Basic Factors That Produce An Excellent, Mature Spirit / We Believe To Become A Spiritual People

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2018-0825-4R



Available MP3 Download: Basic Factors That Produce An Excellent, Mature Spirit / We Believe To Become A Spiritual People, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, January 28, 1968 and in Sepulveda, CA on Thursday, February 1, 1968. Hidden Treasure.

Basic Factors That Produce An Excellent, Mature Spirit

For your physical body to develop and mature, there are some basic factors that are very necessary: diet, exercise, rest and renewal, and protection and shelter. In this message, John Stevens gives practical examples of how to apply these factors in your spiritual life so that your spirit develops into maturity. For example, your spiritual diet must include feeding on the Word of God. The exercise of your spirit should involve taking the burden and responsibility for the house of God. Your spirit receives rest and renewal during your personal prayer life. Your submission in the New Testament church gives protection and shelter to your spirit. All of these factors produce an excellent, mature spirit that can walk with God.

We Believe To Become A Spiritual People

When God created man, He created him a spirit, the same as God Himself is a spirit. In this walk with God, we are reaching to become a spiritual people. In this Word, John explains why this is important. The Word was preceded by a prophetic prayer for the United States. Righteousness and the glory of God must be manifested in this nation. Following the Word, healing was ministered to a woman with a great need.

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