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Latter Day Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit

Release #: 2013-1218-4R   •  Message Date: 03/27/1964

Available MP3 Download: Latter Day Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1964.

Latter Day Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit

We see three different fulfillments of the prophecy of latter rain in the book of Joel. The first, on the natural plane, in Joel’s day. The second, on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The third and principle fulfillment is to take place in the end time as God pours out His Spirit in double measure.


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No Fault Deliverance

Release #: 2013-1218-2R   •  Message Date: 03/06/1981

Available MP3 Download: No Fault Deliverance, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, March 6, 1981.

No Fault Deliverance

This is the sequel to “Pride Sucks, Humility Draws” and unfolds the practical application of the deliverance that is so real and vital. We have passed over into conflict for possession of the greater promises. Behind us will be the conflict for survival. This deliverance is for those oppressions that were ministered to you through NO FAULT of your own.


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The Witness Of The Holy Spirit — Romans 8:16-17

Release #: 2013-1217-8R   •  Message Date: 05/30/1965

Available MP3 Download: The Witness Of The Holy Spirit — Romans 8:16-17, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1965.

The Witness Of The Holy Spirit — Romans 8:16-17

The Holy Spirit moves within our lives to bear witness to one specific thing — we are the children of God. It also shows us what this relationship with God is to entail — that we are heirs of God and fellow-heirs with Jesus Christ. We will never be able to take our position in faith and see the things of God loosed to us until the Holy Spirit bears witness of all that is ours in Jesus Christ.


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The Intercession Of The Holy Spirit — Romans 8:26-34

Release #: 2013-1217-6R   •  Message Date: 05/23/1965

Available MP3 Download: The Intercession Of The Holy Spirit — Romans 8:26-34, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1965.

The Intercession Of The Holy Spirit — Romans 8:26-34

This lesson on the intercession of the Holy Spirit contains revelation teaching on the seven stages of intercessory prayer. The necessity of the Holy Spirit’s help in our intercession is clearly outlined.


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This Is Why It Happens

Release #: 2013-1217-4R   •  Message Date: 02/17/1980

Available MP3 Download: This Is Why It Happens, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Lahaina, HI on Sunday, February 17, 1980.

This Is Why It Happens

We agree. The world will believe that the Father sent His Son. Oneness in intercession is not done by one. Kingdom triads are the most powerful. The struggle is to divide the enemy. The overcomers are unified by His Word. The goals and the procedure of Kingdom intercession are here. This tape is essential listening for every believer. This is why it happens.


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Seek His Divine Nature Of Forgiveness

Release #: 2013-1217-2R

Available MP3 Download: Seek His Divine Nature Of Forgiveness, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, December 15, 2013.

Seek His Divine Nature Of Forgiveness

As we celebrate the life of Nelson Mandela, we believe that his revelation of God’s spiritual principle of forgiveness can be imparted to all of us. God is forgiveness. If we are truly seeking to take on God’s divine nature, then we must also embrace His ability to forgive.


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Psalms: Book III

Release #: 2013-1213-4R   •  Message Date: 02/17/1961

Available MP3 Download: Psalms: Book III, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1961.

Psalms: Book III

Book III of the Psalms (Psalms 73 — 89) contains psalms which are mainly historical. This message examines the sure mercies of David, promised in the 89th Psalm and shows how they are related to us through the son of David, the Lord Jesus Christ.


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Genesis — Part I

Release #: 2013-1213-2R   •  Message Date: 01/01/1960

Available MP3 Download: Genesis — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1960.

Genesis — Part I

Genesis is a seed plot for the rest of the Bible. This first book of the Bible establishes the covenants and promises of God for the restoration of man’s fellowship with Him. We will understand the hidden truths in the Word of God as the Holy Spirit enlightens our hearts. The message concludes with an interesting examination of God’s emphasis in the Scriptures.


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Viewing The Horizons With Hope

Release #: 2013-1212-8R   •  Message Date: 11/30/1973

Available MP3 Download: Viewing The Horizons With Hope, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Friday, November 30, 1973.

Viewing The Horizons With Hope

The world’s viewpoint is despairing, but believers lift up their heads for their redemption draweth nigh. They view the future without despair.


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The Signs Of The Outpouring

Release #: 2013-1212-6R   •  Message Date: 05/21/1967

Available MP3 Download: The Signs Of The Outpouring, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1967.


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“Yet A Little While” — Hebrews 10:37

Release #: 2013-1212-4R   •  Message Date: 03/07/1981

Available MP3 Download: “Yet A Little While” — Hebrews 10:37, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, March 7, 1981.

“Yet A Little While” — Hebrews 10:37

Hebrews 10 embraces our present situation. We have gone through so much and now that we have done the will of God, our faith will inherit the promises. We must appreciate how far we have come. We are further down the road than we realize. This message marks the beginning of a greater realization of our faith and what we are embracing.


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Release #: 2013-1212-2R   •  Message Date: 07/28/1972

Available MP3 Download: Persistence, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, July 28, 1972.


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How Long Does It Take?

Release #: 2013-1211-8R   •  Message Date: 10/12/1981

Available MP3 Download: How Long Does It Take?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in San Diego, CA on Monday, October 12, 1981.

How Long Does It Take?

The New Testament teaches that The Cross of Christ was God’s perfect provision for us and an absolute personal experience to be appropriated by faith. The work of the cross is not to be an interminable process. If Satan cannot instill unbelief in us, he will hinder or discourage our appropriation of all that God has freely given us.


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Release #: 2013-1211-6R   •  Message Date: 07/30/1972

Available MP3 Download: Loosed, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, July 30, 1972.


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The Spirit Of Adoption — Romans 8:15-17 / The Plan Of God: Conformity To The Image Of Jesus Christ — Romans 8:26-39

Release #: 2013-1211-4R   •  Message Date: 05/02/1965

Available MP3 Download: The Spirit Of Adoption — Romans 8:15-17 / The Plan Of God:  Conformity To The Image Of Jesus Christ — Romans 8:26-39, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken circa 1965.

The Spirit Of Adoption — Romans 8:15-17

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of a continuing relationship with the Heavenly Father. We begin as children of God and as the spirit of adoption moves within our hearts we realize our relationship to God as His sons is established. We look up and say, “Abba, Father.”

The Plan Of God:  Conformity To The Image Of Jesus Christ — Romans 8:26-39

The authority of God overrides all antagonistic factors in our lives, making them all blend into a divine plan that is in the heart of God. His plan is that we be conformed to the image of His Son.


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Being Led By The Spirit Of God

Release #: 2013-1211-2R   •  Message Date: 02/14/1965

Available MP3 Download: Being Led By The Spirit Of God, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1965.

Being Led By The Spirit Of God

The Body of Christ is not efficient until it is being directed by the Head. We come before the Lord with an aggressive prayer of listening which says, “I will hear what God says to me.” God’s perfect leading is the only route to God’s perfect will.


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The Dominance Of The Spirit Over The Soul

Release #: 2013-1207-8R   •  Message Date: 12/01/1967

Available MP3 Download: The Dominance Of The Spirit Over The Soul, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1967.


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The Guidance Of The Holy Spirit — Romans 8:14

Release #: 2013-1207-6R   •  Message Date: 04/25/1965

Available MP3 Download: The Guidance Of The Holy Spirit — Romans 8:14, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1965.

