pursue it persistently. One Word is enough to move an age. Do not confuse hope with faith, or anticipation with appropriation. When God gives a present Word, persist in His present fulfillment. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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Now, In His Authority! / The Perfect Oneness / The Word That Feeds

Release #: 2015-0310-2R   •  Message Date: 06/29/1982

Available MP3 Download: Now, In His Authority! / The Perfect Oneness / The Word That Feeds, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, June 29, 1982.

Now, In His Authority!

Into the sixth week of an experience greater than the Unfolding, we pause to survey and highlight what is coming. The week of intercession was followed by the week of persistent faith and now comes the call: All authority is His, and ours, by His commission. “When we heard this Word it created us.”

The Perfect Oneness

This is a penetrating survey of a number of things that limit the effectiveness of the Word; of our oneness; of our love. See how much falling a little short dilutes the flow! “When we heard this Word it created us.”

The Word That Feeds

This Word distinguishes those who feed upon others by soulish bonds from those who feed Christ to one another in oneness. Here is the contrast between those who give a letter of the Word and those who give the Word that feeds. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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Don’t Leave Before The Victory — Part I / Don’t Leave Before The Victory — Part II

Release #: 2015-0307-4R   •  Message Date: 06/19/1982

Available MP3 Download: Don’t Leave Before The Victory — Part I / Don’t Leave Before The Victory — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Saturday, June 19, 1982.

Don’t Leave Before The Victory — Part I

Whether it is a Kingdom business or a communal home or some aspect of publishing the Living Word, the work accomplished is of less significance than what the workers are becoming. In any dealings of the Lord, it is easy to evaluate the circumstances negatively and withdraw. Every move we make should be after a perfect victory.

Don’t Leave Before The Victory — Part II

Whether it is a Kingdom business or a communal home or some aspect of publishing the Living Word, the work accomplished is of less significance than what the workers are becoming. In any dealings of the Lord, it is easy to evaluate the circumstances negatively and withdraw. Every move we make should be after a perfect victory.


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Learning About The World Of Spirit

Release #: 2015-0307-2R   •  Message Date: 05/26/1982

Available MP3 Download: Learning About The World Of Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Wednesday, May 26, 1982.

Learning About The World Of Spirit

This teaching is a simple and essential survey of the spiritual realm of the Kingdom, in its functionings. It is a comprehensive basic understanding of the past revelations of 30 years and of the present revelation of the future in the Kingdom.


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“…Has Been Judged” (John 16:11)

Release #: 2015-0305-4R   •  Message Date: 06/06/1982

Available MP3 Download: “…Has Been Judged” (John 16:11), by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, June 6, 1982.

“…Has Been Judged” (John 16:11)

The ministry of the Holy Spirit included a ministry of judgment because Satan had been judged. By the Holy Spirit, we discern the spirits behind every aspect of our life and thinking, and in the name of Jesus, we execute the judgment provided for us. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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We Sin By Not Becoming

Release #: 2015-0305-2R   •  Message Date: 06/20/1982

Available MP3 Download: We Sin By Not Becoming, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, June 20, 1982.

We Sin By Not Becoming

During an intensive period of prayer for seven days, we received so much but we eagerly grasp for that which we are yet to receive. We repent that we have not yet appropriated His wonderful provisions for us. This Word is a survey of how far we have come, where we are, and where we are going. With faith we grieve for what we have not yet become.


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Let Him Love You

Release #: 2015-0302-2R

Available MP3 Download: Let Him Love You, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, March 1, 2015.

Let Him Love You

Evil has been turned loose in the earth as satan seeks to destroy all flesh. The manifestation of the sons of God spoken of in Romans 8 is a necessity, but it will not happen until a people can open up to receive God’s love. We have enough faith, but faith only works through divine love. Jesus confronted Peter, saying three times, “Do you love me?” Peter finally understood Jesus was talking about divine love. We love the Lord, but we must receive His love in its fullness until we mirror His divine love back to Him and become the expression of that love to the world. Seek the Lord with all your heart. Take down your walls of resistance and seek Him. Moses cried, “Show me Your glory!” Let our cry be, “Show us Your love!”


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“These Promises Are For You”

Release #: 2015-0228-8R   •  Message Date: 06/19/1982

Available MP3 Download: “These Promises Are For You”, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Saturday, June 19, 1982.

“These Promises Are For You”

The spiritual conflict and circumstances we all face can be interpreted negatively and then we continue to battle them. But faith that grasps the provision and promises of the Lord focuses on the victory, not the conflict. Appropriating faith can reject much of the battle. This Word highlights these promises and prophecies of Isaiah 61.


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God Is Our Address / All Authority Always / Authority Applied

Release #: 2015-0228-6R   •  Message Date: 06/23/1982

Available MP3 Download: God Is Our Address / All Authority Always / Authority Applied, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Wednesday, June 23, 1982 and in Honolulu, HI on Monday, June 28, 1982 and in Honolulu, HI on Saturday, July 3, 1982.

God Is Our Address

Psalm 90 and 91 indicates that by faith the Lord is “our dwelling place,” and we abide in “the secret place of the Most High.” How wonderfully do these familiar psalms come alive for us now.

All Authority Always

The shepherds who spoke the Word of God ministered the unchanging Christ ( Hebrews 13:8) the same as the lonely Nazarene, but it is now multiplied and expressed through many channels.

Authority Applied

We survey the steps of persistent faith and authority that have come for six weeks in Honolulu. We appropriated and now we apply.


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Patterns For Divine Healing

Release #: 2015-0228-4R   •  Message Date: 04/09/1961

Available MP3 Download: Patterns For Divine Healing, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 9, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

Patterns For Divine Healing

We must enter into the washings of the Lord, knowing that in the application of spiritual cleansing, we also receive physical healing. This Word contains secrets for divine healing and for being a church, holy and without blemish, in the midst of Sodom and Gomorrah.


