Dedicated To Possess The Promises / He Has Invited You To His Feast

by John Robert Stevens


Release #: 2018-0606-2R



Available MP3 Download: Dedicated To Possess The Promises / He Has Invited You To His Feast, by John Robert Stevens. These messages were spoken in Sepulveda, CA on Sunday, January 14, 1968. Hidden Treasure.

Dedicated To Possess The Promises

The promises and the blessings of God’s Word are all ours to be possessed, but their fulfillment is linked to the dedication and wholeheartedness of the believer. God forbid we should only use His Word as something to soothe and comfort us. His promises wait for us to stir ourselves in faith to reach in and possess them. Then our lives will be filled with the outgrowth and the fruitfulness of living works.

He Has Invited You To His Feast

God invites us all to His feast that is filled with His provisions and riches. As it was in the parable of the wedding feast, the ones who come to it will be those who are seeking Him with their whole heart. Upon them He will bestow all of His blessings. We must never settle back or become indifferent; let’s press in and possess all that God has given to us.

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