The Guidance Of The Holy Spirit — Romans 8:14

No problem ever loomed as great in the Christian’s heart as the problem of guidance. The guidance of the Holy Spirit directs us in attitudes and becomes the inward compulsion of our lives. The leading of the Spirit will become a way of life to those who are reaching in to mature sonship.


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The Contrast Between Life In The Spirit And Life In The Flesh — Romans 8:5-8

Release #: 2013-1207-4R   •  Message Date: 04/11/1965

Available MP3 Download: The Contrast Between Life In The Spirit And Life In The Flesh — Romans 8:5-8, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1965.

The Contrast Between Life In The Spirit And Life In The Flesh — Romans 8:5-8

The mind of the flesh is hostile to the will of God. It is completely incapable of serving God. Only as we walk in the mind of the Spirit will we know and fulfill the perfect will of God. This message contains a detailed study on the flesh.


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Life By The Spirit — Romans 8:1-4

Release #: 2013-1207-2R   •  Message Date: 04/04/1965

Available MP3 Download: Life By The Spirit — Romans 8:1-4, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1965.

Life By The Spirit — Romans 8:1-4

The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus sets us free from the law of sin and death. When we walk in the Spirit, there is no condemnation, and the power of the principle of sin is rendered inoperative within our lives.


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An Introduction To Romans Chapter 8

Release #: 2013-1204-2R   •  Message Date: 03/28/1965

Available MP3 Download: An Introduction To Romans Chapter 8, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1965.

An Introduction To Romans Chapter 8

The book of Romans has been called the Magna Carta of the Christian faith. This study in the eighth chapter highlights the fact that we are dead to the law, and we serve God through the new life of the Spirit.


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Hanukkah — Our Time Of Dedication

Release #: 2013-1202-2R

Available MP3 Download: Hanukkah — Our Time Of Dedication, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, December 1, 2013.

Hanukkah — Our Time Of Dedication

The first part of this message is a historical teaching on the beginnings and current day celebration of Hanukkah. The second part highlights Christ’s celebration of Hanukkah, the Feast of Dedication, in John 10:22, and the significance of Hanukkah for us today.


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Becoming Partakers Of His Divine Nature

Release #: 2013-1125-2R

Available MP3 Download: Becoming Partakers Of His Divine Nature, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, November 24, 2013.

Becoming Partakers Of His Divine Nature

Our heavenly Father is leading us to hunger after Him in a new and deeper way. He does not want us to merely seek Him for forgiveness of sin. He wants to impart His divine nature to us. As we enter into a relationship of knowing Him, just as Christ knew the Father, His divine nature is imparted to us.


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Encouragement On Dedication / Upon This Rock Of Revelation / Feast On His Provision

Release #: 2013-1123-8R   •  Message Date: 06/01/1966

Available MP3 Download: Encouragement On Dedication / Upon This Rock Of Revelation / Feast On His Provision, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, June 1, 1966 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, June 5, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Encouragement On Dedication

God’s purposes in the earth are so great but often believers are lacking in dedication. This walk with God demands the same dedication that the disciples in the early Church had. There are times when it appears as though God has turned away from you. Learn to be a worshiper; worship will open the door for God to manifest His presence. Determine, “I am a servant of God; I will serve wherever He places me.”

Upon This Rock Of Revelation

The apostle Peter was not the “rock” on which the church was built. What is the rock? It is the rock of revelation that Jesus is the Christ. You do not really have faith until you have this foundation. Seek Him until the revelation of Christ is real to your own spirit.

Feast On His Provision

In this Communion, we meditate upon Psalm 126 as we appropriate the life and strength that is in the body and blood of Jesus Christ. We have been called to sow in tears, but the harvest shall be great. The Lord will change the course of our lives. As we face real difficulties, let us feast on His provision.


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The Necessity Of Humility / How God Reached Peter’s Subconscious Mind

Release #: 2013-1123-6R   •  Message Date: 05/29/1966

Available MP3 Download: The Necessity Of Humility / How God Reached Peter’s Subconscious Mind, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 29, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Necessity Of Humility

It is easy to be dedicated to a finished product without being dedicated to the process that produces the final result. What is the process that leads to authority? Authority is almost always commensurate with humility. Spiritual pride drains off the power of a ministry; for this reason, humility is essential. Also included is an exhortation on fullness.

How God Reached Peter’s Subconscious Mind

The apostle Peter, in his spirit, was still a Jew. God had to reach down to his subconscious mind to show him that He loved the Gentiles and was opening the door of salvation to them. Like Peter, we have to go further than just accepting the truth of this walk with God in our minds; we must learn to respond to Him in the depth of our spirits.


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Learn To Live With Change / The Attitudes Of Humility And Waiting On God — Part II / Keep Your Eyes On The Divine Element

Release #: 2013-1123-4R   •  Message Date: 05/22/1966

Available MP3 Download: Learn To Live With Change / The Attitudes Of Humility And Waiting On God — Part II / Keep Your Eyes On The Divine Element, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 22, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Learn To Live With Change

We are living in a time of transition, when relationships and situations are changing. You will not feel any sense of security, except in the presence of the Lord. Learn to practice His presence, and to sacrifice the good things for the better, and the better things for the best.

The Attitudes Of Humility And Waiting On God — Part II

God dwells on a dual throne in the highest of heavens and in the humble spirit. We acquire the attributes of His presence by an attitude that waits on the Lord. This message gives keys to that prayer of listening — waiting on the Lord.

Keep Your Eyes On The Divine Element

In our ministries, there will always be the human element. We must look past their human frailties and see the divine element. As it was with Jesus Christ, the real miracle is that, unless you have faith in God, you will miss what God has put in the human channel to give you. The service began with seeking the Lord for a heart of repentance.


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The Overflowing Spirit / Relating To Spiritual Authority

Release #: 2013-1123-2R   •  Message Date: 05/15/1966

Available MP3 Download: The Overflowing Spirit / Relating To Spiritual Authority, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 15, 1966 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 22, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Overflowing Spirit

There is a basic selfishness in all of us. Yet, the greater the flow of ministry through you, the less attention you will need to give to your own needs. The inflow depends on your dedication to an outflow. This involves an element of reckless faith.

Relating To Spiritual Authority

In relating to spiritual authority, people tend to err in two extremes. 1) They look at the humanity of the vessel and fail to see the divine anointing in that person. 2) Or, they refuse to see the humanity of the vessel but see the person as infallible. Both extremes are wrong; we need to see each other in the light of God’s Word. Your attitude toward the elders of the church is of supreme importance. It is your acceptance of both their humanity and the divine deposit within them that enables you to receive miracle power at their hands.


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From Whosoever To Whatsoever

Release #: 2013-1119-8R   •  Message Date: 12/03/1978

Available MP3 Download: From Whosoever To Whatsoever, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, December 3, 1978.

From Whosoever To Whatsoever

Faith is the general climate of consistent trust in the Word of God and this faith explodes into the specific definition and fulfillment of that Word. This is especially true in spiritual warfare.


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Acts Of Aggression

Release #: 2013-1119-6R   •  Message Date: 07/23/1978

Available MP3 Download: Acts Of Aggression, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Shiloh, Kalona, IA on Sunday, July 23, 1978.

