Stevens' Audio Downloads

Showing 1201–1291 of 1291 results


Your Oneness With The Lord

Release #: 2009-0823-8R   •  Message Date: 10/30/1982

Available MP3 Download: Your Oneness With The Lord, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, October 30, 1982.


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Give God His Voice

Release #: 2009-0823-7R   •  Message Date: 11/02/1980

Available MP3 Download: Give God His Voice, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in San Diego, CA on Sunday, November 2, 1980.

Give God His Voice

The story of the Scriptures is basically a revelation of God as a separate entity from His people to the ultimate, when His fullness indwells His sons. This is the thread from Genesis to Revelation. God grant us wisdom to understand that each successive step necessitates changes in our forms of worship, prayer and service.


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A Shepherd-Servant

Release #: 2009-0823-6R   •  Message Date: 06/27/1981

Available MP3 Download: A Shepherd-Servant, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, June 27, 1981.

A Shepherd-Servant

The basis of all judgment at the threshold of the Kingdom is: do you minister to the Christ in your brother? Impart to him, then submit to the ministry that is created in him. Authority cannot serve itself. Authority must serve the Christ it imparts to others.


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How We Get Love

Release #: 2009-0823-5R   •  Message Date: 03/27/1982

Available MP3 Download: How We Get Love, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, March 27, 1982.

How We Get Love

Divine love is not manufactured by human discipline or diligence. The love we need is appropriated. We “put on” love. We appropriate it and draw it like sunshine. “Keep yourselves in the love of God.”


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Persistently Appropriate Christ’s Provision

Release #: 2009-0823-3R   •  Message Date: 10/03/1982

Available MP3 Download: Persistently Appropriate Christ’s Provision, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 3, 1982.


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The Faith That Shapes Our Reality / Conscience: Dead Or Alive?

Release #: 2009-0823-1R   •  Message Date: 07/25/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Faith That Shapes Our Reality / Conscience: Dead Or Alive?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, July 25, 1982 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 22, 1978.

The Faith That Shapes Our Reality

Our living active faith creates from the substance of God’s vast provision for us. Active faith cashes the check on the resources of God. This provokes and creates faith.

Conscience: Dead Or Alive?

Did you realize that the religious conscience we have is a degenerate, depraved thing in the Adamic nature, the atrophied capacity for worship that existed before the fall. How Satan would inspire, in the name of religion, works that are dead and contributions to produce those works. “The Lord purge your conscience from dead works.”


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Seeing The Kingdom In All The Scriptures

Release #: 2009-0820-3R   •  Message Date: 02/04/1979

Available MP3 Download: Seeing The Kingdom In All The Scriptures, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 4, 1979.

Seeing The Kingdom In All The Scriptures

A very important and unique meeting with the Lord opening the door to Brother Stevens to a revelation of the Kingdom in both the Old and New Testaments. This Word contained much fresh revelation and will position us for a greater understanding of the Kingdom. Everyone should hear it.


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A Simple Formula For Great Faith

Release #: 2009-0820-4R   •  Message Date: 04/01/1979

Available MP3 Download: A Simple Formula For Great Faith, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, April 1, 1979.

A Simple Formula For Great Faith

What was that great faith that exceeded anything our Lord had seen in Israel? What was the faith so great that at an instant a miracle appeared in a distant place? It took a Gentile soldier to understand that submission to Christ was the key to miracle faith.


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Thinking Like God

Release #: 2009-0820-6R   •  Message Date: 03/24/1977

Available MP3 Download: Thinking Like God, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, March 24, 1977.

Thinking Like God

Our hearts turn again to the Passover. The Passover is a journey that begins with a search of the heart. How can a righteous God not totally hate sin? How can a loving God give less than His only begotten Son to suffer for every man’s sin? How can we serve such a God without hating sin as He hates it and seeking with our whole heart the righteousness He has provided? This Word was basic and moved every heart. The comments of several are included because they will hold your heart in repentance before the Lord. This tape is one of the best.


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One Answer For A Thousand Problems

Release #: 2009-0820-1R   •  Message Date: 06/13/1975

Available MP3 Download: One Answer For A Thousand Problems, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Honolulu, HI on Friday, June 13, 1975.

One Answer For A Thousand Problems

How profound is this word, yet how simple. The key is our relationship to the Lord as His worshipers. Our problems and our relations to one another in the Body of Christ–a thousand problems–are solved by our relation to the Lord. This is an essential word to everyone in the Walk!


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God Said It! I Must Have It!

Release #: 2009-0820-2R   •  Message Date: 09/28/1976

Available MP3 Download: God Said It! I Must Have It!, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Shiloh, Kalona, IA on Tuesday, September 28, 1976.

God Said It! I Must Have It!

What deception! What unbelief! To have such a complete and perfect provision and to accept such an inferior experiencing of it. To be unconcerned about our failure to believe what God has set before us is unbelief. Let us bow down before Him in repentant worship.


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Believe God Loves You

Release #: 2009-0820-5R   •  Message Date: 10/03/1982

Available MP3 Download: Believe God Loves You, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Sunday, October 3, 1982.

Believe God Loves You

The effective prayers of faith are not based upon our desperation so much as on our joyful awareness of His complete and perfect provision for us. This faith makes an happening of His promises. His victory is not a mere philosophy or doctrine; His victory must be expressed through us.


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The “Now” Remnant

Release #: 2009-0811-4R   •  Message Date: 04/22/1972

Available MP3 Download: The “Now” Remnant, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, April 22, 1972.

The “Now” Remnant

Every day should be lived as though there were no tomorrow, and yet every day should be lived as though tomorrow will be everything. What we do today is what we set in motion for tomorrow, the day after that, and the century to come. We must cry out, “Lord, give to me what You have for me today, now!”


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Let Us Pray! / We Are Moving Against The Powers Of Darkness

Release #: 2009-0801-5R   •  Message Date: 10/25/1964

Available MP3 Download: Let Us Pray! / We Are Moving Against The Powers Of Darkness, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 25, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Let Us Pray!

God has given every creature on earth a means of defending itself. As human beings, our only defense is prayer. God works through our prayers to alter situations that otherwise would be destructive to us. The purpose of our prayer is not to beg God nor to change His mind; rather, prayer is the means by which we will bring His will and His mind into reality. Lord, teach us to pray!

We Are Moving Against The Powers Of Darkness

In this prophets’ service, John talks about the spiritual warfare against the Valley and South Gate churches. This warfare involves the demonic principality that governs the Los Angeles area. Satan battles us because of the ground we are taking in the Lord. The house of God must move in oneness against the powers of darkness, press into the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit ever seen, and accomplish the will of God.


