The World Must Act For “The Peace Of Jerusalem”–Psalm 122:6

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Release #: 2006-0728-5R

Originally released on cassette: This product contains the following message by Gary Hargrave.

The World Must Act For “The Peace Of Jerusalem”–Psalm 122:6
July 23, 2006 Sunday 9:30 AM Shiloh, Kalona, IA

Certain terrorist, radical factions are set to destroy God’s people, and they have the satanic wisdom to infiltrate and live among the righteous so that it is difficult to distinguish the wheat from the tares. It is the responsibility of the world community to move in authority so that evil can no longer be allowed to promote its purposes. This Word is a plea to the nations of the world community: stop halting between two opinions, choose this day whom you will serve, and find the ability to distinguish between those who serve the Lord and those who do not. This Word came in response to recent world events in which military attacks began between Israel and the terrorist group Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Scriptures: Psalms 122:6-9; Mal. 3:14-18; (Matt. 13:24-30,38); (II Cor. 11:14); (Joshua 24:15); (Heb. 4:12)
Topics: World Events; Israel; (United States)
Rated: For Mature Sons; Milestone; Highest Level Prophetic Word

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Release #: 73-10-17-03-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

October 14, 1973 Sunday P.M. Ana.

God reveals to us who we are and then urges us to walk as pilgrims of the Kingdom and strangers to the world order. (28 min.)

Scriptures: I Pet. 2:1-12
Topics: Israel; Kingdom; Wilderness; Priest; Flesh
Series: Feast of Tabernacles
Rated: JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: 73-09-19-01-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

September 16, 1973 Sunday P.M. Ana.

Do the covenants and promises belong to an earthly Israel or in Christ to a spiritual Israel? Are there really any distinctions in the spiritual realm between the Jew and the Greek? (46 min.)

Scriptures: Gal. 3:1-7, 9, 28-29; Eph. 2:11-19
Topics: Israel; Remnant; Geneology; Law; Rapture; Dispensationalism
Series: Neither Jew Nor Greek
Rated: JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: 73-06-08-03-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

June 7, 1973 Thursday P.M. Val.

The people of God are being exposed to every level of spiritual assault. They will walk in complete immunity during days of judgment. (43 min.)

Scriptures: Joel 2:11; John 5:18; II Thess. 2:4; Acts 2:16, 10:45; Joel 3:1
Topics: Remnant; Immunity; End-Time Events; Fulfillment; Zion; Israel
Series: Feast of Pentecost

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-18-A0-32-R

This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.


Spiritual Israel is being restored. The return to Zion is witnessing several distinctive phases of restoration. They are outlined in this message. (37 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: Isa. 60:1-8,11; 58:6-12;Acts 3:19-21; (Joel 2:28);(Gal. 3:29); (Eph. 2:11-13);(Acts 4:12)
Topics: Israel; Prophecy,Fulfillment; Restoration, Restitution, Church; Lordship; Perfection; Witness
Series: The Restoration of the New Testament Church
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons


There is a dispensational significance to the Feast of Tabernacles. It is the time when the glory of the Lord will return to His house in a special way. His glory will sustain His people. (12 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: Acts 26:19; Neh. 8:8-10;(II Cor. 3:18); (Isa. 6:1-4)
Topics: Revelation, Sustaining; Feast of Tabernacles; Glory; Revelation,of the Lord
Series: Delicious Leftovers

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-05-C0-24-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

Ezekiel ministered among the captives in Babylon. He acted out his messages to show the Israelites why they were in captivity. He is also the prophet of the glory of God. During his ministry he saw the glory of God leave Solomon’s temple. He received prophetic visions of the day when the glory will be restored. This message also outlines the other visions of Ezekiel. (48 min.)

Scriptures: Ezek. 1:1-20; 2:1-10; 3:1-17; II Kings 24:10-20; Ezek. 24:18,24; 44:4
Topics: Book of Ezekiel; Biblical Character, Ezekiel; Israel; Judgment; History, Ancient; (Glory); (Vision); (Bible Study and Systems)
Series: The Prophetic Books; The School of Prophets
Rated: Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-05-B0-29-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

The book of Zechariah is divided into two sections: 1) the visions of Zechariah at the time of the rebuilding of the temple, and 2) the prophecies of the messianic Kingdom that was to come in the last days. Here is a detailed exposition in three parts that shows both the primary fulfillment in the days of Zechariah, and the principle fulfillment upon God’s remnant in this day. These messages are outstanding. (65 min.)

