A Day Without Limitations / Transformed Into His Perfect Will

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2018-0717-6R



Available MP3 Download: A Day Without Limitations / Transformed Into His Perfect Will, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in South Gate, CA on Sunday, January 21, 1968. Hidden Treasure.

A Day Without Limitations

The spiritual battle has come to bring discouragement and weariness to the people of the Lord. Instead of submitting to the battle, we accept the full blessing of the Lord without limitation. We keep our hearts sensitive before Him. We have been separated unto Him, and now is the time that we will know that He is indeed our Lord. This message has previously been printed as, “A Day Without Limitations” in the book, Living Prophecies.

Transformed Into His Perfect Will

The first step in your transformation is the total committal of your body to the Lord. The second step is an absolute refusal on your part to be conformed to the spirit of this age. In the third step, you open your heart to a metamorphosis that comes through a renewal of your mind. The ultimate end that God is working for is that you may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing.

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