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God’s Unfolding Kingdom

Release #: 2015-0228-2R   •  Message Date: 04/09/1961

Available MP3 Download: God’s Unfolding Kingdom, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 9, 1961. Hidden Treasure.

God’s Unfolding Kingdom

Your initial salvation experience was intended to be only one of many experiences in God’s unfolding, expanding Kingdom. He wants to invade every aspect of your life and every realm on earth and in the heavens.


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Give Joy Unto The Lord / The Elijah Company Is Coming Forth / Hear God’s Word With An Open Heart

Release #: 2015-0225-2R   •  Message Date: 11/20/1966

Available MP3 Download: Give Joy Unto The Lord / The Elijah Company Is Coming Forth / Hear God’s Word With An Open Heart, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, November 20, 1966 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 20, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Give Joy Unto The Lord

Rejoice! The joy of the Lord is your strength. Rather than complaining about your problems, exalt in your faith and take joy in the blessings and sacrifices of the Lord.

The Elijah Company Is Coming Forth

God is bringing forth great signs and wonders in the earth today, to turn the hearts of people back to Him. He is bringing the spirit of Elijah, through a company of people, once more on the earth. If Satan brings forth signs and wonders, it will be without love and without the witness of the grace of God. This Word gives us an expectation and faith toward God during these times of apostasy and declension.

Hear God’s Word With An Open Heart

We are living in the day of restoration, the most exciting time in the will of God that there ever was. Submission will be required of the people; responsibility and accountability will be required of the leaders. Churches will literally be born by a Word. Ministries will come forth who, like the apostle Paul, will minister the Word of God to the people and write His Word upon their hearts.


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A Prophecy To Create A Mighty People / Twelve Areas Restored In Our Day

Release #: 2015-0224-9R   •  Message Date: 11/20/1966

Available MP3 Download: A Prophecy To Create A Mighty People / Twelve Areas Restored In Our Day, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, November 20, 1966 and in Washington, IA on Thursday, November 24, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

A Prophecy To Create A Mighty People

This living prophecy proclaims that the Word of the Lord shall create us into God’s mighty people, just as the prophet Ezekiel spoke to the dry bones. Open your heart wide to these words, for they are Words of the Spirit, a message of the living Christ.

Twelve Areas Restored In Our Day

In this message, John reviews twelve areas that God is restoring to the Church today. These areas involve more than just the restoration of the ancient apostolic church. They include the establishment of everything that the prophets foresaw from the dawn of history. We must have the scriptural foundations that enable us to hold onto these experiences as they are restored. Let us believe God and aggressively move forward.


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One Mind Or Double-Minded?

Release #: 2015-0224-7R   •  Message Date: 06/20/1982

Available MP3 Download: One Mind Or Double-Minded?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, June 20, 1982.

One Mind Or Double-Minded?

The sharp two-edged sword of the Word finally discerned the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12), and removed the insulation of double-mindedness. Then the flow of God’s power is not diminished and the promises have their abundant fulfillment. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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“Tell Me What I Am?!” — Part I / “Tell Me What I Am?!” — Part II

Release #: 2015-0224-5R   •  Message Date: 06/14/1982

Available MP3 Download: “Tell Me What I Am?!” — Part I / “Tell Me What I Am?!” — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Monday, June 14, 1982 and in Honolulu, HI on Thursday, June 17, 1982.

“Tell Me What I Am?!” — Part I

Practical and simple is the creative faith we have for one another. This plumbs depths into the present truths of the family, of oneness, of judgment, of creative faith.

“Tell Me What I Am?!” — Part II

Practical and simple is the creative faith we have for one another. This plumbs depths into the present truths of the family, of oneness, of judgment, of creative faith.


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How The Family Flows

Release #: 2015-0224-3R   •  Message Date: 06/13/1982

Available MP3 Download: How The Family Flows, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, June 13, 1982.

How The Family Flows

The Kingdom of God witnesses a transition from being audiences and spectators to becoming mutual participators in the ministry of the Body. The overseers are the helpers and the activators of your faith, and all of you with love and faith create one another in His Kingdom.


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This Sabbatical Year Brings Us New Vision

Release #: 2015-0223-2R

Available MP3 Download: This Sabbatical Year Brings Us New Vision, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, February 22, 2015.

This Sabbatical Year Brings Us New Vision

In 1972, our founder, John Robert Stevens, began leading us by a vision of the Lord into being a family and a prophetic community; he also led us into oneness. We are here today because the things he envisioned have been accomplished in us. Gary and Marilyn are celebrating this Sabbatical year by living in the Word that has come and waiting on the Lord. God is showing us the next thing for this people, and that is living in God’s presence. Get into the Father’s presence, live in worship and from there prophesy and move in authority to enforce His victory. From His presence, we will manifest His Kingdom on the earth. This is a vision of the future and we will see it come to pass.


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Give God The Sacrifice Of Joy / A Prophecy On Encouragement

Release #: 2015-0221-6R   •  Message Date: 11/20/1966

Available MP3 Download: Give God The Sacrifice Of Joy / A Prophecy On Encouragement, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 20, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Give God The Sacrifice Of Joy

Prayer should not be with whining; prayer should be with rejoicing. Can you believe for the joy God wants to give you? You have problems, but are you determined to be joyful in them? Give God the sacrifice of joy. His anointing will then be in your spirit and will give you a force in every area of your being.

A Prophecy On Encouragement

This living prophecy came as a deep encouragement to the house of the Lord. This is a new day of new beginnings. Open your heart wide to these words for they are words of the Spirit, a message of the living Christ.


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Possess The Promises / A Mutual Delight / The What, Where, When, How, And Why

Release #: 2015-0221-4R   •  Message Date: 11/04/1966

Available MP3 Download: Possess The Promises / A Mutual Delight / The What, Where, When, How, And Why, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, November 4, 1966 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 6, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Possess The Promises

The best way to enter into spiritual warfare is to keep appropriating more and more of God and to keep moving ahead. Don’t leave a spiritual vacuum in your life. Be filled with God. His presence will displace every giant that is sitting in the place that God has promised you to have. This message gives a key for possessing the promises of God.