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Spiritual Warfare

Release #: 2009-0730-7R   •  Message Date: 08/18/1973

Available MP3 Download: Spiritual Warfare, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Saturday, August 18, 1973.

Spiritual Warfare

We have an advantage in this war. Someone else has already beat our enemy for us!


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How To Tune In To The Wisdom Of The Lord

Release #: 2009-0730-6R   •  Message Date: 08/04/1973

Available MP3 Download: How To Tune In To The Wisdom Of The Lord, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, August 4, 1973.

How To Tune In To The Wisdom Of The Lord

A believer’s main problem: God’s will! What does God think? Ten steps to knowing the wisdom of the Lord.


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Will You Find God Unacceptable?

Release #: 2009-0730-5R   •  Message Date: 08/21/1980

Available MP3 Download: Will You Find God Unacceptable?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in No. Hollywood, CA on Thursday, August 21, 1980.

Will You Find God Unacceptable?

A few brothers who met hungering after the Lord share this revelation about the Lord.


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Is A Miracle Reasonable? / Your Love Makes Your Faith Effective

Release #: 2009-0729-2R   •  Message Date: 12/28/1978

Available MP3 Download: Is A Miracle Reasonable? / Your Love Makes Your Faith Effective, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, December 28, 1978 and in Sepulveda, CA on Friday, January 5, 1979.

Is A Miracle Reasonable?

What can we learn from the mass confusion that occurred just before the actual miracle of Lazarus being raised from the dead (John 11:1-17)? It was the climate for a miracle! Miracles are not necessarily reasonable. We cannot reason or think our way into a miracle. Faith is reasonable; but very rarely does reason produce faith.

Your Love Makes Your Faith Effective

The power of God was released when Christ was moved with compassion for the multitudes. The greater works will be released in this day by the synergistic action of faith and love in our hearts.


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Our Spirits

Release #: 2009-0722-5R   •  Message Date: 12/22/1982

Available MP3 Download: Our Spirits, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, December 22, 1982.


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Bear One Another’s Burdens

Release #: 2009-0719-1R   •  Message Date: 10/11/1964

Available MP3 Download: Bear One Another’s Burdens, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, October 11, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Bear One Another’s Burdens

Our work, as believers, is to bear one another’s burdens. This involves vicarious faith, vicarious suffering and vicarious warfare. You can literally take upon yourself a problem or a battle that your brother is not able to handle. This is not just a theory; it is a mystical truth and a principle of Body ministry. The compassion of Christ leads us to bear one another’s burdens.


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“Create Through Me, Thy Servant” — Part I / “Create Through Me, Thy Servant” — Part II

Release #: 2009-0718-6R   •  Message Date: 12/05/1982

Available MP3 Download: “Create Through Me, Thy Servant” — Part I / “Create Through Me, Thy Servant” — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in No. Hollywood, CA on Sunday, December 5, 1982 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, December 5, 1982.

“Create Through Me, Thy Servant” — Part I

How staggering is the Word of God that confirms His vast promises and provisions for us! How awesome are His requirements and commissions for us to complete them. How wonderful that His Word can also make us the fulfillment of all that He requires of us.

“Create Through Me, Thy Servant” — Part II

How staggering is the Word of God that confirms His vast promises and provisions for us! How awesome are His requirements and commissions for us to complete them. How wonderful that His Word can also make us the fulfillment of all that He requires of us.


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A Charge To The Seer Prophets

Release #: 2009-0624-3R   •  Message Date: 06/19/1977

Available MP3 Download: A Charge To The Seer Prophets, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, June 19, 1977. Hidden Treasure.

A Charge To The Seer Prophets

The earth is the Lord’s, and He intends that all creation be loosed from futility. The seer prophets must take dominion over the land and free creation from futility. This Word includes a vision for freeing the Hawaiian Islands and the United States from the bondage of elemental spirits.


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The Power Word

Release #: 2009-0623-2R   •  Message Date: 06/05/1976

Available MP3 Download: The Power Word, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, June 5, 1976.

The Power Word

The gospel of the Kingdom was preached with a power-word. The promise of the Spirit was to be the power in their expanding witnessing. The key to this force and flow in our ministry is our waiting on the Lord. In Brother Stevens’ opinion the message was the highlight of the Feast of Pentecost. This word gives the key of walking fully in all we believe.


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Know Him — Part I / Know Him — Part II

Release #: 2009-0610-2R   •  Message Date: 04/29/1973

Available MP3 Download: Know Him — Part I / Know Him — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, April 29, 1973 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 29, 1973.

Know Him — Part I

The remnant is based not on experiences, but on knowing the Lord as a person. The acid test: those who know God will recognize Him in you.

Know Him — Part II

Miracles and emotion will not bring down principalities and powers; a word from the Lord will. If you miss a walk with God, you’ve missed everything.


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God’s Abundant Supply To The Giver

Release #: 2009-0527-4R   •  Message Date: 12/01/1973

Available MP3 Download: God’s Abundant Supply To The Giver, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, December 1, 1973.

God’s Abundant Supply To The Giver

When the spirit of sacrifice comes upon us, God’s gracious provision flows to us unceasingly. When we withhold more than is meet, it tendeth to poverty (Proverbs 11:24).


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Three Times A Year, You Shall Appear

Release #: 2009-0512-1R   •  Message Date: 09/20/1964

Available MP3 Download: Three Times A Year, You Shall Appear, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, September 20, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Three Times A Year, You Shall Appear

In this first service of the Feast of Tabernacles 1964, John tells the history behind each of the Feasts and why the Jews keep them, then points to the spiritual counterpart in our own personal walk with the Lord. Three times a year, every Israelite male was to appear before the Lord. What existed under the Law also has great significance to us who are under the grace of God.


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In Oneness, We Manifest The Victory / This Is The Year Of Jubilee!

Release #: 2009-0511-8R   •  Message Date: 09/22/1964

Available MP3 Download: In Oneness, We Manifest The Victory / This Is The Year Of Jubilee!, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, September 22, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Wednesday, September 23, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

In Oneness, We Manifest The Victory

God wants to manifest Christ’s victory over principalities and powers through a body of people who are yielded to His Spirit and flowing together in His will. This is God’s plan for the remnant that He is raising up in this walk with Him.

This Is The Year Of Jubilee!

Have you ever found yourself trapped in a snare that you’ve woven for yourself? Have you been crying out to God to set you free? This is an answer for you. At the Day of Atonement, the trumpets of deliverance are sounded and God sets you free from every oppression. This is the Year of Jubilee!


