Available MP3 Download: Communion Meditation: God’s Willingness / How To Please God, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, November 14, 1965. Hidden Treasure.
Communion Meditation: God’s Willingness
God can do anything, if He wills. The question is: Is He willing to move on our behalf? As we come to the Communion table, we realize here is the knowledge of God, the power of God, and the willingness of God all beamed towards our hearts.
How To Please God
How can you please God? First, you must know the will of God for your life. Secondly, you can never please God until you attain a steadfastness in your walk with Him. Steadfastness is faith in action. During the Word, John describes a life-changing meeting with God that he experienced at age fifteen.