A Mutual Delight

Don’t become so engrossed with your problems that you miss a focus on the Lord. He is your refuge and strength. You may be standing in the way of your own deliverance with your complaining and murmuring. Delight and trust in the Lord, as David did, and the Lord will deliver you (Psalms 18:19).

The What, Where, When, How, And Why

Every member in the Body of Christ has a ministry. As you consider your place and ministry in this church, reflect upon these questions: What you are by the grace of God; what you are to do according to His will; where you are to go by divine direction; when you are to minister according to God’s timing; how you are to move by divine enablement; and why you are doing it. Finally, you must come to the great, important realization that your authority to minister comes only from the Lord Jesus Christ. This timeless Word of instruction enables the Body of Christ to do the supernatural work of God in any generation.


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Faith Without An “If”

Release #: 2015-0221-2R   •  Message Date: 06/06/1982

Available MP3 Download: Faith Without An “If”, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, June 6, 1982.

Faith Without An “If”

The deeper we go into the Kingdom level the more we see it to be the realm of spirit. This Word describes the transition we are in. The victory of Christ Jesus and His all-authority become the muscles that execute His will and dominion. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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The Freedom And Flow — The Problems Of No Walls

Release #: 2015-0218-4R   •  Message Date: 05/30/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Freedom And Flow — The Problems Of No Walls, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, May 30, 1982.

The Freedom And Flow — The Problems Of No Walls

What joy and hilarity came to us in Honolulu in our freedom. It was like the first Pentecost, when the believers were accused of being drunk with new wine. You should have been there.


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Oneness Is Access

Release #: 2015-0218-2R   •  Message Date: 05/24/1982

Available MP3 Download: Oneness Is Access, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Monday, May 24, 1982.

Oneness Is Access

Oneness is a thing of spirit that transcends distance, circumstance, place, or time. In the family of God we have this access. Perhaps the cloud of witnesses will share it with us too.


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Only To Believe — Part I / Only To Believe — Part II

Release #: 2015-0214-6R   •  Message Date: 06/12/1982

Available MP3 Download: Only To Believe — Part I / Only To Believe — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Saturday, June 12, 1982.

Only To Believe — Part I

Faith is a determined decision that we will believe the Word. Faith is an action that corresponds to our determined faith. Faith is an expression of the Word that activates all of its power. Faith will be the identifying quality of the remnant in the Kingdom. The service continued on in a dialogue later in the evening. “When we heard this Word it created us.”

Only To Believe — Part II

Faith is a determined decision that we will believe the Word. Faith is an action that corresponds to our determined faith. Faith is an expression of the Word that activates all of its power. Faith will be the identifying quality of the remnant in the Kingdom. “When we heard this Word it created us.”


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We Took Passover At Pentecost

Release #: 2015-0214-4R   •  Message Date: 05/30/1982

Available MP3 Download: We Took Passover At Pentecost, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, May 30, 1982.

We Took Passover At Pentecost

The family ministered the Passover blessing to one another at the Feast of Pentecost. The heavy anointing of the Holy Spirit made our ministry to one another and to John most significant. In the years to come the Holy Spirit will lead us all into that mystical realm of spirit. This is the promise of this Pentecost.


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Shepherding In The Storm

Release #: 2015-0214-2R   •  Message Date: 05/16/1982

Available MP3 Download: Shepherding In The Storm, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 16, 1982.

Shepherding In The Storm

In flashbacks to the history of the early Church, the storms of persecution and devastation seem so similar to the mounting storm bursting on us today. The parallels are encouraging. The early Church had a living Word and a deep dedication in the shepherds to care for the sheep. Once again there are shepherds in the storm.


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The Challenge Of Change

Release #: 2015-0212-3R   •  Message Date: 05/23/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Challenge Of Change, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, May 23, 1982.

The Challenge Of Change

Why does God create a chaos before He creates a new Word? The same Word that says, “Let there be” has also leveled the existing forms that could never bring total fulfillment of that Word. We heard it and now we become it. The great creative level of the Kingdom with its expression of divine order must succeed, or it will follow the forms that limit the fulfillment of the Word.


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“The Testimony Of Jesus”

Release #: 2015-0211-8R   •  Message Date: 08/20/1975

Available MP3 Download: “The Testimony Of Jesus”, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Shiloh, Kalona, IA on Wednesday, August 20, 1975.

“The Testimony Of Jesus”

Here is the heart of the great revelation of the coming utterance of the Word of God! Here is the key of the Parousia and of the end-time events. This is the Word that Satan and nephilim have battled during the past few months. On this Word, the “Walk” will stand or fall.


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The Image Is Crushed

Release #: 2015-0211-6R   •  Message Date: 03/22/1962

Available MP3 Download: The Image Is Crushed, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1962.

The Image Is Crushed

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2 reveals that there are many consecutive kingdoms until God’s Kingdom crushes them all and fills the earth. This message deals with the political and religious powers that have united to destroy God’s people. The outcome is their utter defeat when judgment is given to the sons in the end time. This exposition of Daniel 2 identifies the kingdoms of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome, showing the spiritual influence which these ancient kingdoms still have upon the world.


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By Report Or By Revelation

Release #: 2015-0211-4R   •  Message Date: 05/25/1982

Available MP3 Download: By Report Or By Revelation, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, May 25, 1982.

By Report Or By Revelation

It is revelation of the Lord or of one another that is the basis of oneness and our relationship. The relationship that we have gives an access to one another and to the Lord that may be all of the contact we ever need. The human reports of Jesus, both good and bad, are not to be compared with the revelation some had of Him. And thus we too determine to know one another, not after the flesh, but after the spirit. Everywhere we will learn to relate in the spirit and not after the flesh, nor by the reports or testimony of men.