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Gather Together As One Man / All That I Have Is Yours

Release #: 2009-0511-7R   •  Message Date: 09/21/1964

Available MP3 Download: Gather Together As One Man / All That I Have Is Yours, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Monday, September 21, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, September 22, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Gather Together As One Man

“When the seventh month was come… the people gathered themselves together as one man…” (Ezra 3:1). This scripture is our Feast Of Tabernacles experience, for God is causing us to walk humbly together in the unity that He is creating.

All That I Have Is Yours

In the story of the prodigal son, the older brother lived with his father, but never anticipated the many blessings that were in his father’s heart for him. When he complained in anger and jealousy, his father said simply, “Son, all that I have is yours.” The father’s wealth had always been available, but the elder son did not have the anticipation and faith to appropriate it. We must not be like this elder son. We must have a prevailing faith that will contend earnestly for what He has for us, that which is beyond what we can ever ask or imagine.


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Anticipate! Appropriate! / Joy Is A Response Of Faith

Release #: 2009-0511-5R   •  Message Date: 09/21/1964

Available MP3 Download: Anticipate! Appropriate! / Joy Is A Response Of Faith, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Monday, September 21, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Anticipate! Appropriate!

It is a challenge to understand how miraculous and supernatural a walk with God can be, what He can do at any moment, in any service. Anticipate what you are going to appropriate today. Focus the light that God is bringing to you right down on your personal need, and then watch something begin to happen!

Joy Is A Response Of Faith

Joy and rejoicing are responses of faith that open up God’s great provisions to us. More of the Spirit of God is beamed and channeled through joy than we can imagine.


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Become Addicted To God’s Word / Pressing Into Resurrection Life

Release #: 2009-0509-5R   •  Message Date: 10/26/1975

Available MP3 Download: Become Addicted To God’s Word / Pressing Into Resurrection Life, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 26, 1975 and in Anaheim, CA on Wednesday, November 12, 1975.

Become Addicted To God’s Word

Joshua was unique in his devotion to the Word. He was continually meditating on it. Ultimately God gave the next book of the Bible through him. Now the remnant who continually focuses on His Word and presence will also become God’s living epistles in this hour—the Kingdom edition of God’s Word.

Pressing Into Resurrection Life

We are close to the breakthrough of the ages. He is bringing many sons to glory. This message stirs the travail of our spirits to enter into the resurrection life for the physical body. This travail is what it’s all about.


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Continuing In The Apostles’ Teaching

Release #: 2009-0509-1F

Available MP3 Download: Continuing In The Apostles’ Teaching, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, February 1, 1976.

Continuing In The Apostles’ Teaching

In ten minutes this message identified the true basis of divine order. The false order of the Roman church and the disorder of the Protestant churches must give way to scriptural churches who continue in the apostles’ revelation teaching of the Scriptures. This is a short but basic essential revelation of divine order.




“…And The Word Was God”

Release #: 2009-0509-2F

Available MP3 Download: “…And The Word Was God”, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, June 13, 1981.

“…And The Word Was God”

The Living Word, when heard with faith, will reveal the Lord to the listener, like Jesus said of the Scriptures, “They testify of Me.” The Living Word should not open up a conflict of doctrine. It should open up a walk with God. This message includes a definition of The Living Word.




Be A Hundred-Fold Christian / Living Works Or Dead Works?

Release #: 2009-0429-4R   •  Message Date: 02/22/1959

Available MP3 Download: Be A Hundred-Fold Christian / Living Works Or Dead Works?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 22, 1959 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 15, 1959. Hidden Treasure.

Be A Hundred-Fold Christian

Forsake all in order to attain the better, and set your affections upon the Lord. Then you will become a fruitful Christian, yielding a hundredfold.

Living Works Or Dead Works?

God will work His living works through you, a human channel, as you yield your spirit and your life to Him. Wait on Him and with a carefulness, be led by Him so that there is a fruitfulness and effectiveness in everything you do. This sermon is based upon Lesson 41, “Living Works,” in The First Principles.


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Give Him No Rest — Isaiah 62:7 / They Have Become My Enemies — Psalm 139:22

Release #: 2009-0427-2R   •  Message Date: 04/26/1973

Available MP3 Download: Give Him No Rest — Isaiah 62:7 / They Have Become My Enemies — Psalm 139:22, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, April 26, 1973 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, April 29, 1973.

Give Him No Rest — Isaiah 62:7

Don’t lose heart! Remind God of His promises. Hold Him to them.

They Have Become My Enemies — Psalm 139:22

The ambivalence of God–both mercy and judgment today. Don’t presume, but remember that even in His wrath He loves you.


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Make Him A Throne

Release #: 2009-0320-9R   •  Message Date: 12/08/1973

Available MP3 Download: Make Him A Throne, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, December 8, 1973.

Make Him A Throne

The Lord is enshrined in our worship. He is enthroned in the praises of His people. We petition well when we but worship.


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What I Am When No One Is Looking – Psalm 139

Release #: 2009-0320-8R   •  Message Date: 04/28/1973

Available MP3 Download: What I Am When No One Is Looking – Psalm 139, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, April 28, 1973.

What I Am When No One Is Looking — Psalm 139

God wouldn’t be so rough on you if you came before the Lord honestly. Face what you are; get out the carnal roots so God can use you.


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Are There Rocks In Your Well? / I Am One With Thee, O Lord

Release #: 2009-0207-6R   •  Message Date: 08/23/1964

Available MP3 Download: Are There Rocks In Your Well? / I Am One With Thee, O Lord, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, Ca. on Sunday, August 23, 1964 and in Van Nuys, Ca. on Thursday, August 27, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Are There Rocks In Your Well?

The story of Isaac digging the wells of his father Abraham is a warning to us of what can happen when we allow the flow of God’s blessings to become choked off. The focus of your spirit is the key for keeping the well of blessings flowing.

I Am One With Thee, O Lord

Your future unfolds – the wealth of it, the wonder of it, the miracle of it – the minute that you say, “I’m one with Thee, O Lord.” Stop worshipping and praying as though you are something remote from the Lord. You are one with Him, and in that oneness, there is the promise of fruitfulness.


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Possess Every Spiritual Blessing In Christ

Release #: 2009-0207-5R   •  Message Date: 08/28/1964

Available MP3 Download: Possess Every Spiritual Blessing In Christ, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, August 28, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Possess Every Spiritual Blessing In Christ

Your chief business in life is to possess all your possessions in Christ and to utilize your spiritual inheritance to the fullest. This message describes the three steps that, by virtue of your relationship with Christ, lead you into all the promises, privileges, and blessings that are yours.