Acts Of Aggression

This exposition centers around I Timothy 4, but it draws from both epistles to reveal a thread of exhortation to Timothy. He is constantly assaulted with words that demand His aggressive pursuit of his perfect completion of his ministry, without passivity or neglect. This is the conclusion of the Kingdom School Convocation. It is the focus and channeling of what we’ve been into.


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Who’s The Lord And Who’s The Servant?

Release #: 2013-1119-4R   •  Message Date: 12/03/1978

Available MP3 Download: Who’s The Lord And Who’s The Servant?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Sunday, December 3, 1978.

Who’s The Lord And Who’s The Servant?

The standards of the Kingdom differ in the quality, purity and intensity required. The line must be defined: who is the Lord and who is the servant? No rivals may coexist with the Lord Jesus Christ.


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Introduction: Prepare Your Heart For A New Life

Release #: 2013-1119-2R

Available MP3 Download: Introduction: Prepare Your Heart For A New Life, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Sunday, August 7, 1994.

Introduction: Prepare Your Heart For A New Life

You have the opportunity to begin a new life for yourself during this School Of Prophets. Between now and the morning service, you need to take time to honestly evaluate whether or not you want a new life; and if so, are you willing to do what is necessary to effect the change?


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The Truthers And The Liars

Release #: 2013-1114-2R   •  Message Date: 06/27/1976

Available MP3 Download: The Truthers And The Liars, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, June 27, 1976.

The Truthers And The Liars

This revelation exposition of Ephesians 4 highlights the contrast between the Body’s “truth in love” and the lying deception of the end time. The word is necessary for every minister both for his own instruction and as a guideline for his counseling. The message is similar to the Probe series.


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I Will Not Compete With You

Release #: 2013-1112-2R   •  Message Date: 04/04/1977

Available MP3 Download: I Will Not Compete With You, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Monday, April 4, 1977.

I Will Not Compete With You

My creed: anything the Lord gives me, I will give to others. Anything He teaches me I will teach to others. Any ability He imparts, I will impart. I will have won my race when a thousand sons outstrip me. I will be translated to a higher realm when I can give a son a double portion of all that I have from God. I am more blessed in giving than receiving. I will not compete with my brother. I will allow no personal objective of mine to compete with God’s objective for me. I will always seek first His Kingdom. I repent of the sinfulness of a competitive spirit.


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Why Your Faith Does Not Work

Release #: 2013-1029-2R

Available MP3 Download: Why Your Faith Does Not Work, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Tuesday, August 9, 1994.

Why Your Faith Does Not Work

Your faith does not work for one of two reasons. One: You ask amiss–James 4:3. You cannot be asking for something God has not said will happen and term that an exercise of faith. Remember, real faith comes by hearing a Word from God–Romans 10:17. Two: Your faith is dead–James 2:17. You must be taking action about what you believe or your faith dies.


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Do You Know Your Destiny In God? Do Something About Your Destiny!

Release #: 2013-1026-4R

Available MP3 Download: Do You Know Your Destiny In God? Do Something About Your Destiny!, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Friday, August 12, 1994.

Do You Know Your Destiny In God? Do Something About Your Destiny!

We accept that Christ had a destiny. Can you accept that you also are destined in God? Would God’s treasure trove, the Holy Spirit, be placed in you without a destiny? If you were not destined before you received the Holy Spirit, you are now. Your first assignment in this new walk with Him is to have that destiny revealed to you. The second step is to do something about your destiny.


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The End Of Ishmael — Part I / The End Of Ishmael — Part II

Release #: 2013-1026-2R

Available MP3 Downloads: The End Of Ishmael — Part I / The End Of Ishmael — Part II, by Gary Hargrave. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 4, 1983 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, December 4, 1983.

The End Of Ishmael — Part I

As we enter into this day of fulfillment, we are looking to the Lord for a spirit of repentance which will bring an end to everything which has been brought forth by the flesh. We will not pray, “Oh, that Ishmael may live in Thy sight,” but rather will sacrifice the Ishmael along with the Isaac before the Lord, knowing that He is able to preserve that which is pleasing in His presence. We desire to walk from this day forward without the constant threat of destruction from our Ishmaels. This message is a prophetic proclamation of the end of Ishmael.

The End Of Ishmael — Part II

Same as Dec. 4, 1983 Sun. P.M. SoG. “The End Of Ishmael.”


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Living In The Millennium Begins Today

Release #: 2013-1024-4R

Available MP3 Download: Living In The Millennium Begins Today, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Friday, August 12, 1994.

Living In The Millennium Begins Today

A thorough study of the Scriptures teaches us that the day of the Lord has two manifestations: (1) for evil men and those not watching; (2) for those who are awake and ready. If we are awake and ready, then we need to start living our lives as the ones who participate in the “blessed” day of the Lord. It is time to plan and live your life with a thousand years of serving the Lord in mind. If you do not begin to think in these terms, you are not going to prioritize properly. It is time to make time for the things you must do and be.


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Discover The Holy Spirit In You

Release #: 2013-1024-2R

Available MP3 Download: Discover The Holy Spirit In You, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Wednesday, August 10, 1994.

Discover The Holy Spirit In You

There is no such thing as a vacuum in the spirit realm. Any emptiness is immediately filled. Receiving the Holy Spirit is properly referred to as being filled with the Spirit. The filling of the Holy Spirit is in response to a vacuum created by the believer. You cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit unless you disconnect with your former life, creating a vacuum. The Greek word for the Holy Spirit means “breeze.” The Spirit rushes in to fill the empty space left when the believer is baptized in Christ. Christ crucifies the flesh. The Spirit is what possesses the vacuum which is created. This was the pattern used in the first-century Church as established by Peter in Acts 2:38. You are here to disconnect from your former life. That will create a vacuum that you are going to allow to be filled by the Holy Spirit. If you open up to something else during this time, you will be filled with that. If that happens, you will be in a worse state than when you started this School Of Prophets.


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The Ezekiel Company Prophesies Oneness

Release #: 2013-1021-2R

Available MP3 Download: The Ezekiel Company Prophesies Oneness, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, October 19, 2013.

The Ezekiel Company Prophesies Oneness

God has been speaking a prophetic word that the Body of Christ is to come together in oneness. The power and testimony of the early Church will be restored not because we try to agree on doctrines and creeds, but because we fulfill Christ’s great commandment: love one another. As God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy over the valley of dry bones, He is today commanding those who embrace the diversity and oneness of the Body of Christ to prophesy that the Body comes together in love. This message, spoken to a gathering of Catholic priests and bishops and Protestant ministers, is a guide for how we move together into this new day.




His Constant Provision / The Older Brother Spirit / The Principle Of Extravagance

Release #: 2013-1019-4R   •  Message Date: 05/15/1966

Available MP3 Download: His Constant Provision / The Older Brother Spirit / The Principle Of Extravagance, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 15, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

His Constant Provision

In this communion, we are reminded of God’s constant provision and care for us. We simply appropriate His life and entrust our lives completely into His hands.

The Older Brother Spirit

In the story of the prodigal son, the older brother who stayed home had more of a need than his brother who went away. The older brother was very self-righteous and became wrong in his spirit towards his brother. He was thinking only of himself, which was a sign of his immaturity. We must have a right spirit and a real deep concern for our brother.

The Principle Of Extravagance

The principle of extravagance has to be understood. It is the law of harvest. When you give yourself to ministering to others, the Lord will take care of your personal needs. When you open your heart to this principle, God starts a grace flowing toward you. This message should help you in your finances, and in the way you approach God.