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Discover Yourself With Faith

Release #: 2015-0211-2R   •  Message Date: 05/15/1982

Available MP3 Download: Discover Yourself With Faith, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Saturday, May 15, 1982.

Discover Yourself With Faith

The message delves into sixteen areas by which you discover happily how you have progressed spiritually and the faith in you that has been purified in the fire. This message enables you to see yourself as God sees you, perhaps more clearly than you have ever perceived before. This service was a joyful exploding of faith.


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His Life Must Be Lived

Release #: 2015-0208-6R   •  Message Date: 05/15/1982

Available MP3 Download: His Life Must Be Lived, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, May 15, 1982.

His Life Must Be Lived

Here is a basic study taken from the epistles of James, John, and Paul that emphasizes that our actions must express the spiritual. The Word indicates that the spiritual is functional and brings many practical explanations of the Lord’s dealings on us to produce the balance between the spiritual and the functional.


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All Authority

Release #: 2015-0208-4R   •  Message Date: 05/09/1982

Available MP3 Download: All Authority, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 9, 1982.

All Authority

In the Kingdom of God, the Lord Jesus Christ’s authority is total and complete. There is no greater manifestation of faith than to accept His authority as the centurion of old. The time has come when we are exhorted again, “Speak the Word only.”


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I Ask, “Where Am I?”

Release #: 2015-0208-2R   •  Message Date: 05/15/1982

Available MP3 Download: I Ask, “Where Am I?”, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Saturday, May 15, 1982.

I Ask, “Where Am I?”

With the help of the Holy Spirit we can analyze the spiritual balance of our life. Fourteen basic questions in this Word enable us to evaluate and determine the appropriate action for ourselves. This becomes the application of many messages over recent months.


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Unwrap Your Marriage

Release #: 2015-0130-2R   •  Message Date: 10/17/1982

Available MP3 Download: Unwrap Your Marriage, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Sunday, October 17, 1982.

Unwrap Your Marriage

The greatest blessing in marriage relationships that we have ever known is ready to happen. Do not give way to futility! Your oneness with the Lord is the key. This Word unwraps the faith of every couple that God will meet them in their relationship together and with Him. At the beginning of the service, John dedicates two babies to the Lord and gives a Word about the responsibility and privilege of parenthood.


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The Principle Of Serving One Another

Release #: 2015-0130-4R

Available MP3 Download: The Principle Of Serving One Another, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, December 17, 2000.

The Principle Of Serving One Another

In the Kingdom, we will be as willing to lay our lives down for one another and serve one another out of love for each other just as we would for the man of God. In the relationships of the Kingdom, we will move in tremendous oneness, authority, and immunity born out of our drive to lay our lives down to serve one another. This Word is a plumb line for Kingdom relationships and should be heard with the message from Sunday 9:30 AM, December 24, 2000 entitled “How Shall We Serve One Another?”


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The Power Of Confession / Pray With Me

Release #: 2015-0128-4R   •  Message Date: 11/13/1966

Available MP3 Download: The Power Of Confession / Pray With Me, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, November 13, 1966 and in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, November 16, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Power Of Confession

You have received the Word of God; it is in your heart and in your mouth. The power of that Word is so great. How can you get it to work? What you speak activates your faith or your unbelief. In the moment of pressure, what you confess with your mouth determines whether you are defeated or victorious. Lord, put a guard on my mouth!

Pray With Me

During a time of intense spiritual warfare, John entreats the Sepulveda church to enter into prayer with him and to press forward with faith.


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The Irregular Order Of Spiritual Development — Part I

Release #: 2015-0128-2R   •  Message Date: 11/11/1966

Available MP3 Download: The Irregular Order Of Spiritual Development — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, November 11, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Irregular Order Of Spiritual Development — Part I

Using the Corinthian church as an illustration, John Stevens explains how the irregular order of our spiritual development can be corrected. The quality of a ministry depends upon what God has wrought within the nature and spirit of that person. This Word was spoken to the Los Angeles churches during a time when many ministries were becoming a tremendous spiritual force, moving in the gifts of the Spirit. Anyone who desires to have a spiritual ministry should absorb, without condemnation, the blunt truths of this Word.


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Develop Your Spirit / The Irregular Order Of Spiritual Development — Part II

Release #: 2015-0127-8R   •  Message Date: 11/13/1966

Available MP3 Download: Develop Your Spirit / The Irregular Order Of Spiritual Development — Part II , by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 13, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Develop Your Spirit

In this session with the young adults, John Stevens urges them to seize the opportunity that God has opened up for them. As their awareness of the Lord deepens, they will have dominion over the physical realm around them and their lives will be filled with happiness and successful relationships.

The Irregular Order Of Spiritual Development — Part II

There are three things that come forth in the spirit of a ministry who is to be used of God: force, perception, and character. This third area of character is the most essential. The Corinthian church had spiritual ministries, but there was an irregular development within them that could nullify their power and perception. This Word of warning urges us to open our hearts and say, “God, give me Your grace to develop in all three of these areas.”


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Maintain The Spiritual Glow / The Certainty And Reality Of God’s Will For You

Release #: 2015-0127-6R   •  Message Date: 10/30/1966

Available MP3 Download: Maintain The Spiritual Glow / The Certainty And Reality Of God’s Will For You, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 30, 1966 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 30, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Maintain The Spiritual Glow

You can maintain the spiritual glow of God if you develop a continual awareness of the presence of the Lord, His promises, and His Word.

The Certainty And Reality Of God’s Will For You

One of our greatest challenges, and the key to our effectiveness as Christians, is to find the leading and guidance of the Lord. How can we know the voice of the Lord? This inspirational Word — spoken with a prophetic insight ahead of its time — answers this question. God’s will can be a certainty and reality in our daily lives. Very few generations in the history of the Christian church have the advantage that we now have to know the Lord and to walk with Him. Let us not miss this amazing hour that God has brought to the earth.