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Did You See The Lord? / He Is Our Passover

Release #: 2009-0204-6R   •  Message Date: 04/18/1982

Available MP3 Download: Did You See The Lord? / He Is Our Passover, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, April 18, 1982 and in Anaheim, CA on Thursday, April 15, 1982.

Did You See The Lord?

We experience so much and we have so many experiences from the Lord, but the ultimate purpose of all this is that we experience Him and know Him. In all this, did you see the Lord? This Word culminates the Passover of experiencing Him. The message was transmitted by telephone to Shiloh.

He Is Our Passover

The greatest manifestation is Christ Himself in His sons. This is greater than all His gifts, the fruit of the Spirit, the ministries or endowments of ability that He gives; for He manifests in us His fullness. In the Kingdom this will be His manifestation.


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The Law Of Return — Part I / The Law Of Return — Part II

Release #: 2009-0128-3R   •  Message Date: 04/13/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Law Of Return — Part I / The Law Of Return — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Anaheim, CA on Tuesday, April 13, 1982 and in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, April 13, 1982.


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The Relationship Itself Ministers / Love Is Believing

Release #: 2009-0126-2R   •  Message Date: 05/21/1982

Available MP3 Download: The Relationship Itself Ministers / Love Is Believing, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Friday, May 21, 1982 and in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, May 23, 1982.

The Relationship Itself Ministers

We sometimes feel that the only effective ministry comes by the forms of impartation such as: laying on of hands, blessing, preaching or teaching, etc. But there are times that you sense that just the spiritual relationship and oneness that you have ministers without a word, without a touch, without a form, or access to one another. This is talking to the family on the beach.

Love Is Believing

Every couple should understand the truths in this session of counseling. Their problem of relating and compatibility could dissolve instantly if they would truly accept the fact of their love and their oneness. This highlights the futures of the third generation in all of their potential relationships and functions.


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Undefiled Vessels Of Honor / Let Envy And Jealousy Be Removed

Release #: 2009-0121-1R   •  Message Date: 08/02/1964

Available MP3 Download: Undefiled Vessels Of Honor / Let Envy And Jealousy Be Removed, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 2, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 16, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Undefiled Vessels Of Honor

As we stand on the brink of entering into the promised land, we declare that we are His vessels of honor and that nothing will defile or dilute what God will minister through us. The service concluded with an ordination in which John teaches how the bonds created by the Holy Spirit supersede denominational relationships.

Let Envy And Jealousy Be Removed

Whenever we are envious or jealous, we open a door for demon powers to assault the house of God and to retard the spiritual growth of God’s people. This message identifies a pitfall in Body ministry that, if corrected, would cause the Shekinah glory to return.


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God Is No Respecter Of Persons / Is Your Father’s Well Still Flowing?

Release #: 2009-0120-5R   •  Message Date: 08/21/1964

Available MP3 Download: God Is No Respecter Of Persons / Is Your Father’s Well Still Flowing?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, August 21, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 23, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

God Is No Respecter Of Persons

God is no respecter of persons. His river of grace has been extended to all men and He judges righteously between every man. This Word was born out of God’s personal dealings with our apostolic father, and it helps us to understand the peculiar dealings of God in each of our lives.

Is Your Father’s Well Still Flowing?

When the wells of God’s Spirit are opened up, there is no guarantee that those wells will continue to flow. Every generation must constantly keep guard that no contaminant of the human spirit causes God’s outpouring to dry up or choke off. Is the well of your Father still flowing?


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Sow To The Spirit / If Any Man Is Thirsty

Release #: 2009-0120-6R   •  Message Date: 08/16/1964

Available MP3 Download: Sow To The Spirit / If Any Man Is Thirsty, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 16, 1964 and in Northridge, Ca. on Thursday, August 20, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Sow To The Spirit

Sow to the flesh and you will reap corruption, but sow to the Spirit, and you will have eternal life. In times of discouragement, remember this law of the harvest and do not grow weary in well doing.

If Any Man Is Thirsty

God is no respecter of persons. His grace is available to all men and His Spirit is to be poured out upon all flesh. However, not all men will receive His grace or be filled with His Spirit. Human initiative is involved; and whosoever will, may come and drink of the river of life.


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The Creating, Living Word / I Heartily Endorse This Check

Release #: 2008-1220-4R   •  Message Date: 07/01/1976

Available MP3 Download: The Creating, Living Word / I Heartily Endorse This Check, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Thursday, July 1, 1976 and in Anaheim, CA on Wednesday, June 30, 1976.

The Creating, Living Word

What can we say about this word? It is a prophetic, living Word that unfolds the high level of the coming, creative word. The word that came did more than teach us — it purged us and created in us, it broke chains and moved mountains.

I Heartily Endorse This Check

The word unfolded the basics of God’s riches: with an exact and definite request specifically claimed for ourselves right now. We possess in fullness. Jehovah signed a blank check. Fill it in.


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The Lordship Of Christ / Both Lord And Christ

Release #: 2008-1212-4R   •  Message Date: 02/26/1956

Available MP3 Download: The Lordship Of Christ / Both Lord And Christ, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Honolulu, HI on Sunday, February 26, 1956 and in No. Hollywood, CA on Saturday, May 12, 1979.

The Lordship Of Christ

We are at the beginning of a great day when the Lord Jesus Christ shall be exalted in the earth. If self rules over you or if you exalt the human nature in others, then Christ is not your Lord. God seeks to be exalted and enthroned in your heart. (This message was originally a radio broadcast, aired in Honolulu, Hawaii on February 26, 1956.)

Both Lord And Christ

Upon the threshold of a new age, the first message of the Feast of Pentecost, Acts 2 becomes more significant now than it was then. Peter emphasized the Lordship of Christ as well as His redeeming work as Savior. Now the Kingdom dawns and He is Lord of lords and King of kings, “both Lord and Christ.”


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Guard Against Spiritual Pride / To This Man Will I Look

Release #: 2008-1207-1R   •  Message Date: 07/31/1964

Available MP3 Download: Guard Against Spiritual Pride / To This Man Will I Look, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, July 31, 1964 and in Northridge, Ca. on Sunday, August 9, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Guard Against Spiritual Pride

This apostolic Word of correction warns against the spiritual pride that would hinder the return of the glory of the Lord. Instruction is given on how to bring the services into a higher spiritual level. This Word to the people of Grace Chapel came during a historic time when many sons were being launched out of this church to minister in the Valley church.

