Balaam’s Counsel — The Tactic Of Satan

by Gary Hargrave

Release #: 2017-0226-4R



Available MP3 Download: Balaam’s Counsel — The Tactic Of Satan, by Gary Hargrave, translated by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niterói, Brazil on Sunday, February 26, 2017.

Balaam’s Counsel — The Tactic Of Satan

Their constant lack of trust in God drove the children of Israel into rebellion and rejection of Him, although His presence and provision were always with them. In their lack of trust, they accused Him and complained against Him. For the first time in His relationship with His people, God leveled total judgment against them (Numbers 14). At the same time of this significant event, satan–the adversary and the liar–learned a tactic that would continue to affect God’s people throughout history: he could manipulate people to violate their relationship with God so that God Himself would have to judge them for their lack of trust in Him. This tactic is first illustrated in the story of Balaam, and we see it repeated throughout the Scriptures. We must see the tactic of Balaam ended and the Body of Christ freed from any openness to it. As God walks us into the days of His Kingdom on earth, we will see more of satan’s attempts to push the Body of Christ into a lack of trust in God. This milestone Word is our sword in the spirit that brings us into greater authority as watchmen on the wall to protect the Body of Christ in the end time. This should not be our day of judgment; these are days of release into His Kingdom. We bring judgment against every plan of satan to turn these days of release into our destruction.

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