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Expectancy / Serve The Purpose Of God

Release #: 2015-0120-4R   •  Message Date: 03/27/1973

Available MP3 Download: Expectancy / Serve The Purpose Of God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, March 27, 1973 and in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, May 29, 1973. Hidden Treasure.


Like the Israelites in the wilderness, we can become accustomed to manna, but then one day we must change when there is no more manna and God opens the door for something new. This Word exhorts us to live with an expectancy that God will never cease to do something greater, better, and more wonderful in our lives. (This message has previously been printed as “Expectancy,” This Week, 10-14-73.)

Serve The Purpose Of God

In this Word, John portrays a panorama of many realms of life in which the will of God needs to be accomplished in our generation. These areas include working in the Word, music, worship, ministries’ training, schools, means of communication, business and finance, survival, and natural foods.


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First Be Filled, Then…

Release #: 2015-0120-2R   •  Message Date: 01/25/1975

Available MP3 Download: First Be Filled, Then…, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Campbell on Saturday, January 25, 1975.

First Be Filled, Then…

A living Word flowed from the Apostolic Company on this Sabbath service leading us step-by-step into the fullness the Spirit has demanded. We have moved step-by-step since the Feast of Tabernacles to this hour. We are prepared, now we are being filled, and now the rivers of living water begin.


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The Principle Of Grace After Meal

Release #: 2015-0115-4R

Available MP3 Download: The Principle Of Grace After Meal, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, October 22, 2000.

The Principle Of Grace After Meal

God wants to be unrestrained in His affections toward us and continue to pour out that which eye has not seen nor ear heard, but we are too easily satisfied with only a portion from Him. We leave this Feast Of Tabernacles with a drive that we do not lose our hunger or become satisfied or complacent on any level of fulfillment that the Lord will bring.


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Have You Stopped Your Development?

Release #: 2015-0115-2R

Available MP3 Download: Have You Stopped Your Development?, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, October 8, 2000.

Have You Stopped Your Development?

If your spirit fails to progressively develop, then you circle around on the same spiritual level for years. Your spirit only grows in an atmosphere of submission, discipline, and obedience. Have you grown to a higher level? We, as a Body, must progress in what God wants us to become. This Word is life changing.


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A Gift Is Imparted

Release #: 2015-0106-2R   •  Message Date: 11/30/1980

Available MP3 Download: A Gift Is Imparted, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 30, 1980.

A Gift Is Imparted

“What do you have that you have not received?” (I Corinthians 4:7). You do not have anything that God did not give you. This Word explains how spiritual gifts are imparted.


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Before The Foundation Of The World

Release #: 2015-0106-4R

Available MP3 Download: Before The Foundation Of The World, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, October 8, 2000.

Before The Foundation Of The World

On this Day of Atonement, we must enter into His Sabbath rest. Tonight, we became aware that we are of His works that He completed before the foundation of the world (Hebrews 3:4). We are a living expression and manifestation of that which He has already finished.

Scriptures: Lev. 23:26-32; Heb. 4:3; I Peter 1:18-23; Eph. 1:3-14, 18-20; (Rev. 13:8; 17:8)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word


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Remove The Leaven Of Jealousy

Release #: 2015-0101-6R

Available MP3 Download: Remove The Leaven Of Jealousy, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, April 18, 1998.

Remove The Leaven Of Jealousy

As a result of the leaven of rejection that has been ingrained in our thinking, we are challenged by our differences and jealous of one another’s unique anointing. God is creating us to be a peculiar and special people for Himself, but there are other peoples with whom God has covenanted. We will not be effective ministers to His worldwide Church unless this leaven of rejection is removed. In this Word tonight, God continues to impart the new, deeper relationship He wants with us.


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Negotiate The Renewing Of Your Mind

Release #: 2014-1231-8R

Available MP3 Download: Negotiate The Renewing Of Your Mind, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Saturday, September 18, 1993.

Negotiate The Renewing Of Your Mind

“If you know these things, happy are you if you do them.” But, the truth is, if you do what God wants you to do without first having the transformation of your mind, you will be miserable in your walk with Him. You must stand boldly before the Lord and contend aggressively for Him to transform your mind. If your mind was renewed, you would love the things of God that you despise, and you would despise the things of the world that you love.


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The Centurion Principle

Release #: 2014-1227-2R

Available MP3 Download: The Centurion Principle, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, October 7, 2000.

The Centurion Principle

Many principles of the Kingdom are taught in this Word. When we withdraw our spirit from a place of submission to authority, we break oneness. Equality is a human concept that we have tried to substitute for submission. If you are dedicated to oneness, you must be aggressive to place your spirit in submission to someone who will train your spirit to grow and fulfill its true destiny. This principle is crucial for oneness.

Scriptures: Luke 7:7-9; Phil. 2:5-10; Heb. 5:8-9; 12:5-13,15; 13:9,16-17; (Rom. 8:29-30); (I Cor. 12:4-11); (Eph. 4:13-16); (Phil. 2:5-9); (John 14:9); (Heb. 10:7)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word


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Eleven Senses You Need In Your Walk With God

Release #: 2014-1221-2R   •  Message Date: 11/06/1966

Available MP3 Download: Eleven Senses You Need In Your Walk With God , by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, November 6, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Eleven Senses You Need In Your Walk With God

In Luke chapter 12, the Lord Jesus Christ speaks to that generation about the discernment necessary to perceive the times in which they were living. The Lord Jesus Christ walked in their midst, yet they did not seem to sense it at all. We must have our eyes opened to see the greatness of the hour we are living in! We declare war on the despondency, discouragement and unbelief that clouds our perception and prevents us from seeing all that we are to have in God. This Word describes eleven senses that we must have to walk with God to the fullest capability that He is providing.