To This Man Will I Look

The testing of our faith produces endurance; endurance then brings us to a place of perfection and completeness where we lack nothing. The end product of our testing is that we have not only the wisdom of God, but we have the humble spirit through which many promises are fulfilled.


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Walk Humbly

Release #: 2008-1206-5R   •  Message Date: 08/09/1964

Available MP3 Download: Walk Humbly, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, August 9, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Walk Humbly

Spiritual pride drains away the effectiveness of any ministry or gift that God gives you. Your heart and mind must be filled with the same Spirit that was in Christ: a humble spirit given to do the will of God.


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What Is A Prophet?

Release #: 2008-1204-3R   •  Message Date: 02/15/1975

Available MP3 Download: What Is A Prophet?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Saturday, February 15, 1975.

What Is A Prophet?

The prophet of the Kingdom is described in both what he does and what he is. The prophet’s ear hears the Word of the Lord for the people and the cry of the people of the Lord. His motivations are refined and pure. His life is crucified with Christ. He is a speaker of the Word and a creator by the Word he speaks.


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Creators Of A New Age — Part I / Creators Of A New Age — Part II

Release #: 2008-1120-3R   •  Message Date: 08/25/1974

Available MP3 Download: Creators Of A New Age — Part I / Creators Of A New Age — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, August 25, 1974 and in Anaheim, CA on Sunday, August 25, 1974.

Creators Of A New Age — Part I

The agents of Satan and of God generate perspectively the forces of evil and of good. The end of the age sees all of the forces of evil dumped into the refuse heap of the universe prepared for Satan and his angels. The coming Kingdom will be brought forth by the creative, generative forces of the sons of God. They will walk in the works before ordained for them.

Creators Of A New Age — Part II

Following the message given in Sepulveda is the message given in Anaheim. This second version is concise and emphatic; however, that first message is especially liberating.


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Come Up Higher

Release #: 2008-1119-9R   •  Message Date: 10/06/1973

Available MP3 Download: Come Up Higher, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, October 6, 1973.

Come Up Higher

There are many levels people can live on, but the Lord prepares an abode for us with the Father. The Holy Spirit reveals the way to the Father–Christ and His fullness. The Advocate “stands alongside” His Father on our behalf. The Holy Spirit “stands alongside” us to bring all into one.


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The Quickest Way Through A Wilderness — Part I / The Quickest Way Through A Wilderness — Part II

Release #: 2008-1118-5R   •  Message Date: 07/26/1964

Available MP3 Download: The Quickest Way Through A Wilderness — Part I / The Quickest Way Through A Wilderness — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, Ca. on Sunday, July 26, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 26, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Quickest Way Through A Wilderness — Part I

A wilderness experience is necessary preparation before entering Canaan; it is the barren period between the old and the new. What is the secret to a victorious walk through the wilderness? Keep your eye on the pillar of fire! Do not let a wilderness become a time of confusion or discouragement, but walk through it with a purpose: “I’m going to Canaan!”

The Quickest Way Through A Wilderness — Part II

A wilderness experience is necessary preparation before entering Canaan; it is the barren period between the old and the new. What is the secret to a victorious walk through the wilderness? Keep your eye on the pillar of fire! Do not let a wilderness become a time of confusion or discouragement, but walk through it with a purpose: “I’m going to Canaan!”


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New Testament Church Patterns, Past And Present / God’s Blueprint For The Church

Release #: 2008-1114-5R   •  Message Date: 03/07/1965

Available MP3 Download: New Testament Church Patterns, Past And Present / God’s Blueprint For The Church, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 7, 1965 and in Sepulveda, CA on Wednesday, November 14, 1962.

New Testament Church Patterns, Past And Present

The Lord has revealed a way to build the spiritual structure of the Church in a way that does not create a legal corporate structure hostile to the spiritual purposes of the Church. The Head of the Church has never quit. He has never needed anyone to act in His stead, as His voice. He is still capable of revealing His mind and choice concerning His Church.

God’s Blueprint For The Church

The Church is likened unto a building. From these passages in I Corinthians, we learn that there is a correct foundation and blueprint for the New Testament Church. It is God’s Word unfolded through apostolic ministries.


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Where Did You Lose Him? / With Great Boldness

Release #: 2008-1114-1R   •  Message Date: 03/30/1975

Available MP3 Download: Where Did You Lose Him? / With Great Boldness, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 30, 1975 and in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, October 10, 1982.

Where Did You Lose Him?

This is the Passover story of Christ our Lord at the age of twelve. It deals with our awareness of losing His presence and fellowship. This is a good message for young people.

With Great Boldness

In Christ we have access to come boldly to the throne of grace. "Boldness" in the Greek means "to come and speak freely." We speak freely to the Lord knowing how much He loves us. Out of our boldness to stand before Him comes the boldness to speak to others. Lord, we appreciate anew our privilege of access!


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To Us And Through Us

Release #: 2008-1113-8R   •  Message Date: 01/12/1974

Available MP3 Download: To Us And Through Us, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, January 12, 1974.

To Us And Through Us

Jesus is the source of revelation of the Father, and the Father is the revealer of His Son. If the Lord is real to us, blessed are we, “for flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto thee but the Father.” Then we become the channels of revelation of the Lord. He is coming to be admired in all that believe.


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The Right To Become

Release #: 2008-1113-7R   •  Message Date: 09/01/1973

Available MP3 Download: The Right To Become, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Anaheim, CA on Saturday, September 1, 1973.

The Right To Become

We have the right to become God’s sons as well as the responsibility to be sons–participators in His deity. We predetermine that we will think and react as sons of God and not on the human level.


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Hide In His Pavilion / I Shall Not Want

Release #: 2008-1010-6R   •  Message Date: 06/07/1964

Available MP3 Download: Hide In His Pavilion / I Shall Not Want, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, Ca. on Sunday, June 7, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Hide In His Pavilion

Psalm 27 gives us a picture of what real worship in the local church creates — the wonderful manifestation of His presence in which we take refuge.

I Shall Not Want

God’s provisions exceed your experience of them; His plan for you exceeds your vision of it; His promises exceed your appropriation of them; and His victory exceeds your application of it. This rich, personal walk with God, as described in Psalm 23, can be yours today.


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Renew The Wonder Of Walking With God

Release #: 2008-1010-5R   •  Message Date: 07/12/1964

Available MP3 Download: Renew The Wonder Of Walking With God, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, July 12, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Renew The Wonder Of Walking With God

Every trial or battle or new thing that God brings should be an occasion for a fresh, alive spiritual experience. Follow the Shekinah glory; don’t wander in the wilderness stamping out your problems! Drink of the Spirit, and renew the wonder and awe of a walk with God.