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Loose Them And Let Them Go!

Release #: 2013-1019-2R   •  Message Date: 05/29/1966

Available MP3 Download: Loose Them And Let Them Go!, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 29, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Loose Them And Let Them Go!

The story of the resurrection of Lazarus gives us an illustration of how people, after being delivered from sin, may still have the wrapping of death upon them.  They may still need to be freed from habits, bondages, or deep ruts within their spirits. As Christians, we must be willing to get involved and, with love, remove the wrappings of death from our brother.


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Access And Approach To God

Release #: 2013-1018-4R   •  Message Date: 11/22/1959

Available MP3 Download: Access And Approach To God, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1959.

Access And Approach To God

Through the blood of Christ, we have access to the Father (Ephesians 2:18). In Christ, we have been brought near and have been reconciled to God (Ephesians 2:13; II Corinthians 5:18-19). Through Christ, we come boldly to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16, KJV). This message is Lesson 2 in the manual, “Worship”.


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Disconnect From Your Former Life

Release #: 2013-1018-2R

Available MP3 Download: Disconnect From Your Former Life, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Monday, August 8, 1994.

Disconnect From Your Former Life

To make a change in your life, you must disconnect from deception, both temporal and spiritual. This will not happen in a singular experience or deliverance. Each deception you are believing must be exposed by the truth. Each truth confronts you with a decision: “Will you disconnect from the deception or not?” The only way to disconnect from deception is to embrace the truth. The proof of embracing the truth is a life-style change. Each life-style change is a freedom from a bondage you are under.


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Your Freedom, Change, And Fulfillment

Release #: 2013-1017-8R

Available MP3 Download: Your Freedom, Change, And Fulfillment, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Thursday, August 11, 1994.

Your Freedom, Change, And Fulfillment

The Holy Spirit is not merely endowed with knowledge to be imparted to us. Committed to Him is the entirety of our salvation. The Word states that Christ’s “divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him.” If He has given that to you, where is it? The completed fulfillment of all that you are looking for already resides within you. Regeneration is, however, housed in the Holy Spirit. His role is to distribute it to you as you are ready to walk in it.


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He Has Many Things To Teach You

Release #: 2013-1017-6R

Available MP3 Download: He Has Many Things To Teach You, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Thursday, August 11, 1994.

He Has Many Things To Teach You

“I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” This statement is the point of conflict between God and man since Adam and Eve. God cannot tell you everything that you need to know right now. You must be obedient to His commandment. In most instances, we do not need faith; we need obedience. You cannot always reason with a child; until he can understand, you have rules and regulations. Until Adam and Eve could understand the tree of good and evil, God simply had to say,”Do not eat of this tree.” We must have a revelation that we are unable to receive “all truth” all at once. In His love for us as a father, He relates to us through the Holy Spirit. He teaches us line upon line, precept upon precept. We must not refuse to relate to Him, day to day, if in that relationship He must give us simple do’s and don’ts.


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The Holy Spirit — Christ Appears As A Thief

Release #: 2013-1017-4R

Available MP3 Download: The Holy Spirit — Christ Appears As A Thief, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Tuesday, August 9, 1994.

The Holy Spirit — Christ Appears As A Thief

Christ is giving us a wake-up call. It is time to remember what we have received and obey it, or He will come to us as a thief. What we have received from Him is the Holy Spirit. If we continue to be disobedient to Him, then we will miss Christ’s appearing. The return of the Lord is not supposed to come to us as a thief; but if you are going to know the hour of His coming, you must wake up! Remember what you have received, and be obedient.


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Summary Of The Word That Will Come!

Release #: 2013-1017-2R

Available MP3 Download: Summary Of The Word That Will Come!, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Monday, August 8, 1994.

Summary Of The Word That Will Come!

In this School Of Prophets, we will disconnect from our former walk, with its bondages and deceptions. We will begin to communicate with, and be instructed by, the Holy Spirit, Christ dwelling within us. Practicing this relationship with the Holy Spirit is the promised evidence of your freedom, change, and fulfillment. Living in the Millennium begins today! (Read the message “Do You Have A False Image Of God” found in the book Blow Up Your Dams.)


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Lesson #4 On The Second Coming Of Christ

Release #: 2013-1014-6R   •  Message Date: 03/05/1964

Available MP3 Download: Lesson #4 On The Second Coming Of Christ, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1964.

Lesson #4 On The Second Coming Of Christ

According to the Scriptures, a number of specific events take place in the end time. Contradictory extremes will happen during this time of transition from one age to another. The people of God must be aware that the presence of the Lord will be closer than ever, and He will bring to maturity the remnant who will be His instruments during the days to come.


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Deliverance From The Bondage Of Fear

Release #: 2013-1014-4R

Available MP3 Download: Deliverance From The Bondage Of Fear, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, October 13, 2013.

Deliverance From The Bondage Of Fear

There is a fear of the Lord, an awe and reverence of God, which is the beginning of wisdom. There is another fear of God that is related to the fear of death and judgment. That fear is demonic and we must be delivered from it. Fear of judgment does not produce holiness; it enslaves people and holds them in bondage. Love casts out fear; love is God’s motivation and as we receive His love, we become channels of His love in the earth. This is a key to evangelism. This is the next step into the kingdom.


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We Long For His Kingdom

Release #: 2013-1014-2R

Available MP3 Download: We Long For His Kingdom, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, October 12, 2013.

We Long For His Kingdom

We have a spiritual body prepared for us and some, who have died in the faith, are currently living in a spiritual state. The kingdom is different; it is manifest on earth, the place God created for mankind. Creation is longing, with great expectation, for the manifestation of the sons of God. Likewise, we long for and pray for His kingdom, knowing that we will live fruitful and abundant lives on this earth in a creation free from futility.


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The Perils Of Discipleship / You’ll Find Him Where You Left Him — Part I / You’ll Find Him Where You Left Him — Part II

Release #: 2013-1012-2R   •  Message Date: 05/01/1966

Available MP3 Download: The Perils Of Discipleship / You’ll Find Him Where You Left Him — Part I / You’ll Find Him Where You Left Him — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 1, 1966 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 1, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Perils Of Discipleship

Disciples are rather rare. Discipleship involves a total cost and dedication. This heart-searching message uncovers the perils of discipleship and brings us a step closer to the total discipleship that God wants of us.

You’ll Find Him Where You Left Him — Part I

The story of how Mary lost Jesus in the temple at Passover reminds us of the perilous time that we live in. We must be very careful and vigilant not to lose His presence or to lose our awareness of Him. It can take longer to find the Lord again, than it did to lose Him in the first place. Turn your heart back to the Lord; you will find Him where you left Him.

You’ll Find Him Where You Left Him — Part II

The story of how Mary lost Jesus in the temple at Passover reminds us of the perilous time that we live in. We must be very careful and vigilant not to lose His presence or to lose our awareness of Him. It can take longer to find the Lord again, than it did to lose Him in the first place. Turn your heart back to the Lord; you will find Him where you left Him.


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He’s All Things / God Is Making A Pass — Olé!

Release #: 2013-1011-8R   •  Message Date: 04/11/1979

Available MP3 Download: He’s All Things / God Is Making A Pass — Olé!, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in No. Hollywood, CA on Wednesday, April 11, 1979 and in Anaheim, CA on Monday, April 16, 1979.