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The Sheep Of The Kingdom

Release #: 2014-1219-4R   •  Message Date: 05/27/1979

Available MP3 Download: The Sheep Of The Kingdom, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Sunday, May 27, 1979.

The Sheep Of The Kingdom

The basis of the judgment that determines our entry into the Kingdom is an evaluation of our relationship to one another. The flowing love for one another, the care of one another is actually our esteem of Christ. This gives us a classification of a sheep, not a goat.


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We’re Preparing For It

Release #: 2014-1219-2R   •  Message Date: 05/20/1979

Available MP3 Download: We’re Preparing For It, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Sunday, May 20, 1979.

We’re Preparing For It

This message reveals our basic belief in the first resurrection, otherwise called the “rapture,” and explains the specific goals and emphasis of the Scripture in regard to the endtime events and the coming of the Lord. It establishes clearly the faith that we have taught for many, many years about the coming of the Lord. The persecution and tribulation that precedes His coming and the scriptural basis for our preparation for these endtime events are explained. May we stand blameless before Him at His coming.


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No Man Lives Unto Himself / The Covenant Of Grace

Release #: 2014-1217-2R   •  Message Date: 11/10/1966

Available MP3 Download: No Man Lives Unto Himself / The Covenant Of Grace, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, November 10, 1966 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, November 13, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

No Man Lives Unto Himself

The key of ministry in the Body of Christ is that “no man lives unto himself; no man dies unto himself” (Romans 14:7). In the realm of spirit, things are highly contagious. Your spirit, redeemed by God, has the capacity to influence everyone around you. This Word explains how these principles affect the Body of Christ.

The Covenant Of Grace

During the Communion service, let the new covenant of grace that Christ provided be real to you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.


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The Omnipresence Of God

Release #: 2014-1216-8R   •  Message Date: 10/28/1966

Available MP3 Download: The Omnipresence Of God, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, October 28, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Omnipresence Of God

One of the most fantastic attributes of God is His omnipresence. God can be present with you, and yet be anywhere in the world. The presence of God is always with you, but you must develop an awareness of Him. In this message, John recounts an experience in which God’s presence was very real to him and how that experience gave him a drive to minister the power of God through the spoken Word.


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A Sustained Spiritual Glow / Observations About The Human Spirit

Release #: 2014-1216-6R   •  Message Date: 10/16/1966

Available MP3 Download: A Sustained Spiritual Glow / Observations About The Human Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 16, 1966 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, October 20, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

A Sustained Spiritual Glow

How do you sustain the joyful spiritual glow that comes after a meeting with God? Focus upon Him and His Word, and let His Word seep down into the innermost parts of your spirit. This focus brings you into unparalleled spiritual strength and victory. It is your power of choice that decides what feeds your spirit and how much the presence of God will mean to you.

Observations About The Human Spirit

This Word contains teaching and observations about the human spirit and ways to reach it. To truly worship the Lord, you must be filled with the Holy Spirit, in your physical body, your soul, and your spirit. This is attainable because the Lord will never command a thing that cannot be done. In God’s Kingdom, the family is the smallest unit. Members of a family must have a right spirit or else they will repel one another. The unbeatable combination of authority and love reaches the spirits of your children.


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The Law Of Kindness

Release #: 2014-1216-4R   •  Message Date: 12/13/1973

Available MP3 Download: The Law Of Kindness, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, December 13, 1973.

The Law Of Kindness

Man is not by nature kind. He acquires kindness as a part of his person from the Lord. Kindness is attainable as God imparts it.


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Sodom And Gomorrah Is An Atmosphere

Release #: 2014-1216-2R

Available MP3 Download: Sodom And Gomorrah Is An Atmosphere, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, September 30, 2000.

Sodom And Gomorrah Is An Atmosphere

We cannot commit to oneness until we identify and end what blocks oneness. This Word explains how Sodom and Gomorrah is an atmosphere and how that has deceptively impacted our lives. We will not break oneness when our hearts are broken and responsive to the voice of the Holy Spirit manifested to us in the flesh.

Scriptures: Gen. 19:8,17-23; (Gen. 19:1-7,9-16,24-38); (Matt. 8:8-8; 26:39); (Isa. 5:20); (Eph. 5:21)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word


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Born By A Word

Release #: 2014-1205-2R

Available MP3 Download: Born By A Word, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, October 7, 2000.

Born By A Word

This Word revealed the truth about our salvation experience. The prophecy over us as a people is that there would be many who would be filled with the Holy Spirit from their mother’s womb. This prophecy has been fulfilled in several generations. Now, we must be a School of Prophets that matures and disciplines the spirits that are already destined to walk with God. This was a lesson on understanding our spirits.

Scriptures: I Cor. 15:45-52; Eph. 2:1-3; Luke 1:34-35, 41, 80; (Gen. 2:7, 17); (John 3:6)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word


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Dialogue On “Kingdom Construction”

Release #: 2014-1122-4R   •  Message Date: 06/28/1980

Available MP3 Download: Dialogue On “Kingdom Construction”, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Maui, HI on Saturday, June 28, 1980.

Dialogue On “Kingdom Construction”

After listening to the message “Kingdom Construction” that came on Tuesday morning, June 24, 1980, several entered into a dialogue with John Stevens on the necessity of confrontation.


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Why Do You Eat The Lamb? / Do You Limit God? / Some Things About Growth

Release #: 2014-1122-2R   •  Message Date: 10/23/1966

Available MP3 Download: Why Do You Eat The Lamb? / Do You Limit God? / Some Things About Growth, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 23, 1966 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, October 27, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Why Do You Eat The Lamb?

Christ, our Passover lamb, delivers us from slavery to sin and gives us the inner strength to walk on with God.

Do You Limit God?