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Lay Aside Every Weight

Release #: 2008-0906-5R   •  Message Date: 06/25/1964

Available MP3 Download: Lay Aside Every Weight, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Northridge, Ca. on Thursday, June 25, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Lay Aside Every Weight

Lay aside the spiritual and emotional weights that so easily beset you (Hebrews 12:1), so that you will have a healthy spirit and move as an effective ministry.


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The Unpardonable Sin / Are You Hindered By Self-Pity And Scapegoats?

Release #: 2008-0806-5R   •  Message Date: 06/21/1964

Available MP3 Download: The Unpardonable Sin / Are You Hindered By Self-Pity And Scapegoats?, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, June 21, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Friday, June 26, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Unpardonable Sin

An unpardonable sin is a state of heart where you have lost all sensitivity and responsiveness to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. There is no limitation to the grace of God, but there is no forgiveness without repentance. This Word is a spiritual “check-up” for every Christian.

Are You Hindered By Self-Pity And Scapegoats?

Dwelling in self-pity or looking for scapegoats holds you back from the effective ministry and the walk that God wants you to have with Him. Don’t run away from your problems and difficulties, but with thanksgiving and praise, look to God for grace to deal with them.


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Concerning The Habits Of Sheep / Be A Fruitful Fig Tree

Release #: 2008-0726-5R   •  Message Date: 05/31/1964

Available MP3 Download: Concerning The Habits Of Sheep / Be A Fruitful Fig Tree, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, Ca. on Sunday, May 31, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 31, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Concerning The Habits Of Sheep

In this study of the habits of sheep and how they relate to their shepherd, the Lord reveals some intimate secrets in His heart toward His sons.

Be A Fruitful Fig Tree

This Word motivates us into the greater fruitfulness that God expects from us. The Word was preceded by exhortations on our victory in spiritual warfare and how the collective experiences of the Body will surpass what we receive in personal ministry.


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The Age Of Miracles / Prevail With A Right Spirit

Release #: 2008-0621-6R   •  Message Date: 05/17/1964

Available MP3 Download: The Age Of Miracles / Prevail With A Right Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 17, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Age Of Miracles

We are on the threshold of a tremendous age of God’s miracle power, but our active aggressive faith is required for the manifestation of the promises of God.

Prevail With A Right Spirit

Nothing can destroy a person with a right spirit, for God is his defense. A right spirit prevails over judgment and persecution, for God’s fullness is promised to a person with a right spirit.


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Our Liberty In Christ — Part I / Our Liberty In Christ — Part II

Release #: 2008-0621-5R   •  Message Date: 05/24/1964

Available MP3 Download: Our Liberty In Christ — Part I / Our Liberty In Christ — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, Ca. on Sunday, May 24, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 24, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Our Liberty In Christ — Part I

If you fix your mind upon the Lord, you will not fall into the self-condemnation that comes from trying to fulfill regulations imposed upon the flesh nature. Spirituality is a result of a personal walk with God, an openness of heart, and learning to be led by the Spirit. Do not be regulated by your religion; be led by the Holy Spirit. This is your liberty in Christ.

Our Liberty In Christ — Part II

If you fix your mind upon the Lord, you will not fall into the self-condemnation that comes from trying to fulfill regulations imposed upon the flesh nature. Spirituality is a result of a personal walk with God, an openness of heart, and learning to be led by the Spirit. Do not be regulated by your religion; be led by the Holy Spirit. This is your liberty in Christ.


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The Answer For Man’s Loneliness / Your Victory And Deliverance

Release #: 2008-0514-2R   •  Message Date: 04/26/1964

Available MP3 Download: The Answer For Man’s Loneliness / Your Victory And Deliverance, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Sunday, April 26, 1964 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, May 10, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Answer For Man’s Loneliness

Man’s loneliness existed since his creation, and God recognized it was not good. His answer for mankind is in the mystical, holy oneness that He is bringing between all of His believers. Loneliness is also overcome when the Body of Christ praises and worships the Lord together, until love and strength flows from one to another.

Your Victory And Deliverance

Even though God anointed David when he was a boy, he only became a king because of what God wrought in him when the difficulties and problems made it imperative for him to appropriate God’s strength and grace. This study of Psalm 18 is also your story of victory and deliverance.


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Dedicated And Consecrated

Release #: 2008-0513-5R   •  Message Date: 05/08/1964

Available MP3 Download: Dedicated And Consecrated, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, May 8, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Dedicated And Consecrated

One of the greatest problems we have is when God’s consecration of us exceeds our dedication to Him. This Word is an answer to this problem.


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When Your Dedication Equals His Consecration

Release #: 2008-0419-5R   •  Message Date: 05/07/1964

Available MP3 Download: When Your Dedication Equals His Consecration, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Northridge, Ca. on Thursday, May 7, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

When Your Dedication Equals His Consecration

What causes failure where God has specifically placed an anointing and revealed His will? He has anointed you with far more than what you are dedicated to walk in. When your dedication measures up to His consecration of you, then the miracles, gifts and anointings He has given you will come forth and you will have victory.


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The Humble Heart Is God’s Throne / Made Alive To God

Release #: 2008-0419-3R   •  Message Date: 04/25/1964

Available MP3 Download: The Humble Heart Is God’s Throne / Made Alive To God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Saturday, April 25, 1964 and in Washington, IA on Sunday, April 26, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Humble Heart Is God’s Throne

God’s presence is a peculiar paradox of two thrones. He lives in eternity in the great, lofty heaven of heavens. Yet, He also dwells in the meek, humble heart, for that is where His power will be manifested.

Made Alive To God

In the “born-again experience,” the human spirit is made alive to God and created into His image. The human spirit, re-created in Christ, is a powerful force that has the capacity to absorb and reproduce the life of God. With this revelation, you should now see the importance of guarding your spirit and keeping it set on God.


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What Is Your Spirit Broadcasting?

Release #: 2008-0324-5R   •  Message Date: 04/23/1964

Available MP3 Download: What Is Your Spirit Broadcasting?, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Thursday, April 23, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

What Is Your Spirit Broadcasting?

The most powerful transmitter and the most contagious force in the world is the human spirit. In this message, God deals with the ingredients in our spirits that hold us back from broadcasting His unlimited light to the world


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Your Mind Limits God

Release #: 2008-0226-5R   •  Message Date: 04/21/1964

Available MP3 Download: Your Mind Limits God, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Washington, IA on Tuesday, April 21, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Your Mind Limits God

God has bestowed on us promises and anointings that are far beyond our natural abilities to fulfill. The only limitations that keep us from fulfilling them are the barriers we have built up in our thinking. Let us be transformed by the renewing of our minds and thereby remove every limitation.