He’s All Things

The Scriptures reveal many facets of our Lord. He is all things to us from Father to Servant, from Savior to King, our Bread, our Truth, the Way. He is all things according to our revelation of Him.

God Is Making A Pass — Olé!

On a Monday night in the final days of Passover, one of the most humorous but penetrating words came. If you still have a religious spirit, don’t get this tape please.


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Lesson #6 On The Second Coming Of Christ

Release #: 2013-1011-6R   •  Message Date: 03/12/1964

Available MP3 Download: Lesson #6 On The Second Coming Of Christ, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1964.

Lesson #6 On The Second Coming Of Christ

In Matthew 24:3, the disciples ask Jesus, “When will these things be, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” This message is a fantastic exposition of Matthew chapter 24 concerning the end time.


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Lesson #5 On The Second Coming Of Christ

Release #: 2013-1011-4R   •  Message Date: 03/06/1964

Available MP3 Download: Lesson #5 On The Second Coming Of Christ, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1964.

Lesson #5 On The Second Coming Of Christ

The saints of God are going through a time of shaking and testing to prepare them to be able to wield the mighty weapon of the Spirit, the Word of God. The full authority and dominion of the King will rest upon them. They will preach the gospel of the Kingdom as a true witness to the world.


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The Sin Of Not Loving Him More

Release #: 2013-1011-2R   •  Message Date: 09/26/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Sin Of Not Loving Him More, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, September 26, 1982.

The Sin Of Not Loving Him More

We know how to withstand the satanic assault, but what will we do when God tests our hearts and asks, “Lovest thou Me more than these?” Here is the question: “God gave the Living Word, but how many appropriated it?” (At the Day of Atonement, the ministries of the various islands were broken and searched by the Spirit of the Lord.)


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God’s Presence Is Our Security / The Attitudes Of Humility And Waiting On God — Part I

Release #: 2013-1010-2R   •  Message Date: 05/22/1966

Available MP3 Download: God’s Presence Is Our Security / The Attitudes Of Humility And Waiting On God — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 22, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

God’s Presence Is Our Security

What is our source of comfort? God is with us! Open your heart to the permanence that is in God. “The grass withereth and the flower fadeth, but the Word of God abideth forever.” The Word is our security. Upon this premise, we take a step of faith today in this communion service, and we open our hearts to a deeper dedication to the Lord.

The Attitudes Of Humility And Waiting On God — Part I

This message addresses two attitudes of heart: humility and waiting on the Lord. God has dual thrones: He dwells both in the highest of heavens and with the humble of heart. Your life must not be lived in your own strength. Humility brings God’s presence into your life. When you expectantly wait on God, there is a transfer from Him to you of divine life. Waiting on the Lord is the most important prayer you can do.


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Our Faith Anticipates The Coming Events

Release #: 2013-0928-2R

Available MP3 Download: Our Faith Anticipates The Coming Events, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Wednesday, September 25, 2013.

Our Faith Anticipates The Coming Events

In 2014 and 2015, four lunar eclipses will transpire. It is rare and significant that they will happen during the Feasts of Passover and Tabernacles. This will not happen again for 500 years! We reach into these days with faith and anticipation, knowing that the Scriptures associate the moon turning into blood with the day of the Lord. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Joel 2:32). This can be a time when God fulfills His Word to Israel and pours out His Spirit on all flesh. Tonight, we celebrated the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles.


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God’s Protection / The Security Of The Man Who Thoroughly Trusts In God

Release #: 2013-0926-2R   •  Message Date: 02/13/1966

Available MP3 Download: God’s Protection / The Security Of The Man Who Thoroughly Trusts In God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 13, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

God’s Protection

The presence of the Lord in the communion table is one of the most solemn truths in all our faith. It represents God’s protection, His deliverance. Have you developed an awareness of your problems, or of His presence? God is right here with you; practice His presence.

The Security Of The Man Who Thoroughly Trusts In God

Decide whether you are going to live with an awareness of your problems or an awareness of the Lord. If you live in God, His promises, protections, and immunities are yours. The Lord is everywhere! But you must develop an awareness of Him and learn to abide in His presence. This message is an expository on Psalm 91.


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Lesson #7 On The Second Coming Of Christ

Release #: 2013-0925-2R   •  Message Date: 03/19/1964

Available MP3 Download: Lesson #7 On The Second Coming Of Christ, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1964.

Lesson #7 On The Second Coming Of Christ

This message expounds II Thessalonians chapter 2 concerning the second coming of the Lord, and illustrates how passages of Scripture are progressively fulfilled.


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Living In The Kingdom

Release #: 2013-0923-2R

Available MP3 Download: Living In The Kingdom, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, September 22, 2013.

Living In The Kingdom

In response to questions from young adults about the Kingdom of God, Gary encouraged them to be excited rather than fearful. God created us to inhabit the earth, and in the Kingdom, we will live on the earth without futility and negativity. Be driven to see the Kingdom come. God is driven to bring you into the land of His blessing.


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Focus Your Faith! / Deliverance From Unbelief

Release #: 2013-0918-2R   •  Message Date: 05/04/1966

Available MP3 Download: Focus Your Faith! / Deliverance From Unbelief, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, May 4, 1966 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, May 5, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Focus Your Faith!

As believers, we must come to grips with the fact that we not only have faith, but we also have unbelief. We want the victorious faith that wholly focuses everything within our being upon the Word that God has spoken, and trusts it. This faith also involves an agreement with the will of God. When we pray in the Holy Spirit with this focused faith, we can move mountains!

Deliverance From Unbelief

If you want to be a person of faith, you must not only believe God’s Word, but you must be delivered from the unbelief and reservations buried deep within you.  The Holy Spirit has the ability to delve into the depths of your mind and spirit, and to effectively bring release from the subconscious barriers to faith.  The first step towards this deliverance is to give God your worship and praise.


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Christ Our Atonement

Release #: 2013-0915-4R

Available MP3 Download: Christ Our Atonement, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, September 15, 2013.

Christ Our Atonement

On the Day of Atonement described in Leviticus 16, the sins and transgressions of the people are literally placed on the goat of removal and taken away. Jesus Christ, our Atonement, not only provides the entire removal of our sin and sin nature but also imparts back to us His divine nature and righteousness. We determine this Day of Atonement concludes with our full appropriation of the total sanctification provided by the Lamb of God.


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In A Day It Will Happen

Release #: 2013-0914-4R

Available MP3 Download: In A Day It Will Happen, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, September 14, 2013.

In A Day It Will Happen

The Day of Atonement will have its fulfillment in history just as the day of Pentecost is a historical event. The fulfillment is reserved for the end time and is part of the quick change that will spring forth in the earth. In one day, atonement will be made to cleanse you, and you will be completely clean–purged, purified, and refined. We determine to see Israel and the Body of Christ experience the Day of Atonement in this generation. Nothing will restrain God from pouring out His abundance and love to a people who are sanctified and cleansed.


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Atonement — The Entire Removal Of Sin

Release #: 2013-0914-2R

Available MP3 Download: Atonement — The Entire Removal Of Sin, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Friday, September 13, 2013.