Scriptures: Zech. 1:1-2,8-21; 2:1-12; Zech. 3:1-9; I Cor. 13:1-13; I Cor. 14:1; Zech. 9:9; (Matt. 23:25); (Rom. 11:7); (Eph. 2:11-13;17-18,21); (Gal. 3:29); (I John 2:1,13); (I John 3:2,6); (Rom. 8:29)
Topics: Book of Zechariah; Character, Zechariah; Fulfillment, Progressive; Restoration, Restitution, Church; Righteousness; Israel; Sonship; (Kingdom of Priests); (Holy Spirit); (Maturity)
Series: The Prophetic Books; Expository; The School of Prophets
Rated: For Mature Sons, JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-05-B0-25-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

Ezekiel’s vision of the temple as it is described in chapters 40–47 is symbolic and deeply significant of the temple of “living stones” upon which the glory of God is returning. This word establishes the correct relationship between natural and spiritual Israel. The word is being fulfilled on a spiritual plane. We are Ezekiel’s temple. (57 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: Ezek. 40:2-3; 43:9-12; 8:1-3; I Chron. 28:11-19; Heb. 7:18-19; 9:6-10; 10:1-10; Acts 1:12-14; Luke 24:52-53; Acts 2:1-2,4,6,12-13,46; 3:1; Acts 5:20; 6:12-14; (I Cor. 10:11); (II Cor. 1:20); (Col. 2:3); (Eph. 1:22-23); (Joel 3:18); (Acts 1:8); (Acts 19:20); (John 4:20-24)
Topics: Book of Ezekiel; Temple; Symbolism; Israel; Glory; (Prophecy)
Series: The Prophetic Books; The School of Prophets
Rated: Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-05-A0-24-R

This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.


This study gives a very moving account of the life of Jeremiah the prophet. It pictures him prophesying for the 60 years prior to the fall of Jerusalem, This word also outlines seven basic aspects of his message which deal with the future glory of God’s restored remnant. The book of Jeremiah comes alive through the two simple outlines presented in this message. (49 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: Jer. 1:1-2,5-11; 11:8-23; Jer. 12:5-6; 16:1-4; 18:18; Jer. 20:8-11; 21:1-6; 37:15-17; (Jer. 23:29); (Isa. 55:11); (Rom. 11:29)
Topics: Book of Jeremiah; Biblical Character, Jeremiah; Israel; Glory; Restoration, Restitution, Others; Judgment); (Sovereignty)
Series: The Prophetic Books; The School of Prophets
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons


Lamentations is the mournful poem of the prophet Jeremiah which he wrote as he watched the calamities which he had prophesied befall his people. The book teaches us that sin grieves God and will be punished. (23 min.)

Scriptures: Lam. 1–5; Lam. 3:22-41; Jer. 32:17,26; 33:1-3; (Jer. 9:23-24); (Jer. 36:30)
Topics: Book of Lamentations; Biblical Character, Jeremiah;Sin; Judgment; Hope; Restoration, Restitution, Others
Series: The Prophetic Books; The School of Prophets
Rated: Foundational Teaching

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-05-A0-18-R

This cassette tape contained the following 2 messages by John Robert Stevens.


This study contains a survey of the ministry of the prophets who prophesied to Israel and Judah over a period of 400 years. Also included is an introduction to the book of Isaiah. The prophet Isaiah spoke the word of God during the decline and fall of Israel. (37 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: Isa. 6:1-13; (John 12:39-41); (II Chron. 32:32); (II Chron. 26:22)
Topics: Bible Study and Systems;Old Testament;Israel;History,Ancient;(Book of Isaiah);(Biblical Character, Isaiah);(Prophet);(Fulfillment,Progressive)
Series: Isaiah; The School of Prophets
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons


Isaiah 62 shows that Zion is to be vindicated and given a new name. We are named according to what God has wrought in us. In Isaiah 62 we are encouraged to slip into the closet, open the windows of our spirit toward heaven and bathe ourselves in the bombardment of rays of truth, divine impressions and holy revelations quickening the Scriptures, all of which come to us as we wait upon the Lord. (34 1/2 min.)

Scriptures: Isa. 62:1-12; 64:1-12; (Gen. 22:14); (I Cor. 2:9)
Topics: Waiting on the Lord; Names; Son of God; Bondage; (Remembrancers); (Provision); (Zion); (Vindication)
Series: Isaiah; Expository; The School of Prophets
Rated: Foundational Teaching, For Mature Sons

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Out of Print

Release #: RN-05-A0-06-R

This cassette tape contained the following message by John Robert Stevens.

The epistle of James is the first of the catholic, or universal epistles in the New Testament. James understood the spiritual Israel of God. The true spiritual Israel has become heir to all the promises and covenants of God. The theme of this epistle is the practical application of the law of the Messiah. (58 min.)

Scriptures: James 1:1,22-26; 2:8-13; I Cor. 15:3-8; Eph. 2:11-22; I Thess. 2:14-16; (Rom. 2:28-29); (Phil. 3:1-3); (Gal. 3:29); (II Cor. 1:20); (I Pet. 2:9-10); (Acts 4:12); (John 6:63); (Gal. 6:1-2); (Matt. 5:7); (Matt. 6:14-15); (Matt. 7:2)
Topics: Book of James; Biblical Character, James; Israel; Law; Kingdom, Teaching On; Covenants; (Appearances, of Christ)
Series: The New Testament; The School of Prophets
Rated: Foundational Teaching, JRS Selected Messages

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