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Instructions For God’s People In The End Time / The Inspired Word Of The Living God

Release #: 2008-0225-6R   •  Message Date: 04/02/1964

Available MP3 Download: Instructions For God’s People In The End Time / The Inspired Word Of The Living God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in North Hills, CA on Thursday, April 2, 1964 and in North Hills, CA on Sunday, April 19, 1964.

Instructions For God’s People In The End Time

This message instructs God’s people on how to live during the end time. As the tribulation unfolds, God’s people will be dependent more than ever upon the perfect guidance of the Holy Spirit. Thus, our most important instruction is to be in tune with the voice of God.

The Inspired Word Of The Living God

This message on the inspiration of the Scriptures will change how you read the Word of God and give you a revelation of the Holy Spirit that you will not soon forget.


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Faith Or Discouragement? / This Word Ends Your Discouragement

Release #: 2008-0225-5R   •  Message Date: 04/22/1964

Available MP3 Download: Faith Or Discouragement? / This Word Ends Your Discouragement, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Washington, IA on Wednesday, April 22, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Faith Or Discouragement?

Will you receive His Word with a spirit of discouragement or with an optimistic faith that refuses to look at circumstances? Discouragement comes from a lack of feeding on the Lord. Faith comes by a revelation of the Lord through His Word.

This Word Ends Your Discouragement

Are you discouraged by difficulties, distractions, and delays? Shut out the environment around you by focusing your heart only upon God and what He has said; let Him meet you. In doing so, you will no longer be limited by the mental barrier of discouragement, for the Lord will feed you only strength, encouragement, and faith.


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Aggressively Fulfill God’s Will

Release #: 2008-0126-8R   •  Message Date: 04/10/1964

Available MP3 Download: Aggressively Fulfill God’s Will, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, April 10, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Aggressively Fulfill God’s Will

In this Ministry School lesson, we learn how to aggressively fulfill God’s perfect will. Aggressive living involves working, walking, warring, and worshipping in the Spirit.


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Four Symbols Of God’s Word — Part I / Aggressively Move Forward

Release #: 2008-0126-2R   •  Message Date: 04/05/1964

Available MP3 Download: Four Symbols Of God’s Word — Part I / Aggressively Move Forward, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 5, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Four Symbols Of God’s Word — Part I

In this lesson, we study four symbols of God’s Word that are found in the Scriptures. Our hunger for the Word unlocks the power of the Scriptures into our lives.

Aggressively Move Forward

Now is the time to aggressively move forward, and to take positive, definite steps towards the perfect will of God. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal; they are mighty spiritual weapons, endowed to us by God, for the bringing down of oppressions and lofty speculations that have stood against this move of God.


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The Victory He Hath Ordained / Four Symbols Of God’s Word–Part II

Release #: 2008-0126-4R   •  Message Date: 04/09/1964

Available MP3 Download: The Victory He Hath Ordained / Four Symbols Of God’s Word–Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, Ca. on Thursday, April 9, 1964 and in Northridge, Ca. on Sunday, April 12, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Victory He Hath Ordained

This living prophecy establishes the victory God has ordained. When your obedience is complete, His decisive victory is established in your life.

Four Symbols Of God’s Word — Part II

The Word of God cleanses us, protects us, and guides our path and His will for our lives. As you spend time in the Scriptures, you not only see yourself as you are, but you see yourself as God wants you to — as He sees you by faith.


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Four Symbols Of God’s Word — Part III / Believe To Possess

Release #: 2008-0126-6R   •  Message Date: 04/12/1964

Available MP3 Download: Four Symbols Of God’s Word — Part III / Believe To Possess, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, April 12, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Four Symbols Of God’s Word — Part III

In this message, revelation is given on four more symbols found in the Scriptures that illuminate the purpose of God’s Word in our lives: light, water, gold, and rain.

Believe To Possess

In His Word, God has declared many things that are yours. But have you possessed them yet? Your battle is in the realm of believing. You win by continually believing and having the courage to not turn away from His Word.


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What Is Freedom? / The Purpose Of Your Wilderness Experience

Release #: 2007-1221-6R   •  Message Date: 03/22/1964

Available MP3 Download: What Is Freedom? / The Purpose Of Your Wilderness Experience, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 22, 1964 and in Northridge, Ca. on Sunday, March 29, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

What Is Freedom?

What is freedom? Is a person free just because of a change in his circumstances? No! The greatest freedom takes place in the inner man. Freedom is the opportunity and privilege to become what God wants you to be.

The Purpose Of Your Wilderness Experience

Immediately, after the Father had poured out His anointing and love upon Him, Christ was driven by the Spirit into the wilderness where He was assaulted by Satan with three temptations (Luke 4:1-21). Christ overcame Satan and emerged from the wilderness with only one motivation: to do the Father’s will. The purpose of your wilderness experience is to create in you that same pure motivation.


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Know The Voice Of The Lord

Release #: 2007-1221-5R   •  Message Date: 03/01/1964

Available MP3 Download: Know The Voice Of The Lord, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 1, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Know The Voice Of The Lord

You must come to the place where you know the voice of the Lord for yourself. A great first step into this process is to become rich in the scriptures, the Word of God. However, you must also know that the more revelation and guidance He gives you, the more you will be required to walk by faith, not by sight.


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Ministering With Authority / Delight In The Law Of The Lord

Release #: 2007-1117-1R   •  Message Date: 03/10/1964

Available MP3 Download: Ministering With Authority / Delight In The Law Of The Lord, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Van Nuys, Ca. on Tuesday, March 10, 1964 and in Northridge, Ca. on Sunday, March 22, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Ministering With Authority

When you see another’s need, open your heart and become involved. As you take the responsibility to carry the burden God gives you, then the authority will rest on you to meet the need and to fulfill the ministry.

Delight In The Law Of The Lord

A tree with roots that are deeply planted can draw life from an underground stream, even when the surface stream dries up. So, also, does a blessed man draw life from the deep stream of God’s Word that has been created in him by his daily assimilation and digestion of that Word.


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Release #: 2007-1116-5R   •  Message Date: 03/01/1964

Available MP3 Download: Boldness, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, March 1, 1964. Hidden Treasure.


Do not allow fear, even if every demonic force comes against you because you decide to walk with God. Do not draw back, but become deeply involved in the tremendous outpouring and moving of God’s presence in the earth today.