Atonement — The Entire Removal Of Sin

Sin, like energy, does not just disappear; when it is removed from one place, it has to go somewhere else. God prepared a place for all unrighteousness, sin, and evil–a place called Gehenna. In Passover, our sins are covered by the blood of Christ and forgiven by God, but we still retain the sin nature and its consequences. In Atonement, our sin is entirely removed from us. We are not to continue to exist only in a Passover experience; we must aggressively enter into this Atonement–transferring our sins and sin nature to the wilderness of Gehenna.


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Relating To Our Father

Release #: 2013-0912-4R

Available MP3 Download: Relating To Our Father, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Wednesday, September 11, 2013.

Relating To Our Father

God is driven to have a relationship with us, and even though we can accept that mentally, we are reluctant to completely open up and trust His love. Today, we break the unawareness on us of the Father’s love for us. Christ broke the barrier between God and man so that we can be reconciled to the Father. In communion, we pass through Jesus Christ, the door, and come into a relationship with our Father.


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Repentance That Restores God’s Favor

Release #: 2013-0909-2R

Available MP3 Download: Repentance That Restores God’s Favor, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, September 8, 2013.

Repentance That Restores God’s Favor

We are in the Ten Days Of Repentance, which lead up to the Day Of Atonement. This Word sets us on a course of repentance for the Body of Christ to be wholly pleasing unto the Lord.


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It’s Not Your Sword

Release #: 2013-0908-2R   •  Message Date: 07/11/1974

Available MP3 Download: It’s Not Your Sword, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, July 11, 1974.

It’s Not Your Sword

The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit and only the Holy Spirit can illuminate and anoint the Word of God that is in the sheath of your heart and draw it forth in battle. The Scriptures should be reverenced and not used in carnal, religious arguments.


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The Power Of The Tongue

Release #: 2013-0907-6R

Available MP3 Download: The Power Of The Tongue, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Saturday, September 7, 2013.

The Power Of The Tongue

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and you will eat the fruit of your words (Proverbs 18:21). What you say matters at all times, in every place. We must speak as God’s mouth. So end the duplicity in your speech, separate the precious from the vile, and be His voice. Tonight, the congregation prophesied the Word of the Lord to create this new year.


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The Open Door To Complete Salvation

Release #: 2013-0907-4R

Available MP3 Download: The Open Door To Complete Salvation, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Friday, September 6, 2013.

The Open Door To Complete Salvation

At the Feast of Trumpets, we remember that God descended upon Mount Sinai and announced His presence when He gave Israel His Law, the first covenant. When Jesus ministered communion to His disciples in Luke 22, He spoke of the new covenant in His blood, and of taking communion in remembrance of Him. Remember that God wants to descend upon you, dwell in you, and be the Lord of your life. He is already at work in you, both to will and to do His good pleasure. Don’t negotiate at the communion table over some small thing; believe in complete sanctification. God is knocking; hear Him and let Him in. Your whole spirit, soul, and body will be sanctified as the Bride of Christ without spot or wrinkle.


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This Is How He Does It!

Release #: 2013-0906-4R   •  Message Date: 07/18/1974

Available MP3 Download: This Is How He Does It!, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, July 18, 1974.

This Is How He Does It!

The Lord has limited Himself to work principally through the human channel. Thus it is that our faith voiced in prayer releases God’s will and power in the earth.


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Lesson #3 On The Second Coming Of Christ

Release #: 2013-0906-2R   •  Message Date: 02/28/1964

Available MP3 Download: Lesson #3 On The Second Coming Of Christ, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1964.

Lesson #3 On The Second Coming Of Christ

Our awareness of times and seasons is crucial. Instead of focusing on the great “falling away” (II Thessalonians 2:3, KJV), we must be looking for the appearings of the Lord that are taking place during this time of the end of one age and the beginning of another.


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Your Initiative And The Holy Spirit

Release #: 2013-0906-6R

Available MP3 Download: Your Initiative And The Holy Spirit, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in Palmer Lake, CO on Monday, June 16, 1997.

Your Initiative And The Holy Spirit

There is an emphasis on being filled with the Holy Spirit because it determines the effectiveness of your whole life. It is by your initiative that a relationship is created in which the Holy Spirit can reveal Christ and the Father to you. He will only go as far into a relationship as you are willing. You must exercise the Spirit and practice initiative with submission. (This is meeting #2 of the YASP Leadership Conference, 1997.)


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Shofar — God Descends To Earth

Release #: 2013-0905-2R

Available MP3 Download: Shofar — God Descends To Earth, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Wednesday, September 4, 2013.

Shofar — God Descends To Earth

We remember the awesome power and authority that God manifested on earth at Mount Sinai with thunder and lightning, and the sound of a trumpet that grew louder and louder (Exodus 19:16-20). The shofar sounded from God’s presence, and God spoke to Moses. The sounding of the shofar at the Feast of Trumpets is God’s proclamation of His Kingdom on this earth. When we prophesy, it is not to get God’s attention; we speak as His mouth, expressing His drive to establish heaven on earth.  


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The Latter Rain

Release #: 2013-0904-4R   •  Message Date: 03/26/1964

Available MP3 Download: The Latter Rain, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1964.

The Latter Rain

Ask the Lord for the rain — the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The early and the latter rain are going to be poured out upon the earth for a distinct purpose: to bring forth maturity in God’s remnant in the end time.


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This Weight Hinders Me

Release #: 2013-0904-2R   •  Message Date: 07/01/1979

Available MP3 Download: This Weight Hinders Me, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 1, 1979.

This Weight Hinders Me

The prophets’ meeting surveyed the bondage of God’s people in bond and past association and contacts which have restrained and conditioned their hearts negatively. How deeply God will probe our spirit to see any wicked way in us or any perverse response to His Word.


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The Miracle Of The Loaves And Fishes / Be Fruitful And Grow / Lord, Let Us Be Fruitful!

Release #: 2013-0903-4R   •  Message Date: 05/08/1966

Available MP3 Download: The Miracle Of The Loaves And Fishes / Be Fruitful And Grow / Lord, Let Us Be Fruitful!, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 8, 1966 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 8, 1966 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 8, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Miracle Of The Loaves And Fishes

The greatest truth that we can learn is to draw the life of Jesus Christ and partake of it. The time of miracles and the time of renewal is at the communion table, where we appropriate the life of Christ.

Be Fruitful And Grow

God demands fruitfulness in the lives of His people. His dealings on your life are for your maturity. What should accompany your salvation? If you constantly take in and do not minister out, you will reach a point of stagnation. However, you will grow as you become a fruitful, productive believer.

Lord, Let Us Be Fruitful!

This church is to have an outreach to the whole world and to convey the message that God is giving to this generation. We must realize that the gifts of the Spirit are given to us as tools to get the job done: to be witnesses of Jesus Christ to the world. Lord, let this church be fruitful!


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Partake Of The Life Of God / The Greatest Answer For A Mother

Release #: 2013-0903-2R   •  Message Date: 05/08/1966

Available MP3 Download: Partake Of The Life Of God / The Greatest Answer For A Mother, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 8, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Partake Of The Life Of God

At the communion table, Jesus was not establishing a religious ritual; He was bringing forth a way by which you can partake of the life of God. This is the wonder of impartation and appropriation. The communion is a means of God ministering Himself to you. Also included is an exhortation on priority.