There is a promise of growth and perfection in everything that is born of God. As His children, we have the capacity to develop infinitely throughout all eternity. Spiritual growth comes by opening up to God. You will outgrow a lot of your problems. You have contained within you the potential of perfection.

Some Things About Growth

There is a promise of growth and perfection in everything that is born of God. As His children, we have the capacity to develop infinitely throughout all eternity. Spiritual growth comes by opening up to God. You will outgrow a lot of your problems. You have contained within you the potential of perfection.


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The Lord Directs Your Path / Restoration Of The Paths To Dwell In

Release #: 2014-1119-4R   •  Message Date: 10/30/1966

Available MP3 Download: The Lord Directs Your Path / Restoration Of The Paths To Dwell In, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 30, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Lord Directs Your Path

As you partake at the Communion table, rejoice that you are in the hands of God and that He is directing your path. God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God (Romans 8:28).

Restoration Of The Paths To Dwell In

We are living in a time of unprecedented, accelerated rate of restoration, along with the most intense battle in the spiritual world that the world has ever known. What foundations, what paths to dwell in (Isaiah 58:12), is God restoring? This restoration includes the foundation of the Church, family and home life, individual’s lives, a walk with Him, immunity, health, foundational ministries, deliverance ministries, reverence for the Lord, and impartation. Let us believe to see the restoration completed in our generation!


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As His Presence Returns / Three Planes Of Interpretation Of The Scriptures / Bring Them Into My Presence

Release #: 2014-1119-2R   •  Message Date: 10/04/1966

Available MP3 Download: As His Presence Returns / Three Planes Of Interpretation Of The Scriptures / Bring Them Into My Presence, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, October 4, 1966 and in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, October 5, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

As His Presence Returns

In this Feast of Tabernacles, we are experiencing another significant step in the restoration of God’s presence on earth: the Lordship of Jesus Christ over a people and the pouring out of their worship to Him. The restoration of the Scriptures to their original perfection will also be included in this great restoration of God.

Three Planes Of Interpretation Of The Scriptures

There are three planes of interpretation of the Scriptures. We interpret them as an illustration from the past, but we must also interpret them as an illustration of the present and of the future. Whatever has been shall be again. Also included is an exhortation on worship.

Bring Them Into My Presence

The Lord’s command for this Feast Of Tabernacles service was, “Now gather them all together in one and bring them into My presence.” Through prophecy and exhortation, He revealed His yearning love for His people.


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A Sharp Sword To Cut Deep / You Will Become Your Fear Or Your Faith! / What Are You Doing To Me? / How Close Do We Get?

Release #: 2014-1118-4R   •  Message Date: 06/18/1980

Available MP3 Download: A Sharp Sword To Cut Deep / You Will Become Your Fear Or Your Faith! / What Are You Doing To Me? / How Close Do We Get?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Wednesday, June 18, 1980 and in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, June 10, 1980 and in Honolulu, HI on Wednesday, June 18, 1980.

A Sharp Sword To Cut Deep

Bitterness can go so deep so as to become a part of your being. Only the two-edged sword of God’s Word cuts deep enough to remove it.

You Will Become Your Fear Or Your Faith!

Eventually you will become what your fears or your faith is now.

What Are You Doing To Me?

When we lower our guard we become vulnerable, yet there is no victory without our openness and submission to one another.

How Close Do We Get?

In our relationships with one another, we are going to become very close. However, our relationships are going to be according to the will of God, and not born out of human ambition or position thinking. There are no exclusive cliques or inner circles in the Kingdom of God. Do not be ambitious for a special place in the “inner crowd,” because there is no such thing. The ground is all level at the foot of the cross, and He alone will be exalted (Isaiah 2:11,17).


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Set Your Love On God — Part II / Put Your Faith In God / God’s Covenant With Your Kindred

Release #: 2014-1118-2R   •  Message Date: 08/28/1966

Available MP3 Download: Set Your Love On God — Part II / Put Your Faith In God / God’s Covenant With Your Kindred, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 28, 1966 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, August 28, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Set Your Love On God — Part II

“Because he hath set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him” (Psalm 91:14). When you set your love upon God, His blessings and provisions come into your life.

Put Your Faith In God

If you analyze your circumstances and problems as your physical senses interpret them, then before you realize it, you have rejected God. Faith looks beyond the evidence of things and sees into the realm that is governed by God’s Word. Will you believe God? Will you give Him a chance?

God’s Covenant With Your Kindred

Most of the covenants in the Old Testament involved entire families, not individuals. Are you believing God enough for a blessing on your family and relatives? Repent if you have any lack of love or burden for your family and be open for the Spirit of God to teach you how to minister to them.


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First Live It: Then Speak It

Release #: 2014-1114-2R   •  Message Date: 06/29/1980

Available MP3 Download: First Live It: Then Speak It, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Maui, HI on Sunday, June 29, 1980.

First Live It: Then Speak It

The living Word seems to come only from those who have experienced it. Without the cross experience, there is no Kingdom conquest. Your effectiveness in the Kingdom is based upon what you are and what Christ is to you. The world reads you louder than it hears you. This third School of Prophets ends with an interesting dialogue.


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Thy Priests Cometh

Release #: 2014-1112-4R   •  Message Date: 06/28/1980

Available MP3 Download: Thy Priests Cometh, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Saturday, June 28, 1980.

Thy Priests Cometh

We understand the Kingdom’s increase when we know God is bringing forth the Kingdom priesthood. From Exodus through Revelation, the priesthood is prophesied and sought after by the Lord. We enter a new level of its fulfillment in the Kingdom church.


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Thy Kingdom Groweth

Release #: 2014-1112-2R   •  Message Date: 06/28/1980

Available MP3 Download: Thy Kingdom Groweth, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Haiku, HI on Saturday, June 28, 1980.

Thy Kingdom Groweth

Through the Scriptures, we understand that the Kingdom of God progressively unfolds from level to level. Now we are witnessing a higher but simpler level for the Kingdom church.