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Wait On The Lord To Learn His Voice / A Message On Joy

Release #: 2007-1022-5R   •  Message Date: 02/23/1964

Available MP3 Download: Wait On The Lord To Learn His Voice / A Message On Joy, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 23, 1964 and in Van Nuys, Ca. on Tuesday, February 25, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

Wait On The Lord To Learn His Voice

In order to do the will of God, you must learn His voice. In order to learn His voice, you must learn how to wait on Him. The most rapid progress spiritually is achieved by waiting on the Lord.

A Message On Joy

This message teaches us that joy is a result of approaching God in the right manner.


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The Coming Of The Lord, His Appearings, And His Presence

Release #: 2007-0928-1R   •  Message Date: 02/16/1964

Available MP3 Download: The Coming Of The Lord, His Appearings, And His Presence, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 16, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Coming Of The Lord, His Appearings, And His Presence

The presence of the Lord, the coming of the Lord, and His appearings are three different events. The Parousia, or presence of the Lord, is already here, yet not every man sees Him. We are, however, in the time of His appearings when He makes Himself known to people in selective and varied experiences, so they will be prepared for the great revelation of Him at His coming. Following the Word, instructions were given on how to wait on the Lord.


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A Continuation Of “Lesson #1 On The Second Coming Of Christ”

Release #: 2007-0927-6R   •  Message Date: 02/21/1964

Available MP3 Download: A Continuation Of “Lesson #1 On The Second Coming Of Christ”, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Friday, February 21, 1964.

A Continuation Of “Lesson #1 On The Second Coming Of Christ”

In this lesson, we continue to study the scriptural foundation for the second coming of Christ and His appearings in the end time. This message was also spoken on February 20, 1964 Thursday P.M. in Northridge, CA and released under the title, “The Second Coming Of Christ — Lesson 1,” and printed in the manual, “The Second Coming Of Christ,” in The School Of Prophets, Series 13, Lesson 1.


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End The Capacity To Be Discouraged

Release #: 2007-0823-7R   •  Message Date: 02/09/1964

Available MP3 Download: End The Capacity To Be Discouraged, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, February 9, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

End The Capacity To Be Discouraged

If your spirit is malnourished, you will fall into discouragement and despondency. Rejoice and worship your way through difficulties. Live in His Word. Your cheerful spirit will keep the door open for the life of God to be ministered to you.


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From Strength To Strength / Prayer That Pleases The Lord

Release #: 2007-0823-5R   •  Message Date: 02/04/1964

Available MP3 Download: From Strength To Strength / Prayer That Pleases The Lord, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Tuesday, February 4, 1964 and in Northridge, Ca. on Thursday, February 6, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

From Strength To Strength

You grow in spiritual strength when God gives you a Word that seems impossible to fulfill. When you reach the end of your own endurance and strength, reach into God and appropriate. Then, as He brings you through the valley of weeping, you will grow from strength to strength.

Prayer That Pleases The Lord

Persistent prayer without discouragement or fear is pleasing to the Lord. When our prayers are pleasing to Him, then they have the power to change the course of our lives.


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The Place Of Love In A Time Of Transition

Release #: 2007-0620-6R   •  Message Date: 01/08/1964

Available MP3 Download: The Place Of Love In A Time Of Transition, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Van Nuys, Ca. on Wednesday, January 8, 1964. Hidden Treasure.

The Place Of Love In A Time Of Transition

We are living in a time of transition when everything that seems to have permanence is falling away. Legalism seems to bring stability and order, yet it lacks the flexibility to move forward with God. Our answer through this transition is to learn to walk in the spirit continually and to live in a flow of agape love.


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The End Of Illusion

Release #: 2007-0602-2R   •  Message Date: 08/11/1980

Available MP3 Download: The End Of Illusion, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in No. Hollywood, CA on Monday, August 11, 1980.

The End Of Illusion

“The End of Illusion” is several vehement prophetic directives that launched seven days of intercession. These prophecies are an explosion by which we break into a higher level of violent intercession than we have ever known.


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The Divine Blessings On A Right Spirit — Part I / The Divine Blessings On A Right Spirit — Part II

Release #: 2007-0529-6R   •  Message Date: 12/29/1963

Available MP3 Download: The Divine Blessings On A Right Spirit — Part I / The Divine Blessings On A Right Spirit — Part II, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Northridge, CA on Sunday, December 29, 1963 and in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 29, 1963.

The Divine Blessings On A Right Spirit — Part I

A right spirit opens the windows of heaven upon your own spirit to be blessed and exceedingly strengthened in the Lord. Yet, a right spirit is the greatest paradox of life. For example, the poor in spirit are actually the richest ones, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Divine Blessings On A Right Spirit — Part II

In the Sermon on the Mount, Christ describes the divine blessings on a right spirit. The promises in God’s Word are given to you based on the right spirit that you manifest within.


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Satisfy The Hunger Of Your Spirit

Release #: 2007-0529-5R   •  Message Date: 12/22/1963

Available MP3 Download: Satisfy The Hunger Of Your Spirit, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 22, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Satisfy The Hunger Of Your Spirit

How do you feed and cultivate the hunger of your spirit? As you wait on the Lord, aggressively focus your faith on Him. Rehearse His promises and embrace them, knowing that they are yours. Then you will be feasting on the miracle food that will satisfy your spirit.


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The Humility That God Will Honor

Release #: 2007-0428-7R   •  Message Date: 12/15/1963

Available MP3 Download: The Humility That God Will Honor, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 15, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

The Humility That God Will Honor

The humility that God will honor will be found in the realm of the human spirit, not in the physical or soulish realms. Humility is one of the greatest things that God works within a person’s life. Once a spirit becomes truly humble, there is no limit to what God can do through it.


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Learn The Art Of Waiting On Him

Release #: 2007-0428-6R   •  Message Date: 12/08/1963

Available MP3 Download: Learn The Art Of Waiting On Him, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, December 8, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Learn The Art Of Waiting On Him

Unlike the Spirit of God which does not faint or become weary, the human spirit easily becomes exhausted. What is our answer? We must learn the art of waiting on the Lord. This is the greatest secret into the greatest walk with God that a people have ever known since early apostolic times.


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Humility Is Confidence In God — Part I

Release #: 2007-0428-5R   •  Message Date: 12/18/1963

Available MP3 Download: Humility Is Confidence In God — Part I, by John Robert Stevens. This message was spoken in Van Nuys, Ca. on Wednesday, December 18, 1963. Hidden Treasure.

Humility Is Confidence In God — Part I

True humility worships by the Spirit of God, glories in Christ Jesus, and has no confidence in the flesh. With real humility, you bridge the gap between your inadequacy and His sufficiency.


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