The Greatest Answer For A Mother

Motherhood can be a great blessing. However, it takes a great deal of faith to be a mother and to raise your children for God. When a mother lays her little ones on the altar of the Lord, it opens the door for God to work closely with her heart. This Mothers’ Day message is a revelation of how the heart of a true mother is an expression of God Himself. The service included an exhortation on worship and music.


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The Resurrection Body — Part II

Release #: 2013-0830-4R   •  Message Date: 02/17/1974

Available MP3 Download: The Resurrection Body — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, February 17, 1974.

The Resurrection Body — Part II

“How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?” This is good revelation teaching about the resurrection body and what it is like.


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The Resurrection Body — Part I

Release #: 2013-0830-2R   •  Message Date: 02/17/1974

Available MP3 Download: The Resurrection Body — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, February 17, 1974.

The Resurrection Body — Part I

“How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?” This is good revelation teaching about the resurrection body and what it is like.


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Lesson #2 On The Second Coming Of Christ

Release #: 2013-0828-4R   •  Message Date: 02/27/1964

Available MP3 Download: Lesson #2 On The Second Coming Of Christ, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1964.

Lesson #2 On The Second Coming Of Christ

Scriptural references to end-time events clearly include things which all will see as well as things which only those who are watching and prepared for will see. The judgments and deliverances of the end time are coming at the same time that God is preparing a people and giving them a Word.


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Lesson #1 On The Second Coming Of Christ

Release #: 2013-0828-2R   •  Message Date: 02/20/1964

Available MP3 Download: Lesson #1 On The Second Coming Of Christ, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1964.

Lesson #1 On The Second Coming Of Christ

This message is an outline of the eight lessons on the Second Coming of Christ. An analysis of Greek words, such as Parousia–the manifestation and appearing of the Lord–is given. Scripture references are included for future study.


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We Become His Yielded Channels / The Lord’s Prayer, A Relationship To The Father — Part II

Release #: 2013-0827-2R   •  Message Date: 04/24/1966

Available MP3 Download: We Become His Yielded Channels / The Lord’s Prayer, A Relationship To The Father — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 24, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

We Become His Yielded Channels

A human channel through which God brings blessing to the world must always be yielded and submissive to Him, even when reproach comes against it. Mary, the mother of Christ, is an example of this. In this communion service, we wash ourselves clean of stubborness and rebellion, and we cry, “Be it done unto me according to Thy Word.”

The Lord’s Prayer, A Relationship To The Father — Part II

In this expository message on the Lord’s Prayer, John outlines seven different relationships to God that are expressed in that prayer. The scope of this prayer is tremendous. The prayer ends with the parable of the friend looking for bread. This may seem unrelated, however we are living in a time when people are hungry for the bread of God’s Word. Lord, make this people a house of bread for hungry hearts.


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Immaturity Is The Direct Result Of Division

Release #: 2013-0826-2R

Available MP3 Download: Immaturity Is The Direct Result Of Division, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, August 25, 2013.

Immaturity Is The Direct Result Of Division

Satan has used the division within the Body of Christ to protract our infancy and render us ineffective as God’s instruments in the earth. Today, God is bringing His love within us, which creates a oneness of Spirit, which will begin the process of maturity outlined in Ephesians chapter 4. This process of maturity will lead from oneness of Spirit into oneness of faith. The process of coming into oneness is one of the greatest signs of the end time. Oneness is the final frontier.


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The Sin Of Turning Back / It’s Suppertime! / The Answer For Your Wilderness Experience

Release #: 2013-0822-2R   •  Message Date: 04/17/1966

Available MP3 Download: The Sin Of Turning Back / It’s Suppertime! / The Answer For Your Wilderness Experience, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 17, 1966 and in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, April 20, 1966 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, April 21, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Sin Of Turning Back

Lot’s wife is a picture of the carnal Christian in the last day. She knew the true God, she had great advantages, she had the help of angels; but she turned and looked back because she was engrossed with the pleasures of Sodom. We are living at a conjunction of ages, a time of unique jeopardy for every soul. Lot’s wife was not prepared when the great testing came. Are you prepared for the storm that is coming? Remember Lot’s wife.

It’s Suppertime!

In the parable of The Great Supper, those who were originally invited had many excuses why they could not come. So, the master went to the highways and the hedges and compelled others to come in. This parable has a dispensational significance. Today, it is easy to be overly involved with the cares of life. But there is a compelling ministry of love that is reaching out to the world saying, “God loves you. All is prepared; come in and have supper with Him.”

The Answer For Your Wilderness Experience

The wilderness is a temporary experience while passing from the land of bondage into the promises of the Lord. In the midst of a wilderness, you will always be confronted with impossible circumstances. Some problems are not meant to be solved; they are meant to be walked through. Do not be discouraged when you are in a wilderness. God will bring you into a greater blessing by drying up the blessings that you are walking in. This Word is the answer for anyone in a wilderness experience.


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The Protection Of Our Minds / A Meditation On The Word Of God

Release #: 2013-0820-2R   •  Message Date: 04/29/1966

Available MP3 Download: The Protection Of Our Minds / A Meditation On The Word Of God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, April 29, 1966 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, May 1, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

The Protection Of Our Minds

The open door to demonic power and satanic influence in the life of a believer will come through unbelief, doubt, or anxiety. We need to learn how to guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. Every negative thought needs to be committed to the Lord. Satan is stronger than any one of us, but he cannot defeat a humble person. Do not under-estimate the strength that comes through humility.

A Meditation On The Word Of God

We come to the Word of God to receive His provision and strength. One promise fully believed could move the entire world. What must we do when the pressure is really great? Only one response pleases God: worship. This church has only one goal, that Jesus Christ be the Lord in your life.


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The Spirit Without Measure

Release #: 2013-0819-2R

Available MP3 Download: The Spirit Without Measure, by Gary Hargrave. This message was spoken in North Hills, CA on Sunday, August 18, 2013.

The Spirit Without Measure

We have the gift of the Holy Spirit, but it is easy to become satisfied with a portion when God wants us to be filled! In the fullness of the Holy Spirit we are enabled to walk just as Jesus walked, having the same ability to do only what we see the Father do and speak only what we hear the Father speak. This Word imparted a hunger to persistently pursue our relationship with the Father, for it is He who gives us the Holy Spirit without measure.


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Only One Thing Is Necessary / Be Ready To Pay The Price

Release #: 2013-0818-2R   •  Message Date: 04/24/1966

Available MP3 Download: Only One Thing Is Necessary / Be Ready To Pay The Price, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 24, 1966 and in South Gate, CA on Thursday, April 28, 1966. Hidden Treasure.

Only One Thing Is Necessary

The most valuable thing we have is our time. Every day, we decide between doing the good, the better or the best. Our work of service must not take priority over our worship for the Lord and our spiritual communion with Him. When our works flow out of a heart of worship, God will be manifested through them to the earth. The Word was preceded by an exhortation on spiritual maturity.

Be Ready To Pay The Price

In this day of God’s outpouring and restoration, we must be ready to pay the price. We must be committed to the spiritual warfare that is involved. The drive of self-preservation causes us to question, “What am I getting out of this?” We will have the privilege of walking with God, doing His will, and seeing Him glorified! An exhortation on worship precedes the Word.


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Shabbat: Expect His Presence

Release #: 2013-0817-4R

Available MP3 Download: Shabbat: Expect His Presence, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Friday, February 4, 2005.

