Available MP3 Download: Do You Trust God’s Motivation?, by Gary Hargrave, translated by Silas Esteves. This message was spoken at Mt. Zion, Niterói, Brazil on Saturday, February 25, 2017.
Do You Trust God’s Motivation?
When God led the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt, they looked at the wilderness around them and questioned God, “Have you brought us here that we may die?” They believed God, but their trust in Him was eroding away as they looked at the circumstances around them. His response to their lack of trust in Him was to fulfill His Word by Himself, simply to honor His name. For that generation of Israelites, their complaining and murmuring proved to be a proclamation of their own future. In these days of His Kingdom coming to earth, we have all the faith we need. However, do we trust Him? In the midst of end-time events, each one of us in the prophetic community must trust Him–trust His motivations, His love, and His intentions. Tonight, talk to the Lord about your trust in Him; keep talking to Him until your trust is restored. He has given you a great honor and privilege to walk with Him today, in the most significant time on earth that the world has known. This Word is a warning to the School of Prophets–do not miss His Kingdom because of your mistrust.