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“Dogs” / Awesome / Only God Is One

Release #: 2014-1111-4R   •  Message Date: 06/10/1980

Available MP3 Download: “Dogs” / Awesome / Only God Is One, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, June 10, 1980 and in Honolulu, HI on Friday, June 13, 1980 and in Honolulu, HI on Tuesday, June 17, 1980.


The tendency of the flesh nature to be religious can manifest itself as a vicious dog nature. A true circumcision of heart, created by the sharp sword of God’s Word, frees us from that nature (Philippians 3:2-3).


How awesome is our privilege of seeing the transition from futility to the Kingdom of God.

Only God Is One

There will be much emphasis on God bringing forth a people who are one with Him and one with each other. All of Christianity is divided and divisive, in spite of its intentions, because it is not one with the Lord. This principle is also true in all our relationships.


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Don’t Push Your Brother / The Outskirts Of The Camp / A Judas Kiss Or Peter’s Tears?

Release #: 2014-1111-2R   •  Message Date: 05/30/1980

Available MP3 Download: Don’t Push Your Brother / The Outskirts Of The Camp / A Judas Kiss Or Peter’s Tears?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Friday, May 30, 1980 and in Honolulu, HI on Wednesday, June 18, 1980 and in Honolulu, HI on Wednesday, June 11, 1980.

Don’t Push Your Brother

Do not demand that others measure up to God’s dealings with you or to the revelation He has given you. Your experiences will differ according to the ultimate purposes of God in your lives.

The Outskirts Of The Camp

This Word deals with the danger of withdrawal and how withdrawal makes us sitting targets for Satan.

A Judas Kiss Or Peter’s Tears?

In a time of crisis the inner is revealed. All of us may fail, but out of the failure comes the tears of Peter or the fatal, irreversible fate of a Judas.


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Lord, We Get Your Point!

Release #: 2014-1106-2R   •  Message Date: 06/20/1980

Available MP3 Download: Lord, We Get Your Point!, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Maui, HI on Friday, June 20, 1980.

Lord, We Get Your Point!

With God, the fulfillment of His promises awaits our preparation. His Word tests our motivation and dedication as much as our faith. This message exploded the Hawaiian conference. It revealed to every heart what was lacking, but more important how deep was their dedication to walk with God with a pure motivation.


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The Battle Over The First-Born

Release #: 2014-1101-6R   •  Message Date: 04/11/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Battle Over The First-Born, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, April 11, 1982.

The Battle Over The First-Born

Exodus 13 describes God’s claim on the first-born. The first-born of Egypt perished at the Passover, but God redeemed unto Himself the first-born of Israel, symbolically the Levitical priesthood that opens the door to the Kingdom for the rest of God’s people. This is probably the most important message to come during the Passover for several years. The message was transmitted by telephone to Shiloh.


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Are We The Most Miserable Of All Men?

Release #: 2014-1101-4R   •  Message Date: 04/17/1973

Available MP3 Download: Are We The Most Miserable Of All Men?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Tuesday, April 17, 1973.

Are We The Most Miserable Of All Men?

This is a joyful walk with God, but we cry a lot. Don’t stop halfway — travail to move on in the realm of spirit.


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Facing The Transitions

Release #: 2014-1101-2R   •  Message Date: 06/21/1980

Available MP3 Download: Facing The Transitions, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Maui, HI on Saturday, June 21, 1980.

Facing The Transitions

The transition from ministries that are becoming obsolete to the teacher-prophet of the Kingdom who creates with a Word is here. To the summit and beyond!


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Bonded To The Word

Release #: 2014-1029-4R   •  Message Date: 06/21/1980

Available MP3 Download: Bonded To The Word, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Maui, HI on Saturday, June 21, 1980.

Bonded To The Word

We are committed to the Word of the Lord and bonded to it. We are prepared, by God’s dealings with our hearts, to be His dedicated channels. This dialogue with several of the brothers was a culmination of the Hawaii conference.


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Kingdom Construction / Kingdom Foundations For Our Future

Release #: 2014-1028-2R   •  Message Date: 06/24/1980

Available MP3 Download: Kingdom Construction / Kingdom Foundations For Our Future, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Maui, HI on Tuesday, June 24, 1980 and in Maui, HI on Wednesday, June 25, 1980.

Kingdom Construction

To be confronted in love for that which you would defend can be constructive. The Kingdom of God is often not built on an existing structure, no matter how good that structure was. Confrontation is often the first phase of Kingdom construction.

Kingdom Foundations For Our Future

Lest spiritual confrontation become destructive, here are the guidelines and patterns according to scriptural examples.


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Teacher Or Preacher? / We Never Stop Learning

Release #: 2014-1025-4R   •  Message Date: 06/21/1980

Available MP3 Download: Teacher Or Preacher? / We Never Stop Learning, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Maui, HI on Saturday, June 21, 1980 and in Haiku, HI on Saturday, June 21, 1980.

Teacher Or Preacher?

Kingdom teaching embraces both living precepts and living examples. Kingdom teaching is taught both by a living Word and the example of the humble teacher who speaks it. The truth must be revealed and then become a reality to the teacher before it becomes a revelation imparted by the teacher. Included with this service is the 8-minute graduation message that was phoned to Shiloh called,”We Never Stop Learning.”

We Never Stop Learning

“You therefore who teach another, do you not teach yourself?” Romans 2:21. This message to the Shiloh graduating class of 1980 stresses that we never stop learning and we will never stop teaching.


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From Here To Where?

Release #: 2014-1025-2R   •  Message Date: 06/22/1980

Available MP3 Download: From Here To Where?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Maui, HI on Sunday, June 22, 1980.

From Here To Where?

The last service of the Hawaii conference was a carefully expressed panorama of all that happened, all that is happening and some things that will happen in the Islands. This is indeed the first conference that shifts our focus from the church to the Kingdom.


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