Scriptures: Gen. 1:31-2:3; Prov. 31; (Col. 1:13); (Eph. 3:20)


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Until You Become His Will

Release #: 2013-0817-2R

Available MP3 Download: Until You Become His Will, by Gary Hargrave, Silas Esteves. This message was spoken in Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Sunday, February 26, 2006.

Until You Become His Will

Christ revered the will of the Father. Through His Obedience to the Father’s will, He was saved from death. The Father is looking for the obedience that was in Christ to be created in this generation, so that He can have a relationship with each one of them, as He had with Christ. This Word imparts a drive to the young adults to initiate the process whereby their will can be created into God’s will.

Scriptures: Heb. 5:7-8; 12:5-10; Psalms 145:18-19; (Heb. 10:7)


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A Little Glimpse From The Peak

Release #: 2013-0809-2R   •  Message Date: 06/22/1979

Available MP3 Download: A Little Glimpse From The Peak, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Friday, June 22, 1979.

A Little Glimpse From The Peak

Following the Kauai conference Brother Stevens spent a week waiting on the Lord and in intercession. On that mountain of prophetic vision he speaks this word that directs us as well as projects us into the firstfruits ministry. All students of Romans 8 should at least survey this word. The Island pastors gathered in Honolulu for this much anticipated weekend. For Brother Stevens this was a much anticipated breakthrough. Here is a sweet preview of the Kingdom.


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Secrets Of Spiritual Warfare

Release #: 2013-0808-4R   •  Message Date: 02/03/1963

Available MP3 Download: Secrets Of Spiritual Warfare, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken circa 1963.

Secrets Of Spiritual Warfare

The book of Esther gives us some of the greatest keys of successful spiritual warfare: (1) dedicate your life to the Lord to help you clearly define the problems you face and find their solutions; (2) minister to the Lord and focus on the positive; (3) plead for your deliverance before the King, and let Him take care of ministering judgment on the enemy; and (4) walk in the victory He gives you as a member of the Father’s family.


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I Saw Satan Fall From Heaven

Release #: 2013-0808-2R

Available MP3 Download: I Saw Satan Fall From Heaven, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Saturday, February 5, 2005.

I Saw Satan Fall From Heaven

As we move in the heavens, the earth is changed (Matthew 16:19). We need to be the voice of the Church that births the Kingdom of heaven into this earth.

Scriptures: Matt. 16:17-19; Rom. 8:10; Eph. 1:17-23; 2:4-6; Rev. 12:6-10; Luke 10:9,17-18; (Dan. 10:10-13); (Luke 10:9-11); (John 18:36)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word


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Another Enemy Becomes His Footstool

Release #: 2013-0807-8R

Available MP3 Download: Another Enemy Becomes His Footstool, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken in Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Monday, February 7, 2005.

Another Enemy Becomes His Footstool

This Word came as an explanation of what we have been experiencing during this School Of Prophets. Yesterday there was a breakthrough in the spiritual battle when a principality that was coming against the Church was defeated. Our war is won by our response to the Word of God. This defeats our enemy.


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Born Into The Kingdom

Release #: 2013-0807-6R

Available MP3 Download: Born Into The Kingdom, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken in Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Sunday, February 6, 2005.

Born Into The Kingdom

Jesus said, “Unless one is born again…” (John 3:3). We are looking for the experience of being born again into the Kingdom. The Church is to be the expression of authority that exists in the heavenly places to execute on this earth the changes and victory that was won by Christ. The Lord is going to give us this experience.


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Driven To Be Included

Release #: 2013-0807-4R

Available MP3 Download: Driven To Be Included, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Friday, February 24, 2006.

Driven To Be Included

Tonight, we began the 2006 School of Prophets in Mount Zion with repentance that prepares us for the new day that we are entering into with the Lord. We repent for anything in us that would cause us to miss His presence. We refuse to be like the five foolish virgins who were on the outside looking in (Matthew 25:10-12). We are driven to be included, and we press in to His Kingdom. “The law and the prophets were until John; since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presses into it” (Luke 16:16, KJV).

Scriptures: Matt. 3:1-3; 4:17; 13:10-11; 25:1-13; Mark 1:14; (Isa. 2:19)


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We Dwell In Bethesda

Release #: 2013-0807-2R

Available MP3 Download: We Dwell In Bethesda, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Tuesday, February 28, 2006.

We Dwell In Bethesda

The man who had been 38 years in his sickness had no one to put him into the healing waters of Bethesda (John 5:2-9). He was a man of faith and he had seen many miracles take place all around him, but his need had not been met and he knew he had no other options. As a Body, we are moving into this dwelling place of “hesed,” where we know that only the lovingkindness and mercy of the Lord, in our relationship with Him, will be our answer. Touch us, Lord, and meet our need as we dwell in the house of Bethesda!

Scriptures: John 5:2-8; Psalms 103:1-5; (Luke 18:1-8); (James 5:14-15)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word


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Remembrance / Awaken To The Age Of The Holy Spirit

Release #: 2013-0805-2R

Available Downloads: Remembrance / Awaken To The Age Of The Holy Spirit, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. These messages were spoken at Mount Zion, Niterói, Brazil on Sunday, August 4, 2013.


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The Weapons Of Our Warfare

Release #: 2013-0731-4R

Available MP3 Download: The Weapons Of Our Warfare, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken in Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Tuesday, February 8, 2005.

The Weapons Of Our Warfare

The Lord gave us a key to spiritual warfare: never engage the enemy. The enemy is defeated by our obedience and submission to the Lord. The Word was followed by impartation to the young adults.

Scriptures: Phil. 2:5-10; Isa. 14:13-14; Matt. 6:9-10; Josh. 1:6-7; (Eph. 3:10; 2:6); (II Cor. 10:4); (Heb. 5:8); (Luke 1:38; 9:54-55); (John 3:9); (Rev. 11:15)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Highest Level Prophetic Word


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What Stops Us Now?

Release #: 2013-0731-2R

Available MP3 Download: What Stops Us Now?, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Saturday, February 25, 2006.

What Stops Us Now?

The Bible contains many covenants between God and specific people. God has made a covenant with us that He will write His Word on our hearts, we will be His people, and we will all know Him (Jeremiah 31:33-34). We must not be satisfied with acts of faith or with mighty works. We do not want it to be said of us, “And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised” (Hebrews 11:39). Today, we end the cycle of walking by faith without obtaining the promise. In Christ, there is nothing stopping us from appropriating the fullness of what God has promised.

Scriptures: Rom. 12:1-2; Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 11:5-9, 39; 8:6-10; (Heb. 11:17, 21, 32)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word


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World Youth Day In Mount Zion — Ministry

Release #: 2013-0730-4R

Available MP3 Download: World Youth Day In Mount Zion — Ministry, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken in Mt. Zion, Niteroi, Brazil on Sunday, July 28, 2013.

World Youth Day In Mount Zion — Ministry

During the time of World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, the Lord led Gary and Marilyn to minister to the young ones, ages 0 to 35, in the Mount Zion church. The focus of this morning was to enable this generation to follow the footsteps of Jesus by choosing to fulfill His destiny in their lives. Gary laid hands on all of the youth and blessed their parents to create an atmosphere of love and faith in their homes. The Word that came prior to this personal ministry can be heard in “World Youth Day In Mount Zion” from 7/28/2013.


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