Be Cleansed From All Discouragement / God, Satan, Man, And Woman

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2018-1117-4R



Available MP3 Download: Be Cleansed From All Discouragement / God, Satan, Man, And Woman, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, February 25, 1968. Hidden Treasure.

Be Cleansed From All Discouragement

In the Communion, we take a new hope and a new strength from the Lord, and we open our hearts for Him to cleanse us from all discouragement. We will not draw back in unbelief, but we will be a people who are expecting God to speak and to move. The day of miracles has not passed!

God, Satan, Man, And Woman

The only thing that satan fears is that the Word of God would become so precious in our hearts and minds that it would mean everything to us and we would give our lives to it. We determine to be steadfast and immovable in God’s Word. We will not be moved by the illusion of circumstances that satan weaves to deceive us, for we know that he always tries to twist and distort what God has spoken. Satan is a subtle spirit, and he is always opposing and challenging what God is saying and doing. This message includes teaching on how the women’s ministry is instrumental in God’s plan to crush satan under our feet. A prophecy that ends satan’s mockery against us preceded the Word.

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